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Re: [RJ120635] [Eclipse works] Ariadne

Well I have decided to also contribute to the translation of the game. So here is the 100% translated Weapons file: Hell, apparently I need to post more to contribute >>. Excellent.

Also, for the love of me I cannot find which file governs the menu screen in-game, what file has Karma in it and the Save/Load in-game options. If anyone can please tell me it would help me go along faster.
Re: [RJ120635] [Eclipse works] Ariadne

Wall of text in spoiler in response to karmapowered and Torgent posts above.

YOU WERE WARNED! :rolleyes:
I haven't played the demo, but from what I gather reading about the "fat guy" here, I am glad the concept has been dropped by Eclipse works.

Am I the only one for whom it's a MIGHTY turn-off in-game to watch old geezers or fat basement loosers, that have no clue about mental or physiological hygiene, somehow getting their warty dicks sucked by pretty young lasses ?

How about making games instead in which the abused protagonist gets to have a satisfying vengeance on her abusers at the end ? By that I mean hacking off their wangs with a fireaxe, stick some needles through their nuts, or force them to listen to all of Britney Spears albums in a loop for eternity.

Might be as stupid game/anime concept and not really believable, but no less so than virtual chicks that would let themselves getting abused because of futile mobile blackmailing threats or whatever : "oh no, someone just took my picture, and I was nude bathing, the absolute hORROR! Now I can't go to the police anymore, so raep me in the ass, do whatever you want but don't publish the photo please."

Not finding any of the above in this game is part of what that motivated me to buy it, and I don't buy that many H-games to start with. Not because I can't, but because those games are usually quite terrible, and not worth being supported.

Also, what is wrong about balance ? People should replay FF, the original one, some of the older Fire Emblem or Wizardry games, or any decent SHMUPS sometimes, and then complain about balance, really.

I personally think that the author wanted to put his personal experiences in this game. He, like many of us is a fat nerd with glasses, but he dropped it, because he did not want to be that guy anymore.
And the game got delayed because he was in prison for doing something... Then he instead put his experiences that he made in prison into the game.

Seriously. I could just have gotten the prison part of the game without anything else and instead added content, and I would be happy.
Women getting thrown in Prisons/Cells(Think Arms Devicer or DnP) without a chance to escape is probably the biggest turn on for me.

Wow, now that is interesting. Is he the one that has left the circle now?
Haven't played the prison yet, Now that you mention his history, I am curious...

First, let me be clear in that I have no particular prejudice towards either fat people or nerds (if I am definitely not fat, I probably qualify as a nerd, being on this forum and all).

Next, it is exactly as you say. While I can respect someone's fetishes like anyone else, even more so if they appear in a game not of my doing (I just could create my own, I guess), there's a thing or two worth being said about boring repetitiveness and room for exploring other fetishes than those that we get to see over and over and over again in every fucking damn H-game released recently.

I have no illusion about it going to continue, and "Nippon always going to Nippon" in matters of eroges, but if I could motivate at least ONE author to come up with something different (dare I say mature and original?) in the future, especially if they aim to target a gaijin public (which also can appreciate this particular kind of games and does have money to spend on them, mind you), I feel it would be worth it.

So what is different you might ask ? For one, if the usual premise seems good to me, setting a hero/heroine in a predicament (being captured, abused, whatever), I would love to see it happening in a context/story that doesn't insult the intelligence of the average player.

Blackmailing as threat is good for narrative purposes if it's "believable". Eroge games created twenty years ago managed to present such situations in much more credible (and arousing!) ways than it's done nowadays. I don't want H-games/VNs to become anything "intellectual" or literary masterpieces overnight, if ever (like your usual pr0n movie, they're created with fapping in mind, first and foremost).

However, proof with this game (and others, like Arms Devicer, Haru Uru, Princess Sacrifice, Vampire Princess Heart, Sword Princess Cistina, etc., etc.) that you don't fucking need to make your eroge hero/heroine so fucking dumb, or the molesters so fucking outlandish (for the huge majority of players anyway), that the game is facepalming inducing instead of fap worthy. If I feel compelled to laugh at the sheer "stupidity" of some situations in-game, I feel the H-game achieves the contrary of what it should (and what I potentially would have bought it for).

So yeah, I'd love to see a H-game with REAL mind fuckery, with real corruption (not the fairly land-one, in which dirty old men/fat nerds somehow always seem to get the best spoils) or BDSM situations that come close to the real thing, because that's what appeals to me as an "adult/mature" fetish. I'd love to play a game in which the hero/heroine gets to be molested because of cunning deception, or because of threats that can be perceived as credible, either as a true danger ("say hello to my friend the knife here?") or as something that could potentially be very satisfying sexually but with huge risks.

Ideally the game would also give the player the option to actually turn the tides at the very end, and seek vengeance (like I've explained in my previous post). Gosh, I would buy the crap out of this DLsite release.

Keep producing/torrenting your standard mindnumbing nukiges, why not, I am (mostly) against any kind of censoring, but make the above happen one day, please. There's hope with good games like this one I guess, and AA2 in the near future hopefully being more challenging/interesting than a simple dress-my-doll clickfest too.

As far as aiming at the gaijin public, I seriously doubt that happening. Figures from just 2 circles tell the tale.

Ariadne ------------ Japan 5517 English 54

Magica ------------ Japan 9752 English 77

Arms Devicer! ----- Japan 7156 English 149

Parallel Fantasy IF - Japan 6650 English 72

Parallel Fantasy 0+ Japan 5514 English 79

Parallel Fantasy --- Japan 5321 English 54

Sales matter. IF they wanted to exploit the potential gaijin market, they would have to produce game in something other than Japanese AND find a way to promote it in the gaijin world. IDK about the rest of the world but in the US, porn laws make that quite difficult. In Japan, from what I hear, much that we consider porn is commonplace. Perhaps they could promote it in some Nordic countries...?

As far as the stupidity of some blackmail situations and your preference not to see some fat fuck nerd taking unfair advantage of an idiot bimbo - I agree. If I wanted to participate in such a relationship, I would have long ago in real life. :p (And in the end, she would have probably cut me :eek:) Many women fall for the wrong guy for the wrong reasons but most will get revenge in some way. The less intelligent are also the more likely to resort to violence.

I also agree that at least an option for the heroine to have revenge on at least the worst of her tormentors would be quite satisfying for me to see. Could be an subquest at end of game or one of several routes as in Arms Devicer. I would love to see that at least once! :evil grin:

Well I have decided to also contribute to the translation of the game. So here is the 100% translated Weapons file: Hell, apparently I need to post more to contribute >>. Excellent.

Also, for the love of me I cannot find which file governs the menu screen in-game, what file has Karma in it and the Save/Load in-game options. If anyone can please tell me it would help me go along faster.

I think that would be common events but Yugifan will probably be around soon and tell you for sure. Menu is already fully translated anyway in the partial translation. Any changes in common events will overwrite/be overwritten by the updates out now and due out soon.

Oh, to get around the post limit, PM the file to me and I'll post. :D
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Re: [RJ120635] [Eclipse works] Ariadne

If you want to translate menu's , custom ones, they are located in scripts.
Press F11 (Or Tools) to open scripts. Hit Ctrl+Shift+F then type in (Or copy paste) what your looking for.
Karma is located at menu_window at
ITEM_PARAMS << [:text, 15, 350, text = "\\C[16]Karma\\C[0] \\V[1]"]
I suggest hooking AGTH and Translator Aggregator for copy pasting and searching for the Japanese letter/sentence/word.

Also, you can not post a url:

so type it

If you wanna upload a file use Mega:
Re: [RJ120635] [Eclipse works] Ariadne

Now THAT was a fast reply! TY. Here is the link: mega.co.nz/#!oYcjRBgK!I5SnvSEQ5CnmXD3SR3meH3z7jlM5VrHumvlU8HvW0kQ

Funny thing is I cannot reply to your post due to the same restriction ><.
Re: [RJ120635] [Eclipse works] Ariadne

Good job on weapons.
Rrezz said he was working on items. So, guess it's just armors and enemies left.
Re: [RJ120635] [Eclipse works] Ariadne

Has anyone had trouble completing Quest 7?

I've defeated the beast that appeared at the top of the tower of the world tree and I went back to the girl in the item shop, the one in pink with a veil and a ! over her head who faces the bookcase if you're not talking to her, and she doesn't complete the quest when I do talk to her.

Does anyone know why that would be? Am I talking to the right person?
I beat both of the vine monsters and the tenatcle-y blob monster at the top that used various poison attacks.
Re: [RJ120635] [Eclipse works] Ariadne

Has anyone had trouble completing Quest 7?

I've defeated the beast that appeared at the top of the tower of the world tree and I went back to the girl in the item shop, the one in pink with a veil and a ! over her head who faces the bookcase if you're not talking to her, and she doesn't complete the quest when I do talk to her.

Does anyone know why that would be? Am I talking to the right person?
I beat both of the vine monsters and the tenatcle-y blob monster at the top that used various poison attacks.

or u cant find that mob? 1.jpg
Re: [RJ120635] [Eclipse works] Ariadne

Good job on weapons.
Rrezz said he was working on items. So, guess it's just armors and enemies left.

Items needs to be completed as well. :facepalm: Didn't even read that. :eek:

Has anyone had trouble completing Quest 7?

I've defeated the beast that appeared at the top of the tower of the world tree and I went back to the girl in the item shop, the one in pink with a veil and a ! over her head who faces the bookcase if you're not talking to her, and she doesn't complete the quest when I do talk to her.

Does anyone know why that would be? Am I talking to the right person?
I beat both of the vine monsters and the tenatcle-y blob monster at the top that used various poison attacks.

She wants you to kill the lava monster. Find it by going on long outside walkway near top of tower. Halfway across you will find a vine to climb down. Do so to another walkway. Treasure to right and left sides, mob is in passage near left side. He will explode when about 1/3 HP left doing massive damage to you. At level you are likely at, that will kill you. I would advise to wait a while and get accessory that give large fire resistance plus cast fire resist spell at start of battle and again after a couple rounds. Use ice enchanted sword or buff to damage him. There is an accessory that prevents one shot death but IDK where it is or how to get it.
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Re: [RJ120635] [Eclipse works] Ariadne

Sales matter.

You make good points about the current state of the market (and reasons why Japanese authors don't want to expose themselves to the wrath of Western hypocrisy... just yet).

I fondly remember stumbling one day upon a game called " " (which isn't even an Eroge) as a teen, playing the heck out of it, and wanting to get access the prequel/sequels (there are 5 in total, to my knowledge). I was told that none of the other ones had ever been translated, and would probably never be (the 2 was an "accident"). I couldn't see why. While I could understand there were logistic/licensing processes that needed to be followed, translating such a popular game among its English-speaking players was a no-brainer to me, should the game have to be ordered from overseas afterwards.

Well, today I understand why it didn't happen (see Rapelay). This doesn't mean that the stalemate situation some japanese games (and H-games in particular) find themselves in will never evolve. Offer goes to where demand is, it's a basic business law. The fact is that we start to see Japanese games translated on PC today that we would never have seen before in the West (without Steam) : JRPGs, or games like Dark Souls for one.

There is the issue of piracy of course, but even if producers manage to capture 20%-40% of the "dormant" market (like Steam did in the past), it would be a very signicant and successful first step in the right direction (+ never underestimate the ensueing "snowball" effect). There are people who pirate only by necessity (the game wouldn't be accessible to them otherwise), or by convenience (try ordering a Japan-exclusive game from a Japanese gaming/shipping company once, it's definitely no easy feat!). These people can be convinced. I for example would buy the whole Alicesoft/Eushully collection within minutes (and probably twice, for a friend) if it were to be properly translated and accessible to my credit card. About the remaining 60/80%, well, I am not sure if you'll ever convince them anyway.

Progress will not be achieved overnight. There are companies which keep struggling, even with outstanding/high quality games that aren't Eroge either : Xseed with "TITS/Legend of Heroes", Atlus with "SMT/Persona", Aksys with "9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors", etc. They do however continue their merry way, exploring unknown parts of the video-game galaxy, left abandoned by the "big players" (EA, Activision, etc.), because people push them to do so. Who is able to tell what tomorrow will be made of if the gaming industry continues to strive like it recently did with mobile games (most of which were indie/low-profil) ? Who can tell what the numbers you presented for Ariadne would be if the game had been released as it is (on DLsite English), with no further marketing, but with an official English translation ? What would be the numbers if Eroge games had fetishes more targetted towards (or at least more "compatible" with) a Western public ?

No Apple-store, no law from the US or elsewhere, prevented (some select few, granted) Eroge games from being on Steam today (even if somewhat "neutered"). No law prevented Kickstarter or Offbeatr from happening. If (and as long as) there are people willing to show discriminating towards quality games, and support these games by following up their words with actions (= their money), I am sure that it will happen. I am not here to play on the moralizing trip, but there's no better fitting image than a garden that you'd own : you can either stuff yourself with all of your harvest today, or plant/nurture some of it to reap the benefits tomorrow AND have the rest as a frugal yet enjoyable meal.

I don't do this often, but you're totally right : sales matter.

This game is great, so please consider buying it if you (as in anyone here) can (especially since it seems that we're going to get a good fan-translation of it) ^.^
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Re: [RJ120635] [Eclipse works] Ariadne

Good job on weapons.
Rrezz said he was working on items. So, guess it's just armors and enemies left.

Yea it was honestly the easiest part as there weren't that many to go through. The items and enemies will be a bitch. Also, I am not able to find Fran mentioned anywhere in the scripts. I changed her name in the Actors part in the Database, however she still has her kanji name. Same with her description.
Re: [RJ120635] [Eclipse works] Ariadne

If you load a save file, then the save file loads the name.
You need to either start a new game , or have a ingame event change it.
Also, unless the text as \N[x] in it, then the creator manually put in the name.
Like : \c[1]name here: \c[0] text message here.
But, if there was a "Change heroine name change" then each window needs to have \n[1] that will call party member 1 name and display in window.
And its not Fran your looking for its: フラン which translates too : フ is Fu ラ Ra ン N
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Re: [RJ120635] [Eclipse works] Ariadne


It can be done. And to some extent it is being done. MangaGamer is providing some quality english (and some other languages) translated games. If you don't know about them - from wiki:

MangaGamer is a Netherlands-based company primarily specializing in the English localization and distribution of Japanese visual novels. They are the only company to release English versions of fan discs such as Edelweiss Eiden Fantasia and Kotori Love Ex P.

Their stuff is (AFAIK) less hardcore and more romance/fluff but production values are excellent. Number of scenes in most if not all severely tiny compared to most games here but quality is for the most part outstanding.
Re: [RJ120635] [Eclipse works] Ariadne

If you load a save file, then the save file loads the name.
You need to either start a new game , or have a ingame event change it.
Also, unless the text as \N[x] in it, then the creator manually put in the name.
Like : \c[1]name here: \c[0] text message here.
But, if there was a "Change heroine name change" then each window needs to have \n[1] that will call party member 1 name and display in window.
And its not Fran your looking for its: フラン which translates too : フ is Fu ラ Ra ン N

Thanx for the tip. I will test with a new game. Also the name Fran I took straight from the creators' website.
Re: [RJ120635] [Eclipse works] Ariadne

For quest 27, how come the alchemist girl in the city never fails?
Re: [RJ120635] [Eclipse works] Ariadne

1.2 is up. Is it just bugfixes or is there any new scenes?
Re: [RJ120635] [Eclipse works] Ariadne

Found a secret place. At the volcano, keep going left, then north over the maintains, It's a small location with a bit of items. Nothing else.
Re: [RJ120635] [Eclipse works] Ariadne

1.2 is up. Is it just bugfixes or is there any new scenes?

Bugfix - as is 1.0.3 which was (per blog) posted today. 1.0.4 due out soon.

up where?

AFAIK only on DLsite and maybe DMM. Someone may have it in another forum. I plan to buy when 1.0.4 comes out and will upload the data folder (only as my bandwidth is limited).
Re: [RJ120635] [Eclipse works] Ariadne

What's the chance of the alchemist girl in the city failing because I have never seen her fail.