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Dungeon Crawl

Re: Dungeon Crawl


We all know what those elvish beastmasters do with their pets. XD
Re: Dungeon Crawl

C1 - changing from C2 due to Max, hopefully the pet is a bear or something huge... or maybe a land squid
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Re: Dungeon Crawl

B6 I've wanted to have a druid or beastmaster in one of these for a while.
C1Hopeing that her pet can brute force the door.
Re: Dungeon Crawl


I don't really have an opinion on the other two; the choices that are winning are okay by me.
Re: Dungeon Crawl

B6- I also like the beast master/ druid idea
Re: Dungeon Crawl

Back from a break. Here's the next entry to ring in the new year. Did a bit of an edit to this post before finalizing it, trying to give readers more of an input into how the scene will go.

"Oh, you don't need to tell anyone about me being here," you say to the jailer, standing as tall and confident as you can in the face of the brutish man who has approached so close to you that you can smell his unclean, sweaty body.

"Oh?" he puts his big hands on his hips, looking down at you.

"Since my knights seem to be taking their time, I'm suddenly feeling like maybe you and I could try and go some place quiet and..."


"Well... try to be a little more friendly with one another perhaps? Certainly this place is disturbing to say the least."

You gesture lightly to the knocked out magus and the wild-eyed wretch upon the makeshift altar at the far end of the chamber.

"You wanna be friendly with me eh?" That draws a deep rumble of dark mirth from the hulking man. "Sure, pretty girlie. I know a place where we can get very friendly. But you turn around first n' put your hands on that wall."

Seeing no option other than to delay at this point, you put on a brave smile and swish around to face the stone wall behind you. Abruptly you feel the man's hands on your hips, digging into your flesh just enough to hint at a vise-like grip, should he choose to employ it. His thick hands fumble with your thin, leather belt buckle and remove it along with your sword and flute.

"Leave me my instrument and I can play us a nice song, to while away the time," you say, knowing it's a long shot.

"I may not be all book smart, miss, but I knows what 'bards' are. Don't worry. You be a good girl, and I'll give you your flute back. May as be I'll find an interesting place to put it."

You're not sure how sinister to take that last comment, but decide to not press his imagination by asking about it. He nudges you towards the far door, and you open it to reveal a stairwell leading upward. You scale the steep stonework to the floor above, whereupon you reach the landing and take in a new chamber, three times the size of the previous room. It is decorated with an array of chains which glitter in the fire light from lit sconces. Manacles are attached to the walls and even intervals with iron spikes, and some also hang from the complex chain system on the ceiling, all of which seem to be connected to a lever and pulley device near the center of the room, just next to a large circular grate covering a dark pit. The grate seems to be opened and closed via the same lever system, as is a heavy, spiked portcullis at the opposite end of the room on the right hand side, which bars the way to a darkened corridor.

Besides that passageway and the pit, the only other exit from this new room is another upward stairwell set into the stonework at the far corner of the room.

The man nudges you forward to a space near the wall manacles, near which an oddly shaped, raised bench lies, its top covered by a thick cloth.

"Well... this place is only slightly less disturbing. I don't suppose there's a comfy couch somewhere on the next floor?"

"I'll find you somewhere good to sit right here, girlie," the man says, pushing you forward against the bench. "Now raise yer arms."

You are unarmed and can't see an immediate way out of this predicament. You suppose that the man means to tie you to a pair of manacles just above you and attempt to think quickly of something to say that could prevent him from taking this action, but your vaunted vocabulary and wellspring of cunning charismatic ploys seems to dry up in the moment.

You raise your arms, and *shwuft!* with one quick upward motion, your dress is hurriedly swept up over you head, leaving you only in your shift, cloth underpants and boots. It occurs to you that this could possibly be an opportunity to do something daring, however, you realize that you'll only get one misstep in dealing with this man. If you resist and fail, you strongly doubt that he'll give you a second chance, and you won't be having a hope of him letting you off easy. On the other hand, there's no way to tell if this man truly intends to let you go when any of this is done. You also recall that Hadrian is nearby, and not a man who would give up on you, come hell or high water. He'll be here soon. But will it be in time? (A)

Is this the opportunity you're looking for? Or do you wait for something better?

1. Take this chance. While he's hefting your dress up over you, duck down and spin about. If you can get to your rapier, draw it out and skewer him, or if you can't, try hitting him really hard where the sun don't shine.

2. Take this chance, but use it to run away. Dash back down the stairs and try to unbar the door before this guy catches you.

3. Take this chance, and try to see if you can play around with the levers.

4. He's probably expecting you to bolt. There's too much of a likelihood that he's ready for you. Play along for now and trust in Hadrian to get to you. If you continue to flirt or go along with whatever this guy has planned, it will go better than if you resist, fail, and then make him mad.

5. Suggest another option.


(You are now Hadrian)

"I would need my pet, Zan." Reina states, to your bewilderment.

"Your pet?"

"Yah. Though don't tell him that. He'd hate to think I owned him. Just like any man.~" The blonde elf passes you by, her lithe and unmarred form gracefully striding along the dark floor, with the shadows oddly lapping at her feet. Curiously, you note that woven in her hair are silky, platinum threads that remind you of spider webbing. It was a detail that was easy to miss until her long hair brushed you across the face.

"Some sort of animal? I saw none coming through."

She opens the door to the cells and steps through. You follow quickly and see her sniff the air for a moment, then make a chirping, chittering sound that is immediately answered with a low growl from behind a pile of filthy rags.

"Not a dog, Hadrian. Ist. Much more than that. And in this darkness, you would not see him unless he wanted you to."

Reina knocks aside the rags to reveal a large cage with a dark pile within it that takes up nearly the entirety of the barred area. At first, the shape seems formless and inanimate, but as Reina draws near to the lock, two large glowing eyes, the same hue as her own look back at her and then at you.

The creature begins to growl menacingly, but Reina speaks in her harsh elven tongue, calming it, temporarily. She examines the simple padlock and tugs at it, fruitlessly.

"Stand back, Lady Von Golza," you say, stepping close and setting your sword against it.

The elf nods and backs away, allowing you to raise your sword high and gather your strength before swiping down with well-practiced accuracy.

You smite the padlock deftly and it falls away, freeing the animal. The barred door swings open as the beast squeezes itself out of its prison, and you hold your breath in alarm and amazement at the creature, for when it stands at full height and steps from the shadows, it is clear that the cage belied the true size of the beast.

It had the shape of a huge dog or wolf, perhaps one of the wild dire breeds that is born of eldritch magic and monstrous lineage. Its fur black as pitch, its eyes an eerie pair of witch lights, and its mouth filled with rows of jagged daggers, it was like something out of a nightmare. Savage and frightening, huge and muscled, it looked like an apex predator of the darkest woods.

"He is an Ash Hound. Native to the plains of Moragith that range far to the west, beyond the Great Woods, where once dwelt the mighty realm of the elves. During the Shattering that sundered our great race, the Ash Hounds were almost wholly conscripted into the service of the demonic horde and imbued with the dark gift of balefire. You know, perhaps, of what they became?"

"Hell hounds." You say with cold certainty. The Order of Jorn is familiar with the servants of the Adversaries from the Pits. The idea of this Ash Hound running with flames licking at its feet and slavering mouth would be an exact replica of the horrific descriptions contained within the Liber Daemonic.

"Precisely," she smiles. "But, like the elves, the Ash Hounds are not completely extinct. A monster still, and never tamed, but Zan is mine and I his. He will help us. You have no objection, yah?"

You shrug. "Just make certain it does not seek to harm the innocent."

Reina snorts. "Innocence? What exactly is that?"

You shake your head and then motion back to the way you came. "Come on, Ariel may be running out of time."

You hurry back to the other room and find that Reina and her hound are behind you. You nod to her and raise your sword. She is unarmed, but her pet is something as deadly as any wielded weapon.

You open the door and move into the next room. Instantly you are hit by the waft of a horrid stench, like that of rotting gangrene in a hospitalier's tent after a battle. The chamber before you is a wide corridor with bodies haphazardly thrown to the side. You are certain that the majority of them must be corpses, but crouched among them are wretches that even in the low light you can tell are gnawing at the dead flesh - an aspect of the ghouls that you fought with in the temple. The nearest two look up at you as you enter the door and appear to grow excited. Perhaps the thrill of fresher meat appeals to them.

The first one scrambles toward you, but is quickly overwhelmed by a dark shape rushing past you. Zan tackles him and rips deeply into the necrotic flesh. You rush to intercept the second ghoul before it can bite the ash hound. The darkness makes it difficult for you to land a precise blow and the melee between you and ghoul goes back and forth awkwardly. You wish that you had your armor and shield with you, because the ghoul manages to scratch you deeply before you are able to dispatch it. The wound has raked your back, and you feel nauseous.

Hadrian suffers 1 damage and is diseased with ghoul's rot! 22/23 HP

Looking down the corridor, you think that it bends in the darkness, but you cannot discern its course further than that without a light source.

"I must go back for a torch," you say.

"No need. Take my hand, knecht. Zan and I can see in the dark. I will guide you through the danger."

"If we are surrounded in the dark, I will not be as good in a fight," you tell her.

"You said we must hurry, yah? Trust me. We will go fast."

You wonder about how much time Ariel has, but you also consider this strange elf with her war beast companion. You can't claim to be an expert on elves, but Reina strikes you as something strange and dark. (B)

What does Hadrian do?

1. Go back to the last room and get a source of light from the wall, taking a little time to do so and temporarily separating himself from Reina and Zan.

2. Let him Trust Reina to lead him through the darkness, knowing that Hadrian is not skilled at blind fighting.

3. Choose to press on into the darkness, not willing to waste a second in finding Ariel, but also not necessarily ready to trust Reina with your life.

4. Spend some time to pray to Jorn to provide you with guidance about Reina. If evil taints her soul, Jorn will reveal it.
Re: Dungeon Crawl

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Re: Dungeon Crawl


A question: What were the other options Reina could ask for? I'm particularly curious about the brooch. I can guess about the bow, sword, hammer and staff, but what was the brooch about?
Re: Dungeon Crawl

A4 and B2. Anything else sounds like it's likely to get them killed.
Re: Dungeon Crawl

A question: What were the other options Reina could ask for? I'm particularly curious about the brooch. I can guess about the bow, sword, hammer and staff, but what was the brooch about?

The way that I do this is that I try not to think too in depth about what every answer means until it's actually a contender or the clear winner. So I can only give you the vague instinctual concept that I had when I listed it as a choice.

The brooch was going to be an alternative spell caster focus, probably an enchanted heirloom, complete with a cloak (since brooches usually accompany such a garment) that would have suggested for a different type of specialty than the staff would have meant.
Re: Dungeon Crawl

You bite your lip and force yourself to remain still. Your instinct is that this is not a fight you can win right now. The jailer may not be educated, but you credit him with a low cunning that would not be tripped up by an early attempt at escape. Your hands remain raised, and you see your dress discarded next to your feet.

"Aren't you afraid of what the Count may think when he finds out how you're treating me? Being so forward?"

The jailer remains silent, but his hand grips the side of your shift and lifts it upward, leaving you topless and exposed. You can't say that you weren't expecting this sort of behavior from him, but now that you're practically nude, save for your underwear and boots, with a lecherous goon standing behind you, your nerves are starting to frazzle. The urge to run is strong.

Perhaps he senses this as well, for in the next moment your wrist is manacled above you, followed by its twin right afterward. Your left shoulder still stings a little from the wound this man gave you in the room below. Having your arm above you like this while bruised is already uncomfortable.

"Or what the knights will do to you once they arrive?" You ask, trying to make him think twice about getting overly creative with you.

"You mean knight, right? One man. And a priestess too. That's the guests I've heard about."

The jailer's voice comes from the middle of the room and you turn your head now to see him pull one of the many levers back with a loud *chi-chink*. Then he moves to a crank and begins to wind it, his large muscles flexing as he does so. The chain moves on its pulley system and suddenly you feel yourself hoisted upward until your feet are just free of the ground.

"Owww!" You say as the pressure of the suspension sets your injured shoulder joint aflame. "My shoulder, it hurts!"

Ariel fails a Constitution check and loses 1 HP (10/18).

Your legs kick to try to find purchase and you find that if you extend your toes completely, you can put a little bit of weight on them where they just barely touch the floor. The man pushes the lever back into its starting position and you realize that this position of extremity is just what your captor wanted. You glance up at him and see him smiling as he watches you struggle to choose either to put strain on your toes or shoulder, often having to switch back and forth as one becomes too much.

"Comfy?" he asks rhetorically.

"Damn it!" you mutter, try to find some medium of pain and tension that you can maintain.

"Guess not, huh? Let me see if I can find you something to ease the pressure."

The man goes to find a stool, and brings it casually across the room, scraping its feet on the stone floor, in no hurry to rush to your aid. You realize that your original intention of flirting with this man is unlikely to go as planned, as his idea of fun is clearly a perverse thing - though likely the reason why he sought work in his current profession.

"Here ya go. Put your knee up on this." He offers you the stool in a position that allows you to do so and so you do it, heaving a sigh as your raised knee does in fact come as a relief.

"There you are." He puts a meaty hand on your raised thigh and rubs his calloused hands over your smooth skin, his fingers getting dangerously high up on your inner leg. You resist flinching back, knowing that he's got the ability to take away the stool and put you right back in that position of discomfort.

"Why are you doing this? If you know who we are, then you know that we've just helped the Count!"

"You're adventurers. Everyone knows what you are. And adventurers are nosy. The castle arcanist, D'Graz... he said the knight and his wenches might try to interfere. And if you did, then we could do whatever it took to stop you."

"Stop us from interfering with what? Necromancy!?"

The jailer just smiles and shrugs. "Don't rightly know miss. Don't really care. Not my business to concern myself with his grace's plans. And it's not yours either. So now we'll just have ourselves a nice time here."

He moves away for a moment and over to a chest near the bench, whistling softly to himself as he opens it. He takes something into his hands and comes back with it. When he's close enough, you see that he has several leather straps with buckles fastened to them. He proceeds to wrap them around your raised thigh and lower leg, then buckles them in place so that you can feel the back of your bootheel rubbing against the roundness of your butt cheek.

"And now the other one," he says, lifting your other leg up so as to bind it in a similar manner.

"What are you going to do to me?" You ask, your voice starting to shake.

"Well, that sort of depends. You see, I was given some orders of what to do with you when and if we found you snooping around. One of them was to NOT rape you."

You flinch at that, for the man leers at you as he says it.

"And that's a shame, because you're quite a feast for the eyes, and you feel so nice. But an order's an order. Another one was that I wasn't to kill you if possible. And I think that's fair enough. Fortunately for me, I was ordered to detain you, and that's something I'm good at."

He finishes binding your second leg, so you are now in a forced kneeling position, though you're still suspended from the ceiling with one knee resting on a stool.

"And even though we were told not to rape you, I don't think it's rape if you want me to fuck you, right?" He asks as he moves over to the covered bench and sweeps away the cloth covering to reveal a triangular wooden beam, whose edge points upward and is covered by a strip of metal that is ridged and knobbed in some places.

You haven't ever seen one of these devices before, but you're pretty certain that if he intends to seat you on it, it would be quite an uncomfortable and embarrassing experience.

"So I'm guessing that all I need to do, if I was to want to enjoy fucking your pretty little brains out, is to get you to ask me to do it. Right?" He chuckles darkly.

You grit your teeth, thinking of what you can do now. That triangle looks damned uncomfortable and you're certain he knows how to use it. In fact, he's probably looking forward to using it on you. But the thought of this sweaty thug having his way with you repulses you to the core.

You've only ever had one lover before, the one who gave you your flute, and even then it was only for one dream-like night. You talk a big game in the taverns, and you and Elise have your fun, especially with Hadrian. But when it comes down to it, you're actually quite inexperienced, and you're fighting back a delirious fear of having this creep touch you further.

"Why did they say you couldn't rape me?" you blurt out, trying to gain some understanding in the midst of your fear.

"Didn't say why. But I follow my orders... so. Before we begin, is there anything you want to ask me, girlie?" (A)

1. Get angry and tell him to go fuck himself. Then brace yourself against whatever he's going to do to you. If he can't get to you without your saying so, then resolve to never give him the satisfaction. Hadrian will be here soon.

2. Try to tease him, knowing you're going to get put on the triangle, but not playing the part of swearing recalcitrant. Maybe if you can continue talking to him and act like you're not really freaked out by this, then you'll delay him. Hadrian will be here soon.

3. You're afraid of him, but you're more afraid of being tortured. He'll probably hurt you until you agree to let him have you anyway, so just skip all this and let him have you. Maybe the quicker this is over, the quicker he'll untie you.

4. (Suggest some other course of action or attitude.)

Suggestions for things you'd like her to say or ask of the jailer are welcome as well.


(You are now Hadrian)

You figure that you have no time to waste and make a choice to trust yourself in the dark with the she elf. You take her extended hand and note the knowing smile that spreads on her face before she turns away and pulls you into the dark.

The smell of death surrounds you, permeating the air as you walk blindly forward around the bend. The distant growls and gnawing in the dark are all that accompanies the sound of your own footfall as you are led through the inky pitch. Neither Reina nor Zan make a sound, as stealthy as shadows it would seem in their native element.

Off to your right you hear a gibbering grunt and an oncoming skittering of clawed feet rushing your way, but there swiftly comes a muffled impact, and an abruptly silenced screech, followed only by an unsettling gurgle. It must be Zan at work, you figure.

You reach a place where Reina comes to a stop. The air is especially heavy and repugnant here, and there is suddenly the sound of multiple gibbering and slavering mouths in the darkness. Reina softly curses under her breath in her elvish language.

"What is it?" you whisper to her.

"The only way forward is through many of these eaters of the dead, and they sense us."

"How many?" You ask.

"A dozen," she says.

Your heart sinks a little. These ghouls are deadly things. You fought only half that in the temple, and they nearly overwhelmed your group. And that was when you had your armor and shield and had light to fight by.

"What are our options?" You ask.

"Running would be the smart choice. Leave this dungeon by the way we came and find some other way through the castle to reach your friend, if she even still lives."

"Other options," you press her.

"You give me your sword and I and Zan try to carve a path through them."

"Maybe we can split up and make them chase some of us?" You think aloud.

"Whatever it is we intend to do, we should do it now. They are moving towards us,' she hisses. (B)

1. There are way too many of these things and you're outnumbered and out armed. Retreat and try to find another way into this dungeon from another place.

2. Let Reina and Zan fight through them as best they can.

3. Lead them on a chase.
Re: Dungeon Crawl

A2. You need to stall him, and keep him talking. He doesn't seem nearly as dumb as he looks either.

B1. Sorry, but it'll take a bit longer. Trying to carve through that many ghouls is suicide, and one of you is already injured.
Re: Dungeon Crawl

A2. You need to stall him, and keep him talking. He doesn't seem nearly as dumb as he looks either.

B1. Sorry, but it'll take a bit longer. Trying to carve through that many ghouls is suicide, and one of you is already injured.

+1 here
Re: Dungeon Crawl

A2. You need to stall him, and keep him talking. He doesn't seem nearly as dumb as he looks either.

B1. Sorry, but it'll take a bit longer. Trying to carve through that many ghouls is suicide, and one of you is already injured.