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ACT Patreon Unknown/Hiatus [dystopianproject] Overgrown Genesis


Mystic Girl
Oct 28, 2010
Reputation score

Sex Zombie is meant to be a sexualized version of popular survival horror titles like Resident Evil and the Last of Us.

The story is set in a fictional modern world environment, and takes place in a generic American-style city plagued by an extremely virulent fungal infection (similar to the Last of Us) that has crippled much of human civilization worldwide. The infection takes the form of a parasite that takes over it's human hosts' brains and turns men into extremely violent, sex-crazed zombies.

The game features a blend of action and puzzle-based gameplay. You will play as Juno, a survivor of the apocalypse and a trained engineer (a shout-out to Isaac from Dead Space), trying to navigate between a failing human society cloistered in fortified sanctuaries and an outside world ravaged by the infection.

Adult content is presented as a mix of text, CG stills and pixel animations. The content is fairly hardcore, featuring featuring zombies, bestiality, monsters, and more.



The gameplay in Sex Zombie basically revolves around three things: combat, puzzle-solving, survival, and of course, adult content.

1. Combat: Unlike other RPGMaker games, Sex Zombie does not use traditional turn-based combat mechanics. Instead, combat is both real-time and action-based. To fight her enemies, Juno will be able to find and equip a variety of different weapons. Different types of weapons suit different types of enemies. There are currently six different weapons in the game:

PISTOL: Low damage at medium range.
SHOTGUN: High damage at short range.
RIFLE: Average damage at long range.

KNIFE: Kills most enemies in one hit; 1 use only.
CROWBAR: Kills most enemies in one hit; 2 uses only.
AXE: Kills most enemies in one hit; 3 uses only.

However, while Juno can deal with her enemies via combat, ammunition and weapons are limited, and so it is necessary for the player to come up with non-violent ways to deal with their enemies from time to time.


2. Puzzle-Solving: Apart from combat, Juno will sometimes encounter situations where she has to interact with NPCs and/or the environment around her, and solve puzzles through these interactions or via gathering tools or clues. While solving puzzles, Juno will rely on four primary stats: Strength, Intelligence, Charisma, and Perception. Juno can increase these stats over the course of the game. If you've played Fallout before, the system being used here is very similar. For an idea of how these stats work:

STRENGTH lets her perform manually intensive tasks, ie. forcing open jammed doors.
INTELLIGENCE tests her smarts, ie. hack into computer systems to open remote doors.
CHARISMA is useful in dialogue; ie. it lets her talk her way out of tricky situations.
PERCEPTION measures Juno's awareness; it can allow her to avoid traps and find hidden passageways.


3. Survival: The "survival" element of the "survival horror" in Sex Zombie mainly comes in the form of Juno's Hunger Points (HP) and Morale Points (MP). Whenever Juno is attacked, she loses MP; as long as her MP bar does not drop below 0, she will live to fight (and fuck!) another day. However, if the MP bar drops past 0, it is game over. To prevent this, Juno can regain all her MP by resting at a safehouse. Each time she rests, however, Juno loses -100 HP. HP, in turn, is restored by consuming supplies which can be scavenged throughout the game. The player must balance the HP and MP bars to survive.

The "survival" element would be greatly diminished, however, if the player simply calculated Juno's HP and MP needs ahead of time, and went around fucking her enemies into submission. To counterbalance this, there is an added mechanic in the game - Infection. Juno has a visible "Infection Count" whenever you open the game's menu, and every time Juno has a sexual encounter with an enemy, this counter goes up. Infection leads to dire consequences if left unchecked.


4. Adult Content: This being an adult game, there are, of course, gratuitous amounts of adult content. There is a combination of pixel animations, CGs, and written erotica.

Cutscenes, and non-enemy scenes, will be portrayed using CG stills.

All enemy types will come with unique pixel animations, as well as "gameover" CG stills.


Mega Link + Decryption Key (version 0.03.2):

Mega Link + Decryption Key (version 0.07.2):


If you'd like to support our work, check out our Patreon page!



This game is a proud product of the Dystopian Project.

Due credit must be given to the following parties:

The RPGMaker MV software was developed by Enterbrain
The POP! Horror City graphics pack was made by VexedEnigma
Many of the plugins used in the game are developed by Yanfly
The splash screen plugin was developed by HimeWorks

Temporary non-original artwork is the work of butcha-u and cyberunique (from versions 0.1.1 ~ 0.3.2)
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Tentacle God
Feb 23, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Sex Zombie

woo zombies! when talking zombies, i have to ask.

is it just human or will there be the cerberus (undead dog from Resident evil) too?

will there be multiple bad ends?

is this sprite sex or game over art?

where's billy for the more dangerous jobs? (edit:) just found that i can leave the first part of the city by going far down and left. it didn't look like it was passable so i'll continue my gameplay. (edit again) found billy, he will make my certifications, but that's strange. if i talk to the suit again after he first tells me to get some. she will suddenly have them without having to talk to billy. i think that's what is preventing me from going upstairs. i didn't actually have the certificates yet.

how do i go upstairs once i'm given the job to do the outing?

this sprite doesn't seem to do anything right now. placeholder or forgotten?

to you're second point. i want to see zombie pregnancy =p
i mean, if they are dragging women away with the intention of not doing any harm (from what was said) and raping them. it sounds like their reproductive instinct is still there. almost like an animal instinct to mate.

possible an infection system? if you do it too many times you can get an infected bad end since your body couldn't handle it. you can use the post the environment to your advantage. like taking an infection suppressant but due to rations and supplies being low. the medicine is hard to come by.

just a few ideas. can't get out of the city so can't say to much more on the game for.
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Mystic Girl
Oct 28, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Sex Zombie

is it just human or will there be the cerberus (undead dog from Resident evil) too?

will there be multiple bad ends?
You will have evil humans, zombies, and monsters as enemies. Bestiality (especially with something cerberus-ish) is definitely on the cards. There will technically be multiple bad ends in the form of multiple scenes when attacked by different enemies.
is this sprite sex or game over art?
It'll be gameover/cutscene artwork for the NSFW content. Animated sprites are much harder to do since I'm not a pixel artist. Or animator.

how do i go upstairs once i'm given the job to do the outing?
To do the outing, head up the stairs of the same building where you talk to the Suit. It's the room to the left.

this sprite doesn't seem to do anything right now. placeholder or forgotten?
That random sprite is something I left there by mistake while debugging. If you click on it you'll get an extra (useless) set of qualifications. Just having the qualifications won't let you up the stairs though; you still need to complete one of Billy's tasks first.

to you're second point. i want to see zombie pregnancy =p
i mean, if they are dragging women away with the intention of not doing any harm (from what was said) and raping them. it sounds like their reproductive instinct is still there. almost like an animal instinct to mate.

possible an infection system? if you do it too many times you can get an infected bad end since your body couldn't handle it. you can use the post the environment to your advantage. like taking an infection suppressant but due to rations and supplies being low. the medicine is hard to come by.
Although "zombie pregnancy" was not the term I was going to use... yes, there's something similar to what you're describing in the game. Going to be coy about it though. Stay tuned.
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Tentacle God
Feb 23, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Sex Zombie

ah, that's why i couldn't go upstairs. it wasn't real qualifications lol

for the suppressant. is it like a morning after pill? i was gonna use that idea for an old VN i was working on. then soon after got a job and no time to draw any more.

here's my take on the zombie apocalypse


edit: found this building that didn't have the "invisible wall" to prevent me from walking onto the roof. right by were you first talk to gavin.

this one too

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Demon Girl
Jul 23, 2015
Reputation score
Re: Sex Zombie

Played through it, looks great so far.


Mystic Girl
Oct 28, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Sex Zombie


I can't reveal much about the pregnancy element without spoiling the game a little so I'll have to keep being coy.

And thanks for the mapchecks, I'll fix those up.
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Demon Girl
Nov 23, 2014
Reputation score
Re: Sex Zombie

Played through it in relatively fast time. There's a few issues but not too many and the game's shaping up to be pretty good so far. The issues:
-The debug sprite in the police department that gives you fake documents that don't work
-Billy's quest requires electrical parts. They were simple to find but the hint was rather vague and I pretty much only found them through luck (since there's dumpsters and garbage all over the place). Perhaps add a sparkle to show where it is, and/or give a more thorough hint?
-I know the combat system isn't fully implemented yet, but even if you don't resist the cops you still get the choice to shoot the zombies? If I recall correctly you only get a gun if you resist.
Besides that, great work! Can't wait for the next update :D

Edit: So apparently there's multiple places for parts. I feel a bit dumb now -.-'

Edit2: New players can look at page 5 for a walk-through I posted.
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Tentacle God
Feb 23, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Sex Zombie

Played through it in relatively fast time. There's a few issues but not too many and the game's shaping up to be pretty good so far. The issues:
-The debug sprite in the police department that gives you fake documents that don't work
-Billy's quest requires electrical parts. They were simple to find but the hint was rather vague and I pretty much only found them through luck (since there's dumpsters and garbage all over the place). Perhaps add a sparkle to show where it is, and/or give a more thorough hint?
-I know the combat system isn't fully implemented yet, but even if you don't resist the cops you still get the choice to shoot them? If I recall correctly you only get a gun if you resist.
Besides that, great work! Can't wait for the next update :D
oh yeah, forgot about that. how did i have a gun when i chose not to resist lol. the cops all left me so i didn't have a gun to use. gotta find a way to get a gun in her hand after she is raped.


Mystic Girl
Oct 28, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Sex Zombie

-Billy's quest requires electrical parts. They were simple to find but the hint was rather vague and I pretty much only found them through luck (since there's dumpsters and garbage all over the place). Perhaps add a sparkle to show where it is, and/or give a more thorough hint?
I wanted to make the game more, well, gamey, and challenging this time. So I decided to reward players who went the extra mile to look everywhere/read carefully, and made sure things were harder puzzle-wise. I might made it less difficult to find if more people complain.

-I know the combat system isn't fully implemented yet, but even if you don't resist the cops you still get the choice to shoot them? If I recall correctly you only get a gun if you resist.
Combat system is not active. I'm working on gun sprites and shooting animations but it's a lot harder than anticipated. You will, however, need a weapon to fight off the zombies in the next beta. These zombies in this version are just placeholders. In the next version, if you don't resist, you get no weapon, and while you CAN get past the zombies without killing them, it becomes much harder.
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Grim Reaper
Nov 30, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Sex Zombie

Hey, just wanted to say you've done an amazing job even for a 15 minute beta.

Absolutely love English zombie H-games, especially sprite RPGs, and this is the best one I've seen since Parasite in City (RE Progeny never got finished, Survivor Sarah 1/2 just had too many flaws, and other games like Found Dead will likely never be translated).

Anyway, here's my thoughts:
Even if this is a preformatted RPG layout (sorry, I don't really make games; I just play them), I love it. The characters' face profiles change for different emotions, adding a layer of detail. Also love how, for the most part, you've got diversity in characters, even though the game's just starting.

Though I'm a sucker for the zombie apocalypse dystopia games, I think you've conveyed quite a bleak, desperate, and appropriate situation, in both conversation, and the general background (e.g. the Stanton mobs and quarantine, forced prostitution, the necessity of food/water, the survivors and their missing family members, and characters like Gavin). You've got a great story here, and I'm enjoying the twists and rather "realistic" feel to the game, as illustrated by the characters. Oh, and the humor--double-tapping, ULMF, etc--was a nice touch. Always nice to play a game made by a person, if you know what I mean. ;)

I'm a fan of puzzles mixed with combat, so I think you did a nice job here. Variation and a higher level of difficulty here, not in terms of "search and find" but a 'thinking' challenge, would be appreciated. No idea what the tech mag is for but either I missed it, or I'll have to wait.

Even though it's beta and there isn't any combat, I could definitely see how combat would play a role by fighting off the zombies. Would love to see equipment and items play a role.

Linear storyline
Obviously, I'm sure you'll add options, but for now, it's of course a bit like the game babies you in this regard (and it should since it's a beta). So I like the story right now...but I'm expecting choices, like having sex alternatives for Billy and the Suit, just as how you've done with Gavin, in order to advance. I can also see side quests being played out with the poster requests in Juno's apartment.

I'm hoping to see more female characters like Natasha with scenes and interactions. Perhaps it's just me, but I hate how nearly all the RPG games now that aren't JHRPGs are just MPC games in which you don't have a party. But that's just a dream of mine.

I don't expect a game made by a single person to be perfect. You've already said you're a developer/storyteller rather than an artist. However, even with the stand-in sex scene(s) pics, it's pretty ugly and you could probably find better and more appropriate images. Though I'm not expecting sprite sex, or even animations that vaguely approach the PiC or Tits of the Dead level, the art in those games made them legendary. I'm hoping you could find some way to incorporate animations, or at the very least, decent art, possibly commissioning an artist to customize them for Juno and others). (Lots more of) GoR, combat rape, or in-game scenes as you have now, all would make the game much better, as I'm sure you're planning.

I'm not a huge fan of the way Juno looks, but eh, that's just my preference. :D

Gameplay flaws
First of all, please god get rid of the random sprite. Not only does it look weird even as a placeholder, but the fact that it gives you a fake qualification pretty much stops the game dead. I couldn't figure out how to proceed until I checked the thread.

I didn't have much trouble finding the electrical parts, but I found them by accident before they were required, so yeah, sparkles would be nice. Some of the locations were a bit hard to find too: The ladder to the sewer wasn't too tough to find but sparkles there as well.

I also found the invisible pathways, but those don't bother me much. The entrance to Billy's area (going south from the main screen) was, for some reason, exceptionally hard, since it's just a single small path, denoted by a character and two cones. I'd like to see a better indication on where to go and how to proceed to Billy's, after you meet with the Suit.

And this is probably because the game's in beta/demo, but having all the stat qualifications (STR/INT) to perform everything already is pointless. Let the player fight off thugs or something or use items to raise the stats first. I assume you won't give the pistol to Juno if she doesn't resist Gavin, so I'll ignore the fact you can 'shoot to kill' the zombies even when choosing to submit. (EDIT: sorry, just read your last post, nvm that).

Anyway, my biggest hope is that you'll continue this project. As I said before, I love these games, but as per ULMF standards, I'm accustomed to people flaming out and dropping projects quickly, and I miss the could-have-been H-zombie genres (PiC, RE Progeny). Keep it up; everything looks excellent so far!

I wanted to make the game more, well, gamey, and challenging this time. So I decided to reward players who went the extra mile to look everywhere/read carefully, and made sure things were harder puzzle-wise. I might made it less difficult to find if more people complain.

Combat system is not active. I'm working on gun sprites and shooting animations but it's a lot harder than anticipated. You will, however, need a weapon to fight off the zombies in the next beta. These zombies in this version are just placeholders. In the next version, if you don't resist, you get no weapon, and while you CAN get past the zombies without killing them, it becomes much harder.


Mystic Girl
Oct 28, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Sex Zombie

Thanks for the detailed feedback! All and any reviews are much appreciated. They help me improve the game tremendously.

No idea what the tech mag is for but either I missed it, or I'll have to wait.
It's a booster item. It increases INT.

Even though it's beta and there isn't any combat, I could definitely see how combat would play a role by fighting off the zombies. Would love to see equipment and items play a role.
They definitely will! My current plan is to structure it so that certain weapons correspond to a certain enemy type. For example, a pistol in the hands of an amateur like Juno would be ineffective against a fast-moving infected dog (or hellhounds as I like to call them). As a result, you'll need to rely on melee weapons for them. For zombies, because of the hard fungus-like outer layer they have, melee weapons are next to useless on them, but firearms have the penetrating power needed to knock them down and/or kill them.

I'm expecting choices, like having sex alternatives for Billy and the Suit, just as how you've done with Gavin, in order to advance. I can also see side quests being played out with the poster requests in Juno's apartment.
There is a sex alternative for Billy. Play it through again and select the option that isn't "I'll do your job for you"! For the Suit, I thought it would be to easy for players to get away with a sex alternative that early in the game. But there is one for Billy. I also am thinking of expanding the sidequests with the posters as you said, but because that's a safe intro area I wasn't sure I wanted to invest too much time into it. I felt players would probably want to get into the zombie-infested action as soon as possible.

I also want to make this game as multi-faceted as possible. I'd like to give players as many dialogue choices as they can, as many quest paths as possible, etc. If you want to go it hard, you can get through the entire game without any sex at all (though it will be very hard). If you want, you can run it through like a slut! It's all up to you.

I'm hoping to see more female characters like Natasha with scenes and interactions. Perhaps it's just me, but I hate how nearly all the RPG games now that aren't JHRPGs are just MPC games in which you don't have a party. But that's just a dream of mine.
Ah, but I share your dream! This is definitely something I'm going to want to add. Not "party" style, perhaps, but definitely important female characters apart from the MC.

I'm hoping you could find some way to incorporate animations, or at the very least, decent art, possibly commissioning an artist to customize them for Juno and others). (Lots more of) GoR, combat rape, or in-game scenes as you have now, all would make the game much better, as I'm sure you're planning.
Because I want to make all my games free to play, there's a bit of added difficulty there. Obviously talented animators, sprite artists and CG artists don't want to work for free (some really great people actually do some stuff for me for free, but not too much that I can implement it into the game wholly). So I'm limited to what I can do alone. I struggle with the game making process sometimes, since my talents mostly revolve around writing.

One alternative I was considering was to setup a donations site of some kind. That way I wouldn't need to get people to pay for a game, and people can just give what they can afford. And when enough money comes in, I'll use it to commission a good artist or an animator or something. But, again, I'm fairly against the idea of taking money, so, well, we'll see.

I'm not a huge fan of the way Juno looks, but eh, that's just my preference.
I picked her design to be somewhat tomboyish, but with a figure to cut it. I mean, she's an engineer. Can't be too girly.

I didn't have much trouble finding the electrical parts, but I found them by accident before they were required, so yeah, sparkles would be nice. Some of the locations were a bit hard to find too: The ladder to the sewer wasn't too tough to find but sparkles there as well.
Another one for the sparkles. Gotcha. I really do have to add these sparkles you guys are so fond off if this keeps up.

And this is probably because the game's in beta/demo, but having all the stat qualifications (STR/INT) to perform everything already is pointless. Let the player fight off thugs or something or use items to raise the stats first.
It's just for the intro. I wanted to let the player know which stats did what exactly. Like, if she's smart, she can hack into a secure computer system. If she's strong, she can fight back. Juno, statwise, has all she needs in the very beginning, but she'll need to raise her stats as soon as the intro ends to keep up with the requirements.


Grim Reaper
Nov 30, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Sex Zombie

They definitely will! My current plan is to structure it so that certain weapons correspond to a certain enemy type. For example, a pistol in the hands of an amateur like Juno would be ineffective against a fast-moving infected dog (or hellhounds as I like to call them). As a result, you'll need to rely on melee weapons for them. For zombies, because of the hard fungus-like outer layer they have, melee weapons are next to useless on them, but firearms have the penetrating power needed to knock them down and/or kill them.
Ah, this is why new devs (or at least new to me) are so admirable; variation and IRL/realism logic in games are elements few players notice but are so crucial for building immersion and interest in a game! Sounds great.

There is a sex alternative for Billy.
LOL, all this time, I kept speeding through the text, despite your warning, and I always missed that choice even though I knew it was there. Ugh, and I was all, "eh, there couldn't be the second scene there, I didn't miss anything...". Good to know though!

I also am thinking of expanding the sidequests with the posters as you said, but because that's a safe intro area I wasn't sure I wanted to invest too much time into it. I felt players would probably want to get into the zombie-infested action as soon as possible.

I also want to make this game as multi-faceted as possible. I'd like to give players as many dialogue choices as they can, as many quest paths as possible, etc. If you want to go it hard, you can get through the entire game without any sex at all (though it will be very hard). If you want, you can run it through like a slut! It's all up to you.
I understand both points completely. The former is probably a good idea to invest in somewhere down the line. The latter is something most corruption games have implemented. I myself am not overly fond of corruption, or rewarding a player for losing (never understood the point of GoR when the PC is female, since you're basically playing to lose if you want to see sex scenes); I think you've got a good balance where dialogue choices are key and you can 'choose' to be raped, if that makes sense. Still, combat rape/GoR is nice to have, and is somewhat axiomatic in many H-games nowadays.

As a fellow writer, I'm with you on that one (my artistic ability extends to second grade stick figures). I don't have much advice for you since I don't have experience in making games, though I do see art-less game devs putting themselves on Patreon and then finding an artist. I'm not sure how you could fund an artist without monetary support, unless you somehow can partner with an artist who can do it gratis. Personally, I never pay for anything that isn't finished, so I honestly can't say crowdfunding or anything like that would be a good idea even if you were for it. All I know is that in these types of games, (good) art is critical, even in demos/betas.

Another one for the sparkles. Gotcha. I really do have to add these sparkles you guys are so fond off if this keeps up.
lol, sorry we're all so dumb. :p I think you provided decent enough hints; my main concern of difficulty was trying to find Billy.

It's just for the intro. I wanted to let the player know which stats did what exactly. Like, if she's smart, she can hack into a secure computer system. If she's strong, she can fight back. Juno, statwise, has all she needs in the very beginning, but she'll need to raise her stats as soon as the intro ends to keep up with the requirements.
That's awesome; I could see a sort of Fallout style of gameplay, where different stats can influence both combat as well as in-game options. Might be a bit complex to implement (or not), but if it's not too ambitious, I think it could be a cool way to change the basic "strength/attack = damage" paradigm we've got in most H-games.

I'm rooting for ya, and will love to see any future updates! Hopefully we can get more viewers to bump this on the FP, as I think this has got great potential and I'd hate to see you get discouraged and give up if nobody's supporting you.
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Mystic Girl
Oct 28, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Sex Zombie

That's awesome; I could see a sort of Fallout style of gameplay, where different stats can influence both combat as well as in-game options.
For this game I've basically gone on a traditional roleplaying route where combat is reliant purely on items for the most part while stats play their role in situational interaction, a la Fallout style.

I'm rooting for ya, and will love to see any future updates! Hopefully we can get more viewers to bump this on the FP, as I think this has got great potential and I'd hate to see you get discouraged and give up if nobody's supporting you.
Thanks! I'm sure word will spread and the popularity will increase gradually. I've posted a few games on ULMF before and the community has never disappointed.


Jungle Girl
Jul 16, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Sex Zombie

Hi, the game is good but could we have something like a quest object, reminding us what we gotta do ?


Mystic Girl
Oct 28, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Sex Zombie

Hi, the game is good but could we have something like a quest object, reminding us what we gotta do ?
Damn, that took up a whole lot more time than I anticipated, but yep, that's done. I've added a "quest" system so it's easier to keep track of your objectives. You can check quests from version 0.2 onwards by using an item called "Juno's Journal" which you will start the game with.


Demon Girl Pro
Mar 28, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Sex Zombie

Hey i found a gamestopping bug, as i now wont be able to continue any further.

I was following the quest, but i was going for Billy in Stanton first and not the suits. So i got told to bugger off, however i did get the item from Billy the Forged Document, so i went back to the police station and got the work. I tried to go upstairs but Juno keeps me from going up there as "I've got no business up there".

That's all i found so far.


Mystic Girl
Oct 28, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Sex Zombie

Hey i found a gamestopping bug, as i now wont be able to continue any further.

I was following the quest, but i was going for Billy in Stanton first and not the suits. So i got told to bugger off, however i did get the item from Billy the Forged Document, so i went back to the police station and got the work. I tried to go upstairs but Juno keeps me from going up there as "I've got no business up there".

That's all i found so far.
How did you get the item? If you clicked on the random sprite in the middle of the government building you'll get a forged document but it's useless to you. As long as you did one of Billy's two offered tasks you'll be able to go upstairs.


Jungle Girl
Jul 16, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Sex Zombie

Damn, that took up a whole lot more time than I anticipated, but yep, that's done. I've added a "quest" system so it's easier to keep track of your objectives. You can check quests from version 0.2 onwards by using an item called "Juno's Journal" which you will start the game with.
Okay good because sometimes I just passed quickly the text and then I was, "fuck, I don't know what to do" xD

Also, is it possible to change the button to speed up the text because it's the same button than "exit" (x) and so when we suddenly have a choice it uses the last choice.

Sorry I hope you understand what I mean, I'm french and since it's very specific terms it's not easy ^^'


Demon Girl Pro
Mar 28, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Sex Zombie

How did you get the item? If you clicked on the random sprite in the middle of the government building you'll get a forged document but it's useless to you. As long as you did one of Billy's two offered tasks you'll be able to go upstairs.
I read the rest of the thread and found out that, and that's what i did. So sorry for blowing up smoke!


Demon Girl Pro
Dec 9, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Sex Zombie

Criticism. After looking up a treading topic on the computer, move back to the state after "do you want to turn on the computer."

Also it seems billy's package doesn't get removed from the inventory after giving it to him.
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