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Dreams of War (SilentSilth and Tsuki)


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Kiera: HP = 91, PP = 49, EP = 54, Status = Fine

The orcs were coming. Dozens, hundreds, they knew not how many in total... But they were coming to the village of Embershard in force, with intents to take it. Her extensive travels had offered her a bit of insight into orc culture, enough for her to know from the description offered by the woodsman standing before her that the opening rush would come from a group of Clanless, chaotic and simple warriors that were nonetheless incredibly dangerous in combat. Were it merely a group of them on the way, Kiera might not have had much to worry about as she mustered the defense, a task that had fallen to her after the commander of the village's militia had been called with most of their men to the Academy, where a mage that allegedly resembled the alien invaders was apparently planning some sort of daring counterattack against the orcs. That offered them little help now, however, as Kiera heard the description of the group forming the center of the orc army that approached them, holding the Clanless warbands together like a beastmaster controlling a pack of mongrels by the chains attached to their collars, was a group of Honored, the orc's greatest warriors, led by a knight.

Embershard was a small village, only holding perhaps three hundred souls when the majority of the men weren't away at war. Now they were down to two hundred and thirty, more than three quarters of the village's fighting force that included most of their best. They had a palisade surrounding the village, dotted here and there with guard towers, but only 20 men and women fit and trained to bare arms were left within her walls. Though she was an outsider, she was also the most experienced by far, and the largely-human dominated settlement had little trouble in putting aside her unusual appearance if it meant that they wouldn't be under the rule of the orcs come the morrow.

They had perhaps twelve hours before the attack force would arrive, and few resources with which to fight them. The village had an iron mine, so weapons were common enough, and an old man named Tennevin who had been trained at the Academy as a firemage to help with blasting the mine would be just as helpful in blasting the orcs, something that his apprentice, a young elven girl that he'd adopted named Alhora, seemed eager to join in on as well. The acting commander of the militia was a human named Anders, a fairly bright man for a farmer but lacking in any real combat experience beyond the occasional tavern brawl. Rounding out the war council she'd had arranged for her was Grawn, another human who lived as a hunter a few miles outside of town. A scarred veteran with graying hair, he had become a ranger after serving as a scout for one of the cities that had been taken by the orcs, Presin, and had brought three other men of similar skillsets with him to aid in their defense.

Altogether, Kiera had herself, the village's militia of about twenty inexperienced men, four experienced scouts, and two mages; one aging but long practiced and one untested but eager, to work with. Embershard was bordered on three sides by a pine forest, the landscape dotted here and there with farms that now stood largely abandoned, the villagers having moved their herds to the community pens and huddled together in the comparative safety of the palisade-guarded village. A river ran along the Eastern edge of the village, turning South only a few hundred yards after passing by the outskirts of the small mountain town but wide and swift all the way across. That was the direction from which the orc army, a hundred and fifty strong, was coming to lay siege to the small community... And if they succeeded in their conquest, it was likely that all of the families within would be slaughtered or enslaved.
Re: An End to Darkness (SilentSilth)

Kiera cursed her her luck - no, not her luck, but her lost hope of finding someone to travel with. Well, someone pretty at least, like that Alhora girl. If she hadn't decided to try and get to know the Elf (which meant quietly staying back and trying to blend in with the predominantely human village), she wouldn't be in this hopeless situation. Her combat exeperience was debateable, as she was on her way to join a mercenary outfit in God's Reach to increase her skills - and make some money at the same time. She wasn't the best strategist in the world, and had little experience with commanding her a single tail, let alone trying to command a rabble of villagers into defeating an Orc Siege.

The idea of evacuating the village was only pondered on by Kiera, dismissed almost as quickly as she had brought it up. Playing with the handle of her katana, she looked about the Katana, and the assembled forces, slipping the blade out of her sheath an inch or so before slipping it back down. Her eyes drift over the crowd, pausing on Alhora, taking her in; and after a few awkward moments, the Kitsune realizes she's staring, shifting from side to side, before looking to Militia Commander, Anders.

"This is everyone that can fight?" She asks meekly, "...There's literally no one else that can aim a bow? Or heft a sword?" For a town with an iron mine, she had hoped there were several men skilled with a pickaxe. Those dwarves seemed to know what they were doing with them, at least.
Re: An End to Darkness (SilentSilth)

Kiera: HP = 91, PP = 49, EP = 54, Status = Fine

Standing across from her in the small meeting room in the milita barracks, Anders frowned and replied; "This is all we've got in terms of trained warriors. There are more people fit to fight, but they've got no training... We'll probably scrounge up another hundred bodies, but they'd be miners and farmers with no experience holding a weapon. The orcs would slaughter them in a straight fight." Grawn nodded his approval, but Tennevin frowned and said; "More men to hold the line won't hurt us any though, and they're all likely dead or worse if they don't fight." Grawn frowned, "That... Ain't entirely true. If there's an Honored leadin 'em, the orcs won't harm those that don't fight too badly. They'd still basically be slaves, but... Well, they'd be alive." The mage and the militia commander scowled darkly at him, and the ranger shrugged defensively and said; "What? I'm only pointing it out!"
Re: An End to Darkness (SilentSilth)

Kiera ponders the words of her council, rubbing her maw in thought. As Grawn spoke up, her ears flattened, looking to him with a frown.

"I don't want a straight fight. I'm not trained to stand toe-to-toe with... anything; I strike from where I'm least expected, and I make that strike count. That's why I want archers," She explains, "...Because when they cross the river, I want them to be so weakened, or their ranks to be so thinned, we may not have to worry about a 'straight fight'.

"You say there was a Honored leading them?" She asks, looking to Grawn. While the Woodsman had described their leader to her, she didn't quite believe it; but having it confirmed by the ranger, Kiera made up her mind. She wanders over to wall with various banners hanging, grabbing the white Parlay flag. as she started towards the exit, speaking to Anders first: "Find those who are willing to fight, and can pull back a drawstring on a bow. The others I want with at least weapons, in case we happen to fall."

She stops, turning to look at the council, "...And while we may only have a few hours, I want to try and get them proper training. Do you think you rangers are up for it?" No matter their answer, she still left the militia barracks, heading towards the river, near where the orc menace gathered. Taking a deep breath, the Kitsune holds up the white flag, starting towards them...

(Action: Parlay, mother fucker.)
Re: An End to Darkness (SilentSilth)

Kiera: HP = 91, PP = 49, EP = 54, Status = Fine

"We ain't got time to train 'em to use a bow properly," Anders stated with a frown, "We might have a few recreational hunters left, but we don't have that many archers, or the time to make any crossbows." Grawn added; "We can try an' teach whoever's willing, but I'm not making any promises with a couple hours to work with." They all watched her take up the flag of parley with a frown, but with few other options the group dispersed, going their separate ways to do what they could to prepare Embershard for the oncoming assault.

Hours later, the orc banners were seen over the horizon, a full six warbands including the leading group in the back. Anders and Grawn, who then stood with her on the wall, counted out just about a hundred and sixty orcs each, a number that Kiera could confirm if they wished. When the kitsune stepped out with the flag of truce in her hands, the orc warbands shuffled for a few moments before an orc knight fully clad in gleaming steel came forth from their ranks astride a horse. He bore a similar flag, and started towards her at a slow rate, one that would allow her to meet him halfway between their two groups with ease if she so wished.
Re: An End to Darkness (SilentSilth)

The walk towards the orc army was the longest Kiera had ever taken. Her knees shook with each step, the soft, damp soil filling in the gaps between her toes. She had never been more aware in her life, her ears sticking up at satellites and flicking towards any noise. She hadn't even been this nervous during the alien invasion, when the whole world seemed to be falling apart.

Her heart skips a beat as the masses begin to shuffle, worry starting to cloud her thoughts. What if they were forming an assault party just for her? She wouldn't be able to fight them alone; but if she ran back to the camp, she might make it in time before the orcs could get to her. Gnawing on her bottom lip, the kitsune pauses, slowly pushing her foot backwards... That is, until the Orc Honored leaves the crowd, flying the parlay flag. Taking a deep breath, she continues forward, keeping her eyes on the gleaming armor, even when he rode up to. Kiera takes a moment to bow her head, before touching the horse's snout, rubbing it affectionately, as she looked up at his helmet. Realizing his eyes were hidden, she tried not to seem too intimidated.

"Good Afternoon," She says, clearing her throat a little. Probably not the best way to start negotiations, but it would have to do, "Might I inquire why you've chosen this village here?"
Re: An End to Darkness (SilentSilth)

Kiera: HP = 91, PP = 49, EP = 54, Status = Fine

"Good afternoon," the orc grunted in reply, while his horse sniffed and shook its head as Kiera rubbed its snout affectionately, then pushing its head into her touch. The orc was silent for a long moment following the kitsune's question, but before responding he carefully climbed down from the back of his horse, allowing the meeting to be held under a slightly more even level. He was still a good bit taller than she was, and she noted the strength behind his arms as he reached out and grasped the reins of his horse, unnecessarily moving to keep the calm beast steady. "Because it is in our path," he stated simply, "and because it will provide a link in the line that will eventually take us to Therion." He paused again and glanced behind her, at Embershard and the people lining its walls, many of them inexperienced and poorly trained.

"This need not end in a slaughter... Your surrender will preserve both your own life, and those within the walls of this town. Those who are productive will be left to return to their lives in greater peace and security than they have ever known, and those who would stand against us would be given easy positions among our slaves. I give you my word on this." Ever word had been stated solemnly but simply, and after the orc had finished he simply paused and awaited Kiera's response to his proposal.
Re: An End to Darkness (SilentSilth)

Kiera listens to the Orc, idly rubbing the horses snout. She lets what the Honored said sink in, staying silent for a long while. Just as the Orc must have started to think she was some sort of dim-witted Kitsune, she flicked her tail, looking from the distant army to the orc, smiling gently.

"You're offer is too kind. In fact, I'm fairly happy to know that the Honored are just as stoic as the stories tell," She offers a kind smile to the Orc, "And, I'm fairly certain that you, with all your knowledge and experience, can tell that I'm probably not the best Commander, or leader, or... whatever I'd be called, to these people," Taking a breath, she looks back towards the army, "Unlike you. But, while you may have the experience I lack... I do understand I have an upper hand when it comes to this battle. You may throw Clanless at us... But they won't make it across the bridge, let alone the river," Kiera takes a moment to pause, turning to face the Honored, "And while some of your men will, they'd face our trained warriors - including me.

"It's not my wish to fight. I'm not a fan of humans, but they've entrusted their safety with me... for some reason," She wiggles her nose, looking back to the village, then to the Honored, "...So, thank you for offering the chance to give in, but the people there that trust me wouldn't forgive me for handing the town over to the Orcs - even if it meant greater safety for the inhabitants." Kiera sighs at that, rubbing the back of her neck, "...I'd rather not turn down your offer, honestly, but..." She grins, "There's this rather cute elf girl who'd be very upset with me if I did. So, I can at least make this deal with you: If we happen to meet on this field of battle, I'll turn my blade and attack with the dull side. Can you at least do the same for me?" She asks, smiling up at him, and holing out her hand.

"Oh," She quickly draws it back, looking up at him still, "..And if we do somehow happen to lose, I'd rather not be a slave to the Clanless. Think you could take me?" she offers, holding her hand back out to the Orc.
Re: An End to Darkness (SilentSilth)

Kiera: HP = 91, PP = 49, EP = 54, Status = Fine
Selena: HP = 34, PP = 48, EP = 54, Status = Fine

The orc knight remained silent and still, awaiting Kiera's reply with seemingly unshakeable patience and then listening to her response with the same. "We shall see," he stated simply, though the kitsune could detect hints of amusement in his tone. He took her hand and clasped it firmly, "You needn't worry. Killing you would be a waste, and if it is I who finds you first upon the field, I will see to it that you survive our bout. After Embershard is claimed, you will bare my child, the first of many. Perhaps, if fortune smiles upon me, I will claim your elf girl as well. Then you need not be conflicted." Releasing her grip, the orc bowed to Kiera before turning and mounting his horse once more. Giving her a final nod, he turned the beast about and headed back to his army, leaving the kitsune alone on the wooden bridge into Embershard.

Meanwhile, standing a long ways off to the North, Selena Kyle looked upon the horde of orcs about to descend upon the village of Embershard. She had a few moments at most if she wanted to prepare for the coming battle, as the figures on the bridge parted ways and returned to their respective encampments. The orcs were already moving as their leader returned to them, preparing to assail the walls as soon as the kitsune standing on the bridge returned to the village and ended the peace that their parlay had provided. She had no inkling of what the locals might have prepared, but the reports she had stated that the militia garrison had less than twenty men to its name, and the orcs could have overrun that many defenders with one to one numbers. She'd been sent to the village to help hold it, and it seemed that her timing couldn't have been better.
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Re: An End to Darkness (SilentSilth and sturm)

Surveying the field, the situation looked rather grim indeed. Unless the village had managed to acquire an army that The Academy hadn't heard about then it would likely be overrun by the Orcish warbands that were arrayed before it on the other side of the river, no matter what sort of resistance they put up. So it's a numbers thing is it? Selena thought to herself. Well then, only one thing to do about it. "Summoning technique." She placed a hand on the ground and focused her energy, rings of dark arcane writing radiated from her hands and spread out across the ground. A wraith then materialized in front of her and the circle vanished.

She gave the wraith instructions for the battle. "Hide in ambush on the edge of the treeline at the rear of the enemy formation until the drake I will summon begins its attack. Once that happens, you will join it in an attack on the enemy's rear forces. Target priority is as follows: Commanding officers, then mages, then archers, then targets of opportunity. If the rear forces are destroyed, join the main battle. A second wraith will join you, work with it and the drake to do as much damage to the Orcish forces as possible. The citizens of Embershard are not to be harmed."

Selena knew she needed to get into the walled off village in order to be close enough, and safe enough, to use her offensive magic effectively. However, she needed to deploy her summons first, and right now she was in better position to deploy the wraiths than if she would be if she was in the village. She was going to summon the wraiths first since it would likely take them longer to reach the enemy than it would the drake. She would be sure to repeat her orders to both the second wraith she would summon and the drake to ensure they would need minimal direction on the battlefield. Indeed, she doubted she would be able to communicate with the wraiths anyway as the distance would be great, though she would be able to assume direct control of the drake if need be.

Finished giving her orders to the first wraith she said, "Move out." Time to get to summoning the others.

She gave the second wraith the same orders as the first, then summoned a drake. The powerful reptile coiled on the ground, its green scales glistened and rustled as it waited for her command. She indicated the Orcish forces, saying, "Make your way through the woods towards the rear of the Orcish forces. Do not fly or emerge from hiding until the Orcs begin marching or I order you otherwise. Once you break cover, take flight and work with the two wraiths that will attack when you do to cause as much damage to the enemy's rear flank as possible." She gave the drake the same orders regarding target priority and not harming the people of Embershard. Once it set off along the ground in the same direction the wraiths had gone, she set off towards the village, activating her nature walk power and stepping into a tree and proceeding to travel rapidly through plants until she reached the village interior, though she had to put on a burst of speed to make it from the trees outside the village to one inside the walls.

Tumbling out of a tree nearest the front wall, she got her bearings and walked up to the rampart, somewhat sluggish from her partially depleted energy reserves. Facing the Orc horde down from the front, she idly whistled and quipped, "My, they really do look more intimidating from down here. Whoever that was parlaying with them must be mad, or brave beyond measure." She had been too far up the to make out the furry tail on Kiera, else she may not have said that. Indeed, she hadn't noticed the Kitsune in charge of the defenses, which was probably a good thing given her need to focus at the moment. She also managed to ignore any strange or curious looks the villagers might give this new mage, she didn't bother to explain who she was or why she was here just yet, figuring the fact that she wasn't an Orc would be enough until the battle was over.

Selena moved her energy potions from her pack into the deep pockets of her battlemage's robes. They would be far easier to reach here, and this way she could ditch her pack if need be. Her Su-Ku-Ta hand-repeater and dagger were strapped on opposite sides of her waist as well. Just in case. Almost as an afterthought she cast 3 lightning bolt traps in front of the main gate, willing them to only attack orcs, confident that they would attempt to break through there, and almost surely trip them in the process. Finally, it was time to buff herself, applying the power of the storm to boost her dodging ability. This all depleted her stamina reserves enough that she popped the top off one of her energy potions, quaffing it to restore her energy, grinning as she felt the revitalizing effects, and readying a powerful hellblast to smite the largest group of orcs who tried to cross the bridge, hoping that between the show of magical force, and her summons, she could drive the majority of the orcs into the river, where her lightning would be put to better use.

Wraith x2 (lv 5 aether summon), Drake x1 (lv 5 nature summon), Nature Walk (lv 5 nature utility) DC 40 casting checks. Lightning Bolt Trap x3(lv 2 lightning line trap) DC 10, Power of the Storm (lv 5 lightning buff) (total 46 EP spent, 50 EP gained, 55(max) EP remaining, paying 3 EP/turn for upkeep)
When battle starts: Hellblast (lv 5 lightning ball) DC 40. (8 EP+ 3 EP upkeep, 11 EP spent during 1st round of battle, 44 remaining, 4 energy potions remaining)
Base Casting favored elements (lightning, nature, aether)= 45
Wraith stats:
Summon Wraith (Summon) [This creature gets a +30 bonus to Body, Damage Reduction 3/4, and has the Stealth, Sneaky, Unarmed Fighter, and Skill with Unarmed Talents. Can phase through walls and fly its speed.]
Body: 10*5(spell level)+30=80
HP: 80
Dodge: 40+10(unarmed fighter w/no weapons)= 50
Speed: 28= 25[CAP]
Stealth: 28+8(sneaky)+5(stealthy)= 41
Grapple: 80
attack figures (unarmed): d20+80+12(skill unarmed)= d20+102
damage figures (unarmed): 2d12(summon has natural attack)+40
Drake Stats:
This summon gains the Greater Wings and Razor Fingers mutations, the Unarmed Fighter, Pain Resistant, and Resilient Talents, and the ability to use the Dragon's Breath Spirit Power. This spell costs an additional 3 EP.

Body: 50+ (4*5 Druidic Secrets)= 70
HP: 70+30(resilient)= 100
AV= 5(pain resistant)
Speed: 26=25[CAP] (greater wings fly twice speed, 50)
Dodge: 35+10(unarmed fighter)= 45
Resistance: 35
Perception: 26
Stealth: 26
Grapple: 70
Attack (unarmed): d20+70
Damage (unarmed): 1d8+2+35+10(razor fingers)= 1d8+47
Attack (Dragon's Breath): d20+70(bladesinger, Body for spirit powers) costs 3 EP
Cast in: 10 ft explosion (in sight), 100 ft line from Drake, 10 foot 90 degree cone from Drake.
Damage (Dragon's Breath): (2d6)*3 {HF}
Lightning Magics:
Stormbringer Mage feat: {El} damage spells deal +2 damage per level, if they deplete more than 1/2 of target's max HP, target gains Paralyzed status.
Lightning Bolt Trap (Line, Trap)[Up to 3 can be maintained at once. Once tripped, these traps continue to fire once every round for three rounds, targeting the nearest creature not indicated as friendly by the caster.]
Check: DC to detect is caster's resistance +10. 19+10=29 (41 if potent spells applies)
Deals damage as Lv 3 spell b/c it's a trap
Damage (bolt): 1d8+9 {El}
Hellblast (Ball) [Deals damage as a spell two levels higher.]
Attack: 5ft radius, within 50 feet d20+50(mind+magical accuracy)
Damage: (1d6+16)*7
Power of the storm (dodge): Mind/6= 6 (*5?)= +30?=56 dodge. 3 EP upkeep/turn
OOC: I thought I had an original name, then I re-watched the new Batman, turns out Selena Kyle is Catwoman...crap.
1. Does animating undead enemies count towards summon limits?
2. Can animated be directed to attack specific factions, and ignore others (attack orcs, ignore villagers)?
3. Can they be dismissed?
4. Can we get ranges as the orcs approach so I'm not casting lv. 5 line spells when closest orcs are 90 feet away? You know I'll do it otherwise lol.
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Re: An End to Darkness (SilentSilth and sturm)

Kiera's cocky smile fades as the Orc explains his plan, if she's found by the Honored on the field of battle. Her ears flicking back and forth, in an unsure way, she only nods at his reply to her somewhat-joke. Nodding a little, she forces another grin, "Uh... Thanks... for offering to take Alhora too..." The Kitsune says shakily. She pats the horse on the snout again, and nods to the orc before he turns to ride away. Still a little stunned, she spins around, heading back towards Embershard.

When she makes it back through the Palisade, Kiera sets the parlay flag down - after all, they may not be needing it after this battle. She joins the others on the rampart, gulping down her worry as she tries to look poised and... Well, Heroic.

"Are we prepared?" She asks, eyeing the safest link across the water: The wooden bridge. She judges the distance, getting prepared to lob a blast of fire if a any Orc dared cross it... She'd not only take the orcs, but the bridge with the blast.

Ready Hellfire Blast, Explosion: (1d6 + 3) * 11 on bridge, and cast if Orcs come across.
Re: An End to Darkness (SilentSilth)

Kiera: HP = 91, PP = 49, EP = 54, Status = Fine
Selena: HP = 34, PP = 48, EP = 19/54, Status = Fine

Selena's spellcasting!
Casting: All successes for the summons.
8 + 8 + 11 = 27 EP to summon two Wraiths and a Drake.

She then Nature Walks to a tree

The battle starts before she can set her traps, and they take a full minute (12 rounds) to set up. Not sure if you still want those, as the orcs will be on top of you before you can actually finish one of them.

Selena's two wraiths appeared before her in short order, shrouded figures in tattered robes that floated above the ground, their bodies ethereal and all but transparent. They received her instructions and then simply floated off, making no indication that they'd heard or understood her, leaving her to trust that the ghostly lesser daemons would follow her orders. The green-scaled lesser dragon appeared before her as well, the great serpentine beast coiled beside her as it materialized, and like the wraiths it gave no perceptible indication that it actually understood her orders, it merely rose to its feet and began lumbering off, as tall at the shoulder as she was as it used its wings as a second pair of legs. It remained below the tree line as it strode toward the rear of the orc lines.

Her summoned allies in place, Selena pressed her palm against a nearby tree and then... Simply vanished as her magic allowed her to travel through the network of roots that ran beneath the ground....


The orc nodded once again to Kiera as she thanked him for his offer, and then gently turned his horse and departed from the meeting, heading back across the bridge toward his own forces. Turning back around, the kitsune had only just barely stepped off of the bridge when a woman suddenly sprung out of a tree right in front of her, plopping right to the ground and momentarily looking dazed.

Travel in that manner was always strange and uncomfortable for Selena, but this time the end result was particularly unusual. After all, it wasn't every day that she came to and found herself looking back up at a particularly inhuman looking kitsune...

Drake Stats
Body: 16 * 5 = 80 Body.
HP: 110
EP: 40
Perception: 28
Speed: 28
Dodge: 45
AV: 10
Attack: (+80) 2d12 + 37
Can fly and use Dragon's Breath, with Bladesinger.

Wraith Stats
Body: 30 + (12 * 5) = 90 Body.
HP: 90
Stealth: 41
Perception: 30
Dodge: 50
AV: 5
Speed: 25
Damage Reduction 3/4
Attack (+102) 2d12 + 45
Can fly and phase through walls.
Re: Dreams of War (SilentSilth and sturm)

As Selena became aware of her surroundings, she noticed two things. She had exited nature walk outside of the village gate, and there was a...FURRY TAIL! Standing right over her! She hadn't been able to make out any features of the person parlaying with the Orcs earlier. Now though the red fur-covered body and fluffy tail were all too apparent.

Selena's face paled, her eyes bulged, locking not on the woman's face, but her tail. She rolled over onto her back, and unable to stand, frantically scrambled backwards on her butt, scooting backwards towards the village, trying to put as much distance between herself and the Kitsune as she could. "Gah! Don't hurt me don't hurt me! The Academy sent me to help you, don't-TAIL!" Her eyes locked back on the Kitsune's tail and she continued madly scrambling backwards towards the gate, in the midst of quite the panic attack.

Yea... I'm going to go ahead and not do that then. I'll go back and edit my last post so it fits this one.
Re: Dreams of War (SilentSilth and sturm)

Kiera, having never made it to the ramparts and most definitely asking said questions in her head, is too preoccupied to keep track of her surroundings. With the Orc's 'offer' and the idea of running a defense against an entire army, her head was swimming. How was she to succeed? She needed help, desperately... more help than the untrained townsfolk could provide...

It wasn't the magic that had scared her; She had lived a long life, and had seen almost everything this world had to offer. For the first few moments, she wasn't even afraid in the slightest, as her fingers immediately stopped trailing through her hair, one set gripping about the sheath of her blade, another wrapping about the pommel of her sword. Had the Orcs gone back on the parlay, and sent an assassin after her? That's when she her eyes met the would-be killer. Calm determination was suddenly replaced by worry, her blue eyes going wide, her fur standing on end and ears perking up, heart racing... But thankfully, this new human seemed more afraid of her than anything else. Gulping down her worry at the appearance of the new human, Kiera slowly takes her hand off her blade, holding it out to help the woman up.

"It's oka-" Cut off by the sudden flailing and screaming, Kiera watches as the woman scrambles backwards, away from her. Tilting her head inquisitively, her tail drifts to the side, from behind her back; the exclamation of "TAIL!" causes her to jump, quickly hiding her tail behind her back. She blinks, watching the human curiously scramble towards the village, before remembering the Orc army; it was easy to forget, given the sudden strange events. Frowning, she starts towards the gate, trying to keep her tail behind her back, having trouble with her balance just by holding it in place...
Re: Dreams of War (SilentSilth and sturm)

Selena's initial panic subsided as the Kitsune seemed to understand the source of her terror and was very politely holding her tail behind her back. She stopped her frantic scrabbling and took a few slow, deep breathes to calm herself down.

Still a little breathless, from her earlier panic, Selena finally managed to introduce herself, panting a little as she did. "I...I'm Selena Kyle, the Academy battlemage sent to assist in the defense of this garrison. Are you the garrison commander?"

The mage slowly and unsteadily made her way to her feet. Though once she made it, she found she was able to focus somewhat better on the task at hand, though she was still careful to not get too close to the...fluffy tail. "What defensive measures have been taken to fortify this village? I have deployed reinforcements in the woods at the rear of the enemy formation, they will begin operations once the battle has begun."

Selena turned her eyes towards the Orcish forces on the other side of the river. "Those guys are a lot more intimidating from down here... Maybe we should head inside?"
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Re: An End to Darkness (SilentSilth)

Kiera: HP = 91, PP = 49, EP = 54, Status = Fine
Selena: HP = 34, PP = 48, EP = 19/54, Status = Fine

The two were already inside of the village, Selena having appeared within the walls from which the bridge across the river extended. The orcs were forming up behind them, and the men in the gatehouse looked down at Kiera for orders. She could order the bridge raised, forcing the orcs to go around the river and assail the Western gate, or try and climb the walls. If she didn't, however, the kitsune would be able to destroy the bridge, a plan that Selena had held as well, while the orcs crossed it, killing many and slowing them enough that they would be forced to reorient the direction of their assault. The warrior race rallied quickly, and she had mere moments to react before they started crossing the drawbridge, charging her and Selena. The archers on the walls were already readying their bows, prepared to shoot at the first ones to cross the bridge.

Drake Stats
Body: 16 * 5 = 80 Body.
HP: 110
EP: 40
Perception: 28
Speed: 28
Dodge: 45
AV: 10
Attack: (+80) 2d12 + 37
Can fly and use Dragon's Breath, with Bladesinger.

Wraith Stats
Body: 30 + (12 * 5) = 90 Body.
HP: 90
Stealth: 41
Perception: 30
Dodge: 50
AV: 5
Speed: 25
Damage Reduction 3/4
Attack (+102) 2d12 + 45
Can fly and phase through walls.
Re: Dreams of War (SilentSilth and sturm)

Kiera glances back at the Orcs, then towards Selena, offering a quick smile.
"Kiera. If you wouldn't mind getting up on the ramparts, for me?" She asks, quickly pushing her a little further away from the drawbridge. As she moves, she looks up at the men on the gate houses, letting out a quick order: "Hold!"

Spinning around, her back to Selena, she glares at the bridge, "I plan on blowing it up when enough Orcs cross," the Kitsune explains to the human, "I just have to wait for the perfect time..." She murmurs, feeling the energy of her soul form up in her hand, as black and red flames dance along her finger tips...

Ready Hellfire Blast, Explosion: (1d6 + 3) * 11 on bridge, and cast if Orcs come across.
Re: Dreams of War (SilentSilth and sturm)

Selena nodded to as Kiera introduced herself, "A pleasure." When she voiced her plan to destroy the bridge while the Orcs tried to cross it the smile turned to a smirk. "A sound strategy. By your leave, Commander." Then she saw the tail again, paling for a moment before she refocused herself on the charging Orcs. They were close enough now, she figured. Before heading up to the ramparts, she figured she would take advantage of being level with the orcs to use one of her linear spells. She held a hand in front of her to block out the sight of the fluffy tail in front of her, leveled her palm at the advancing horde, focused for only a moment to bring the powerful lightning magic through her palm, then released a devastating thunderblast. Then she was moving, heading towards the ramparts, though not emerging from cover until she was ready to cast again, lest she give some marksman a shot at her.

{EL} Thunderblast (Line) lv. 5 lightning (DC 40, lower than BC) [Deals damage as a spell one level higher.] (does this effect count towards stormbringer mage feat? If so +12 instead of +10)
Line (1d8 + 5)*6 +10 Within 3 feet of 80 foot line from caster
Enemies paralyzed if half of max health depleted
Re: Dreams of War (SilentSilth, sturm, and Tsuki)

Kiera: HP = 90/91, PP = 49, EP = 43/54, Status = Fine

Selena: HP = 34, PP = 48, EP = 11/54, Status = Fine

Linara: HP = 43, PP = 57, EP = 68, Status = Fine

The {EL} symbol next to a spell signals what type of damage it deals, so yes that spell counts toward Stormbringer.

Casting (Selena) : Success.
Attack: Hits.
Damage: 5 + 5 + 2 + 2 = 14 * 6 = 84 damage. That's enough to kill the first wave.

Kiera Hellfire Blasts as the orcs come over the bridge.
Attack: Derp.
Damage: 6 + 3 = 9 * 11 = 99 damage. Hoooo boy! Thar goes the bridge!

You kill a rough total of maybe 30 orcs, leaving another rough total of about 270.

Kiera and Selena's actions were seemingly well timed, as the magus' lightning bolt lashed out just as the first group of orcs started rushing across the bridge. The magical lightning hammered into the front rank as they began to charge, tearing into the first wave and leaving a series of sizzling corpses in its wake. The orcs never faltered in their charge, however, as they simply continued charging while Selena climbed up to the walls. Kiera's burst of hellfire stopped that, an explosion of black flame appearing at the kitsune's call as the orcs reached the halfway mark, burning them to dust and burning up the bridge as well. The wooden structure bent and then collapsed, taking a number of orcs with it into the moat around the town and almost completely stalling the attack... Or so they thought.


"....Up! Oi! Wake up!" A man's voice was shouting into Linara's ear, making her splitting headache all the worse. "Wake up! C'mon!" he shouted, causing shivers of the very worst sort of pain in her pounding head. She'd come to this village as a stop over in her travels, and a number of people had started buying her drinks. Her memory became hazy at one point, but that she woke up in the tavern common room (and that a quick check revealed that all of her things were intact) suggested that nothing too bad had happened to her after she'd blacked out.

"Are you listening!? How did you get left in here? The town's under attack!" the man, a fairly average looking fellow in workman's clothes, was clutching a scythe in sweaty hands and looked almost panicked. Then, suddenly, there came a call from a war horn from beyond the walls of the tavern...


Just as Selena reached the top of the steps and ascended to the wall, she spotted the trap into which they'd fallen. War horns called up from both sides of the village as orcs emerged from the woods on the village's side of the river, whole warbands that had broken off and crossed the river within the cover of the woods. The mage saw her drake take off in the background, preparing to swoop down and breath fire upon the orc army arrayed in front of them, who were now splitting into three groups. Two warbands went to the sides, preparing to cross the river to join the groups attacking the walls on either side, while three other warbands prepared to attack the side with the demolished bridge. Trees were dragged up, long enough to span the gap and allow them.

The townsfolk were firing arrows at the orcs to limited effect, and her summons would soon enter the fray, but she and Kiera would have to work swiftly to eliminate the orcs before they could get onto the walls. The kitsune was on the ground, and the mage on the walls, but now the orcs were attacking from three fronts at once.

Drake Stats
Body: 16 * 5 = 80 Body.
HP: 110
EP: 40
Perception: 28
Speed: 28
Dodge: 45
AV: 10
Attack: (+80) 2d12 + 37
Can fly and use Dragon's Breath, with Bladesinger.

Wraith Stats
Body: 30 + (12 * 5) = 90 Body.
HP: 90
Stealth: 41
Perception: 30
Dodge: 50
AV: 5
Speed: 25
Damage Reduction 3/4
Attack (+102) 2d12 + 45
Can fly and phase through walls.
Re: Dreams of War (SilentSilth, sturm, and Tsuki)

Linara lifted her head, slowly and painfully, off the table with a groan, "Uugh." What was with the loud noises? Looking up to see the man, she just stared at his face wondering what those incoherent noises were that sputtered forth from his mouth. The haze of sleep and a bit of alcohol... okay a bit too much alcohol were making is hard to concentrate. It wasn't until the word 'attack' did the mage come to her senses, her headache seemingly melting away.

Going wide-eyed at the sound of the horn, Linara grabbed her things, ran past the man. "My apologies," she politely stated as she paused at the door and gave a quick curtsy, before heading for the nearest wall.

Of course she'd heard talk of orcs the night before and she had planned on leaving before that really became an issue. But, clearly that plan had failed, sabotaged you could say. Now that she was trapped in this situation, the Badarian figured she might as well help. Either way the town seemed doomed, but at least she could, hopefully, take out some filthy orcs.