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Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

It's not unreasonable to love someone who returns her feelings, when the love she truly desires would never return her feelings, right? That was what Isabell thought when she parted hands from the cute arachne. Following after Anael and Liezelotte, the demon would grin evilly at the sight of the angel on all fours. Perhaps that angel was finally learning her place as a proper servant to Liezelotte.

When the butler was suddenly shouting through the entire damn mansion, Isabell covered her ears. 'Damn, that was loud!' Isabell thought. Once all the orders were given, one thing caught her ear. "Enemies?" she questioned. "Milady, shall I move to exterminate the threat to you?" she asked. "After all, anything that dares oppose you must be destroyed, or punished if milady is merciful."
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Liezelotte - HP = 56, PP = 47, EP = 91, Status = Fine
Isabell - HP = 102, PP = 46, EP = 46, Status = Fine
Anael - HP = 55, PP = 65, EP = 63/90, Status = Fine

"I doubt any of the other servants would enjoy what we bring for the little spiders, but your presence would be greatly appreciated on the field. Especially since this operation will be somewhat tricky... We've had experience with an arachne clutch once before, and the little hellions are far more vicious than one would expect. If they escape containment they'll hunt every living thing they can find, and we've lost a good number of souls before the devils could be destroyed. From both Lord Bachsmien's and my own camps." That last bit was directed to the now upright angel to cut off the snide remark that nearly anyone could tell she would make.

"From this we learned a couple of things. First, the brood will be extremely aggressive and will attack any living thing in sight. This includes each other, and a couple of survivors swore they saw saw the spiders actively hunting their own. This is why we're going to keep them contained, to prevent the personnel from being exposed to the little demons.

"Second, the young prefer whatever live meat they can catch. We're not entirely sure how Mina was raised since she was Lord Bachsmien's special little project, but eyewitnesses stated that even when the spiderlings were scavenging from a dead carcass the presence of another living creature spurned them to attack. If successful they would immediately start feeding from their new catch. They even went out of their way to track down any creatures moving through their territory, and if nothing could be found they would start searching for live prey.

"Now this is where the tricky part comes in. In order to help keep them somewhat contained we'll need to give them live bait every so often. This can be managed while keeping their enclosure completely sealed, but even then we want to make sure they're occupied enough to focus their efforts on each other and whatever gets thrown into their pen instead of searching for some unknown nook or cranny they can use to escape. We're taking precautions against that in any case, but I'll accept just about anything that will help keep them from crawling all over the ceiling.

"At the moment we don't have anything suitable as a live meal, but considering all that's happened today we should be able to carry in at least a few of the alien corpses as emergency rations for the spiders. That should hold them for at least a few hours after hatching. During that time we can hunt and throw them whatever we find. A few corrupted beasts have been seen prowling around the area, and if we manage to capture some I'd gladly throw those damned hunter lizards in there. And if they happen to be missing a limb or two that shouldn't be too much of a concern just as long as the creature shows some life."
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Ignoring Isabell's eagerness to fight things for a moment, Lieze focused more on hearing the knowledgeable part of this conversation out. There was some confusion as to what the servants and Mina's upcoming children would eat, as apparently it was not the same thing. Gerald was speaking of feeding them live food, specifically some of the rogue invaders and corrupted creatures that were apparently roaming the nearby areas and possibly the grounds of the mansion. The process might get tricksy to her servants, since the plan was to get these creatures brought in alive, the predatory nature of the spiderlings becoming very apparent as the butler explained how these creatures behaved. Keeping them would prove to be a challenge, in the very least.

There was no real need to think about this all, the direction of their next move being very much apparent. "So, looks like we might have to hunt a little. Get some of that food for them. We should probably get in touch with that aforementioned search team. You can defeat things once we encounter them, Isabell."
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Gerald's quick comment to cut off the snarky reply she was about to make brought a quick narrowing of Anael's eyes. It was the only reaction she gave to the butler until he began to explain what would come from Mina's offspring. She shifted slight;y in discomfort, at once both relieved that Liezelotte had chosen the demoness Annette to receive the arachne spawn, but also worried for her. Worried for herself as well, as Gerald's explanation mentioned the spiderlings desire to escape should they be left to their own devices.

"My Lady, if I may, the creatures Mr. Gerald seeks to use as fodder seem to have a strong interest in women," Anael offered, her voice calm, but her inability to look fully at her mistress betraying her nervousness. "Perhaps they would be easier to catch if... distracted," she continued, pausing a moment before adding, "Some of the humans, the maids perhaps, could draw the invaders in while we more capable servants lay in wait." After having given her suggestion, Anael stood a little straighter, hoping she had pleased Liezelotte. After being subjected to the punishment she received, the angel felt the need to redeem herself.
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Isabell hummed at the requirements. "Live prey, you say?" she inquired, wondering how she'd accomplish such a task. It'd be a hard task to capture something with her current blade. The blunt side would be an awkward thing to strike with. Moreover, "How much meat would be enough, I wonder?" she inquired further. The little spiderlings would no doubt require a good deal of feed.
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Liezelotte - HP = 56, PP = 47, EP = 91, Status = Fine
Isabell - HP = 102, PP = 46, EP = 46, Status = Fine
Anael - HP = 55, PP = 65, EP = 63/90, Status = Fine

I suck at being punctual.

Worst GM.


"The search team should still be on the grounds. Their current objective is to locate the deceased and ready them for the brood, so they should be relatively safe for a few minutes. But it is getting late, and those damned lizards are a pain to find even at high noon. I can only imagine that will be nearly impossible at night. Thankfully there's still a bit of daylight to use. If you do step out to assist them I'd advise you to be especially cautious for an ambush."

Up until this point the butler had possessed a rather calm and professional look about him, but once the angel made her suggestion the very edge of a frown started worming its way onto his face. "I can't say I'm rather fond of using the staff in such a manner, especially since we're already short a few bodies, but I really can't deny that it has its merits." As he thought about that idea his frown only grew stronger, but after a couple seconds he turned his attention back toward the mistress. "If you wish to use bait, my lady, then I believe I can shuffle assignments and have a female team standing by for your orders."

"Your question is difficult to answer, Miss Isabell. Originally it will depend on the size of the brood, but after they hatch and have fed once I believe they will start turning against each other. They'll grow quickly, but there will be fewer mouths to feed. From what I've heard an arachne brood should number around a dozen... Three warm bodies should be a start. Once they've been dealt with we can adjust our needs based on how the spiderlings react."
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Silly Apologymite. *Molests Termite cos saw the bit about writer's block and all*

After hearing out the butler's explanation about the situation, Lieze realized that they would have a bit of work at hand, and that she and the pair of servants would have to bring their weight around in order for there to be success. Most likely the humans would lack the needed power to do this kind of task, a fact that the mistress both did and did not like. While looking for the live ones could still be accomplished before the day was out, there was a nagging feeling in the back of the small-statured lady that it was probably better to not risk themselves and the human servants to the possible ambush during the night, when it would be harder to navigate. "I don't think that the bait will be needed, at least yet. For now, we will go and see how the body collectors are doing and offer a little help if they need it. If there's an ambush, too bad for the ambushers, for they will get to dedicate themselves to my service as feed after we are done with them. The live food can wait until tomorrow, unless they come to us that is." she announced her plan, possibly disappointing Anael a bit but not really caring. When the other two were ready, she would ask Gerald to guide them out into the grounds where they could go and look for the search party already there.
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Although Anael noted Gerald's displeasure with her suggestion, she was glad the human was capable of at least realizing it's potential. Unfortunately, Lady Liezelotte was uninterested in her plan, though the angel showed no sign of disappointment. Instead, she merely nodded silently to her mistress, the thick leather collar making the movement a bit shorter than usual, and said, "As you wish, my Lady. I stand ready to assist in this endeavor however I may." Still nude, Anael maintained her proud composure despite knowing the risk she and the others would be facing outside the mansions walls.
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

It was a fairly straightforward plan, and filled with confidence too. Isabell smiled with delight as their course of action was set into motion. "I will slaughter whatever my lady desires." Isabell replied simply, ready to follow her mistress and do whatever she asked.
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Liezelotte - HP = 56, PP = 47, EP = 91, Status = Fine
Isabell - HP = 102, PP = 46, EP = 46, Status = Fine
Anael - HP = 55, PP = 65, EP = 63/90, Status = Fine

"As you wish." With that the butler excused himself, and not a moment too soon as another group made their approach to report about some other thing that had absolutely no bearing on what Liezelotte had taken as her duty. This left the lady and her servants to do as they pleased, and whether or not Anael was allowed to retrieve some clothing the short trip it took to reach the manor grounds revealed just how seriously these preparations were being taken. Whenever they came across any of the workers they always found a second and third nearby, and despite how a great number of them looked like nothing more than normal humans who could be quite easily stolen by any number of creatures at least one of the people nearby seemed a little...different. They didn't look any stronger or more powerful, and none of the supernatural trio could sense any great strength that lay hidden, but there was something in those people's eyes and the way they kept constant track of every little thing that came into view. Isabell may even notice the critical look that passed over the lady and her guards, a brief moment taken to measure the strength of a possible threat before those eyes started searching for another. No one glanced over them longer than necessary, not even if Anael was still forced to wander nude and soiled as she had been, but though a couple even went as far as to salute respectfully the sheer fact that they were being so thoroughly measured had to be just a little disconcerting.

But that changed the moment they small group made their way outside. The presence of the manor staff simply vanished, and with the sun started to dip down below the horizon made the quiet landscape far less welcoming than it did earlier in the day. But that silence didn't last for long. "Lady Bachsmien." That familiar voice simply rang out of the very wall beside them, and given what Gerald had done earlier it wasn't that much of a surprise to find him speaking to them even while he worked farther inside. "The scavenger group should be working near the Northern borders with the forest. The three of them have about an hour to work before they have to return to base. Past that the threat of ambush becomes far too great."

Should they head the man's advice a quick search to the North would quickly reveal a pair of workers, one man and one woman simply beating around the grass and momentarily wandering into the forest before they came back empty handed. "I'm sure a couple of them were killed around here..." The male of that tiny group was speaking quite loudly, enough that Lieze could hear him from even a hundred paces away. "You don't think those things pulled back their fallen, do you?" The woman seemed just as animated, and it wasn't until Lieze and her entourage were nearly upon them that they reacted. "Ah! Good evening, my lady! How may we serve?" That man stayed just as loud even now, and as he greeted the group he gave a rather flourished bow that was followed by a somewhat overdrawn curtsy from his apparent partner.
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

With another squad of servants coming in to report, Lieze thought it appropriate for them to get going. Taking a passing glance at Anael, she said nothing special, simply ushered the others to get a move on. The angel could manage like she was at the moment, at least for today, the lady thought as she speculated on the matter of letting her get dressed for the briefest of moments. She did allow the punished servant to walk normally, but still kept holding onto the chain-leash she had, continuing to enjoy treating the other like a pet that she mostly considered her to be. The angel was a good servant, but in the end, all servants were there to be played with when the mood struck her. No exceptions. The other servants needed to be played with eventually as well, but now was not the right time. Gerald, Mina, Rin... all of them would eventually provide some plaything duty for their mistress.

Along the way, groups of searchers could be seen, looking basically innocuous but still having something sharper and more able in them than their appearances suggested. The few salutations given to them were returned with short compliments of good work by Lieze herself, who was not really seeing any problems around the place. Upon reaching the outside grounds, the groups vanished altogether, but that did not seem to stop Gerald from communicating with them via his powers. The butler had to be another spirit power wielder of sorts, given all of these tricks he had been doing. "Alright, we will head there and see what they are up to. Carry on with your duties, we will return soon." she replied to the butler before leading the trio onwards, not feeling like they needed to maintain a longer conversation at the moment.

A quick trip lead them to the search group, a somewhat small group of only two people. Maybe there was carefulness in this set-up, as losing more than a few people might be hard on the rest of the servants. It was looking like coming here was a good choice. "I have nothing special in mind. Was just thinking that you people might need some help, as this task is of moderate importance. So, we came to see how you were doing and these two might even help you with the job." she replied, ready to assign Isabell and Anael to the job as further manpower if need be. She would still not stray far from the two, as there might be an ambush and the three of them would be stronger together rather than separated.
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

As the butler walked away, Anael waited patiently at Liezelotte's side, remaining perfectly still until she felt the tug of the leash on her neck. She quickly fell into step behind her mistress, taking one quick look back down the hallway where her room and borrowed dress lie. Skimpy and revealing as it was, the dress was at least some cover, something to help her maintain some dignity. Lady Liezelotte, however, did not seem concerned with such a petty issue. Without her leave, Anael would simply have to bear with the humiliation, and the excitement. Standing tall once again, the angel worked to steel her nerves as she followed her mistress, the collar heavy on her neck and the chain leash clinking with each step.

As the trio passed the strangely serious servants, Anael was taken aback at their seeming resolve. She had never met any humans that appeared so determined. Whereas in her earlier nude trek through the mansion she had made a point to not look at any of the shocked and staring servants she had passed, Anael now took curious glances at them, though she kept her expression proud and disdainful. Lady Liezelotte complimented them, but the angel said nothing. They were mere humans, after all.

After receiving more instructions from the butler, the group found more human servants, these seeming much more like the others the angel had seen around the mansion and the world. Bumbling and helpless. She stood still and quiet as they nervously greeted their mistress, then gave a slight bow as Lieze introduced them, giving no indication that standing nude before them bothered her. "You have seen none of the creatures' bodies?" she asked, referring to the conversation the two had been having as the group approached. She shook her head then quietly added, "Useless humans." Her eyes suddenly shot over to Lieze with a worried expression and the angel jumped almost imperceptibly. She cleared her throat, then offered, "My Lady, perhaps I can help the humans locate their quarry from the air? The trees will limit visibility, and I have encountered creatures who take to the sky as easily as I do, but there may be some benefit to offset the risks."
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Before anything further could happen, Anael broke the brief silence with a question that was actually a decently good suggestion as well. Air support might be of use, all things considered. "If you think that is of use, go ahead with it." Lieze permitted the servant to do as she had suggested, letting the chain go as she could not really keep the angel in tow while the latter surveyed the scenery. Even so, the leash and collar would stay on, acting as the only garments that Anael could wear at that point.

While the angel seemed eager to please as always, Isabell looked as if she had been sleepwalking for a while. Taking a few steps back, Lieze pinched the demoness' butt to wake her up. "No dreaming now, Isabell. I'll have you walk on your hands for the rest of the day if you don't get your butt in gear and keep sharp."
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

It was true that Isabell would seem she was spacing out. However, she was in fact fine tuning her senses to search for any sign of danger while the others talked. When her mistress pinched her butt, Isabell let out a high pitched cry that seemed as if it was meant to arouse with it's sexual tone. "M-Mistress!?" she exclaimed, before biting her tongue and blushing. Rather than talk back, she simply nodded. "I understand..." she said with a lowered gaze.
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Anael gave a slight smile that Lady Liezelotte acceded to her suggestion, then bowed slightly towards her. As the cold metal chain fell against her skin, she shivered slightly, then cleared her throat and took hold of the loose end. She looked at it for a moment. It was long and unwieldy, would flap around while she flew, and might even be a danger to her. Anael cast a quick glance at Lieze, then quickly spun the chain around to form a sort of knot around her navel. With some still left, she wound the rest of it around her waist, before tying it back off at the knot. The piece of chain between the knot and the collar rested loosely against her skin, hanging between her breasts.

Giving her new adornment a quick look over to make sure everything would stay in place, the angel then turned to look back at Lieze, a calm but seemingly pleased expression on her face. She nodded and said, "By your leave, m'Lady," before throwing herself into the air. The angel turned slave had not had much chance to fly when in the service of the demons, but since the alien invasion had had two chances in as many days. Her black wings flapped excitedly as she pushed herself further up into the sky. She didn't fly too high, but enough that she could see a large potion of their surroundings. If there were any of the monstrosities nearby, she should at least see some indication of their presence.
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Liezelotte - HP = 56, PP = 47, EP = 91, Status = Fine
Isabell - HP = 102, PP = 46, EP = 46, Status = Fine
Anael - HP = 55, PP = 65, EP = 63/90, Status = Flying (Perceptive)

With Anael taking flight I'm giving her a free Perceptive talent while she remains airborne. Situational bonuses! Whoo!

Perception (Lieze): 20 + 16 = 36
Perception (Isabell): 25 + 2 = 27
Perception (Anael): 28 + 12 = 40

"No no no!" Both of the humans immediately started raising and shaking their hands as if in a pleading gesture while they both answered at the same time. "It's nothing like that!" "...Eeexxxcept it kinda... iiis..." They both shared a look before they started searching frantically and eventually found something of interest. "Look!" If the group approached they would find that the grass that grew near the forest's edge looked a little disturbed. And it may have been hard to notice due to the falling light, but eventually a few flecks of darkened blood would start popping out. "We were fighting around here earlier, and we did hit one of those lizards!" "And one of them was definitely killed here. I even remember stepping on its body when we were ordered to fall back!" "Unless that thing was playing dead it should still be here. But it's not. So... I don't know... Maybe you were right." They both took on a rather contemplative look as they pondered just what may have happened to the alien bodies that should for all intents and purposed been sitting right there.

That pause came to a sudden end when Anael was given the chance to take to the air, and once the angel began to climb the pair of humans simply watched her ascend. A moment later the male sighed. After that he started poking through the grass once more in search of a trail and making a grand fuss of it, but as he did his partner lingered near the Lady. "Mistress Bachsmien." Her voice was low and guarded. It didn't even look like she was actively speaking, her entire body relaxed and her demeanor almost flippant about watching the young man stomp around. "I haven't been able to see them, but my partner says he spotted three of the hunters in the area." The moment that Lieze took a moment to look she would only notice one, and she would spot it simply lingering near the treeline, its outline barely discernible from the growing shadows. "He also said that one of them didn't look quite right. It was a little larger, more muscular. But they haven't tried to approach us." Once that was mentioned Lieze would realize that the larger lizard was the one she noticed. "The fact that he spotted three while I have seen none might mean there are more hiding nearby. We've been hesitant to engage them, and we've lost track of our third member." To keep her act of indifference going for the alien audience she opened her mouth and let out a rather convincing yawn. "Orders, Mistress?"

While Lieze and the woman were discussing possible action Anael finally reached her observation post and found herself the sole creature floating in the darkening sky. A few birds called out in the distance, but they were slowly becoming quieter as the minutes passed. It was a rather peaceful setting, and the fallen could have simply enjoyed herself were it not for the four monsters she had spotted from the air. Though the treeline did make it difficult to find what may be hidden underneath its branches the four hunters she found were sitting slightly out of the forest's cover. It was hard to tell what exactly they were doing at the moment, camouflaged creatures weren't exactly known for revealing their intentions, but she got the sense that they all appeared to be waiting. And they were all deferring to a specific one, a beast that wasn't quite as hidden and looked as if it could tear a man limb from limb with its claws. And when it looked up to spy on the angel it chose to take a single step back to better hide itself from Anael's sight. But it was ultimately unsuccessful. The only question now was what the fallen would do now that she had scouted an actual threat.
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

While she was clearly in charge, Lieze did not appear so for the most part, just going along with the search party after Anael had taken to the sky and act as lookout from her elevated position. For the most part, she just paid attention to what was being said and done, while not trying look too much like she was analyzing the surroundings. "Is that so? I do see it." the part-demoness remarked about what she was being told and shown. Once the man began to look around in his peculiar way, she could pay more attention to the woman, who appeared to be far more capable and professional than her male companion. While she was listening to what this servant had to say, her surrounding analysis paid off as one hunter appeared to her sight, just barely with the camouflage active. It was enough for her to allow targeting of the creature though. "Orders? I think you two don't need to actively engage them at this point, I'm pretty confident about Isabell and Anael being able to handle a couple of lizards. They are not my top servants without reason, after all."

Having said what she did, Lieze took a moment to see how the human servants positioned themselves. Once she was satisfied with them, namely having them in position were they would not be immediately mauled to death by the big hunter, she would initiate her plan of attack. While she was not entirely sure where the others would be, the Lady had trust in Isabell and her bodyguard ability in case the others would be ready to attack them. Taking a few steps towards the demoness to assume a spot within the safety zone that the armored woman offered, she would hit the only visible hunter with a mental attack, intent on enslaving it to her will. "Isabell, ready. They are sure to come for us now. If you can, cut their arms off so they can't attack anymore." she alerted the guard as well.

(Use the offensive version of Telepathy against the big hunter creature. Since Lieze can see it, she can target it.)
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Despite the looming danger of the aliens in the darkening sky, Anael was thankful for the chance Liezelotte had given her to once more indulge in flight. All angels enjoyed the freedom of being aloft and untethered from the ground, even those bound by oaths to a malicious demoness. She sighed and brought a hand up to her temple to pull her hair from in front of her eye, delighting in the feel of the cool wind sliding across her body despite shivering slightly in her nudity. The fallen angel was not idle, though, as she dutifully scanned the forest below for signs of danger to her mistress and fellow servants.

It wasn't long before Anael spied the hiding monstrosities. Even though she knew she had the advantage of an elevated position, she couldn't help but feel rather annoyed that the humans had been so oblivious to the creatures hiding so close to them. Their ineptitude had placed Lady Liezelotte in danger, and now a battle was a certainty. Now was not the time to fume, though, as one of the aliens had noticed the angel's form lingering above them. The monsters were hanging back, for now, but if Anael revealed their presence, they would no doubt attack immediately. No matter how skilled Isabell was, Anael was worried the succubus would be unable to fight them all off.

No, now was not the time for a hasty attempt to warn the others, Anael realized, she must act, quickly, to surprise the creatures and reveal them that way. The angel quickly raised one hand, palm open, towards the largesgt of the creatures, ready to unleash a bolt of lightning upon it, when she hesitated. 'Live prey would be preferable to dead, would it not,' Anael thought, remembering Gerard's words about the imminent brood they had come in search of food for. Rethinking her attack, Anael's hand dropped as a sly smile spread across her face. Calling upon the forces of nature, Anael worked her magic into the flora surrounding the lizard-like creatures, willing the vines and stems of the nearby plant-life to spring to life. With luck, the mass of grasping leafy tendrils could hold the creatures long enough that Isabell could overpower them. "Beware, m'Lady!" Anael yelled once her magics had been released, "Four of the creatures lay in wait!" Although one of the creatures was larger and more obviously a threat, Anael knew that Lieze and Isabell could handle such a thing. In the meantime, she directed the grasping vines she had conjured to envelop the three smaller hunters. Just one of them would do for what they needed...

Cast Entangling Vines on the three smaller lizards. [Nature, Level 2, Summon. Body = 32, Grapple = 44. Grapples immediately]
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Continuously, the lesser humans spoke, and Isabell largely ignored them. Liezelotte seemed fine with talking with them, and Isabell chalked that up to her ability as true royalty to be able to deal with the lesser creatures so capably.

Truth was, Isabell was mostly fascinating herself with the experience of being near her mistress, such to the extent that she stood with a neutral expression of content on her face. But then there were enemies to deal with! "Oooooh~!" Isabell let out her warcry of sorts. Lifting her heavy shield and holding her blade in the other hand, she held up her shield in front of Liezelotte until opponents became readily available combined with the knowledge that her mistress would not be in danger.

(Isabell uses shield cover to protect Liezelotte from the enemies in front, and uses Siren Song, which I assume is possible to do both in one turn, in order to make enemies focus on her instead of her mistress.)
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Liezelotte - HP = 56, PP = 47, EP = 91, Status = Dominating (Hunter Killer)
Isabell - HP = 10/102, PP = 46, EP = 46, Status = Heavily Injured, Armor TP = 32/60
Anael - HP = 55, PP = 65, EP = 63/90, Status = Flying (Perceptive), Summons (Vines)

Lieze uses Telepathy on the Hunter Killer
--- Resistance: 28 + 11 = 39 vs 33 = 11 + 22 Success
------ Hunter Killer is Dominated

Anael casts Entangling Vines (Nature Lv2)
--- Casting: Auto-success
--- Vines summoned

Vines attack the specified Hunters
--- Grapple: 44 + 1 = 45 vs 30 Hit
------ Hunter1, Hunter4, Hunter5 are Grappled

Isabell uses Siren Song
--- Resistance: 39 + 4 = 43 vs 36 = 14 + 22 Success
------ All creatures are focused on Isabell
Isabell uses Shield Cover
--- Isabell and Lieze are protected against frontal assaults

Hunter2 sneak attacks Isabell from the side
--- Attack: Auto-hit
--- Damage: 2(10 + 6 + 23) - 24 = 54
--- Armor Damage: 78/5 = 15.6 ~ 16
------ TP: 44/60

Hunter3 sneak attacks Isabell from the other side
--- Attack: Auto-hit
--- Damage: 2(6 + 2 + 23) - 24 = 38
--- Armor Damage: 62/5 = 12.4 ~ 12
------ TP: 32/60

Steward attacks Hunter2 (Badarian Handcannon)
--- Attack: 36 + 9 = 45 vs 30 Hit
--- Damage: 7 + 8 + 9 + 3 + 3 - (8 - 8) = 30

Maid1 attacks Hunter2 (Sword) with Power Strike 10
--- Power Strike: -10 Dodge, +10 Attack, +10 Damage
--- Attack: 36 + 10 + 20 = It's gonna hit
--- Damage: 4 + 4 + 17 + 10 - 8 = 27 Dead

Maid2 sneak attacks Hunter3 (Su-Ku-Ta Sniper Rifle) with Deadly Aim 10
--- Deadly Aim: -10 Dodge, +10 Attack, +10 Damage
--- Attack: with Sneak Attack and Deadly Aim it's a sure thing
--- Damage: 2(3 + 2 + 4 + 4 + 23 + 10) - (8-8) = 92 Very Dead

"Understood." With that the maid continues her bored supervision of her partner's search, and as the man continues to make a show of himself it gives the Lady Liezelotte a chance to catch her target. The unseen threads of her mind latch onto the alpha hunter, and though he puts up a few moments of fierce struggle the lady manages to push the creature's will down until he's left standing under her control. And not a clue was given to any of his brethren. There was no rush for attack, Lieze's assault the ultimate in stealth, and that in itself helped to ensure Anael's success. The vines and roots scattered throughout the nearby forest simply reached out and grabbed the lesser lizards that the angel had noticed, and in an instant they were all entangled, none of the three offering any further threat.

With the four captured it looked like Isabell's efforts would amount to nothing, but a blur of motion from both her left and her right left the succubus reeling. She felt a weight nearly slamming into her a moment earlier, and as it passed swiftly by her defenses she felt herself being raked by razor sharp claws before another set caught her from behind. It was almost a wonder that she was still standing after the pair of attacks, but even as she barely held herself together she would know that her duty was done. Those unseen hunters could have just as easily turned their attention on her mistress.

But as the pair of invaders were preparing to turn and finish the job a second flurry of motion fell onto them. To Isabell's left a small hole would appear through that lizard's lung, and a moment later a sword would join it. It left the hunter gasping for breath even while both lungs had been pierced, and a moment later that sword was pulled back to let the body fall. It revealed the bored maid holding what looked like a small rapier, and further out her partner held a pistol that was still slightly smoking from being fired. The humans themselves seemed almost as shocked as the hunter did as he collapsed, and if anyone wondered why they would simply need to look toward Isabell's right. The beast on that side was clutching at its neck, and as it sank to its knees its claws fell away to reveal a gaping hole where its windpipe should have been. There was no real surprise there, the report of a high-powered rifle was still slightly ringing through the air, but if any of Lieze's team ventured to look past that to where the servants were actually looking they would see another of the mansion's staff very slowly lowering her rifle and looking far more anxious than anyone else did. It could have been the fact that she was sitting in a tree. It could have been the fact almost directly beneath her one of the captured hunters was struggling to cut its way to freedom. It could have been the fact that some of Anael's vines looked to be squirming mere inches from her, but no matter what the cause that woman looked far more nervous than what could be considered healthy. "Um... C...Can I get down now? ... Please?"
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