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E Building

Re: E Building

"Art was sick all day? Looks like I'm going to have to run some tests when I come back. Thank you for the information," Celeste says to Ian before setting off to see the Dean.
Re: E Building

After a short while Celeste makes her way back to the infirmary, which was now almost completely empty. Walking up to Art she takes out several vials as well as several needles, she then injects Art with some of the fluids from the vials as well as taking some blood samples. Giving the needles of blood to her nurses to test Celeste then waits for a moment, watching Art before she again takes more blood from him. This time she tests the blood herself, her brow furrows as the tests finish.

"This cant be right," She says quietly to herself, she quickly glances over Art again before looking at the results of the blood she gave to the nurses. "Are you sure you checked the results over fully?" She asks her nurses and they all nod. "Huh, then Art wasn't ill prior to being possessed......though that doesn't make any sense. If he wasn't ill beforehand then that could only mean he either wasn't taking his medication or it wasn't having any effect on his illness. And Art knows that he has to take it. And the only thing that could stop his medication from working is a large concentration of Negative Anima. And that could have only happened without him knowing if he was already possessed...I'm going to have to do more research on this." Glancing up again Celeste ordered her nurses to check and replace any IV's that needed replacing and pack up everything so they could go back home. Scrawling a quick note to explain why Art was being left at the school Celeste then grabbed what she could and left the infirmay with her nurses following behind. They make their way to their helicopter before heading back home.
Re: E Building

Trixie for the most part, had been lurking outside the medical wing, shivering a bit at the conversations she had heard as well as the constant smell of fresh blood during the operation, hugging herself gently until finally the day ended, with Art's mom breezing past her without much thought. Still, she waited a bit before slipping into Art's room, just silently sitting there and watching, until either he stirred or she fell asleep...
Re: E Building

"So this must be Artemis Wingate," The nurse says as she enters the infirmary and checks up on one of the occupied beds. "Well if the Dean says he can stay here I guess it's alright. Come on missy, class will be starting shortly." The nurse gently nudges Trixie awake.

Once Trixie is awake she goes to check up on the other occupied bed, and while she was surprised to see the girl was covered in so much blood she was even more suprised to see that there wasn't a sign of any wound.
Re: E Building

With morning light shining into the room and the sounds of movement and the nurses voice arriving, Yume begins to stir. Her first thoughts revolved around why there would be someone intruding in her room. She makes a small waking groan, and blinks a little as she opens her eyes to see the nurse standing above her at the bedside. She stares at her with a blurry eyed frown for a few seconds before bluntly asking, "Can I help you?"

Seemingly oblivious to her whereabouts or condition for the moment.
Re: E Building

"Uh, help me? Where do you think you are?" The nurse asks curiously, making a mental note to check the girls records to see if she has any mental health issues later on. "This is the infirmary."
Re: E Building

"Huh? But..." Yume starts, then looking around the room. Sure enough, this wasn't her room. I strange momentary flash of panic can be seen in her eyes, before she spins her head round to spot her doll sitting on the bedside table, and she seems totally calm again. "Oh. Why am I here? I remember going to get a snack, and then there was a fight, and..." She says, cutting off as she notices the state of her clothes, reaching with a finger to feel the hole the sword made, though there was no wound left beneath it. "Aww, I liked this top." She complains, surprisingly unconcerned about the general situation or how she came to be here. Somehow waking up in a hospital bed like this was a familiar feeling for her.
Re: E Building

*Snirk* "Wha? Oh, er... yes..." Trixie muttered, getting back up a bit now the nurse poked her. At least she didn't de-transform during the night, she thought, slightly relieved as she gathered her school things.
Re: E Building

The nurse lazily goes about her duties before picking up on what Yume had just said. "A fight? What sort of fight goes unnoticed that caused that much blood to be spilt." The nurse says as she looks at Yume quizzically.
Re: E Building

Al enters the room and heads over to Art. He looks him over for any sign that the illness has begun taking effect again.

He also notes, to his relief, that Yume is alright.
Re: E Building

"Um..." Yume sits there for a while not saying anything, seemingly unsure how to answer the nurses question. She had a look of genuinely not knowing the answer, rather than trying to hide anything. She had this idea that there had been a fight for certain, but couldn't remember it, or how or why she had arrived here. She felt fine. Very hungry, but otherwise fine.

Despite not recalling the fight, or even being concious when he had helped her, when Al enters the room she smiles at him. Somehow she felt like she owed him for something.
Re: E Building

As Al checks over Art he'd notice that most of the colour had come back to him and there wasn't even any signs of any scarring or other injuries that may have come from the battle.

The nurse looks at Yume for a bit longer, puzzled by the strange girl but a moment later she goes back to her work chalking up the girls comment as her confusing a dream with real life.
Re: E Building

Ian taps lightly on the door before entering the nurse's office. He nods politely to the woman on staff. "Just came by ta see how the folks beddin' here last night were doin'," he says quietly.

If Al is still with Art, he doesn't bother him, letting him do his thing. It's more Yume he's concerned with, given she didn't have a mother and group of surgeons working on her last night.

He approaches her bed with a little wave, seeming like he wants to make sure she's okay with him doing so. "Y'all right, there?" he asks quietly. "Lookin' a fair sight bettah than last night."
Re: E Building

Yume was sitting up in bed now. She'd been looking around the infirmary for a while, not really sure what to do. Having felt a little alone since waking up here, she welcomed another person entering the room. "Hello." She greets Ian turning her head to face the door again. "I feel fine. I'm a bit confused, but nothing hurts." She looks at Ian as if trying to recall something for a moment, but whatever it is she doesn't seem to get there, and simply goes back to smiling.

((I'm a little stuck on how to proceed with Yume here. Should I assume one of the nurses gave her some temporary clothes or something? Because I can't really have her wander off covered in day old blood.))

(((Edit regarding bellow: KK, in that case all please note that Yume's old clothes are to one side of the room, and she is currently wearing a simple blouse a nurse put on her at some point.)))
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Re: E Building

((Yeah, probably some clothes discarded by previous students.))
Re: E Building

Ian pulls up into the chair he was sitting in the night previous, snagging a quick glance at his watch. He'd given himself enough time for the trip before his first class, thankfully.

"Fine is good," he says with a soft chuckle. "What'cha confused about? Maybe Ah can help." Truth told, she looked better, especially not all covered in blood.
Re: E Building

Yume thinks for a short moment and then speaks, "Um, well I remember seeing you last night, and a lot of other people, but I don't remember what happened... or how and why I ended up here."
Re: E Building

Oh boy. Where to start with that one?

Ian's expression kind of mirrors his thoughts for a moment, scratching the back of his head as Yume answers him. "Well, Ah suppose the short version is that there was a fight and ya got hurt. That's why we brought ya heah. Long version, well, that gets a might bit complicated." He shifts a little in the chair. "Ah could try an' explain, if ya want, but Ah don't rightly understand it all m'self, really."
Re: E Building

"Mmm..." Yume voices casually as she listens to the brief of it. "How strange. I guess it wasn't too bad after all though huh? I should thank the people who looked after me so well." She says in a surprisingly complacent tone, apparently not considering the state of her old clothes or lack of memory of the incident as much as might be expected. Her general attitude was rather hard to read in any certainty. "So yeah, thank you... um...?"
Re: E Building

It could be the shock but if what happened didn't seem to be troubling her, Ian wasn't about to suggest that she be in a hysterical fit instead. "Ah'm Ian," he says at her initial pause. "Just the one that got ya heah, really. Siphon and Al," he glances around to see if the other fellow as still looking in on Art, "they're the ones that saw to it that ya got patched up. Though Ah think ya might be right and it might not've been as bad as we thought initially." That would at least explain how she was still breathing after what had happened.