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Eggception (thetwo)

Re: Eggception (thetwo)


Aura awoke the next morning on the bed in the nurse's office, feeling sore, but generally rested, to a robotic tentacle poking her in the face. "GREETINGS AURA! THE TIME IS NOW: 5:00 AM!" The robot seemed to take cruel pleasure in waking her up at such an inconvenient hour.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura rolled out of bed. At least the thing had poked her in the face. The shape of the thing's appendages and the ease with which it had... probed her was always a nagging little worry when she interacted with the thing. She supposed it wasn't his fault. "You don't have to sound so happy about it."

With that, she grabbed a breakfast sandwich and her axe, and walked back out to the reception area. There were still the same two ways out. Of course, she didn't have to go. There was an entire month to do this in. But she wouldn't necessarily find what she needed today, or even this week. And it wasn't like things would get safer if she waited.

Assuming there were no obvious dangers in the pre-dawn light, Aura decided to go the other way this time. The grass might hide things, but trying to run back through the jungle had been terrible. This way she would be able to make it back much faster if there were more wasps.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)


As she made her way outside, Charlie called out, "GOOD LUCK TODAY AURA! DO YOUR BEST!"

Aura made her way through the tall grass with little difficulty. It turns out that while it did obscure her visibility, it was also far easier to move through it as well as far easier to move quietly.

Reaching the road again, she saw: the theater across the street in front of her, a husk of a convenience store across the street and to the left, a decrepit seven story building that she recalled was an office complex in her time directly on the left of the EGG corp building, a dilapidated old diner across the street on the right, and a couple of ruins to the right of the EGG corp building on the same side of the street before some other five story building that looked reasonably intact. She couldn't think what it had been previously.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura stood carefully on the edge of the grass, ready to run back towards the reception area if she needed to, and studied her options.

The theater was right out. She would avoid ever setting foot in it if she could help it. Not worth the risks. A convenience store would have been the first thing looted. An office building... potentially defensible, certainly easy to get trapped in, and unlikely to have much food or power requirements. A few other buildings that she either didn't recognize or were too ruined to be worthwhile.

In other words... nothing good. She could try to head to the university... she'd have a better idea of what to find there, and she'd be more familiar with the insides of the buildings. But that would mean straying quite a ways away from safety. No, she would explore the nearby buildings first, or at least scout them out. Once she'd found some places to hide turn fights in her favor, she could try going further. In the mean time... the office building. Probably empty of both supplies and people, but maybe they hosted servers for websites or something, and needed lots of power. It was worth a shot.

She began - slowly and with much looking about for anyone else - to move towards it. Once there, she would peek inside, and if she didn't see anything alive or suspicious, she'd go in to reduce the chance that someone outside saw her.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

There was nothing to see on the lobby floor of the office building. It looked pretty similar to the EGG corp. building, lots of plant growth, general decay and crumble, and 100% less robot.

There were two identical fire staircase exits in the lobby, arbitrarily choosing one over the other, she made her way up the stairwell. That was something to remember, most buildings would be sure to have at least a handful of alternate entrances and exits.

On the first floor, she edged her way out of the stairwell to look around. There were lots of cubicles on this floor, most of them decaying down over the years. There were also a handful of offices. She heard a rhythmic clacking sound. Typing. She could see a monitor glowing in one of the cubicles. There was a man sitting in the chair. There weren't any apparent weapons, but he was dressed in fairly raggedy clothes. What was he doing here? Looking, she could see he was typing slowly, in a pattern, just using his index fingers, looking entranced at the screen.

That was another thing, there was a working computer in this place! That was definitely a plus for her!
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Fairly ragged clothes didn't mean much. Aura had to assume that there wasn't a functioning textile industry, and after hundreds of years most existing clothing would have decayed. He was fully dressed, at least. And he knew more about working a computer then her grandmother had. He might just be playing with it - seeing what the buttons did - but if not, then he could read. All signs that this wasn't one of the corrupted half-feral humans she was most worried about.

She tried to remind herself that this didn't make him a good person, but... surely there would be few chances of finding a more likely suspect for someone wouldn't try to enslave her.

The redhead decided that she needed more information before making a decision, and tried to creep closer to the man, maybe into a position where she could see the screen. She held her axe tightly, but not in an offensive position.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura Stealth: 18 vs. 7 -_-

Sneaking forward, Aura peeked over the wall of the cubicle. She was able to get a good look at the computer monitor. There wasn't even a program pulled up, whoever this guy was was just tapping on the keyboard, not really caring about what happened. He was just doing it for the pattern of noises it would seem, enjoying the clicking sound the keys made.

What's more, there was something distinctly...off about the man, other than his childlike amusement with the computer keys. She couldn't get a good look at his face, his back was too her, but from where she was it looked puffy, no that wasn't it, it was...bloated? She couldn't really tell, but she knew there was something off about him. It wasn't anything definite, it was more instinctual. Yesterday things had triggered her arousal, so it wasn't inconceivable that something else was out in this world that could trigger her fight or flight response.

But there was the computer, it had power. Chances are she could find what she needed here.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Hey, she can't lose *every* roll!

Aura was... suddenly glad that she hadn't decided to call out. This was one of the corrupted humans, probably among the slavers living at the theater. A reminder that she had to be careful, if they wandered into this building they could just as easily wander into the Egg building. Charlie would protect her in the reception area, and the shield back by the nurses station, but there was the long stretch through grass or forest where she wasn't safe.

There was no obvious weapon, but she wasn't certain she could take the man even if he had to improvise a club. He was a mutant hundreds years in the future, who probably kidnapped women like her for a living, and she didn't really know how to use her axe. Even if did drive him off, he would tell the others she was alive, and they'd be searching for signs of her nearby. They'd find some, and probably be waiting the next time she peeked out. And if she killed him... someone would eventually find the body, and again they'd search for the killer. Best if she just didn't fight him.

Aura decided to continue up the stairs, continuing to be as stealthy as she could.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura Stealth: 5 vs 10 Spotted
As Aura stepped back towards the stairs, she accidentally knocked a piece of loose debris with her foot, causing it to slide and make enough noise to draw the attention of the man away from the computer.

He stopped typing, stood up, and turned towards her in a shuffling motion.

It occurred to her that had she known what she was dealing with, she may have just wanted to cut off its head from behind, if for no other reason than to spare her the sight of its front.

Its face was far more disfigured than its back had let on, lumpy and discolored, there was only the faintest trace of intelligence in its beady black eyes. There were lumps over most of its flesh, but its face was arguably the worst.

Perhaps most shocking was the tentacle that extended from the things midsection. Slimy, pink, and roughly arm-length, it was growing out of the...thing's stomach area.

And of course its cock happened to be hanging out too, just for good measure. While rather large, for a human, it was also proportionately thick, and covered with the same lumps that plagued the creature's face. As she stared, it seemed to be hardening.

The creature let out a gurgling moan and reached out towards her as it began to stumble her way, picking up speed as it crossed the office space.

Aura: HP: 5/5 AP: 0/10 Ax expertise +1

Class 1 Corrupted Human: HP: 3/3
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

"What the fuck!" The sight of the... thing... coming towards her was very nearly enough to make Aura abandon her plans and run all the way back to the reception area. But she stopped herself before she really started making noise, and hefted her axe. She lifted it as the corrupted man came towards her, but wasn't quite able to make herself swing without at least giving him a warning. "I'm warning you, back off!"

If he didn't, she would swing the axe. A dead member of their little tribe might start a search, but him reporting back certainly would. Assuming he could talk. She took another look at him and tried not to be sick. Those weird tentacles... and of course for good measure a corrupted but still perfectly working dick along with the clear desire to use it. Maybe if it looked like she was going to lose it would be better to run and risk the search, but if he was unarmed she might stand a chance...
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura attacks C1CH: 16 vs 11 Hit
C1CH attacks Aura: 9 vs. 9 tie favors PC, Miss X_X

Roll for tentacle to attack (1 gives extra tentacle attack): 3 no extra attack

My +2 to enemy rolls for Hard mode seems to not be helping....I feel like you fixed the virtual dice I'm using....

The man thing gave another unintelligible, or perhaps it was actually unintelligent, grunt and continued towards her.

Aura's ax bit into the man's right arm, illiciting a groan, but definitely not as much of a response as she would expect from someone suffering an ax wound to the arm. She pulled the ax from his arm and blocked a clumsy swing from the thing.

She had definitely hurt it, but it didn't seem to concern the thing as it continued to come at her, backing her towards a corner.

Aura: HP: 5/5 AP: 0/10
Class 1 Corrupted Human: HP: 2/3
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Hey, so far she's 0/1 for fights. :p

Aura did her best to stop herself getting backed into a corner, but there was only so much that she could do while avoiding the man's arms and foul tentacle. On the bright side, she had managed to hurt him, and he had neither touched her nor put up any sort of alarm call. But the hit hadn't seemed to do any damage.

Still, enough bloodloss would put him down even if he felt no pain. She swung the axe again, glad that he really didn't seem to be very human at all, beyond basic shape.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura attacks C1CH: 9 vs 5 hit
C1CH attacks Aura: 11 vs. 14 miss
Tentacle: 3, no attack

Aura managed to land a solid hit on the thing's torso, illiciting another grunt, but not stopping it from continuing to come at her. The thing appeared to be on its last legs however, and its clumsy movements however left it unable to land a blow on her, leaving her in a position to finish the battle.

Aura: HP: 5/5 AP: 0/10
C1CH: HP: 1/3
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

The damn thing still wasn't showing any signs of pain. It was moving more clumsily, but that seemed to be only because she had done physical damage to its body. It was... pretty creepy. Even animals showed signs of pain. The wasps had seemed to. This felt more like a zombie, almost, except that as far as she knew it had been born like this.

Aura thought one more good hit would finish the thing. If it was this stupid, maybe it wasn't even affiliated with the mutants in the theater, and they wouldn't notice him missing or care that he died. She took another swing.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura attacks C1CH 5 vs 16 Miss
C1CH attacks Aura: 7 vs. 10 Miss
-Tentacle: 4 no attack

Round 2 cuz all miss
Aura: 15 vs. 20 Miss
C1CH: 8 vs. 8 tie miss
-tentacle: 4 missssssssessss

Aura: 11 vs 16 Miss
C1CH: 14 vs. 14 bollocks
-Tentacle: 1 FINALLY!!!!! Attack: 18 vs 20 no damage or grapple, just an inconvenience and making its presence known.

Round 4 because nothing's really happened
Aura: 10 vs. 14 miss
C1CH: 6 vs 17 miss
-Tentacle: 2 nada

Round 5
Aura: 6 vs. 16 miss
C1CH: 5 vs. 10 miss
-Tentacle: 2 nada

Round 6
Aura: 4 vs. 6 miss
C1CH: 16 vs. 20 miss
-Tentacle: 4 nothing

Round 7:
Aura: 10 v 14 miss
C: 18 v 19 miss
-T: 3 nothing

Round 8:
A: 4 v 14 m

It seemed the creature caught it's second wind, or else it was just determined to go down swinging. It launched a series of haphazard attacks that while inaccurate, forced Aura to focus more on dodging than striking. Suddenly, tentacle that until now had been relatively benign slapped out at her, catching her lightly across the stomach, not hard enough to hurt, but it did leave a slimy imprint on her top. And she noticed her clothes beginning to show some slight wear and tear where the slime was. Perhaps it was some sort of corrosive slime?

A flurry of blows later, and the thing tripped, exposing itself to Aura who promptly beheaded it with her ax.

On the stairs she saw a sign indicating that the power station was on the roof. She could head directly up there, but who knew what else might be on the other five floors? There could be food, communication equipment, or more nefarious creatures...

Apparently the dice just hate both sides equally today...shit
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura took a moment to catch her breath, looking anywhere other than at the body. After a moment, she noticed something about her clothing and looked down. It was... much more worn then it should be. Almost transparent in the spot where the tentacle had touched, like she could poke a hole in it with her finger if she tried. She elected not to try.

But it did make her need to find more clothes much more immediate, either way. If some of the things she found might just eat holes in them... well, that was assuming it didn't eat holes in *her* as well. More likely it would make her horny, given how all the other mutations seemed to have gone, and eating her clothes off probably fit with that as well. What kind of experiments had they been doing to cause this?

That was... probably not important. She just had to deal with the results, not work out the cause. And she was also here to find a power source. The roof seemed to be the place where that would be, but she'd have to check out the other floors eventually to accomplish her other goal of gaining some familiarity with the area around her 'base'. So when she was no longer winded she moved on to the second floor, again careful to be quiet as she approached it.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura sneaks: 15 vs 11 is not seen.
With nothing of interest to be found on the second floor, she made her way up to the third. Edging the door open, she found herself looking at the back of a wasp, much like one of the ones from earlier. It definitely hadn't seen her yet if she felt like getting some ax practice in. Or some revenge.

She couldn't get a good look at what might be on the third floor without going further in though, she would have to confront the wasp if she wanted to do that.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura shuddered at the sight of the monstrous wasp. She really, really wanted to run away. It was still less than a day since one of these things had raped her and shoved eggs into her womb, after all, and it wasn't an experience she particularly wanted to repeat at the moment. On the other hand, she could only see the one wasp, and an office building didn't seem a likely place to keep a hive, so it was unlikely more would come. She was also better armed this time. And killing one might help her confidence a little if she ran into them again. Plus there might be useful things somewhere on the floor, and she wouldn't find them if she couldn't get past the wasp.

It wasn't just because she really, really wanted revenge on the things that had raped her. And she refused even to think of how it had felt once she had given in! Instead the redhead got a little closer and took a swing with the axe, hoping to end things quickly.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura sneak attack: 5 vs 18...nope
Aura follow up attack: 18 vs 11 yup

Wasp attack: 22 vs 19 hit

Unfortunately, right as Aura was about to strike, she stepped on a piece of rubble that snapped beneath her feet. The wasp jumped away from her, causing her to miss with her first strike, though her second strike bit into it's abdomen, causing it to hiss in pain.

It retaliated quickly, quickly stinging her arm, causing a familiar initial tingling sensation.

Aura: HP: 5/5 AP: 1/10
Wasp: HP 2/3
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura immediately recognized the poison this time. Knowing what was happening took some of the senseless terror out of it - the poison wasn't going to kill her, it would run its course in an hour or so and leave her fine. On the other hand, she knew the wasp was going to try to incapacitate her with lust, mate with her, and if possible carry her off to its nest. Crawling away irrationally horny and with a belly full of eggs was the positive outcome if she lost this fight. This added some perfectly sensible terror, and the redhead channeled it into another vicious swing at the winged wannabe rapist.