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Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

In the suite, the familiar sight of Mina doing work greeted the three ladies. She had prepared a decent layout of things to the trio, but it was mainly for Lieze to wear, specifically a whole batch of different dresses. "That's good, Mina. You work diligently, and I like that." she told them maid, giving her a pat on the head. While the part-demoness did look at the other options some, the familiar-looking articles that were like her travelling gear took the Lady's attention. All those frills appealed to her personal taste, so she mentally fought herself to decided which one to wear while the spidermaid helped Isabell and Anael. Eventually, she settled upon a red version of the black thing that had been on her.

Looking at the two, Lieze chuckled at Anael's necessary dress for the time being. "I'm sure you'll have fun with that." she remarked, letting the two dress while asking for Mina to help her dress. After the dress was on her, the group would likely move on to the dining hall and eat. If that was the case, it would be the thing for them to do.

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
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Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

"I have no taste for fashion. Service to My Lady and the Art of War are my only fancies." Isabell responded to the maid. "But then again, well..." Isabell said thoughtfully, looking over to Anael and her dress as she slipped her own onto her body. "As a demon, it is granted that I enjoy the pleasures of the flesh as well." Isabell said with a thoughtful leer at Anael's form. At this point, a part of her was actually very excited to be the center of her mistress' attention... Despite what that would end up meaning.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

As they entered the Master Suite, Anael gave the spider-girl maid only a cursory glance. She was much more invested in the clothing laid out. Unfortunately, it had all been lain out for Lady Liezelotte, causing the fallen angel to stare wistfully as the Lady picked out her new dress. When Mina pointed out Isabell's new set of clothing Anael nearly smirked at how plain it looked, only to abruptly stop and stare at what had been prepared for herself.

The dress, if one used the word loosely, looked like naught much more than a few scarves held together by strings. Mina's explanations caused Anael to clench her teeth and hold her arms slightly tighter around her form, but she bowed her head politely in thanks as was customary. Approaching the dress, the angel reached down and moved it around a few times experimentally, to see just what she had. It was a soft material, and rather nicely decorated, even if it would expose far more of her skin than was appropriate for a noble's servant. "I suppose I should be thankful that Mister Gerald at least had something... suitable for someone with my 'proportions," she said tersely and with a hint of annoyance, but also tinged with pride. "Even if it was meant for a... lower station of servant, it is better than spending the rest of my time here nude." Catching Isabell's leer, Anael instinctively shifted her stance to show off her form, but made a face as if to imply haughty disdain.

Lieze's comment brought a quick blush to the angel's face, and Anael quickly snatched up the dress and held it in front of her while adding a polite "Yes, m'Lady." With so little material, it was rather easy to slip on. 'Probably easy to slip off as well,' Anael thought with a smirk as she straightened the cloth and make herself as presentable as possible. She moved to look at herself in a full length mirror, taking up several different poses from a number of angles to see just what was visible and when. The skirt was slit on both sides, going almost above her waist, and with the open back, exposed midriff, and unsupported chest, she would have to remember to move carefully if she wanted to remain decent. If. After a few moments of posing and adjusting, Anael seemed satisfied and turned back to face the three demonesses, a smile disappearing from her face just as it came into view. "I stand ready to accompany you, m'Lady, in whatever capacity you require," she said, bowing carefully with her hands out and down in front of her.


A bug
RP Moderator
Apr 8, 2009
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Liezelotte - HP = 56, PP = 47, EP = 91, Status = Fine
Isabell - HP = 102, PP = 46, EP = 46, Status = Fine
Anael - HP = 55, PP = 65, EP = 63/90, Status = Fine

The pat on the head made the girl blush slightly brighter, but she seemed happy enough to receive a compliment. But that happiness didn't last long in the face of Anael's anger, and the comments that followed had her shifting nervously. "If... If you don't mind waiting we can try and make you something more appropriate by tomorrow..."

But as nervous as she was it didn't stop Mina from attending to the Lady, and as she reached to pull out Lieze's choice for the evening she took on a more serious look. And everyone could see why when the claws that were her fingers very carefully lifted the dress. She looked like she could flay a man with a simply swipe let alone strips of fine cloth, and as she helped Lieze get dressed she never let her hands brush over the woman's skin for very long. But after a bit that couldn't be avoided, and she was forced to take her time to prevent herself from either stabbing or scratching her mistress.

Thankfully it all ended with a relieved sigh and a fully dressed and uninjured lady. And a surprisingly ecstatic spider. But she had the discipline to keep her joy contained, and once everyone was prepared she made her way back toward the entrance. "The meal should be ready soon. If you'll please follow me I shall escort you to the dining hall."

Barring any further requests Mina did just that, and after a couple of turns the party arrived at a set of double doors that opened into a rather expansive space. A raised dais held a relatively small table surrounded by some rather simple yet ornate decorations, and as they approached Mina stepped to the side and beckoned the mistress forward where Gerald was waiting in a more formal butler's uniform. "Welcome, my lady and honored guests. Refreshments should be arriving shortly, so please have a seat." One by one he pulled free a seat for each of the women, and once he was done he turned toward the door as it opened once again. The two demons Lieze had rescued were led in, the woman still clutching her head, and when she spotted the Lady she looked both annoyed and apologetic. Gerald turned back with a bit of a questioning glance as if asking where he should seat those two.

Once all the seating arrangements were completed the butler turned back. "We still have a couple of minutes. Does the Lady have any questions she would like answered before we begin?"

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

With the spidermaid's assistance, it was a breeze to get clothed. Mina showed her skill at the task, doing it somewhat slowly but that could be forgiven when one looked at her fingers and the sharp as hell claws that they had. "Again, good show despite that handicap you have on you. Keep up your good performance and you'll be rewarded for your service." Lieze remarked as she was ready, offering some thanks as the maid herself kept up her cool and didn't show the joy she felt. With her guidance, the trio eventually left towards the dining area, even if Anael was dressed somewhat unappropriately.

At the dining hall, they were met with the butler person again, who was now dressed better than he had been previously. Taking her place at the head of the table, Lieze let the others sit where they wanted as there were now five again, the other two coming to join them from their own bath as well. When she got the opportunity to ask for stuff, the Lady had one thing she had pondered about briefly. "How is the situation at this place? i know you are understaffed, but what about other matters? And what kind of facilities do we have here? A dungeon would be neat."


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Although she had complained about the outfit, by the time Mina had begun to suggest a replacement, Anael had already begun picturing herself sauntering around in the barely-there dress. Still, another dress was another dress. "Yes, a servant of House Bachsmien should always look her best," Anael responded offhandedly as she held the slinky dress up against her body. "I would very much appreciate if something more appropriate for a servant such as I could be arranged." As she spoke, Anael ignored Mina, too caught up in her new attire. Only once did she glance at the spider-girl, and that was when Lady Liezelotte praised her for her work, casting her a slightly jealous look.

The walk to the dining room felt almost as long to Anael as the trip to the mansion had been. Every step sent the skirt whipping around, and her breasts bounced back and forth outrageously, the bottoms just barely peeking out from the chest piece. Obviously the dress was meant to invite stares, but Anael felt more on display in it than she had when she arrived naked. Still, a proper servant gave off an air of composure and poise, no matter the circumstances. With that in mind, the wildly dressed angel walked confidently down the halls, head high, chest forward, and with long strides as she glanced at the numerous lesser servants she passed, daring them to look at her.

Upon entering the dining room, Anael was struck by the size of it, taking a moment to stare around at the understated opulence. In contrast, the table they were led to was somewhat small, but at least looked suitable for a demon of noble standing such as Lady Liezelotte. Normally, servants would never eat alongside their masters, but this mansion seemed built more for a cozy atmosphere than strict hierarchical concerns. Taking the seat to the Lady's left, Anael nodded politely to Gerald, then took a moment to straighten the skimpy dress. Even sitting down was enough to flash a rather indecent amount of skin, and the angel cleared her throat as she adjusted herself in her chair. As soon as Lieze's questions had been answered, Anael asked one of her own. "Have you heard any news regarding House Bachsmien and it's holdings?" Speaking out like this was something inappropriate, but considering how she was currently dressed and her position next to Lieze, Anael didn't feel as though such boldness would be unwelcome. And truthfully, the mansion was quite closer to the invader's territory than the angel was comfortable with. With luck, they might be able to make for a more suitable location away from here. Far, far away.

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Silent, Isabell was happy with what she was given; clothes, food and all. Even the punishment from Liezelotte was something she welcomed. For one, Isabell receiving physical punishment wasn't a thought that phased her. She trained to make herself a force even more intimidating than the juggernauts they had fought, but rather than desire to brag of it she simply only welcomed the thought of having Liezelotte's undivided attention. Though, with the spider girl receiving so much praise, a small look of jealousy appeared on Isabell's face. She had hoped to have the girl all to herself once Liezelotte was finished with her punishment so that she could drain the girl's energy. She was, after all, fairly cute to Isabell's eyes. But her hopes were quickly sinking along with Liezelotte's interest in her. 'I don't feel like draining that traitorous butler. I need someone cute... Anael and My Lady are out of the reasonable question... There just doesn't seem to be anyone who I could make into my own plaything. I mean... Are all of the pushovers in the world taken?' she wondered.

Meanwhile, Bakan sneezed.

Walking into the dining hall and not quite thinking of it's grandiose appearance in the way that it deserved, Isabell casually took a seat that was closest to Lieze while making sure she did not get in her Lady's way while she ate. Her armor clanking with every movement she made until she finally sat down with a loud clink, Isabell still remained silent and without easily readable expression, trying her best to fit the ideal image of a guard for royalty as a figure in the background.


A bug
RP Moderator
Apr 8, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Liezelotte - HP = 56, PP = 47, EP = 91, Status = Fine
Isabell - HP = 102, PP = 46, EP = 46, Status = Fine
Anael - HP = 55, PP = 65, EP = 63/90, Status = Fine

"Aside from the lack of manpower we are set to defend this position for at least a week, possibly two if we ration our supplies properly. Morale isn't exactly at a high point, however. Sudden reports of an unknown enemy followed quickly by a lizard tearing out the throat of the messenger tends to make people nervous, but thankfully we've managed repel any attacks that managed to make their way here. Lord Bachsmien did choose this location as his secret retreat, and its remoteness has helped us remain relatively untouched. As for the facilities... Well... We do have a dungeon. Of sorts." This revelation caused a number of the female staff waiting around the room to suddenly blush a little. "It would probably be best if you saw for yourself."

When it came time to answer Anael's question the butler stopped for a second to consider this. "One moment." His foot tapped against the floor a couple of times, and those that were included to feel it would sense a small wave of something passing under and through their seats before it traveled further within the estate. After a few more seconds another pulse returned and shot straight back to Gerald's foot. "A couple of the outlying holdings have suffered heavy losses, but they still stand. And that's about as much as we know. We haven't received any further reports, and our psychic is running himself ragged trying to locate any possible survivors."

During this a few of the waiting staff disappear into what is obviously the kitchen, and a few moments later they reappear holding a number of covered plates. They quietly set them before the dinner party as Gerald continued, and once everything was ready he came to a stop and nodded his head toward the waiters. With the lids removed each of the attendees was presented with a small bird, most likely some sort of pheasant that was rather exceptionally seasoned judging by the smell. Accompanying it are a small bowl of indeterminate soup, a few slices of bread, a small salad, and some unopened bottles of wine that are quickly brought to Liezelotte's attention. Two of them are rather mundane, simple enough to accompany any meal, one slightly stronger than the other, but the third is a vintage famous for its ability to ease a person into heavy inebriation while leaving the drinker lucid enough to remember how they enjoyed themselves. "Hm." The butler's hands immediately turn the bottle of ambrosia to get a look at the label. "It may be a bit early in the day for this, but if our Lady wishes to relax then there is no better way."

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

While she did carefully listen to everything that the butler told her about the house and the surrounding lands, Lieze didn't show it any noticeable way, thought the reaction that the dungeon got from the nearby human women was a sign that she was going to like the place. All the better to punish Isabell with, or at least she hoped that was to be the case. The food that was brought before them was passable, and the Lady had decided that it would suffice, given the situation of the hold at the current moment in time. The wine question was a bit more ponder-inducing, eventually leading the part-demoness away from having it just yet. "Reserve that for a bit later, there's still time left in the day. Who knows what might still happen, so I think I'll be better holding off it until then." she told the butler, eager to let the dining commence in full. This wine too would be a good thing to have when the punishments were to be brought on.

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
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Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

"If I may be so bold," Isabell announced as their food was brought out. "My Lady, after you have punished me, I would like to tend to my more primitive desires... I would request that a servant... Preferably Mina..." Isabell looked to the arachne with an alluring smile. "Lend me their intimacies, provided My Lady would be so generous to this unruly servant of her's..." Isabell directed at herself. When she thought about it, there was little doubt that she would be fed upon by Anael. The thought made her feel degraded and yet aroused at the same time as she imagined the fallen's lips around her length. Given their relationship, all she expected from her was humiliation. Anael, after all, hardly showed any favor for the senior demon under Liezelotte's service. The fact that she was there when Anael was being turned fallen likely didn't help that fact either.

(All I'm saying for now was that Isabell was 'present' as Anael was being turned fallen. Even then I feel like I may be going a little too far as to how xivvix may have wanted it to turn out. The details, I place into xivvix's hands. Isabell would have either had her turn with her, or simply guarded and ensured her health in between guarding Liezelotte.)


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Anael took in the butler's relayed news calmly, even though it was about as bad as she expected. This hidden villa may be safe for today, and could last for a week or two, allowing Lady Liezelotte to spend some time in her accustomed comfort. After that, however, they would need to venture out, and by that time, the other holdings might be reduced to the same state the main mansion had. By that time, whatever remained of Bachsmiens retainers might abandon their posts and loyalties. Lady Liezelotte had always lived in opulence. How would she react to finding herself suddenly left without masses of servants to cater to her desires. Though she said nothing, the fallen angel was starting to feel quit grim about their situation.

As the lids were removed and the meal revealed to the dinner guests, Anael hummed slightly in delight at the extravagant feast before them. The nobles of House Bachsmien often dined on the finest delicacies, but servants such as herself an Isabell were rarely treated so well. As she was both an angel and had been corrupted by her demon masters, Anael had no pressing need for food as mortals did, her hungers manifesting in other ways, but she was quite thankful to participate. As soon as Lieze had taken her first bite, Anael would follow suit, eagerly enjoying the meal, but showing strict discipline and propriety by only nibbling on small bits.

Isabell's sudden announcement took the angel by surprise, raising an eyebrow as she pondered the demoness' request. "My, my, that is bold," Anael said, placing her utensils down delicately as she looked across the table at Isabell. "First requesting that I be held back from enjoying the event I have been so graciously invited to attend," she continued, leaning forward with a sly smirk, "And now brazenly asking for a reward after said event. That bath must have washed away your sense of propriety." Anael finished her remark with a hint of mockery in her voice and leaned far back into her chair, inadvertently causing her skimpy dress to reveal a bit more of the bottoms of her breasts than she normally would have liked. She didn't seem to notice however, too caught up in toying with the uptight warrior. "Perhaps some part of your punishment will... stuff it back into you."

"What do you think, miss-?" Anael began, turning to the demoness that had joined them, the one they had met with Lieze back in the forest. "Oh, I'm sorry, we never heard your names," the angel said, bringing a hand to her mouth in a show of false embarrassment, "You two do have names, yes?" She smirked again, but only for a moment. "If you were to be punished by your superiors, numerous as they no doubt are, would either of you be willing to ask that said punishment be lightened, or that you be rewarded for enduring it?" Though she smiled while speaking to the two demons, Anael was much more interested in Isabell's reaction to the conversation. The demoness was intriguing to the angel, not only because of Isabell's conflicting emotions about Lady Liezelotte, but also due to the demoness' presence during Anael's imprisonment and corruption. It had always been obvious to the angel that the demoness was aroused by her body, and seemed more than eager to partake in the torments the other demons would inflict upon her. But always the demoness had held back. Why, Anael did not know. Duty? Honor? Pity? Whatever the reason, Anael's slowly weakening resolve to resist was contrasted against the seemingly unshakeable resolve more and more with each passing day that the demoness sat and watched and yearned. Her interest piqued, Anael had taken a twisted fascination with the demon warrior, wondering just how disciplined she really was. Plus, it was just so much fun to watch the normally proud warrior squirm in embarrassment.

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Isabell tensed when Anael had to add her own two cents to the conversation. The nerve! She thought. She knew that Anael was trying to toy with her, and that fact did not act as the source of what phased her. The angel was adapting to her position as a fallen rather easily and was already becoming like most demons. Isabell wasn't sure if Anael was looking for payback, or merely enjoyment, but if Isabell were so absorbed after her punishment, her mind would likely be reduced to that of a beast. And such a beast was liable to attack her charge. That result was ill suited to Isabell's desires. She would sooner cut her own head off before Liezelotte than attack her for energy. "If ensuring that I do not become so drained that I lose my mind and attack My Lady in lust is a reward, then yes, I very much desire that reward." Isabell replied firmly to the angel. "My Lady's protection, her entertainment, and the instrument of her anger, it is my duty to fill all of those charges. Beyond protection, I swore myself, and was not asked by her father. Should I ever be reduced to such a pathetic state, I would expect my body be rendered to dust before I dare lay a single hand on My Lady!" Isabell said to Anael with a bit more passion than a loyal guard would have for it's charge. A bit of Isabell's emotions seeped through her words, and it was obvious that her thoughts revolved around Liezelotte on the subject, and not herself.

Leaning back, and taking her first bite, Isabell angrily chewed her food, before swallowing it and adding one last bit. "But if that is what My Lady wishes, then so be it. But do not mistake me for selfish when I was given the personal task of being My Lady's most trusted, and close guard!" she stated firmly.


A bug
RP Moderator
Apr 8, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Liezelotte - HP = 56, PP = 47, EP = 91, Status = Fine
Isabell - HP = 102, PP = 46, EP = 46, Status = Fine
Anael - HP = 55, PP = 65, EP = 63/90, Status = Fine

"As you wish." The bottles were removed, and that left the meal to be complimented by nothing more than mere water. But for someone who had spent their time running around the countryside and burning bodies to ash some water would probably be just the thing they needed.

A few seconds later Isabell's request was made, and it sparked an immediate reaction. Gerald seemed genuinely shocked, his hand nearly fumbling a wine bottle as he passed it along, and after a quick look toward the bodyguard his gaze turned to find a rather flustered looking spider. Mina herself was turning a bright crimson, and although her fingers clicked against each other as she fidgeted nervously she suddenly looked a bit taller. More pronounced. Especially when her arms crossed below her stomach and caused her chest to swell just a little more. She was by no means a large woman, at least not in that aspect, but she was most definitely a finely shaped creature.

But Anael's interjection brought a stop to this, and everyone was a bit surprised to find the angel so calmly admonishing her ally as if it were the most natural thing in the world. And that shock rose as the two demons were suddenly addressed, and though the male was genuinely surprised the female looked rather affronted at the mockery of concern. "N-Nathaniel." "Annette." The woman didn't immediately respond to Anael's question, not when it was so obvious that it was a method to degrade not only the demon but the warrior as well, and once Isabell managed a retort Anne finally spoke up. "The only time I'd voice my own desires would be when one of my 'numerous' superiors would ask for such. Otherwise one tends to be punished for speaking out of turn." A look was passed to Liezelotte, one of venom tempered with a great deal of concern and self-preservation that quickly had it turning its attention toward a cup that was brought up to prepare to have a drink. "At least that's what I've learned recently."

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

"Hoho... such a drama this is..." Liezelotte thought as she followed the interraction from her seat, not taking any part in it at the moment. She was more satisfied with just following the proceedings, taking occasional sips of the pleasant water. After all that destruction earlier, it was a nice thing to have. The words of the demoness, Annette, did not phase her in any real manner. Mostly she ignored them, but took a mental note that this one might be trouble in the future. Even though the older demoness was a demon, the Lady would have no qualms about sacrificing her to further the needs of herself and the household, such was the way of dealing with these supposed rebels. As for Isabell's request, she gave a sly smile at the warrior, who had just been exposed in the bath. It was a mystery to her why the bodyguard would feel bad about her second member, but Lieze had plans to take enjoyment to herself by using the thing. "We'll see about that... after we are through the punishment..."


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Anael's grin only grew as Isabell gave her impassioned defense of her requests. "Oh, yes, yes, Isabell," she replied sardonically in her usual calm and cool manner, "I am sure your Mistress' body is something you spend much of your time worrying about." She paused for a second, then added, "Her safety, that is." The angel took a sip of water as Isabell tore into her meal, then looked over at Mina, the still nervous spider-girl now sporting a slightly more bold posture. With a lick of her lips and another sly smirk, Anael added, "Though you also seem to be taking quite an interest in being close to Mina. Perhaps you would prefer her to be present during your punishment, rather than I?" Though confident that proposal would bring another reaction from the warrior, Anael merely tilted her head as if honestly curious.

With Lieze remaining quiet during their conversation, Anael was becoming more accustomed to speaking without permission. Still, she knew the fine line she was treading, and that even the slightest mistake could land her in the unenviable position that so many others had landed in before the Lady. "Of course you are right, Annette," Anael said, managing to let out only a hint condescension. "And that is a lesson some never learn. But I wonder when, and from whom, you learned it?" Turning more towards the two demons, Anael inspected them a bit more closely. "When I first saw the two of you 'assisting' Lady Liezelotte, I thought you looked familiar. But I find I am unable to place you." Leaning forward, the angel stared first at Annette and then Nathaniel. "I feel I would remember you had we 'served' together."

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

"Of course!" Isabell replied immediately to Anael without thinking about her first question. Flustered, she didn't think deeply about what Anael was saying. "I spend every moment, even unconscious, thinking of My Lady's body!" she shouted, before going red in the face the split second she knew what she let herself be trapped into. Her face as red as a cherry, the fork she had in her hand for eating bent in her hand from how hard she began to squeeze it. "To hell with you, Anael!" Isabell cursed Anael without answering her second question before angrily beginning to eat her food with her bent fork.


A bug
RP Moderator
Apr 8, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Liezelotte - HP = 56, PP = 47, EP = 91, Status = Fine
Isabell - HP = 102, PP = 46, EP = 46, Status = Fine
Anael - HP = 55, PP = 65, EP = 63/90, Status = Fine

"Recently." Annette's gaze immediately focused on Anael, and as it did it became remarkably sharp. "When we first saw the spider. But who taught me I could not say. All I saw was a vase shattering over my head. It was almost as if it was divine intervention..." But despite her words and the unwavering look in her eye anyone watching would think that Annette knew exactly what had happened.

The remarks that followed, however, set the demonic woman into a rather nasty little frown. That was when Nathaniel leaned his head in to speak with her. "Sis! Play nice!" Though he spoke quietly he wasn't exactly subtle, and he turned around to offer the angel a small smile. "Don't worry about it too much, we're recent additions to the staff! We didn't do much. Couldn't, really, not when you're assigned to care for the, uh..." A rather cautious glance was given to Lady Liezelotte. "The more, er...broken souls at the manor..." So basically the pair were there to clean up the broken messes that some of the humans became under the patented Bachsmien care.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Anael could barely contain her mirth as Isabell reacted just as the angel hoped she would. The demoness' tirade, followed by the angry retort and blatent dismissal was exactly what Anael had been waiting for. Her smile threatened to split her face in half as she calmly regarded the warrior. "Now, now, Isabell," she said, her voice almost breaking from her amusement, "I was only commenting on your impeccable devotion to your Mistress. It's something you should be proud of, and declare loudly." The angel paused as the demoness angrily chewed her food, then with a laugh added, "Which you just did." The momentary break of propriety was all Anael would allow herself as she brought a hand to cover her mouth while she brought herself back under control.

Annette's response brought another dry comment from Anael. "Oh, was that you who made the mess in the hallway earlier?" she asked nonchalantly. "I tend not to notice the failures of the lesser servants." Though she didn't say it, the phrase 'They are beneath me,' was probably easy to infer from her tone. "You should be more careful next time. I'm sure that vase was quite valuable." To Nathaniel the angel was slightly more amicable, grinning as he attempted to explain their position among the staff without overstepping his bounds. "Oh, I see, part of the cleaning crew," she replied. "Well rest assured your services are appreciated. It saves the more qualified servants from having to step below their station."

With her interaction with Isabell now rather dramatically concluded and the two demons' presence explained, Anael returned to enjoying the feast before her. She still ate only small bits, but she did so with relish. Every so often she would peek at Lady Liezelotte, as if hoping she could see into the Mistresses mind about what plans the noble young demoness had for the coming trials ahead.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

While it might have been fun to throw some snarky comment into the ongoing verbal bout between the different servants, Liezelotte still refrained from doing it. Hearing all that she was hearing simply went above that, to be honest. Especially Isabell's silly slip proved to be a gem worth remaining quiet for, almost causing her to break out in giggles, and the Lady got to hear what these two demons actually did around here since she was not familiar with them all that well. "Clean-up crew... That's a bit odd, but I never fully had Father figured out..." the half-demoness pondered the two. She would have to use this newfound knowledge as an advantage in the upcoming events, though Lieze focused on eating for now. They needed to finish anyway, but there was still some day left, so they might have to think up something to do before evening got there and the fun could begin.

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Growling as she ate her food, Isabell disregarded the teasings of the fallen angel. Jabbing her fork into more of the meal in front of her, Isabell still managed to eat with the manners required at Lady Liezelotte's table while still showing how angry she was. "I'm through with this conversation." Isabell replied flatly to Anael's own reply, before taking yet another bite of her food. Eating quickly, Isabell was the first to set her fork down with an empty plate. Even though she finished, Isabell remained silent. She didn't want to say anymore more to get the fallen angel excited about what was to come, at least even more excited than she already was about the aspect of torturing her. But it wasn't the thought of being tortured that actually bothered her. The truth is that Isabell would have preferred if only Liezelotte did it. But when it came to Anael... Isabell would prefer if she was the one doing the torturing.