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Eggception (thetwo)

Re: Eggception (thetwo)

It seems I forgot to secure Aura to a wall as I had originally intended...whoops. Well, your gain. I was just going to forgo rolls for these next few posts and you'll just get to RP your way out as a sort of trial run for how I'll work these. We'll see how it goes at any rate."

After the bizarre reverse-rape, or whatever it was the feminine bee did to her, Aura stumbled through the dark hive, attempting to find her way out. After a few turns, she found herself in a hallway looking at what her somewhat lust-hazed mind determined to be the power room, it looked like the back wall had collapsed and formed a direct entrance into the power room. The source she had been looking for was doubtless inside there, though she had to admit that she really didn't know what to look for. She may be able to figure it out given some time, but that wasn't something she had with the wasps all over the place. And speaking off...

She was grabbed from behind, and she felt a familiar tube prodding at her rear entrance. Another wasp latched onto her front, as the tube was withdrawn from her rosebud entrance, and she felt the wasp rotated so its face was at her butt. She felt a peculiar tickling, slimy sensation as the thing probed her ass with its tongue-thing. After a moment she realized it was lubing her up with its honey. During this time, the wasp at her front penetrated her once again, slowly but forcefully sliding itself into her pussy. It felt rather course, and then it started thrusting into her. The first wasp rotated back to its original position, and pushed its tube into her asshole, going a good deal further than the first wasp had gone on her asshole. In fact, it seemed to hilt the substantial length in her ass, the extreme filling causing a good deal of pleasure, and a noticeable pain, even with the lubricating and pain-relieving properties of the honey. Then the wasps began buzzing their wings.

They slowly lifted off the ground and began to fly her back towards where she had awoken. The takeoff forced her further onto the lengths that were penetrating the both of her lower holes, forcing her into a shocked orgasm as both of the stinger/tubes were forced further in than she had previously thought possible. After an incredible joyride on the super double-penetration flight service, she found herself back where she had awoken. This time though the wasp on her back removed itself from her ass and flew away, the other planted her against the wall, her back and the backs of her arms and legs sticking in honey. The wasp held her their until the honey solidified around her and trapped her in place. It then proceeded to continue fucking her, sticking only two eggs in her this time. Before she passed out, she noticed another woman being brought into the room and secured near her. And then darkness claimed her.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura struggled weakly as she was pressed into the honey. It wasn't fair! She hadn't exactly expected to escape, or even avoid more rape from the wasps, but at least before she'd had a chance. Because it was obvious what was happening now. She could feel the honey hardening. Parts of her were already firmly stuck to the wall, and in the next few minutes she'd be left unable to move her arms or legs. But her pussy would be accessible.

She had gone from being trapped in a wasp hive to being, with a small but real chance of finding a back way out or something, to being trapped against a wall. There was no way out. Or at least there was another step before - the wasp decided she was stuck enough, and started fucking her again. It wasn't as bad as the return to her chamber had been, the double penetration, her entire weight resting on the rods thrusting into her ass and pussy. In fact, she was brought to several helpless orgasms as two eggs were forced into her womb.

Aura panted, on the edge of passing out again, and heard a buzzing as several more wasps entered the room. She was certain that they were there for her, to fuck her for some sick version of fun, or because they thought she had room for more than two eggs. But they seemed to be carrying another woman. And from what the new redheaded breeder could see, they weren't going to make the mistake of letting her roam free at first as they had with her. Darkness overtook her.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

It was rather difficult to tell time in this place, though Aura believed it had been a few days at least. The bees kept her well fed with honey, though her womb as full more often than not. The dark haired, middle aged woman they had brought in was treated in the same manner. She seemed the strong silent type, saying nothing even if Aura talked to her. The only sounds she made were the sounds of pleasure and pain associated with being bred and giving birth.

It was this few days later that Aura felt an unusual amount of give in the honey. It seemed it was only durable for so long after hardening before it just became brittle. Summoning her strength, Aura was able to get free of the hardened honey and fall to the floor of the hive. Since there were no wasps around, she had been recently fed, and was between pregnancies, now seemed as good a time as any to make her escape. The woman just looked at her. Her expression rather unreadable.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura crouched on the floor, and considered her options. Escape was a given, if she could manage it. The honey eased her pain somewhat, but without the overwhelming lust of their venom the repulsiveness of being constantly fucked and stuffed full of eggs made the 'decision' there trivial. There were two major choices, though.

Firstly, she could try to return to the room with the power. Maybe grab something that was useful. It would mean sticking around the nest, however, increasing the chance she was caught again. She quickly decided against it. There was already, it seemed to her, only a small chance that she was going to escape. Getting greedy could turn a small chance of escape into a certainty of getting cemented to the wall again, being bred for days more. And maybe they wouldn't make the mistake of failing to renew her prison again, or it would happen when she was hungry and about to give birth.

The other choice was what to do about the other woman. Freeing her might take precious time, but two of them trying to escape at once might improve her chances. Or the oddly silent woman might for whatever reason alert the bees to Aura's escape attempt. She pushed herself to her feet, gasping quietly at how hard it was. Days unable to move had left her cramped, and a little weaker then she had been. It would only get worse if she was recaptured.

As quickly as she could, she approached the other woman and started trying to free her. Two final factors had swayed her decision. Firstly, it was the right thing to do. And secondly... perhaps the next time it would be the other woman who got free, and Aura that was left stuck to the wall. It shouldn't be too hard to free her, the woman had been set in place shortly after Aura herself, the honey had had just as long to get brittle. She whispered, afraid the bees would hear her. "Come on, we have to get out of here!" The woman had never responded before, but that was no reason to be rude.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

It took a moment, and after some worryingly loud cracks from the woman's honey bindings, she was free as well. The woman looked at her intently for a moment. She still didn't talk.

The two women began to make their way through the hive, the woman moving with a practiced stealth. It was clear that she was used to sneaking around. Soundlessly the woman indicated which path they should take. And in a moment they could see the light of the outside world again. A few more feet and they would find themselves out on the roof.

Behind them, they heard a loud buzzing, the girls heard a loud buzzing. It seemed their escape had been discovered. The woman tugged her arm, indicating the staircase closer to them, the one Aura hadn't come up.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura wasn't going to complain about venturing into the unknown now. And the woman had led her right so far... now that she'd seen the path out, she was sure she would have gone the wrong way. How many escape attempts would it have taken to learn the right path, until she was even at this point? How many days and weeks of being nothing but a surrogate womb for fucking wasps? No, this wasn't the time to ignore the mute woman's advice. The redhead hurried after the other woman, if anything silently urging her to go faster.

Behind them, the wasps noticed the girls' absence. They wanted her back. Aura shuddered. She might very well have less lead time then the first time she'd been captured, when the chimps had unwillingly distracted the things while she ran down the stairs. This time she wasn't full of their venom, but that wasn't any sort of suggestion that her escape attempt was certain or even likely to succeed.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Following the woman's lead, the two ducked down the near-side stairwell, making good time. Unfortunately, the wasps were hot on their heels. Buzzing close behind them.

After getting down to around the third floor, they came face to face with a mass of...vines? Roots? It seemed like a very large tree had actually grown out from the building. That wasn't all though, no, these tendrils were moving, twisting and writhing about, choking up the entire stairwell. Hadn't Charlie mentioned rapist trees? Well, there was no way of getting past it without getting raped, she could double back to the closest floor, but she would likely be caught.

It seemed that the woman hadn't really known the right way to go either, despite the confidence with which she lead her. Though she may be surprised to see the woman dive into the tendrils, which immediately wrapped her up and drew her deeper into their mass, with just as much confidence as she had had thus far. Was she just desperate for something other than wasp sex? Or....?
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

It seemed certain that if she followed the woman, Aura would be raped by the tree, and almost certainly impregnated in some way, from what she new of the mutations. On the other hand, if she went back... maybe if she'd split off from the woman before, went back the way she knew, she could have evaded the wasps and gotten away while they were hunting her 'friend' here. But by now all that awaited her if she turned back was the certainty of being raped and impregnanted by the wasps. Repeatedly. For days, before she had another chance to escape. If she was lucky.

The redhead wasn't sure that following the woman would be any better. She might be raped by the tree, and then spend days in its trunk or something being pumped full of seedlings. Or she might get spat back out afterwards back into the clutches of the wasps. But the other woman seemed so confident... maybe this was really her best chance, maybe the wasps would forget about her while the thing in front of her had its way, and she could make her way back to safety afterward.

Which didn't change how difficult it would be to willingly walk into certain rape. Aura backed away from the tree, a few steps. She'd wait as long as she could. Maybe they'd assume she'd gone into the tree if she stayed close to it. And if not... she'd jump in before she let the wasps touch her again.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

The tendrils waved at her, a few swiping her way, trying to grab her, though she remained out of their reach.

As the wasps buzzed down the staircase, they came right at her, clearly not fooled by her standing close by. Her decision made, she took a cringing leap into the tendrils. Like the woman before her, she was wrapped up in vines and mostly immobilized, but she as she watched, most of the wasps pulled away from the vines, but six or seven flew at her regardless. In no time flat the vines were all over the wasps, grabbing them and tearing them apart, slamming them into walls, and generally beating them into a pulp. The wasps didn't last ten seconds.

Of course, this still left her in the tree's clutches. A root tendril started rubbing itself up and down her pussy, pleasurably stimulating her clit and making her pussy water up, without any sort of aphrodisiac use. It seemed like the tree actually wanted to pleasure her, not just rape her. Looking at the woman, Aura would see that she was getting into it, riding the vine while her arms and legs were actually free, the vines forming a surface for her to lay against while she tweaked her nipples and thrust her hips happily into the tree. This was certainly a far cry from the far more brutal treatment of the wasps.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

The tree wasn't exactly raping her. Not compared to everything else she'd seen since waking up in the future. Of course, it hadn't exactly asked permission before touching her. And even if it didn't, she couldn't say no. She might not say yes either, but she'd seen what it did to the wasps. And even being gently pushed out of its protection would mean recapture... there were plenty more wasps, a problem which now that she thought about it she was probably partly responsible for. Even if she counted the ones that had died fighting the tree or possibly even the chimps, her presence had increased the local wasp population.

Aura closed her eyes and tried not to struggle. That might be hard when it came time for penetration, but it was better than the alternative. Hell, the tree seemed to know about foreplay, so maybe this didn't have to be unpleasant if she didn't make it so. She would just avoid thinking about the end of the experience, focus on the pleasure that seemed to be the thing's goal for now.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

The tree continued its sensual rubbing of her pussy and clit, the remaining wasps staying back and slowly trickling away back to the roof. As the tree got her more and more wet, she felt a peculiar sensation as an extremely small, then tendril emerged from the root that was rubbing her pussy and moved down to her clit. It was small enough that it slid underneath her clitoral hood and was able to wrap around the little pleasure bud numerous times.

At the same time, a number of vines wrapped around her chest, squeezing her breasts as the tips of the vine ran over her nipples. They rubbed her softly, but the rough texture of the vines brought a great pleasure to her nipples. Rather than bind her up though, if she didn't resist, the vines would wrap themselves under her arms, so they wrapped her torso, but didn't constrict her arms.

After her chest wrapping, the vine wrapped around her jewel began its treatment. It started undulating around her love-gem, wrapping it up and down as it slid along the small length, tugging it slightly on the way back out. Stars of pleasure burst in front of her eyes, and a small burst of juices slipped forth from her pussy and onto the vine. In the midst of her pleasure, she felt herself being moved again and pressed against something warm. The vines had placed her on top of the other woman, who met her gaze with a smoldering passion. The root tendril was thrusting into her pussy as she bucked her hips against it. This pushed her hips against Aura's, as well as pressing Aura's own slick root vine against her pussy more urgently.

One hand found its way from the woman's breast to land on Aura's leg, the woman holding it there and looking in her eyes, asking for permission it seemed.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura let out a soft moan, and was mildly surprised. After days of periodic rape, being properly - not chemically - aroused was a bit of a shock. Hell, technically it had been hundreds of years since her nipples and clit had felt any sort of attention. And it felt good. She still wouldn't have entered in here willingly, but as long as she didn't think about the fact that this was a tree getting ready to fuck her, and the fact that she had been more or less forced in here, it wasn't so bad.

Then she found herself pressed against the other woman. She... wasn't unattractive, and the redhead knew she owed the woman for helping her get out - at least if this worked. And while she'd never done more than kiss another girl in the real world, and even that mostly to make the nearby men jealous, she had occasionally gone further in the Egg. And while she certainly liked men more... there didn't seem to be any about, and she was really starting to get horny. Of course, she could see that the next step was for one of these odd roots to penetrate her, so she wasn't sure exactly what the woman was going to do, but Aura managed to nod slightly as a second moan passed her lips. Hopefully the woman would understand.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Giving her approving nod to the woman, she lowered her head to Aura's breast and gently interrupted the motions of the vine over that nipple, shifting it to the side as she took the nipple into her mouth and alternated between gently suckling on it and nibbling it with her teeth. At the same time, she slid a hand across Aura's pussy. Noting its wetness, she took hold of the root that had been rubbing her labia and gently started easing it into her, letting it go once the root took over, gently sliding into her love tunnel as the woman grabbed to firm handfuls of her ass cheeks, very much enjoying groping her.

After giving Aura a moment to moan aloud, she released her nipple and brought her arms up around the red-heads shoulders and head, pressing her into a passionate kiss as the tree started to gently thrust into and out of her.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

The kiss helped. Aura returned it with sudden passion. If she could pretend that there wasn't a tree involved, then she was just having a passionate moment with her fellow escaped prisoner. Nothing wrong with that. She took the time to grab the other woman's ass herself.

Within a minute, she was humping back against the woman's body, enjoying the feeling of their breasts rubbing together. She moaned into their kiss as she felt an orgasm quickly rising. Okay, so there was certainly something penetrating her, and in the real world a woman couldn't do that. But she'd experienced odder things in the Egg, and if it helped her get through this, she'd take it.

And before she had a chance to squash the thought, she really, really hoped that she wouldn't end up filled to the brim with baby trees or whatever, and get re-captured while she tried to waddle back to safety.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

The mystery woman moaned happily into the kiss as Aura returned her efforts, gently massaging one of Aura's breasts as they shared their passions between themselves and the tree.

They were kept there for almost an hour, coming to a number of orgasms as the tree pleasured them gently, but without letting up. Rather surprisingly, the tree didn't ejaculate into either of them. Quite the opposite, it seemed the root tendrils inside of them were actually absorbing most of their cum, minimizing the mess made. The tree kept them within its roots for awhile, allowing them to rest within its protection without violating them further, it did offer them a sticky sap from its root tips that the other woman immediately started to suck on, seemingly enjoying the taste, and if Aura took the root offered to her, she would find it tasted pleasant and helped regenerate some of her energy. Eventually a passage opened up in the vines and roots, and the still nameless woman took Aura gently by the hand and led her out, picking up their clothes that the tree had removed by way of vines when they had first entered its clutches.

The two made it to the entrance area without incident, Aura finding her ax and new pack, both still in good condition. Surprisingly the meat was still good as well. Here the older woman took Aura's hand again, and with a surprisingly shy smile removed something that had been clipped to her ear, but obscured by her hair. Aura recognized it as an earpiece communicator. It was doubtful the thing still worked, but perhaps Charlie could fix it for her. The woman then did something that Aura probably didn't expect, pulling her into a deep kiss. She held it for more than a few seconds before releasing her, a faint blush accompanying her smile. And then she took off, bounding through the ruins and quickly vanishing from sight, leaving Aura to get back to the EGG Corp building on her own.
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Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Why had the woman had an earpiece, and clipped to her ear, if it was broken? Especially since she didn't seem able or willing to talk? Aura supposed it didn't matter - maybe some sort of cargo cult thing, imitating the behavior of the past even after there was a reason. At least it was something. And her axe and pack were still there. That was something too. Maybe this little trip out hadn't been a completely unmitigated disaster...

Of course while her food situation was technically slightly better then it had been, and there was a possibility that Charlie would turn the earpiece into a working communicator, the power situation would be worse. She wasn't sure exactly how long she'd been in the wasp nest - she'd ask the robot when she got back - but she felt certain she'd lost days. Aura would worry about that later. For now... she still had to get back to the reception area. She didn't bolt the way her companion had, preferring to continue trying to be stealthy, but she did move quickly and as directly as possible back to what she had to think of as 'home'.

As she went, she rubbed slightly at her belly. The tree hadn't apparently impregnated her as she'd feared. On the one hand that was good. She didn't exactly enjoy the thought of being a mother to a bunch of plants as well as the bees, and it could have interfered with her ability to get back safely. But on the other hand... the tree had gotten something out of the arrangement, otherwise it wouldn't have survived so long after civilization collapsed, especially in what seemed to be a botanically rich environment. The most obvious candidate seemed to be the way it had almost sucked up her own cum.

And that was a bit worrying. It wasn't like this was a desert, there should be enough water to go around. But if it was getting something else specifically because it was... because of the nature of the fluid, then it seemed likely other things would want it as well. Another reason for things to want to fuck her. Great.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

It was early morning, the sun just rising in the sky as Aura finally made her way back into the EGG lobby, the trip back having been mercifully uneventful.

"GOOD MORNING AURA! HOW WAS YOUR JOURNEY?" Charlie was still happy as ever it seemed.

Gets +1 to ax wielding for total +2
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura stared at the robot. After a minute, she managed to speak. "Not exactly great. In fact, it wasn't so much a journey as it was a walk over to that abandoned office building. Which turned out to be filled with wasps. How long was I... gone?"

Once she knew the answer, she gave the robot the broken earpiece. "See what you can do with this. I think I need to lie down for a while."

The redhead didn't feel quite ready to go back out. She would have to eventually if she hoped to find a source of power, and more food, but her first attempt hadn't exactly gone well. Maybe it had been bad luck, but it felt increasingly like this was more the baseline, with something worse being bad luck, and something like "not getting raped by monsters" being good luck. Still, if she just stayed here, she'd run out of power, then food. The monsters would come find her. The best bet still seemed like finding some way to extend the time she'd be safe here.

But it could wait until tomorrow. A day to rest and recover, to let Charlie fix the communicator if she could. Maybe he'd have an idea on how to safely remove the wasps without destroying the power station they'd built their nests on, or maybe something would occur to her. If not... she'd head out again the next morning, just as she had before. Hopefully it would go better this time.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)


Returning to the nurse's office, Aura passed out on the bed. She woke some time later having no clue how long she had been out. When she made her way back to the reception area, Charlie piped up, "GOOD MORNING AURA! IT APPEARS YOUR EXPERIENCE TOOK QUITE A TOLL ON YOU, SEEING AS YOU SLEPT FOR TWENTY SEVEN HOURS."
Charlie took a minute to explain how human she encountered had been a lower-functioning hybrid than what the slavers she had seen earlier were. It was the descendant of some unknown cross between a corrupted female and some other corrupted life form. They were unintelligent, uncoordinated, and generally not a threat to those with a good weapon and fighting experience unless they were in greater numbers. Their tentacle was more an afterthought, and only involved itself in fights randomly.

There was nothing new about the primates. The tree, as it turned out, was of a type known to feed on female juices. They had evolved to be more symbiotic with human females, capturing and pleasuring them, rather than raping them. They reacted violently against monsters that approached them in order to guarantee the safety of the women who they protected, as well as feeding and sheltering them after the coupling as a way of encouraging women to return to compensate for their lack of mobility.

In regards to the bee-woman, Charlie stated that there was no data on such a creature at this time, though it was likely the product of extensive human-monster breeding, and likely served as some sort of queen of the hive.

When asked for ways to access the power, Charlie replied that large amounts of bee pheromones, female pheromones, or perhaps a direct threat to the queen would draw the majority of the bees away from the hive, leaving the power source unguarded.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

"And... what about the woman I escaped with?" She hadn't told him about the sexual nature of their encounter, but she was kind of curious how women generally lived at these times. Especially since she hadn't seen any signs of corruption on that woman either.

But with that it was time to leave again. She'd overslept a bit, but... more than five days in the wasp nest, plus another full day of sleeping, and some small change added up to a week. Nearly a quarter of the power would be gone. She wasn't quite sure about how she might get to the power in the office buildings, and she wasn't even sure she'd be willing to sneak in to the hive while the bees were distracted in any case - too much chance that she'd be caught again - but she could try to find other sources, or at least something to help her get the power from the office building.

Aura inquired as to if Charlie had fixed the earpiece yet. If he had, she'd take it. If not... she'd go anyway. The same way as before, through the grass and quietly as she could.