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Dr. Love, Dr. Death (GargantuaBlarg)

Re: Dr. Love, Dr. Death (GargantuaBlarg)

Naltaibur: HP = 49, PP = 58, EP = 56, Status = Better

NPC Stats
Mavra: HP = 63, PP = 54, EP = 56/79, Status = Pregnant
Father Uldric: HP = 52/53, PP = 38, EP = 61, Status = Fine
Annabeth (Wizard Template) : HP = 35, PP = 50, EP = 0/55, Status = Helpless, Pregnant

Merc Stats w/ crossbows and swords, also duelist
Aluwin: Fine
Jax: Fine
Caden: Fine

Therion Guard Stats, shield/sword
Kormac: Fine
Jenkins: Fine

Willem: Fine
Paul: Fine

"Wasn't it?" Mavra inquired speculatively, "I didn't choose to do it... But I still did it. Try as I might, I cannot convince myself that it made my actions any less wrong, even if I wouldn't have done them if they could have been avoided." The demoness nonetheless gave the elf a comforting squeeze when she promised that her feelings hadn't changed, but then would seek to disentangle herself from Naltaibur so that they could get on with the other things they wished to do.

Her interruption would quiet the arguing pairs, but no one would offer her anything more than a brief glare for ending the verbal altercation before it could play itself out.

When the meal was ready, Uldric would scowl darkly at her for her refusal, ready to argue the point, but then Mavra turned and stared at him knowingly and silenced his argument. "Fine," the priest said, "but you had better not skip out entirely!" Once they'd eaten, just about everyone returned to the main room, to keep watch or to rest while Naltaibur continued working on her brews. Mavra would help as she could, and Uldric would pop in and out, but after that she would be left more or less alone with the demoness for a little while.

Eventually, however, Caden would pop his head in and announce; "Annabeth is awake."
Re: Dr. Love, Dr. Death (GargantuaBlarg)

Naltaibur was taken aback when Mavra revealed her feelings about what she'd done. Clearly the demoness was more disgusted with herself than Naltaibur was... never mind that she of all people among them knew that it had not been her choice. For Mavra, raping Annabeth had been, essentially, a physiological response. Involuntary. Literally, it was like hiccups - she simply could not not do it.

Or... was that it? Perhaps it wasn't a physiological response. Was it psychological? When faced with her imminent extinguishment of her soul, did her mind warp, make her decide that she would rather do something she thought was monstrous than die? Did her mind even warp at all...?

Naltaibur had wrestled with the thought of doing terrible things for a long time now - even though she used no sapient tissue, she still questioned how right it was to use her captured menagerie as guinea pigs for her experiments. To keep herself from breaking down, she'd convinced herself to look at things in terms of prices and gains... questionable treatment of the makeup of living beings versus the knowledge to restore, change, or repair living beings, in her case. In Mavra's, to act like a monster... or have her soul fade to nothing.

Then, Naltaibur recalled the memories she'd glimpsed of Mavra's 'homeland'. Naltaibur remembered a distinct feeling of disgust within those memories, and Mavra had said herself that she left Hell to be free of such monstrosities, hadn't she? Naltaibur had no doubt that raping Annabeth made Mavra feel as if she were the same as the monsters in Hell she had fled from.

The demoness made Naltaibur release her, however - perhaps alone time right now was not what Mavra needed, but she'd essentially told Naltaibur to let her alone for awhile... and Naltaibur did need to work.

Once she'd finally gotten some alone time, Naltaibur followed Uldric's directions, sneaking bites from a plate between tending the six different pots in the hearth... though, she kept her mask only loosened, instead of off entirely, pulling it to rest raised up on her head out of the way when it was only her and Mavra in the room, and hurriedly yanking it down whenever someone came into the room - despite the fact that it was always Uldric, who had definitely seen her face when she'd awoken. Naltaibur was still too nervous about her mutated appearance to voluntarily allow herself to be seen. When there was little to be done, she sat next to Mavra. Small talk seemed a bit inappropriate... and besides, Naltaibur was bad at it, so the elf just hoped her presence would help the demoness relax. She also checked to make sure Mavra wasn't hungry - she'd played host to over a dozen parasites and was supporting a child, after all. Naltaibur's child.

Naltaibur had just finished bottling the last of the potions when Caden came to them to make his announcement. Once again abusing her spells, Naltaibur had marked each vial with an arcane mark, denoting what each vial contained before stowing them away. Each mark was fairly self-explanatory and in plain Crolian script, since the potions were going to be doled out to the group; "H" for healing draughts, "M" for magic-restoring potions, "Pf" and "Pp" for the poisons, - fatal and paralytic, respectively - and a crossed out "Preg" for the anti-pregnancy potions.

With the potions all weighing down the sack tied around her belt, Naltaibur readjusted her mask to once again cover her face, and piled food up on another plate. "I'll be back, Mavra." Naltaibur whispered to Uldric to keep watch over Mavra, and let the others lead her to Annabeth.

"...How are you feeling, Anna? Naltaibur asked, cautiously. "Up for something to eat? Drink?"

Uh I am totally using Arcane L1 spell "Glyph" to write labels on them vials. I-I don't think there needs to be a roll for that so yeah.
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Re: Dr. Love, Dr. Death (GargantuaBlarg)

Naltaibur: HP = 49, PP = 58, EP = 56, Status = Better

NPC Stats
Mavra: HP = 63, PP = 54, EP = 56/79, Status = Pregnant
Father Uldric: HP = 52/53, PP = 38, EP = 61, Status = Fine
Annabeth (Wizard Template) : HP = 35, PP = 50, EP = 0/55, Status = Helpless, Pregnant

Merc Stats w/ crossbows and swords, also duelist
Aluwin: Fine
Jax: Fine
Caden: Fine

Therion Guard Stats, shield/sword
Kormac: Fine
Jenkins: Fine

Willem: Fine
Paul: Fine

It was hard to say for sure whether or not Mavra appreciated Naltaibur's continued presence. She didn't complain about it or do anything to push the night elf away, but she also didn't do anything to encourage her to remain nearby or show much in the way of appreciation. She offered nothing more than a nod when Naltaibur excused herself to go and see Annabeth.

The priestess was sitting up when Naltaibur arrived to see her, clutching her robes around herself and staring off into the distance. She recoiled slightly when Naltaibur approached with her questions, but after a second of staring at the masked doctor she slowly shook her head. "No," she said solemnly, and already had a glass of water to hand that she hadn't touched. "I'm.... Fine. Just a headache," she croaked softly.
Re: Dr. Love, Dr. Death (GargantuaBlarg)

Naltaibur put the food on a nearby surface. She was silent a long while, her hands spasming in quickly-abandoned gestures as she tried to start speaking but then immediately cut herself off, struggling to think up something to say.

"I'm sorry," Naltaibur said at last. "This... this shouldnt've happened. I knew Mavra would be like that after exhausting herself in yesterday's fight, but I failed to address it both after the battle was won and when we took shelter here. I'm so sorry, Annabeth."

A definite pause broke the silence between Naltaibur's speech. The pause could have been due to a myriad of reasons, but in truth, a flash of insight hit the elf, and she required a moment to process it. "...I took the liberty of examining you to make sure you were alright, afterwards. You are pregnant, but the child has no traces of demonic essence. I assume this means Mavra is not responsible, but regardless, I want you to know I have just brewed a few potions that will abort an undesired pregnancy, if taken early."

"If you so desire... I have also had some dealings treating mental and emotional trauma in the past. I am not the best counselor, but I can help you forget. Err... literally. Should you wish it, I can treat you so that you forget what happened, though I've never done the treatments under such poor conditions. It may be best to wait until we've established a hold on the fort..."
Re: Dr. Love, Dr. Death (GargantuaBlarg)

Naltaibur: HP = 49, PP = 58, EP = 56, Status = Better

NPC Stats
Mavra: HP = 63, PP = 54, EP = 56/79, Status = Pregnant
Father Uldric: HP = 52/53, PP = 38, EP = 61, Status = Fine
Annabeth (Wizard Template) : HP = 35, PP = 50, EP = 0/55, Status = Helpless, Pregnant

Merc Stats w/ crossbows and swords, also duelist
Aluwin: Fine
Jax: Fine
Caden: Fine

Therion Guard Stats, shield/sword
Kormac: Fine
Jenkins: Fine

Willem: Fine
Paul: Fine

"Wasn't your fault," Annabeth muttered disinterestedly after the long pause, her eyes not quite look directly at Naltaibur but remaining mostly unfocused. Another long pause followed, but then Naltaibur mentioned her pregnancy, and she turned an enraged look upon Naltaibur and straightened where she saw with her back against the counter. "I was virgin before your pet monster raped me!" she shouted in readily apparent fury, and her voice only dropped a few octaves as she continued; "If what you say is true... It is only by the Star God's mercy that my child does not hold her filthy blood, and if my child is so blessed I shan't be slaying it by poison before it even draws its first breath!"

Her offer to ease the woman's memory by erasing it only seemed to make Annabeth angrier, and her voice rose again as she replied; "What is this... Madness!? You'll do no such thing to my mind!" Uldric appeared at Naltaibur's elbow just then, the woman's raised voice having likely drawn him in, and he quickly took a consoling tone and said; "I'm sure Doctor Naltaibur was only trying to help... Please Annabeth, she's not going to-" He was cut off as the priestess angrily spat; "I know exactly what she's trying to do! She's trying to cover up for Mavra!"

Uldric frowned and glanced briefly at Naltaibur, but unless she replied first he would say; "I'm sure that that's not what she's doing.... She's just trying to help you. I know this isn't what you want to hear, but we all still need to live with each other for at least a little longer. We have a task that must be accomplished, and-" Uldric was cut off again, but this time it wasn't by Annabeth, but by a high pitched, rumbling shriek that ripped through the room and originated from just outside.

"Oh.... SHIT!" Paul grunted.
Re: Dr. Love, Dr. Death (GargantuaBlarg)

Uldric stepped in, trying to sooth the incensed priestess - Naltaibur was unable to respond, shaking with the effort of containing her anger. "It's very flattering you think me capable of making our entire troupe forget about this, Annabeth," Naltaibur said. The elf's mask concealed her expression, but not the sarcastic tone in her voice. "Say what you will, but please refrain from screaming when you do it." A little louder, she said, "Everyone, take defensive positions."

Unsheathing her falchion, Naltaibur made for the kitchen to collect Mavra - animosity was preferable to the group being split up. She fumbled around in her sack as she approached the bar, pulling out a vial of paralysis poison and quickly instructing the Falcons to coat three arrows and save them for spellcasters.

Naltaibur gave the demoness her crossbow and the quarrels in the case at her hip, and positioned herself at the center of the group, writing runes into the air as she chanted a spell to channel magical power the subject's muscles. Midway through, she slipped her blade to slide against the outside of her forearm, between her glove and sleeve - blood was a powerful reagent when it was fresh with life, she'd found, and it was easy to repair whatever of it burned away with her training.

The doctor wrapped herself in this spell, radiating magical strength into the men and women around her. Naltaibur now might hesitate to call them allies, but they (hopefully) would be united in their goal of self-preservation, at the least.

The thought that eviscerating some aliens might relieve the elf of some of her anger, though she quickly squashed that notion.

Casting L2 Body spell Lesser Strength to boost Body, using Blood Magic and Glowing Presence.

BC 44 VS casting difficulty 20.
12 targets (fuck); errbody gets +24 Body ((6+2)*3).

Final cost is 2 HP & EP. Upkeep is 7, split between HP and EP somehow.

Iunno if I get enough time to cast more buffs or whatever, also, but if I do, I totes want to cast Arcane Armor (L2 Arcane) with Blood Magic.
Re: Dr. Love, Dr. Death (GargantuaBlarg)

Naltaibur: HP = 49, PP = 58, EP = 56, Status = Better, +24 Body (Glowing Presence Blood Magic'd Lesser Strength) Upkeep = 4 EP and 4 HP

NPC Stats
Mavra: HP = 63, PP = 54, EP = 56/79, Status = Pregnant, +24 Body from Naltaibur
Father Uldric: HP = 52/53, PP = 38, EP = 61, Status = Fine, +24 Body from Naltaibur
Annabeth (Wizard Template) : HP = 35, PP = 50, EP = 0/55, Status = Helpless, Pregnant, +24 Body from Naltaibur

Merc Stats w/ crossbows and swords, also duelist
Aluwin: Fine, +24 Body from Naltaibur
Jax: Fine, +24 Body from Naltaibur
Caden: Fine, +24 Body from Naltaibur

Therion Guard Stats, shield/sword
Kormac: Fine, +24 Body from Naltaibur
Jenkins: Fine, +24 Body from Naltaibur

Willem: Fine, +24 Body from Naltaibur
Paul: Fine, +24 Body from Naltaibur

Casting: Success.

While it seemed that no one was content with the direction that the conversation was going, the sudden shriek from just outside their door brought the conversation to an end, and she found Mavra hastily entering the main room to see what was going on. She took the crossbow and bolts without comment, though didn't seem to know how to use them as she held the weapon and munitions loosely in her grasp while Naltaibur returned to the center of the room. Her magic washed over the group, affecting each of them and enhancing their strength.

The source of the sound did not reveal itself, but it did repeat as they readied, the archers readying the poison that Naltaibur had prepared earlier and then aiming at the door. For a few tense moments the sound kept on coming, and then.... The door was slowly pushed open, and an astoundingly beautiful woman stepped inside inside, straight blond hair swept back in silky curtain to reveal pointed ears and moonlight skin. A white robe clung loosely to her form, which was so flawlessly made that she might have been one of the statues of the gods from the royal museum come to life, and deep emerald eyes swept over the assembly of crossbows and longbows that were all pointed at her chest as she stepped inside, seemingly unconcerned in any way by the array of weapons pointed in her direction.

"Is something wrong?" the stranger asked dryly, while the gathered soldiers looked to Naltaibur and Uldric, and the priest himself simply stared back at her stoically.
Re: Dr. Love, Dr. Death (GargantuaBlarg)

Frustration and fear made Naltaibur's heart race as she stood, blade drawn, waiting for day's first tide of loathsome invaders to come crashing down on them. Yet, the keening seemed to die down, and the tide did not come - rather, a woman stepped into their temporary shelter. She looked alone and unarmored, but looked to be remarkably unmolested despite the beasts still roaming Therion. She was dangerous.

"Much is wrong here in Therion," Naltaibur replied. "I am Naltaibur, and this is Father Uldric. We are seeking to secure a safe haven to house those still alive. May we ask to whom we are speaking?"
Re: Dr. Love, Dr. Death (GargantuaBlarg)

Naltaibur: HP = 49, PP = 58, EP = 56, Status = Better, +24 Body (Glowing Presence Blood Magic'd Lesser Strength) Upkeep = 4 EP and 4 HP

NPC Stats
Mavra: HP = 63, PP = 54, EP = 56/79, Status = Pregnant, +24 Body from Naltaibur
Father Uldric: HP = 52/53, PP = 38, EP = 61, Status = Fine, +24 Body from Naltaibur
Annabeth (Wizard Template) : HP = 35, PP = 50, EP = 0/55, Status = Helpless, Pregnant, +24 Body from Naltaibur

Merc Stats w/ crossbows and swords, also duelist
Aluwin: Fine, +24 Body from Naltaibur
Jax: Fine, +24 Body from Naltaibur
Caden: Fine, +24 Body from Naltaibur

Therion Guard Stats, shield/sword
Kormac: Fine, +24 Body from Naltaibur
Jenkins: Fine, +24 Body from Naltaibur

Willem: Fine, +24 Body from Naltaibur
Paul: Fine, +24 Body from Naltaibur

"Ahhh..... No," the strange woman replied with a tone full of thoughtful amusement. "Uhm... What?" Uldric asked, to which the woman giggled and replied; "You may not ask! I'm not telling!"

The priest exchanged a confused look with Caden, and as they did the elven woman strolled in without closing the door, displaying an empty street, and said; "So, where are you planning on going from here? Out of the city?" It was Caden who replied, albeit hesitantly; "Uhm... We're going to one of the inner forts, fort Avenshire."

For some reason the stranger broke out into a broad grin, and walked over to sit down on the counter that most of them were taking cover behind. "Excellent! When do we leave?"
Re: Dr. Love, Dr. Death (GargantuaBlarg)

"Wh-- uhhhh," Naltaibur blurted out, taken aback. The elf looked to her compatriots.

"Do... do we have any more business here?" She asked. Presuming the answer was 'no', Naltaibur gave herself a few moments to think.

"Alright... everyone grab some food and drink from the kitchen. Don't overburden yourselves, of course - we don't know what we'll run into on the way, so we want to travel light. We'll leave for Avenshire shortly."

This woman was a distressing unknown to Naltaibur. She was far too casual - even a powerful mage was likely to hold some of the ragged reflection of Therion in them. Even if it were not physically, for simple and practical spells to mend clothes and clean the body existed, then the torn city was likely to reflect in attitude - in wariness at the least, born from witnessing the horrors inflicted upon it. She wasn't sure what to make of this elf... she was torn between pushing her luck and asking if she could fight or not, but decided to be cautious, instead. If she helped in battle, it would be happy coincidence, but Naltaibur would leave her out of planning.

Naltaibur accompanied the rest into the kitchen to quickly clean her potion-pots with aforementioned practical magics; old potionwork could behave unpredictably, and nothing good would come to any other survivors using pots with poison clinging to the sides.

The last thing Naltaibur did was to cast several spells in preparation of their leaving. Using her finger, she traced the word "AVENSHIRE" up on a wall in the main room of the bar, which would then glow softly and become visible to anyone inside looking at it. She once again raised the reflective focii around her core of power, and then summoned up a ghostly light radiating from some indistinct place to reveal any of those damned skulking lizards near them.

"No mind link," Naltaibur said. "Besides the obvious reasons, its very taxing, and I don't think I can handle maintaining such a large one for so long again right now."

Checking her gear and making sure everything was in place - including Dolly, housed once again in the sack of spoiled mousefeed - Naltaibur conjured up a little simulacrum of her experiment, imprinted upon it the different kinds of invader she'd seen so far and a few of the other telltale signs of them, like their cries or the slime they all seemed to be coated in, and sent it ahead of them, as a scout on the path to their destination.

"We all ready?"

Casting Water spell Clean (Lv 1) to clean dem pots
Casting Arcane spell Arcane Mark (Lv 2) to leave a sign (Orange Soapstone when). Condition to fade: Two months pass, I guess.
Casting Arcane spell Arcane Armor (L2) to buff Nal's Resistance. Applying Blood Magic; total effect should be +32 Resistance 6+2 *2.
Casting Arcane spell Eldritch Lantern (L3).
Casting Nature spell Spirit of the Rodent (L1) and sending it to scout ahead

Total cost is 7 EP and 1 HP, which uh I guess I'll heal with a L1 Body Heal if I have to?

Dropping Glowing Presence Lesser Strength because I am terrified of its upkeep even though I appear not actually be incurring it.
#MavraDidNothingWrong #DickOutDon'tShout
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Re: Dr. Love, Dr. Death (GargantuaBlarg)

Naltaibur: HP = 49, PP = 58, EP = 39/56, Status = Better, +32 Resistance (Blood Magic Arcane Armor) Eldritch Lantern

NPC Stats
Mavra: HP = 63, PP = 54, EP = 56/79, Status = Pregnant
Father Uldric: HP = 52/53, PP = 38, EP = 61, Status = Fine
Annabeth (Wizard Template) : HP = 35, PP = 50, EP = 55, Status = Pregnant

Merc Stats w/ crossbows and swords, also duelist
Aluwin: Fine
Jax: Fine
Caden: Fine

Therion Guard Stats, shield/sword
Kormac: Fine
Jenkins: Fine

Willem: Fine
Paul: Fine
Casting: No fails, unsurprisingly.
Perception: ???

"Nope!" the strange woman said cheerfully as she sat down on the counter, and with that mystery resolved and no violence apparently heading their way in the immediate future, Naltaibur found her group once more obeying her. Despite the conflicts that had come up between them, they all still had a common goal - to get to Avenshire and help those they could - and with their own concerns briefly set aside they were all reminded of their common enemy.

The others did as she commanded without question or complaint, and in a short while they were ready to go on, the stranger apparently ready to go with them. Their travel through Therion's streets was long, but blessedly quiet, and after a couple hours of walking through the massive city and encountering a few other groups of refugees and a few easily dispatched groups of tentacle aliens they finally reached their destination.

Avenshire, one of the inner city forts where people were supposed to sequester themselves in the event of a city siege that broke through the outer walls, stood occupied, a group of men on the walls welcoming them in at first with crossbows and then with relieved looks. Naltaibur was once more the one in charge of speaking for them, and now she would be free to say what she wanted, both about the journey that had led them here and about their ultimate purpose and its divine progenitor. The men there were just city militia and a few warriors, led by a mage who had been working in a forge, and how she treated with their elected commander - a gruff man named Robert who had something of a beer gut that stretched his mail - would determine how their efforts to mount a rescue went from there.

(So, I'm thinking about going for wrap ups in this thread, at least for the DG2 stuff. So, no more actual combat, just sort of management stuff and character interaction where necessary.)
Re: Dr. Love, Dr. Death (GargantuaBlarg)

For all the hard fighting they did yesterday, Naltaibur and her band of rapidly-becoming-ex-comrades seemed to be lucking out today - nothing especially troublesome slowed them down at all. Perhaps she should have stayed inside the cathedral and waited, if the streets would be this clear a day later... though on the other hand, it might've been something this strange woman was doing to keep them all relatively safe. None of the soldiers seemed to recognize her, so she wasn't likely to be someone important in the army or one of the royals... the stranger being a goddess was completely farfetched, but she HAD met Doraleous just yesterday - maybe the impossible could happen twice?

Whatever the case, Naltaibur's group picked their way through the streets and finally got to Avenshire, which thankfully proved NOT to be overrun. Perplexed by their strange new ally, fearful for the fate of her beloved Mavra, reluctant to simply flee with her away from the duty she'd sworn to Doraleous and the wounded city that had cradled her since birth, aching from abuse of her body and her magic, and uneasy with all the men who might seek to take Mavra from her and the lurking monsters outside that would take everything from her, Naltaibur fell to something that had become familiar and almost rehearsed by now.

"I am Naltaibur Slybelqua, mage, healer, and graduate of the Academy. This is Father Uldric, priest of Doraleous. When Doraleous struck the monster from the sky, he commanded Uldric to give succor to the people of Therion - we who took shelter with Uldric therefore braved the remnant invaders in the streets, to gather who we might, come to Avenshire, and aid in the recovery and care of all."

"We ask that you give us shelter and allow us to operate a clinic and accept all refugees we can. We also ask help in retrieving a party we left with some other survivors. In return, we will provide what help we can in defense, and care for your wounded: I am practiced in potionwork and enchantment, aside from healing. Sister Annabeth of the Star God, is another healer, who sees the righteousness of our actions, and Father Uldric enacts the will of Doraleous. Our fighting men are all stalwart and have held fast under severe press, and we have all survived several run-ins with the invaders, including several of their giants and those flying sorcerers."
Re: Dr. Love, Dr. Death (GargantuaBlarg)

Naltaibur: HP = 49, PP = 58, EP = 39/56, Status = Better, +32 Resistance (Blood Magic Arcane Armor) Eldritch Lantern

NPC Stats
Mavra: HP = 63, PP = 54, EP = 56/79, Status = Pregnant
Father Uldric: HP = 52/53, PP = 38, EP = 61, Status = Fine
Annabeth (Wizard Template) : HP = 35, PP = 50, EP = 55, Status = Pregnant

Merc Stats w/ crossbows and swords, also duelist
Aluwin: Fine
Jax: Fine
Caden: Fine

Therion Guard Stats, shield/sword
Kormac: Fine
Jenkins: Fine

Willem: Fine
Paul: Fine

Perhaps unsurprisingly, Commander Robert stared at Naltaibur incredulously for a few moments following her story before the entirety of her company - at least those who had been present at the time - would speak up in defense of her farfetched tale. The strange elven woman listened curiously to the story, but offered nothing in the way of input. After a few minutes of brief negotiation the pudgy commander would allow Naltaibur and Annabeth to take an unused mess hall for a proper infirmary, and the mercenaries would help them in setting up. Despite what had happened between her and Mavra, the priestess seemed willing enough to work with Naltaibur at her chosen profession, at least when the demoness was out of sight. Uldric, in the meantime, would organize volunteers for the first patrol that would be sent out to seek more refugees to bring back to the fort, and Naltaibur could go and offer her services to him if she so wished, make requests, or opt to do something else while the mercenaries moved to man the sparsely defended walls.
Re: Dr. Love, Dr. Death (GargantuaBlarg)

Upon finding out what Uldric was up to, Naltaibur reminded him of Gloria and Margaret, left behind in relative safety with those survivors they'd found before. Naltaibur thought of Gloria and renewed the memory of the link she'd shared with Gloria's mind, seeking to contact her, tell her that they were at Avenshire, and ask her how they were doing. Naltaibur wanted to return and pick up Gloria, Margaret, the women she'd saved, and the alchemist and his fellows... the meager forces guarding this place seemed like it might crumble if a real attack were to come, however, and despite her talk earlier, she wondered how well her men would handle themselves if they were spread thin along the walls and without Naltaibur or Annabeth's magical support. She also was somewhat loathe to leave Annabeth here alone, in case she began to spread rumors...

...But then again, Naltaibur suspected that was just her paranoia talking. In the end, Naltaibur suggested to Uldric that their group, sans Annabeth, make up the majority of the first patrol. The doctor would ask Annabeth to stay behind, set up the infirmary, and heal whatever wounds or illnesses might be troubling the men here.

There was yet some work to be done before leaving, however. Naltaibur wanted to take stock of what their clinic might need, in case they came upon it on the trip. Bandages, firewood, blankets, and clothes seemed the most immediately obvious to her. Clean water would be important... but it was heavy and hard to carry, and she could use magic to create it, if it were needed. She also needed to replenish her herbs and reagents; poisons and potions would likely be very helpful in the defense of this place.

If her plan were agreed to, Naltaibur would leave two of her magic-restoring potions with Anna, and split the remaining six evenly between her and Mavra. Naltaibur gave two of the healing potions to Mavra - she most often held back, so she was the most likely to be free to heal anyone if they needed it - and gave one each to both Aluwin and Uldric. She split her remaining poisons evenly between her group and the defenders - giving them strict warnings about their use - and left one of the pregnancy-ender potions with Annabeth, insisting it was in case of refugees came in, somehow pregnant with the invader's spawn. Naltaibur expected she might need the other three potions for the unconscious lot they'd left behind...

During her stock-taking, if Naltaibur were afforded a moment without the mysterious elf woman around, she'd ask her compatriots what they made of her. Naltaibur was particularly interested in the opinions of Annabeth, Uldric, and Mavra, due to their various magical influences.

The last thing to manage was pestering the Quartermaster of the fortress if they should look out for any particular groups or supplies, and with that, Naltaibur deemed them ready to go. Hopefully her men had allowed themselves some time to rest while she was running about. When in contact with Gloria, Naltaibur asked the girl if they'd need a wagon when they came to pick them up - and would ask for one from the quartermaster, if they did.

This all assumed the contact with Gloria wasn't alarming, of course, in which case the niceties of inventory management and stock-taking would be abandoned in favor of rapidly returning for rescue.
Re: Dr. Love, Dr. Death (GargantuaBlarg)

Naltaibur: HP = 49, PP = 58, EP = 39/56, Status = Better, +32 Resistance (Blood Magic Arcane Armor) Eldritch Lantern

NPC Stats
Mavra: HP = 63, PP = 54, EP = 56/79, Status = Pregnant
Father Uldric: HP = 52/53, PP = 38, EP = 61, Status = Fine
Annabeth (Wizard Template) : HP = 35, PP = 50, EP = 55, Status = Pregnant

Merc Stats w/ crossbows and swords, also duelist
Aluwin: Fine
Jax: Fine
Caden: Fine

Therion Guard Stats, shield/sword
Kormac: Fine
Jenkins: Fine

Willem: Fine
Paul: Fine

Uldric would agree that going to get those they'd left behind had to be secured as quickly as possible, and though he seemed hesitant to take Naltaibur with them when she was needed here he didn't argue, instead urging her to hurry up with her other business. Annabeth was already busy doing what she'd asked, and spoke as little as possible to the elven doctor. The fort proved to not currently have anyone acting as quartermaster, the lightly defended forts usually only manned by skeleton crews of guards rather than by full armies.

Annabeth, Uldric, and Mavra all proved to have more or less the same opinion about the mysterious elven woman, though they worded their commentary slightly differently. She clearly either wasn't mortal and was some greater being in disguise, or was a mage who had gone mad. Uldric seemed to favor the latter, though suggested that she might instead be a dragon. Mavra seemed to think she was some sort of faerie, and Annabeth assumed that she was a bored daemon looking for souls to steal.

Gloria replied that they were still alright, and that the people had mostly awakened and their spawn had been killed at birth. The sojourn to retrieve them would go without incident, only a few small skirmishes with small groups of lesser aliens, and by the time they returned with the refugees night was starting to fall.
Re: Dr. Love, Dr. Death (GargantuaBlarg)

Upon return, Naltaibur wondered if she'd made a miscalculation, leaving the priestess alone, able to spread whatever word she wanted... as well as garnering good faith with the men here, had she found time to treat them. At the same time, Naltaibur had been extremely reluctant to leave the transportation of twelve vulnerable women without magical support... good or ill, she'd made the choice, and likely would gain nothing but a (worse) headache from dwelling on it.

...But still.

It seemed like to Naltaibur like her ability to make decisions had grown worse and worse as this whole fiasco had gone on. Or rather, it had worsened since they'd left the Cathedral - stepping outside to fight one of the juggernauts had proven extremely bad decision judgement, Naltaibur thought. They'd started well, of course - it did not help that their enemies were much less threatening at first - but the clinic had gone rather poorly - one of them, Kormac, almost dying, and the group suffered several ambushes that they hadn't needed to, because of Naltaibur's desire to search the lot for survivors. Then there was their first mage-invader, which she'd assessed poorly - she'd expected a much tougher fight. And then, her crowning failure, the bar, where she'd wasted their time trying to escape through the mist against creatures with no eyes, and nearly gotten them all killed in the process. She'd thought the fog's magical nature would have... well, it was no matter what she'd thought. The mist had done them worse than it had the enemy, and she'd allowed Mavra to exhaust herself. Now, Mavra's life was imperiled to the whims of who-know's-who's judgement. Fleeing such judgement would be easy, given the city's state... were it not for the task she'd been set to by Doraleous, who'd saved her Therion, and the abandonment of Therion in its most dire hour.

Naltaibur needed Mavra... the intimacy she shared with the woman was something she'd practically given up on ever experiencing again. For Mavra to be taken away... Naltaibur did not know if she would be able to handle it. Despite the love she had for her city, and the fear of provoking Doraleouses' wrath, Naltaibur honestly had no clue what she would do if forced to make a choice.

If... or rather, when.

Naltaibur returned to the fortress with the others. Fear loomed in her mind, and for her own comfort, she wrapped an arm around Mavra's, keeping her close. She had to see how much space and how many cots were left once they were cared for...

...At some point, she would also need to find some secure quarters. Secure, barricadeable quarters.

She also checked up on that strange elf.

Naltaibur also made sure to reacquire her truncheon from Gloria.

Doe the Alchemist and his homies come along, too?
Re: Dr. Love, Dr. Death (GargantuaBlarg)

Naltaibur: HP = 49, PP = 58, EP = 39/56, Status = Better, +32 Resistance (Blood Magic Arcane Armor) Eldritch Lantern

NPC Stats
Mavra: HP = 63, PP = 54, EP = 56/79, Status = Pregnant
Father Uldric: HP = 52/53, PP = 38, EP = 61, Status = Fine
Annabeth (Wizard Template) : HP = 35, PP = 50, EP = 55, Status = Pregnant

Merc Stats w/ crossbows and swords, also duelist
Aluwin: Fine
Jax: Fine
Caden: Fine

Therion Guard Stats, shield/sword
Kormac: Fine
Jenkins: Fine

Willem: Fine
Paul: Fine

The fortress had a number of rooms in the basement and in the keep that had been used as barracks, and Annabeth had already organized a group to get them ready to receive refugees by the time they'd come back with the surly alchemist's group and the women they'd rescued. There was plenty of room, the forts designed to take in numerous refugees, but none of the halls meant for people were particularly secure, the most robust having nothing more than thick oaken doors and the rest having nothing at all. The areas for storing supplies were far more secure, their doors heavily locked and having bars on them, though the lack of a quartermaster left the keys up for grabs, and one set was missing from the hooks. Mavra seemed more annoyed by her distracting closeness than anything, the two clinging together only making the two mages an easy target if another of the magic using monsters appeared. Luckily that didn't become an issue, but the demoness disengaged from Naltaibur and moved to help the people they'd taken care of get where they needed to go while Naltaibur got her truncheon back from Gloria.

Checking around, the strange elf had seemingly been standing on top of the keep all day, and Naltaibur found her there, staring off in the distance at the crashed colossal alien. She only spared Naltaibur a glance before looking back to the thing, and said; "Settling in well, doctor?"
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Re: Dr. Love, Dr. Death (GargantuaBlarg)

It seemed to Naltaibur that her situation seemed to ever be degrading. She had even managed to annoy Mavra, who Naltaibur had rapidly grown to hold as one of the most precious people she knew. Damn... the elf could take Aluwin and his men, Kormac, Jenkins, those two Falcons and Annabeth all distrusting her. Father Uldric was a comfortable rock of stability, but Naltaibur thought she could handle it if the priest lost faith in her as well. But Mavra... knowing she'd displeasured Mavra made Naltaibur's guts clench, even if it was something as small as having been a little needy.

Obviously, seeking comfort from her demoness as they neared Avenshire hadn't worked out very well for Naltaibur. It left the doctor distracted as he got back to work - thoughts beyond taking inventory and examining her new refugees eating away at her mind. Had she invested too much of her emotions into Mavra? That was entirely possible... probably likely, even. Naltaibur reminded herself that they'd only known each other for two days... a great portion of which was spent either unconscious or focused on getting to Avenshire than actually getting to know Mavra herself. What did Naltaibur actually know about her precious demoness? She read romance books... she had some connection with Doraleous and perhaps Father Uldric, it seemed... she hated the barbaric nature of her native demonic society... despite her willingness for sex, her favorite positions were astoundingly vanilla... she fiercely regretted raping Annabeth. ...Was that all?

Naltaibur reminded herself that one of the most important things she shared with Mavra was intimacy. Naltaibur had fled all intimacy since she'd imbibed that infusion of orc, lest her secret be discovered. That had been years and years ago by now, and the elf had no delusions about just how lonely she'd been.

Perhaps that was clouding her judgement? As much as she felt like she loved her Mavra, perhaps it was unfair of Naltaibur to put so weight upon such a newfound relationship. Perhaps... she ought to go back to her loneliness. Retreat back to solitude, Naltaibur thought. Forget about Mavra?[/i] Naltaibur thought, hating the thought bitterly as she did.

DID she want Mavra to stay with her? Or should she be reasonable - hope she fled, just disappeared from Naltaibur's life? Certainly it seemed like Mavra's escape would keep her safe from whatever horrid punishment might await her... if it came to it, could Naltaibur let her love free from her embrace? Or would Naltaibur try to cling onto her beloved demoness, trapping her in place until it was too late for her to run for safety?

The doctor took a moment to think some more about what she knew of Mavra... Mavra had expended her entirety to striking at the invader-mage that had attacked them in that grocery. That was NOT the action of a selfish woman, Naltiabur thought - she'd knocked herself out, at the whims of the fortunes of the the rest of group. Had they lost, she would have been raped until her soul had been flayed away into oblivion, same as Naltaibur and Annabeth. Naltaibur resumed her work, checking the rescued orc woman's vision. She filed away the deduction she'd made for later.

When she sought out that elf, someone told her she was on top of the keep... and had been their all day. Naltaibur presumed she'd spent the entire time studying the crashbeast, just as she was doing when the doctor found her.

"Not really, no," Naltaibur replied, taking off her hat as she entered the woman's presence, though her hood, cinched close, still kept her covered. The doctor was half-tempted to simply let the woman see her - if she was some sort of 'greater being' she probably didn't care about Naltaibur's appearance... and perhaps could sense it anyway. Naltaibur pushed the thought - it was a secret, after all, and one of the reasons Mavra was in so much trouble right now, wasn't it? That desire for someone to see and acknowledge Naltaibur had been part of the reason she'd dragged the demoness through all of these horrors. What a mess. She pulled that desire back into place; it must be kept under control.

"Dactyle for your thoughts?" Naltaibur asked, pointing at the crashbeast, off in the distance.
Re: Dr. Love, Dr. Death (GargantuaBlarg)

Naltaibur: HP = 49, PP = 58, EP = 56, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Mavra: HP = 63, PP = 54, EP = 56/79, Status = Pregnant
Father Uldric: HP = 52/53, PP = 38, EP = 61, Status = Fine
Annabeth (Wizard Template) : HP = 35, PP = 50, EP = 55, Status = Pregnant

"I never say no to free coin~" the woman replied playfully, looking back over at Naltaibur briefly with a wide smile for a few seconds before looking back to the crashed alien vessel, her face shifting back into a scowl. "Still more troubled about the fate of your demon lover than over the fate of Therion eh?" she said dryly, though without admonition or accusation. "Nothing wrong if you are," she added before Naltaibur could respond, "she is quite lovely... And quite unusual for one if her ilk. And it was a long time for you before her, wasn't it?" She adopted a knowing smirk for a moment before her her frown returned, settling over her unnaturally lovely face like a storm cloud, and then she said; "You must make a decision... Soon. You have to decide where you can put your faith, Naltaibur, and what you are willing to abandon."

She turned in place, a hand on her hip, "You have surmised, obviously, that I am... Not exactly what I seem. You needn't be worried what I am, suffice to say that I took some interest in you when I noticed what sort of company you'd been keeping. I've not seen many mortals defy the will of a god, not when they appear right in front of them, but you... You consider it. Even now, and not out of cowardice or out of some other... Directly selfish motive. You must decide... If you have faith in the thunder god, in yourself, in your lover, or in Therion... And which you might be most willing to sacrifice if your faith in the others is too strong to let go of."
Re: Dr. Love, Dr. Death (GargantuaBlarg)

Sometimes Naltaibur hated being right. The strange elf was even inside her thoughts!

"The thing that brought the invaders is dead, and Doraleous himself came to save Therion itself. It was a grievous wound inflicted on this city, but the fate of the city from here on out will not be affected by mere doctor such as myself," Naltaibur replied to her first question. "The clinic is set up - Anna is a capable enough healer. That alchemist came with when we returned with those rescuees, so he can take over the potioneering I mentioned I was good at... probably unwise of me to tout that talent, in retrospect. I think Uldric is capable of helping them come to terms with what's happened, especially with Gloria and Margaret... as capable as I would be, anyway. I was never good at counseling and the like." Naltaibur stood at a crenelation, drumming the stone with her fingers. "I don't think a few years counts as 'a long time', even if I'm not even three decades old yet," the doctor continued. "I've got four centuries, after all, and I'll be able for most of them. I've time to spare. No doubt, ehm... that has certainly helped my fondness for Mavra, and her beauty certainly drew me to her at first... but truly, I think more than that, that she's a wonderful, good person. Kind, compassionate, and sweet... she's much better than I am, certainly - far more caring. She was certainly more torn up about what happened than I was, to be sure."

The doctor let a pause of silence hang in the air as she sought out what she wanted to say next. "I... I don't want to live in a world that would kill her because of something that wasn't even under her control." Naltaibur said at last. "I should have been able to prevent it. I knew what would happen, as soon as she collapsed... I was just too weak to prevent it. Too weak to just say 'quarantine us, peek through the door periodically'. If I'd done that, none of this would have happened. Mavra would not have to question herself, Annabeth and the men would still be only unjustifiably mistrusting of her, and and I wouldn't..." the elf caught herself, a brief flash of reluctance to finish making her pause. "...I wouldn't have to choose between abandoning my duty to my city, losing the only person I've cared about in my life in a long time, or fucking having that happen to me," Naltaibur finished, giving an agitated wave towards the pulverized, gargantuan invader beast off in the distance. "She... she's not here, eavesdropping on me, is she?" Naltaibur asked suddenly, looking over her shoulder.

Assuming she saw nothing, the doctor let out another pause, and then began to run at the mouth. "I mean... you know, when I spoke to him, he told me he was asking me just because I knew how. D'you think when he finds me and smashes me into the ground, he can just take my know-how and start tending the people himself? That might work out pretty well for... everyone, except myself, I suppose."

"And technically, I did get this place running... Anna knows how to tend to the wounded. Safety and succor is here. I just... might... not be working on it personally." Her fingers fell rhythmically onto the hard stone. "What if she and I went back out into the town? I could perhaps give help to those we find amid the ruins... though... with just Mavra and I..."

The doctor sighed. "Neither of us are fighters... we'd probably just end up as a Subject Gemini, or something, wouldn't we..." Naltaibur could risk herself to that fate, she thought - as terrifying as it was, at least it would befall her. Dragging Mavra along to suffer it as well... Naltaibur could not suffer that.

The elf crossed her arms, turning her back and leaning against the wall of the keep's roof. "And let's not mince words, I know I'm being selfish," she said, addressing the mysterious elf directly, trying not to let her gaze linger on her distractingly perfect features untowardly. "I'd be abandoning my duty and my word to a city in favor of not losing someone I care for. Indirectly selfish, justifiably selfish... in the end, still selfish, no?" Naltaibur began to consider her options once again... no one had seen her face but Aluwin, and if she recalled right, demons were shapeshifters... If she would 'have to make a decision soon'... there wasn't much of a reason for her not to make a decision now, was there? She was fairly convinced... she just needed to know how many monsters there were outside the wall. The invaders would have focused on the inside, surely... but they might've roamed outside, as well. Naltaibur took a look from her vantage point atop Avenshire - was she along the outer wall? Could she even reach the outside, or would she be forced to flee back into the invader-infested city?

Uuu. Do I know if I can ward against the Arcane Find and Locate-type spells? With a ritual, with an enchanted item, stuff like that.