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Re: Earth

She nodded slowly.

"Dr. Green first then, he's in the worst shape. Samantha and I should still have some time before it gets to be that bad at least."

There was a pause, and she half shook her head.

"Probably a good thing we were the last ones here, just us four and three on the medical staff. We were getting ready to shut down the base for the winter months, so fortunately, there isn't a whole lot of people to keep calm. Woods' blood work should be done by now, I just ... need to get there to check on it. I may need a little help."
Re: Earth

"Probably a good idea. Then you two, because you're the experts." She'll let Olsen take her arm or sling support over her shoulder. "Just direct me where we need to get to." If the medic wants to argue the order of treatment, Sho will weigh the decision. "I can probably get the colonel and Ian to round up the rest of the crew so we can explain the situation. And have everyone that needs treated in one place."
Re: Earth

She nodded slowly.

"Yes, that would probably be best. Or at least get everyone near the crew quarters, can monitor them from there if need be."

After only a few moments, they had made their way back to the medical bay, where Christina set to work on multiple different samples. It wasn't long before she spoke again, though when she did, she pretty well cut herself off as she studied one of the other samples.

"No sign of anything in Woods' blood work. Whatever she did seems to have ... Oh crap."

Taking one of the other samples readouts, she stared at it for a few moments, seeming to really scan it over. Finally, she let out a small sigh, and turned back to them.

"I ran a different set of tests from normal on a hunch, based on the symptoms I've seen. I'm afraid I do have a diagnosis, although it's unlike anything we've seen before. Some kind of viral infection has taken root in us, likely every last one of us. It bears enough similarities for me to say that in the end, it'll be just like Cerebrospinal Meningitis. You know ... Do you remember that plague the Ori inflicted on us during the war? This infection bears a stunning resemblance in structure to that one, I think this could have been an earlier bio-weapon attack by them. Woods' blood work is clear of it though, so it seems what Ashana did, actually did cure him, and possibly made him immune to reinfection. Unfortunately, I'm not seeing any signs of antibodies."

((Will give Sho a chance to respond before I have Siphon arrive.))
Re: Earth

"Probably for the best, especially if this thing is as debilitating as we seem to think it is."

Sho sticks with Olsen and stays mostly out of the way while they're in the lab, though she will lend a hand if needed and will also keep an eye on the other woman.

"Peachy," comes out mostly flat as the truth about the infection is revealed. "At least we know what we're fighting against. Though it bears the question as to how their prototype virus ended up here. Unless Ashana was infected and it spread when she thawed out."
Re: Earth

There was a brief pause, then Christina replied.

"Well, we know that the ancients suffered from a plague before they left Earth. It's possible this is the same one, and it reactivated when we thawed her out. I'd say the chances are pretty damn high that we all got it from her. The real question is, can it spread through the air off the continent? If so, we've got a major problem."

At that moment, a monitor activated, showing the gate dialing in. A few moments later, Siphon stepped through the gate, just before it shut down.
Re: Earth

"Guess we'd have to find out how it spread and our biggest source of answers is still passed out at the moment. Although there's another couple of options we might be able to tap into, provided we're still conscious enough to make more calls."

It's Ian that meets Siphon at the gate, having retreated from the commotion from before and knowing he'd need brought in.

"Good ta see ya, mate. Sho's in with the ambos, lookin' in on the sick folk. Ah'll take ya. Never a dull one, eh?"
Re: Earth

Siphon shook his head.

"Indeed. And right after we finish here, I'm off to travel to the future to kick some Klarnell ass and get my kids back."

The look on his face was all Ian would need to see to know Siphon wasn't kidding around. If anything, he looked more determined than he'd ever appeared in the past, which was saying a lot.

"Anyway, what have you folks found out if anything in the last ten minutes?"

Christina slowly nodded.

"Agreed. We probably should take advantage of every resource we have open to us. I'll be damned if I am letting some million year old piece of shit get the best of us."
Re: Earth

"Ask the sheilas. Ah know one of the folk we set out ta find is right as rain. The othah one was stable, last Ah knew, but this thing hits hahd an' fast. The 'Lantean that got thawed out can cure it, but it wallops her pretty damn good. She's down fer the count, again, last Ah knew. Might come waltzin' outta sick bay any second now."

That's likely about the time that, should such a thing be available, there's an announcement requesting all remaining personnel to report to the crew quarters.

"Might'a found somethin'. Or they're just keepin' us all t'gethah, on account of not passin' out where nobody can find ya." Ian's still leading him through the complex, heading for the medical bay. "So how ya gonna get ta the fu'cha? Fig'ya somethin' out with the anomalies?"
Re: Earth

Siphon paused for a moment, soaking in the information before replying to Ian's question.

"Well, actually we have some help. Turns out not all the Klarnell are wanting the same thing. Apparently there is a rebel faction that wants peace, and is willing to do what it takes to stop the others of their kind. He's brought technology from his time back here so we can get to where we need to go. As I understand it though, might have to go waltzing through part of the Cretaceous to get there though."

He thought for a moment then continued down a different line of thought.

"If I am right about this disease, then it's likely she's a carrier, and the more she uses her healing abilities the more it will affect her. Depending on how far it has progressed through her ... it may already be too late."

In short order, the remaining people had arrived by the crew quarters. At least, the ones who were still on their feet anyway. About that time, Siphon and Ian would arrive back, and from behind her, Sho would hear a "what's our status?"

She wouldn't even have to turn around to know it was Siphon.
Re: Earth

"Just don't step on any buttahflies when yer theah, a'ite?" Ian chuckles as Siphon explains how he's going to get to the future. "As fer the disease, Ah got nothin'. She was sleepin' when we left, fine when we got back, and, like Ah said, managed ta put the kaibosh on at least one of the infected. Now she's out again."

If anyone needs help being moved to the crew quarters, once Siphon's there, Ian will head off to do that, given he's got a bit of an easier time moving bodies than the average person. If he's not needed, he'll stick around and listen.

Sho's likely parked in a chair, helping Christina as she needs it or just helping to keep the medic coherent and on her feet, so to speak. At Siphon's request for status, he hears Sho's usual bark of a laugh. "Snafu, darling, like always. Snafu." She'll gather up what notes they've managed to compile and roll over to him, passing the papers. "We think we're looking at an early strain of the Ori infection. Aren't we lucky?"
Re: Earth

Siphon frowned, shaking his head at the latest news.

"I was afraid of that, we've suspected ever since the plague the Ori unleashed on Earth during the war that there might have been a connection. Hell of a way to prove things though."

Ian found that pretty much everyone had managed to make their way to where they needed to be, save for present company.

Siphon looked over the paper work, and when he was finished, Christina told him of her diagnosis, and her fears. When she finished, he nodded slightly.

"I'm afraid the diagnosis is pretty spot on based on these readings you have. As for being airborne, I'd say it's possible, but only in near proximity to an infected person. As long as no one who is infected leaves this area, I doubt it can spread to even the closest Antarctic base on it's own. From what I can see on this, it looks like this one would need to rely on proximity to carriers or infected individuals, a short range virus if you will. Which is fortunate for us since that means we should only have to treat those here on the base."

At that he paused for a moment, then continued, "and on that note, I'm afraid I have some news you won't like. Based on what Ian has told me of how things unfolded after Ashana woke, healed one person and promptly collapsed ... I don't think we can risk allowing her to try and help anyone else. Frankly, it may already be too late for her. If I'm right about how and why this healing power works ... there's nothing that I can do for her. At this stage, even if we can stabilize her and transport her, I'm not even sure the Ori can help her now. She may have only one chance at survival."

((Pretty sure Sho can guess what that 'one chance' is lol.))
Re: Earth

((I can think of a couple.))

"So we're in quarantine until we can work out a way to stop the infection, which is, as always, a race against time. At least we can get folks to send things in as we need them."

As he talks about the other Ancient, her brows arch slightly. "And is that going to happen? On such short notice?"
Re: Earth

Siphon shrugged.

"The Tokra are always in need of hosts, even if only temporary. It's just a question of if she's willing really, and if so, if she wants a temporary, or permanent blending. A sarcophagus might, and I stress might be able to help, but this might be beyond that by now. I won't know for absolute certain until I can look at her and her blood work. First things first though, who's in the most dire straights, and needing attention now? I'll start there and work as quickly as I can. With this, even Talvesh will need a little time to purge it from my body after each person."
Re: Earth

"That's something for you two to discuss. I'm staying out of it. Also, dust off the Atlantean. She hasn't picked up the English yet, though we do have a pretty good translator here. As for who's worse off, that'd be Dr. Green, one of the scientists who were pretty much at ground zero with the thing. While you're working there, I'll get a sit-rep on the rest of the crew, but next in line are the docs." She'll indicate Christina with a nod of her head. "Thankfully, there's not a lot of us here, so hopefully you should be all right."
Re: Earth

Siphon only nodded, and the way his eyes changed told Sho he was already making the mental preparations for what was to come.

"Alright, do that then with Christina, but try not to exert yourselves too much. The more demands you place on your body, the faster this thing will spread through you. Ian, show me where they have Dr. Green bunked down and I'll get started. With any luck, before the day is out we'll be alright. Or at least, most of us."
Re: Earth

"Right. This way." Ian indicates the direction with a nod of his head, taking Siphon to where the doctor had likely been quarantined, for all the good it did. Still, being in as bad a shape as Dr. Green was, somewhere private might be appreciated, at the very least.

While he's off doing that, Sho will try and put together a list of degrees of the infected. While she, Ian, Colonel Grant, and Samantha were the ones to find Dr. Woods, the rest of the crew were here with Dr. Green the whole time. Thankfully, they at least had a basis to work off of which would tell them who needed the attention the most.
Re: Earth

Making their way to Dr. Green, Siphon took a few moments to mentally ready himself before nodding to Ian.

"This shouldn't take too long, hopefully. We'll see about how quickly I can do it again afterwards."

Placing one hand on Dr. Green's forehead, and the other on his chest, Siphon closed his eyes and a faint light, similar to Ashana's, enveloped them both. Siphon was like this far longer than Ashana had been, possibly because of the extent of the damage to Dr. Green already, and Ian might notice him frowning a few times during the process. Finally though, he sat up fully, and Dr. Green was notably better, although not awake yet.

"He'll probably sleep for a while still, we can let him. He'll be fine though."

Standing up, Siphon took a step before suddenly bracing himself against the wall. After a few moments, he shook his head.

"Took a bit more out of me than I expected, wow. This might take a while to get everyone then."

Once Sho and Christina arrived at the crew quarters, they discovered things weren't quite as peachy as they might have hoped. The three soldiers were out cold on beds, as was Samantha, who was burning up even worse now. Dr. Woods was just setting Colonel Grant down onto a bed when they walked in.

"He collapsed just a few moments ago, started slurring his words and hit the floor before I could get over to him. Samantha's fever is getting worse, much worse. It seems to be hitting her much harder and faster than the others. She doesn't have long left, couple of hours I'd say at the most but ... I'm not an expert in this particular field."

Christina for her part had moved into action, double checking vitals and the like.

"The others are stable, at least for now. He's right though, Samantha's temperature is continuing to rise, even more rapidly that Dr. Green's did. She hasn't got much longer if this keeps up, her entire body could shut down at any moment and if that happens, we'll lose her. What about Ashana?"

"Still out. I ran that blood cell count test you wanted done. According to the specifications you gave me, her white cell count is about 70% lower than what it ought to be."

He handed her a paper, which Christina looked over several times, blinking as if either she wasn't sure she was seeing it right, or having trouble focusing. Finally she let loose a sigh.

"She might not wake up. She's still close enough to our biology for most things to be reasonably predicted. Her entire body is starting to shut down. What she did for you, may be the last thing she ever does. Unless she's got some other trick up her sleeve we don't know about, she's dying. And there isn't a damn thing I can do for her."
Re: Earth

"Well, do what'cha can. We're doing a'ight, so far. Most everyone else is in the barracks. I'll walk ya." Provided Siphon doesn't need to hold himself up with the wall for much longer, Ian will guide him to the crew quarters and the people gathered there.

"We'll have Siphon see to her next, then," Sho states. "Take each case by severity and hopefully we can get ahead of the game." As they start talking about Ashana, the other woman frowns. "Siphon might be able to help in that regard. We got a time frame for her? Since I'm not entirely sure how long his idea is going to take."
Re: Earth

Christina was silent for a moment, long enough Sho might question just how bad off she was, before she finally replied.

"To be honest, I'm not entirely sure how long, but I can say this for certain. If we can't do anything for her, by this time tomorrow she'll be gone. Best guess right now, and this is a stab in the dark ... I'd guess she maybe has a couple of hours at best before she's gone. Could be more, could be less, but the only thing I know for sure is that the longer we wait, the greater the chance she won't survive. Truth be told, she might be beyond help by this point, there's really no way to know for sure."

Siphon slowly nodded, seeming to get a bit steadier in a relatively short time.

"Unfortunately this could be a race against the clock. This stuff acts fast Ian, real fast. From what I gather, Dr. Green here has only been infected for what, a few hours or so at most? Given how bad off he was, depending on if this virus works on how saturated the exposure is or not ... well let's just say everyone could be in bad shape very soon."

As they walked towards the barracks, Ian might notice a very faint 'glow' coming from Siphon, as if something else within him besides Talvesh were fighting off the virus. About half way there though he suddenly stopped, a thought popping into his mind.

"Say, Ian ... kind of a random question here, but how do you feel? From what I understand, all of you have been exposed by now, so you should be feeling at least some effects. Actually, both you and Sho should be feeling a little down or sluggish, and if you are, well yer hiding it well."

If Ian actually stopped to think about it for a moment, he'd realize something wasn't right. That something was that he felt perfectly fine. It was as if he'd somehow gotten lucky to not be exposed, or was there something else at play?
Re: Earth

"If it's one thing Siphon and I are good at, it's multitasking," Sho replies with a chuckle. "We'll let him know your findings, since we can't really risk bringing anyone else in or out of here right now. We've got to get this problem solved first, then that should give us enough time to take care of Ashana." The fact that Sho thinks a couple of hours is enough time for them to figure something out might actually be a hopeful sign. Or misplaced optimism. One of the two.

Ian will stop briefly at Siphon's question, perhaps taking mental stock of how he's feeling. "A'ite, Ah suppose," comes with a shrug. "Ah just figgah'd it was takin' longah ta hit than with most folks. Ya think of somethin'?"
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