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Dragon Ball? :D

Re: Dragon Ball? :D

Blade Runner trumps Avatar.

So does 5th Element.

Hell, Dragonball Evolution trumps Avatar.



Yeah, 'Avatar' was bad. It at least trumps shit like 'The Last Airbender' and 'Dragonball: Evolution', though.
When you're getting trumped by 'AVATAR', you're doin' something wrong.

Heyheyhey, Dragonball Evolution may have been a shit movie but at least it entertained me. I can't say that with Avatar.

i use the redbox services at local grocery stores, they usually only charge a buck or two for movies. i never watch a movie more than once so its good for me.

Unless it's a brand new film I normally get mine for about £3-£7 from Tesco (supermarket chain in Britain) though I do watch some films more than once. One film I find that's a good pick up for me is Sunny With A Chance Of Meatballs. That film has me in stitches all the way through it.
Re: Dragon Ball? :D

Heyheyhey, Dragonball Evolution may have been a shit movie but at least it entertained me.

I don't understand what motivated people to completely disregard the fans of a theme they're using, then expect to make money out of it.

Also, Goku was white. White, who the fuck will I be able to think of when I think of Asian cartoon heroes now? Ash? Fuck no.

And further more, they actually had a petition put up by people who just wanted them to not make the movie. How bad do you have to be at your job when you're making (x) movie and fans of (x) want you to stop? Goddamn.
Re: Dragon Ball? :D

I don't understand what motivated people to completely disregard the fans of a theme they're using, then expect to make money out of it.

Also, Goku was white. White, who the fuck will I be able to think of when I think of Asian cartoon heroes now? Ash? Fuck no.

And further more, they actually had a petition put up by people who just wanted them to not make the movie. How bad do you have to be at your job when you're making (x) movie and fans of (x) want you to stop? Goddamn.

I never said the film wasn't an abomination that should never have been made, I'm just saying I got enjoyment from it that I didn't get from Avatar. It was because of how shit it was that it made me laugh.
Re: Dragon Ball? :D

I don't understand what motivated people to completely disregard the fans of a theme they're using, then expect to make money out of it.

Sadly you seem to see that all over the place lately. I whole heartedly agree. Why bother buying and using a license to a series/title/brand, and then making a movie which will only alienate/disgust fans of said title, and do nothing to garner interest from the rest of the market. If they simply renamed the title and characters of most of these crappy game/anime to live action movie conversions, in most cases you'd never be able to tell, everyone would be happier for it, and the movie would surely do better financially.

I mean really, what have they got to gain from deliberately pissing off their target audience? Do they not realise or talk about this in their planning/marketing meetings or something? I'm frankly amazed they still consider making game movies given the track record. Who is buying these things?

If I was the agressive type, I'd probably write something like, "If I discovered anyone I know actaully paid for 'said movie' I'd punch them in the face."

[Edit] Oh wait, I went off on a tangent and forgot what I was going to say. Who's seen the trailer for the "X-Com reboot"? From what I can tell of the trailer it's pretty much the same thing. Take a name of a classic series, throw away half everything that made it what it was, and slap the name on some irrelevant shooter. Whilst I can't make any judgements on the new game, I can't see any reason it should be using the X-Com name.

FFS. You do not try to sell hotsauce by calling it icecream just because icecream is popular. It doesn't work like that! >_<
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Re: Dragon Ball? :D

It is nice to see in the gamming markets some companies are actually listening to fans, kinda like capcoms forums. Now they may not use every single thing, but they are listening for the most part, which is good atleast.
Re: Dragon Ball? :D

We're already tearing apart Xcom because it's different from what it once was? We don't even know if the game's going to be good. Yes, they removed it from the turn based strategy genre into the shooter genre... because it sells better in the current market. Yes, they removed the sci-fi setting (sorta) and replaced it with 1950's suburbia from what the trailer shows... but yer still finding, studying and trying to protect Earth from an alien threat whilst playing as a secret government group.

Fallout changed a lot too. Taken from a turn based style RPG, into something much closer to an FPS. I'm sure there were plenty of things changed between Fallout 1/2 and when Bethesda made 3. It's done well and was quite an enjoyable game.

Then there's the Alien Vs. Predator franchise. I'm not talking about the movies, but rather the games and comics. Someone jammed two different sci-fi aliens into the same universe and made it work.

I even enjoyed the 2004 remake of Dawn of the Dead. Snyder took the Romero classic, and added more action and less character. Sure it's not as good a movie, but in the long run I find myself enjoying the remake more because of its faster pace and rather well done filming.

Then there was John Carpenter's 1980's remake of 'The Thing'. Has anyone seen the original? The alien was a giant fucking humanoid carrot. That's what they found out about it. The remake is now a cult classic and I rarely hear mention of the original.

Then there's the Lord of the Rings movie trilogy. Lots and lots of changes there. No barrow wights, no singing, action sequences longer and more intense, no Tom Bombadil. Many of the changes I saw between books and film were for the better, and made the movie that much more enjoyable in my opinion.

Then take a look at Watchmen. Sure most of it's the same, but fans of the original were in uproar over the change to the ending. Utter anger.

They replaced an alien squid with a massive explosion using Dr. Manhattan's powers. Frankly to me that makes much more sense, especially in today's world.

So I don't see the need to jump down something's throat at announcement because it's different. Changes, remakes, adaptations and reboots are not all bad.
Re: Dragon Ball? :D

[Edit] Oh wait, I went off on a tangent and forgot what I was going to say. Who's seen the trailer for the "X-Com reboot"? From what I can tell of the trailer it's pretty much the same thing. Take a name of a classic series, throw away half everything that made it what it was, and slap the name on some irrelevant shooter. Whilst I can't make any judgements on the new game, I can't see any reason it should be using the X-Com name.

FFS. You do not try to sell hotsauce by calling it icecream just because icecream is popular. It doesn't work like that! >_<

I saw that as well, a "Tribute" to X-Com in fps form. That in itself is pushing it a little far, considering that fps is as far from X-Com as a genre can get. Not only that, but in the preview all that was seen was one particular enemy.

Where they Sectoids? No.
Snakemen? No.
Ethereals? No.

Black goo shit everywhere, the gameplay didn't look bad, but I don't remember the part in X-Com where black goo invaded in a terror strike.

Now Fallout 3 itself was a bit of a farfetched push from the previous Fallout titles, but at least it kept the theme and some of the references from the previous titles going.
Re: Dragon Ball? :D

On the opposite side of that spectrum, Resident Evil 4 completely broke away from the mold of the previous games in the series and holy shit was it awesome.
Re: Dragon Ball? :D

Can't really judge x-com by their first trailer. We have yet to see what other aliens there are aside from the black goo and the flying circle thingers that have been in screenshots.

On the opposite side of that spectrum, Resident Evil 4 completely broke away from the mold of the previous games in the series and holy shit was it awesome.

To some people. There are plenty out there pissed at Capcom for making an action game over Survival-horror.
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Re: Dragon Ball? :D

I will admit i like the puzzle/adventure/shooter hybrid that the old resident evil''s were, but i really appreciate what resident evil 5 is, so if they want to make 2 seperate types of gameplay or series, i dont mind.
Re: Dragon Ball? :D

The Resident Evil series actually has 3 different types of gameplay throughout its series.

We have the classic survival horror of RE 0,1,2,3 CV, Outbreak and Outbreak 2
We have the more action oriented style of RE 4 and 5
And finally the onrail shooter of Survivor, Survivor 2, Dead Aim, Umbrella Chronicles and Darkside Chronicles

That's not even touching the mobile and portable games.
Re: Dragon Ball? :D

The Resident Evil series actually has 3 different types of gameplay throughout its series.

We have the classic survival horror of RE 0,1,2,3 CV, Outbreak and Outbreak 2
We have the more action oriented style of RE 4 and 5
And finally the onrail shooter of Survivor, Survivor 2, Dead Aim, Umbrella Chronicles and Darkside Chronicles

That's not even touching the mobile and portable games.

ive never even heard of survivor or dead aim..I wish i found those, i love rail shooting.
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Re: Dragon Ball? :D

From what I remember from an interview with the creators in PC Zone ages ago the black goo is the primary enemy in the X-Com reboot though it takes many forms and even learns and adapts based on how you fight it. Also, you get agency men with you while you do your missions who'll die a lot for the most part though if I remember correctly the further into the game you get the better they become though they'll still tend to act as meat shields. I've never played X-Com before (though I've been meaning to download it) but if I remember correctly the creators are trying to make it similar but also modern for a wider audience.
Re: Dragon Ball? :D

So the enemy is ever changing, shifting and learning black goo?


Well, the idea of it evolving based on how you fight it does sound pretty cool, I guess. As long as that's actually how it works, and not "Welcome to level 3; because you've been using BULLETS on it, because you've only had one weapon option thus far, it is now immune to BULLETS. But hey, here's a microwave gun."

I haven't played xcom, but I have friends who are fans.
Re: Dragon Ball? :D

It does look like a genuinely awesome game though like every other game I've got installed on my laptop it'll probably take me forever to play it.

And if I can I'll try to find the magazine with the article in and scan it in for those interested in it.
Re: Dragon Ball? :D

Can't really judge x-com by their first trailer. We have yet to see what other aliens there are aside from the black goo and the flying circle thingers that have been in screenshots.

To some people. There are plenty out there pissed at Capcop for making an action game over Survival-horror.

Capcop is my rap name.
Re: Dragon Ball? :D

Thank you for pointing that out.
Re: Dragon Ball? :D

Personally, going along with the off-topic, I'm all for giving the people a chance for shooting for a tad new. I mean, the newest Transformers movie, whilest disregarding most of what we know of transformers and just going off what the movie gives, isn't REALLY that bad. I'm just going the first one, I heard that the second was worse even in comparison to that. Then again, I guess it's mostly what the mindset of the creator is doing and if they are actually caring for the fans or the profit margin. The Spyro series, which I pretty much grew up on, is a good example of growing laxluster with age, from puzzles and platforms to (in one of my later installments kicking around the PS2 collection) a god-of-warish beat-em-up that tosses elemental attacks into it. like most action games anymore. Even the flying is reduced to a frantic on-rails fireball shooter.

Sure, changing the game a little bit or a refocus of what the character is (Arknym Asylum, Ghostbusters) is all well and good, but if you just toss concepts together, you get a pile of unimaginative drivel that makes Superman 64 look playable. But sadly that's the way the industry keeps looking as of late, more cranking less time to focus.... *sigh*
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Re: Dragon Ball? :D

I will admit i like the puzzle/adventure/shooter hybrid that the old resident evil''s were, but i really appreciate what resident evil 5 is, so if they want to make 2 seperate types of gameplay or series, i dont mind.

I myself completely hate the whole Plagas thing... But I understand that it was nessissary, because of the direcion they wanted to take the series...

The third person over the shoulder style we all now know

But with RE5 done with and Inafune saying he's not gonna work on a RE6

I've been dropping little things here and there on Capcom forums,

My current game push is: Still over the shoulder but taken to a minimalistic approach on combat... More zombies on screen and less ammo equals carefull shots and environmental maneuvars... More is More, more monsters, more fun

More kills more likely to run out of ammo...

Crawing through rusted air vents, breaching walls and doors for shortcuts taking it back to T-Virus days even if it has to be post dated to a 1996-98 set of events and be directly linked to Unbrella Labs

Then take the game back into the dark of subteranian settings, all the while keeping the More is More mindset, Don't be afraid to throw in 3 armoured lickers while you only have enough ammo to take on one or two, Those split second realisations of OH SHIT! I don't have enough ammo for this guy!?! Was always one of my favorite things about SURVIVAL horror games...

I dont see why they gotta give you a whole arsenal and enough ammo to kill every single thing that crawls your way, no challenge in that, at least it wasn't for me... I went through both RE4 and RE5 with just the blacktail(RE4) and the SIG(RE5) because its so easy... And still had pistol rounds to sell at the end!

In the shop, Buy/sell accumulates kill points, used for upgrades, alternate "light" weaponry set by mission or progress if linear that you missed out in the field, and buy ammo at decently high price, one that is obviously rewarding to a steady hand when aiming and not so to those who spray and pray...

But the real thing I want to see is... The "Agency" the mysterious group hidden behind the shadows of Umbrella,

We know of a select few members: Ada Wong, Jack Krauser, Albert Wesker... But who else belonged to this certain group of people... And what is there true goals?
Re: Dragon Ball? :D

The more enemies thing would really only encourage a bigger action game. You want survival horror back, don't upscale the enemies then hand them two bullets for their pistol. That's not fun...

There is plenty you can do to increase the survival aspect, and more to increase the horror aspect. Look at Dark Descent, you could do portions where you can hear things moving around, but don't know what or where they are. Lurk in the shadows and try not to be found by whatever wants to kill you.

If you want "Oh shit! No ammo to fight these armoured lurkers" then yer going to have to insert chase sequences or some kind of fight mechanic to simply avoid being killed and being a really shitty game because it gives you zero tools to actually play it properly. Chase sequences and fight mechanics are fun, but to keep pushing those in through the whole game will again dilute the survival horror aspect of the game.

Again, look at games like Dark Descent, or the non-action portions of F.E.A.R. to find things that work horror wise.

Now on the flip-side, yes upscaling enemy numbers and decreasing ammo could work. But what about this idea... your some kind of soldier or government agent or something right? Chris, Leon, Claire, Jill... they've fought these monsters how many times? By now they should be entering the situation bristling with weapons, not entering a potential hotbed with a knife and a crappy handgun with a single magazine. So how bout you get lots of shit at the start of the game... but resupplies are rather rare. And they would be, between in real life not being able to find ammunition sitting on a toilet, and looters. So you get lots of toys from the start... but got to ration them through the majority of the game.
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