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ADV [暗黒郷物語 / Dystopia Story]トビ姫 -Inter Breed- / Flying Princess -Inter Breed - (RJ154397)

Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

Yeah, the hybrids' armors are all from hard mode rewards. I don't think they can drop from any of the mobs. Which means you can only have one, say, Beelzebub, clothed at any given time.
Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-


dlsite says bug fixes, but am unsure which ones - blog usually lags behind a bit

Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

Looks like the folks over at exhentai have managed to upload some of the H animations, oddly enough there's also a cumshot scene with the slime.
Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

Looks like the folks over at exhentai have managed to upload some of the H animations, oddly enough there's also a cumshot scene with the slime.

Yeah, it's the one from the intro sequence.
Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

Where can I find the boost cards (gold, XP, etc)? And do they boost for everyone, or only who they're equipped on?

Looks like the folks over at exhentai have managed to upload some of the H animations, oddly enough there's also a cumshot scene with the slime.

That's from the intro.
Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

Where can I find the boost cards (gold, XP, etc)? And do they boost for everyone, or only who they're equipped on?

Most of the Boost cards are from the EX stages, but the best is in the main stages. EX 2 should have most of them (Tier 1 to Tier 2 cards, spread across the difficulties), the Tier 3 boost cards should be from stage 6's hard mode, and the best boost cards (Tier 4) is in stage 4 maniac mode.

The boost cards increase the gems(xp), coins(gold), and treasure chests(drops) drops from the enemies, so the effect is shared across the party. I think the effect is cumulative too, so you might have better drops if you equip every boost card available. Though I suggest not using the gold boost, since there's not much use for gold after you get the best drops from the mobs/ 3 star rewards.
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Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

Could you guys give me tips on what team would be best to beat stage 5-5? I'm stuck in there, freaking lochness deal tons of damage, plus are kinda hard to reach if the girls fall on some hole. I'm playing with all the 5 girls plus a random monster that I'm trying into the combo. Thanks from now.
Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

Could you guys give me tips on what team would be best to beat stage 5-5? I'm stuck in there, freaking lochness deal tons of damage, plus are kinda hard to reach if the girls fall on some hole. I'm playing with all the 5 girls plus a random monster that I'm trying into the combo. Thanks from now.

Some of the human girls aren't all that strong because they lack good auto attacks after their initial launch, as you seem to have noticed. Purple girl only has horizontal movement and red haired girl has short ranged movement. Hybrid monsters are generally your best options, they all have better attack range and/or movement than any other girls (Cept Snake Girl).

Spider + Bee, Wolf + Squid, Bird + Mermaid, Bat + Snake and Snake Girl are among the strongest girls in my opinion. Green human girl and the Tentacle + Slime girl are close runners up though. The yellow haired girl isn't terrible either but I think the Bird + Mermaid girl is an upgraded version of her, so unless you want two similar units, she's kinda pointless.
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Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

Could you guys give me tips on what team would be best to beat stage 5-5? I'm stuck in there, freaking lochness deal tons of damage, plus are kinda hard to reach if the girls fall on some hole. I'm playing with all the 5 girls plus a random monster that I'm trying into the combo. Thanks from now.

if you stuck stage 5-5. i think you don't have some monster girl like snake/lilith(bat+snake)/bat girl.
So i think choice for you is bee+spider girl. Becouse it can auto attack and hit for sure.

I beat is game in first round by Harpy and main heroine.
but in second round i use only monster girl.
this 4 monster girl is alway in my team.
and bat/Wolf + Squid/Dyrn(loli tree+slime) girl for use in differrent silution.

sorry for bad Eng.
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Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

If we're talking about damage potential, nothing comes close to the green archer girl. Once she gets her 4-star bunny girl costume, she will murder anyone with crit bombs. Anyone. Even the final boss can get OHKO'd.

Anyway, if you're talking about the trio of plesioths on 5-5's second part, just launch water queen first, then probably red spear. If done right, you can probably kill off two plesioths before getting hit, or not get hit if your girls are nowhere near their attack radius. If you're still having problems, grind a bit.

If you're still having problems, try the hybrid Beelzebub. It should be available for breeding now, if you're in World 5. That's Spider + Bee. She'll be a constant, if a bit weak, source of damage for you, and it'll help finishing off weakened monsters. The Honey Bee should also be quite helpful, hits multiple times and might be a viable anti-air since she rises up a little before attacking on her auto-attack.
Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

Finally beat it, thanks for the bird + siren and beelzebub tip guys.
Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

so for 1.04 stuff changed/fixed are (the critical ones, from my view points)
  • stage EX 5 maniac reward are fixed, they won't be a longsword galore anymore
  • fixed centaur only go to the right
  • buffed centaur attack( i guess)
  • game didn't auto save fixed (never experienced this though)
  • error dialog when using full version savedata on trial version game
the rest are only visual change i guess
Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

If you already downloaded the 1.04 version, press and hold shift+D for a surprise.

And no, it won't delete your save. Should save you a couple of minutes of going on exhentai though.
Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

Well, that was "quick".
The only thing that is missing now is a way to change to the alternate costumes in the gallery, but I can imagine that would've take some additional programming-effort so it will likely be added in another patch.
Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

Well, that was "quick".
The only thing that is missing now is a way to change to the alternate costumes in the gallery, but I can imagine that would've take some additional programming-effort so it will likely be added in another patch.

Its not really the "official" gallery yet, I think. From what I can understand, I think he just cobbled this together to help him test and debug stuff, and since he won't be able to make any more versions for at least a week because of his wisdom tooth operation, he decided to let us see it anyway. A consolation, of sorts.
Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

If you already downloaded the 1.04 version, press and hold shift+D for a surprise.

And no, it won't delete your save. Should save you a couple of minutes of going on exhentai though.

I've tried holding Shift+D at a bunch of different menus and during gameplay to no effect. I have the 1.04 version with every level beat on every difficulty, so what am I missing?

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Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

Ah crap, means i cant get the proper reward now that i earned them level 1 swords as the reward for the stage 5s? darn!
Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

Ah crap, means i cant get the proper reward now that i earned them level 1 swords as the reward for the stage 5s? darn!
When I updated to 1.03, stage 5 maniac was reset. Even if that isn't the case, I think the blog stated that those who have completed beforehand would get the item rewards in their inventory iirc.

Also does anyone know the colour for the honey bee's t3 [blue background] armour? I've been doing 2-3 EX maniac until my monster girls got forty levels but still haven't dropped them yet.
Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

If we're talking about damage potential, nothing comes close to the green archer girl. Once she gets her 4-star bunny girl costume, she will murder anyone with crit bombs. Anyone. Even the final boss can get OHKO'd.

Actually, I don't think crits work at the moment. Shows a crit but does not deal more damage. Already messaged the dev about it (along with a big thank you heh)

When crits do work, that archer girl's going to be INSANE.

Edit: Seems to work in v1.04 I think, but crits do only like 20% more damage or so than normal. Inclined to say it isn't completely fixed yet.
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Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

Actually, I don't think crits work at the moment. Shows a crit but does not deal more damage. Already messaged the dev about it (along with a big thank you heh)
Did you message before or after 1.04, because according to the blog there is a tweak in the crit on 1.04