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Dr. Love, Dr. Death (GargantuaBlarg)

Re: Dr. Love, Dr. Death (GargantuaBlarg)

Naltaibur: HP = 45, PP = 53, EP = 11/49, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Mavra: HP = 63, PP = 54, EP = 42/79, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Father Uldric: HP = 53, PP = 38, EP = 61, Status = Fine
Annabeth (Wizard Template) : HP = 35, PP = 50, EP = 49/55, Status = Fine, +24 Perception on Self, +24 Body on Kormack, Eavesdrop

Kormack decidedly noticed that Mavra and Naltaibur had snuck off when he reached the next landing and found that they were no longer behind them, and he walked in on them just as Naltaibur was flopping onto the bed. "What are you doing in here? We've got to get back downstairs where it's safe!" he said, but Mavra smiled reassuringly and said; "Don't worry, she was just feeling feint for a moment. Doing too much magic in a day will do that to you, but she should be alright after a little bit of rest. Plus, she saw something in this apartment that she could use when she was having the lizard explore it, so we'll see if it's real and bring it down with us in a couple of minutes." Kormack was taken aback by the normally silent demon's sudden inspiration to speak, but after a moment he replied; "Oh! Uhhhh.... Well I can just stay here then, don't want anything sneaking in on you two." Mavra waved his concerns away, saying; "We'll be fine so long as we're quiet. There isn't anything dangerous in here, don't worry. You go on down, we'll catch up... But if we aren't back in, say, twenty or thirty minutes, you can come looking for us, alright?" The soldier seemed hesitant, but a bit of prodding from Naltaibur would be enough to send the soldier off with a hesitant nod.

Once they were alone together, Naltaibur was free to get out of as much of her protective suit as she liked, and Mavra quickly moved to sit by the elven doctor's side without needing to be asked to. An arm came around Naltaibur's back and settled around her waist as she leaned against Mavra's shoulder, and the demoness rested a cheek against the top of her lover's head and nuzzled against her softly. "You could, I'm sure.... But you don't need to worry about that," she whispered softly in reply, moving her free hand onto one of Naltaibur's and clasping it gently after Naltaibur had done away with her gloves. Mavra smiled brightly, allowing the mutant elf to feel the change in her expression through her hair and skin, and said; "Of course.... I just wish we could have more time to do it!"

The demoness would happily accept being the little spoon when Naltaibur pulled her onto the bed, shifting so that she was comfortably in the elf's embrace, and though even breathing in the scent of her skin was a potent enough aphrodisiac to get her body going, the effect was muted enough to suggest that Mavra was deliberately suppressing much of it so that they could be comfortable. She could feel her lover smirk when that temptation started wearing at her willpower and caused her to swing a leg over the demon's and wrap her arms around her shoulders, and after Naltaibur stumbled over her statement Mavra chuckled softly and turned her head so that their eyes could meet. Once they had, she said; "It's alright, Naltaibur.... I'm far from starving even after the energy I used, and I know how trying today has been. I don't think we'll have much time to rest here, one way or another, and.... And I don't want to stress you."

Despite her delicate refusal to feed, if Naltaibur still moved to kiss her the demoness would happily comply, parting her lips just slightly as the elf's initially brushed against her own. "I won't..." she whispered softly in reply to Naltaibur's request not to let her pass out, and then had no opportunity to say more as Naltaibur initiated a much deeper kiss, one that Mavra was happy to accept and expand upon. Her mouth open, the demon's tongue moved to dance slowly with Naltaibur's in the space between their mouths, a soft but audible gasp managing to escape that affectionate embrace. The unnaturally beautiful demoness shifted, gradually trying to press every part of herself against her mutated lover all at once as the dance of their tongues progressed. A hand grasped Naltaibur's thigh and pulled her in even closer, and a few moments later she would find that her assumption had been true as she felt the tendrils of Mavra's hungry essence reaching out to wrap around her frayed spirit. She could feel her energies being siphoned off, starting to restore what her lover had spent, but she barely had anything to give at that point, and Mavra was being very tender. She could feel her body heating, both from the nature of their kiss and from the rising pheromones emanating from Mavra, but the demoness made no effort to establish dominance as she had before and would happily relax in the kiss for as long as Naltaibur wished.


When she reached into the sack to scoop out some of the grain, Naltaibur realized that the mouse had, at one point or another, peed and shat in the feed. Given that she had nowhere else to do it, that probably wasn't surprising, but because of it the winged rat wouldn't touch the spoiled grain. She flapped her wings happily when offered a crust of Naltaibur's bread, however, and one of the strangers watched with some amusement as the rodent nibbled on the bits of food offered to her. Gloria came over to Naltaibur on her own while she fed the mouse some of her own meal, having already finished with her share of the sparse rations, and upon sitting down opened her mouth to speak just as Naltaibur contacted her over the shared mental link.

Frowning softly, Gloria fumbled for a response for a moment, before Naltaibur would hear back; ['I know... I know that you mean to protect me. I know, after how dangerous is it was even making it this far, that we'll be going into even greater danger as we get closer to Avenshire. I know all that, but....'] The girl paused in frustration, an emotion that Naltaibur would feel like it was her own over the intimacy offered by the mental link. Tears were forming at the corners of the girls eyes, and she chewed her lip for a moment as her helpless anger was transferred to the elven doctor. ['It's just.... I don't want to be so... So useless! You risked your life to save me earlier, and I haven't even done anything to try and repay you for it.... I know that I can't fight, but maybe... Maybe I can do something! Something to help the wounded, or maybe gather supplies, or... Something! I just... I can't sit down here in a basement while people are risking their lives! There must be some way that I can make myself useful!']
Re: Dr. Love, Dr. Death (GargantuaBlarg)

Naltaibur waved a hand, dismissing Kormack's concerns. "Don't worry, Kormack. We're all still connected mind-to-mind - you shall know if we are imperiled. Truthfully, I need some time away from the press of bodies downstairs - it is already difficult enough to think with some eleven people in my head, and as I'm sure you've found, Mavra is most quiet."

Once she'd straddled her demoness and stammered out her offer, she was a little taken aback when Mavra told her it was 'alright'. Naltaibur hesitated - she did raise a good point, in that they had distressingly little time to rest, and she might not recover fully before they were ushered out by that Alchemist. ...But, then again, the rest of the house was still secure, and she could simply take an extra few minutes to rest outside the basement afterwards. But... was that wise? Was that...

Naltaibur struggled with the question of whether or not she should continue for a hefty while, before at last, she looked away. "Damn it, Mavra," she whispered, the color on her cheeks deepening, embarrassment in her voice. "I feel good when you do it. And I want to feel good right now."

She lowered her head to bring their lips together, intent on continuing.


When Naltaibur finally pulled away - her cocks straining against her trousers, their presence most definitely felt by the demoness, her heavy leather overrobe the only piece of clothing she'd unburdened herself with besides her other articles once Kormack had left - she asked Mavra a question - mind-to-mind, so she free herself in trying to catch her breath.

"Mavra, I want to know - what gets you off the most?" she asked suddenly. "You're so beautiful... I want to know how to make you writhe and moan, until your eyes are glazed over and you feel so good you can't think about anything else. I want to make your back arch, and your breath shallow and ragged. I want it so that when I can have you all to myself, you don't have to worry about anything except when the world outside will demand I stop making you cum."

The words flowed out of Naltaibur, emboldened by her lust and her solitude with her lover, and spurred on by the fact that she had no time to spend with her now, and the awareness that the world would tear them from each other if it could - separated or captured by the invaders, or mistrusted and held in suspicion by people like Anna. She dove down again to kiss Mavra's collarbone, long tongue snaking out to taste her. Gently, she wrapped mental tendrils around Mavra's mind - she wished she knew, wished she had the liberty to do whatever it was thatturned on her demon the most... what better way than to look for herself?

Still, though... she would not attempt to fight past her if she did not want to share just yet. Naltaibur would pull herself back, should Mavra wish it. Either way, they were due back downstairs, and Naltaibur had to allow herself time to 'calm'... lest her secret appendages make themselves known. She would give Mavra a final kiss, and then reluctantly pull herself away.


Naltaibur hadn't been surprised Dolly had relieved herself in the feed... she was surprised, though, that the little mouse refused to eat what she'd soiled. After all, mice and rats were not known to be very picky. Was it the domestication that made her so? Well... it mattered little, for now.

Naltaibur felt emotions not her own leaking over the link she shared with Gloria when she sat her down to talk, anger leaking through her usual calm. Wordlessly, she tried to gather her thoughts, and throttled the link between them, trying to keep Gloria's emotions from tainting her words. That was strange... that shouldnt've happened, she thought. Was her control slipping with fatigue? It wasn't especially likely Gloria had latent talent... natural magics like that were not especially common, and probably would have manifested long ago, had she possessed them. ...Then again, it weren't as if her understanding of such things was very deep - she'd not possessed them when she'd attended the Academy, after all.

The doctor spent a few moments to calm herself once Gloria had finished, taking time pick her words and make sure her false feelings did not color them or her judgement.

"Gloria... Gloria, before I rescued you, when the attacks started, I failed to save so many people. One of the giants slew so many people, right outside my door. My street was filled with many more of the monsters, who... who so much evil, to so many people, as I watched. I tried to slay them. I failed. I was caught, and I ran and hid, and I could help none of them. I... tried to help someone, and they were Turned, and I was forced to kill them. With all of my capabilities, all of my wit... I failed so many."

Naltaibur turned to look at Gloria, putting a hand on her shoulder.

['Gloria... you were the first person I was able to save, and my first success against these invaders. You were the only person who, when they reached out to steal you, I was able to stare them down, and tell them, 'No.' You are a panacea for my spirit against hopelessness, Gloria. So long as you are safe, I know I have not struggled in vain.']

['I know it is difficult, to only be able to watch, to feel like you owe a debt, and be unable to repay it. But coming with us would only endanger you, and I do not want that - risking oneself foolishly would gain us nothing. When we secure Avenshire, and there are patients to work on, in a safe place to do so - when that happens, I promise you will have ample opportunity to pay me back - I can show you a few simple tricks to nurse those we will receive back to health. But that cannot happen if I fail to protect you in the fight to come and lose you. For now, all you must do, is tend to our lot and these folks, and be safe. Be safe, with Margaret, and with those twelve other girls we rescued. So long as you are safe, I know my work has not been for naught.']
Re: Dr. Love, Dr. Death (GargantuaBlarg)

Naltaibur: HP = 45, PP = 53, EP = 11/49, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Mavra: HP = 63, PP = 54, EP = 42/79, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Father Uldric: HP = 53, PP = 38, EP = 61, Status = Fine
Annabeth (Wizard Template) : HP = 35, PP = 50, EP = 49/55, Status = Fine, +24 Perception on Self, +24 Body on Kormack, Eavesdrop

Mavra tilted her head just before their mouths met, preventing them from pressing together in the full deep kiss that Naltaibur had intended to initiate. The demoness tilted her head about slowly, her lips brushing against Naltaibur's, but even though her teasing was brief, she kept it up long enough to give a single seductive coo; "Then let me make you feel good~"

Then they kissed, and Mavra held that embrace for as long as she could, but after Naltaibur broke it she found Mavra grinning at her mischievously. As she mentally delivered her lewd request, the elven physician would feel her lover's hand stray down to the bulge at her crotch. Even through the tight, thick robe, Naltaibur would feel those delicate fingers as they slid over her twin lengths, the lightest touch enough to further excite them. Her pheromones filled the air between them, making the groping of her crotch all the more enticing as it began to send tiny slivers of pleasure lancing through her.

['But Nal... You already make me writhe and moan~'] the demoness psychically purred as she leaned in again, trying to restart the passionate kissing that they had just finished, allowing Naltaibur to feel the unnaturally beautiful woman's shallow breathing, and the warmth of her soft gasps as they passed through those luscious crimson lips. ['You already make my back arch... My breathing shallow...'] The buttons on the demon's shirt had somehow come partially undone, all of them from her collar down to her navel unbuttoned to reveal the undeniably enticing cleavage created by the press of the round orbs contained within. Naltaibur felt one of her hands rise, guided by a dainty grip on her wrist, and slide beneath the fabric to cup one of Mavra's bounteous orbs, a tiny gasp and an arch of the demon's back occurring as her palm brushed across the stiffened tip that was still hidden from view.

['You do have me all to yourself.... And I think that you always will~'] she purred again, and then her mind opened to reveal the demon's inner imaginings. It was far less depraved than some of the things that she'd seen in Mavra's memories, but what she found in the demon's mind was still undeniably lewd. Images of the two of them intertwined in countless different positions, sometimes merely kissing and fondling or grinding but often engaged in more intimate ways, their bodies rubbing together as they reveled in their union. The most prominent image of all was also the simplest, of her on top of Mavra as the demoness crossed her calves behind the elf's back, their bodies slowly undulated together as their mouths were pressed together in a kiss so deep and passionate that they might have fused together entirely. ['All I want is you...'] she heard her lover's voice coo into her mind, but then she smiled wryly as she broke the kiss, and whispered; "But... We can always try out the kinkier stuff and see if it offers a fun distraction now and then~ I've got some ideas..." What those ideas might be were kept hidden, however, as the demoness resumed the kiss and blocked off that tiny portion of her thoughts.

Mavra happily continued her teasing until Naltaibur tried, albeit hesitantly, to pull herself away, at which point she clung and opened her eyes to look deeply into those of the beleaguered elven doctor. "Wait..." she whispered, "I want to.... I want to make you feel good. Better." The hand that had been rubbing over her stiffened cocks grabbed them and gave a light squeeze, and the hand that had guided Naltaibur's into her shirt released it and moved towards the straps holding her outfit on. "I want to... It won't take long, and I'll be gentle... Enough~" she purred, her eyes filled with appealing need as her proximity ensured that Naltaibur was breathing in hefty quantities of her intoxicating pheromones. The demoness obviously wanted to keep going, and her body was all in for that at the very least, but if the mutated elf persisted in trying to pull away Mavra would relent without complaint.


Gloria's expression shifted as Naltaibur explained herself, the girl not flinching away at all when the fully covered physician placed a hand upon her shoulder. Her expression was still very frustrated, but after Naltaibur's words she let out deep sigh and folded. "I know..." she said aloud, but then hastily switched to the mental link; ['I understand. I just.... I wish that I could do more. I guess while I'm here, I can do whatever I can to help those women that we rescued. Maybe get them some clothing, and some more food if I can find it. We haven't got much left after we ate and gave most of it to those other people. I think Margarett's going to try and talk to them, maybe get them on our side a little bit better. Maybe.... Maybe we can do something. Anything that's useful to killing the rest of those monsters.']
Re: Dr. Love, Dr. Death (GargantuaBlarg)

Naltaibur tried to keep herself in check, but... a tantalizing strip of her demoness was lying bare before her - the beauty's flesh literally already in her grasp, and the temptress was confessing such... such delightful things. A small voice in the back of her mind nagged at her - why was such a wonderful person so devoted to her? She'd only met her demoness a night ago... what was it about them that seemingly made them so adoring of each other? Such serendipity was not a thing Naltaibur knew often... she was unable to name anything comparable besides having been left with her father, in fact.

Images filled her head as she searched, but... everything... it was so... tender. She was so sweet-dispositioned, and thoughtful, and gorgeous... how had the netherworld not gobbled her up?

Lightning shot up from her traitorous cocks as Mavra squeezed them, forcing a small gasp through Naltaibur's lips, as her lover looked up at her with desire in her eyes. "I... n-no... I..." Naltaibur stammered, hesitating. She pulled away.

...But, rather than withdraw, she bent down, to kiss Mavra's bellybutton, and dragged her long tongue all the way up, enveloping the nipple she wasn't playing with in a kiss, before meeting Mavra's lips again - breathing in the demonesses' pheromones and scent hard through her nose, while her mouth busied itself.

"You don't play fair..." Nal whispered when she finally pulled away, face flush. "Saying all those things... making those eyes at me... being so perfect..."

Hastily Naltaibur discarded the rest of her clothes and stuck two fingers deep down her throat, getting them nice and wet. She climbed up to sit alongside Mavra, and with her wet fingers reached down to massage the demonesses' paired holes, getting them nice and slick for her. Her other arm cradled Mavra behind her back, lifting her up so their lips could meet once more.

When she was satisfied her ass and pussy both could take her without pain, Naltaibur spoke as she moved over into proper position. "This was what you wanted most, wasn't it?" Naltaibur asked, as she lined up and hooked arms underneath knees, planning on taking Mavra in the way that had seemed most prominent in the demon's mind.

She bent over, until their lips were just barely touching. She reached out with her mind once more, joining Mavra's sensations with her own, as she had once before. Though they might not have all the time in the world to be in each other's arms, like Mavra's image had made it seem, they would be one, as Naltaibur blurred shared her pleasure with Mavra, and Mavra with Naltaibur.

Her twin rods prodded against Mavra, and Naltaibur looked into her eyes. "Ready, my love?"


['I know how you feel,'] Naltaibur thought. ['We all wish we could do more... but, we are but mortal, and our mastery over the world only extends so far.']

['Now there's an idea,'] she said when Gloria brought up clothing. ['Can you sew? I'll send the lizard out once again, and bring back whatever cloth it can find - along with some more food to tide you over. Between their care and trying to get on this lot's good side, though, I don't think you'll feel idle for very much longer...']

Deciding that it would benefit the girl, Naltaibur decided to instruct Gloria and Margaret - and whoever of the rest of the survivors here wished to learn - on a few basic nursing and medical skills - things like checking for pulse, or checking pupils, and how and when to give CPR. If Gloria couldn't sew, she showed her a few basic stitches, as well - Naltaibur had a little sewing kit, that she used to make basic repairs to her outfits. She also instructed them on what she'd learned of Subject Gemini - that they could flood your mind with thoughts not your own, that the variety she'd studied could be identified by their shiny slime coating - that, if they could be over powered, they could be slain simply by moving the two bodies some five feet from each other. She told them that she'd recalled never encountering a lone woman that had been turned, but she expected they would be afflicted with the invader's sliminess, as well.

But, at last, she sat down to rest again. She WAS going to rest and build up her core's reserve of magical power before she set off again, gods dammit.

She also wanted to make a circuit of the survivors here, find out if they needed a doctor's attention, or possibly needed something to be scavenged - the Alchemist, she asked in particular, if he needed any ingredients she might be able to find nearby. She could send the lizard out to fetch that stuff when she sent it to get more food and cloth - and needles and thread, if there were none here.

I'm using it
for 4 EP.
Re: Dr. Love, Dr. Death (GargantuaBlarg)

Naltaibur: HP = 45, PP = 53, EP = 11/49, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Mavra: HP = 63, PP = 54, EP = 42/79, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Father Uldric: HP = 53, PP = 38, EP = 61, Status = Fine
Annabeth (Wizard Template) : HP = 35, PP = 50, EP = 49/55, Status = Fine, +24 Perception on Self, +24 Body on Kormack, Eavesdrop

Naltaibur's stuttering and sudden withdrawal might have been a source of disappointment for some, but not so for her Mavra. Whether it was simple expectation or some deeper understanding of the feelings she could inspire in the night elf and how Naltaibur would react to them, Mavra's expression remained set into one combining lust, excitement, and affection. As such, she wasn't taken by surprise arched her back as Naltaibur leaned in to kiss her toned belly, releasing a soft sigh as her body was pressed into Naltaibur's tongue. The trail up her body brought Naltaibur to the peak of one of her lover's ample breasts, the brief kiss against that hardened tip drawing a soft pleasured gasp from the demoness before her parted lips were claimed by the elven mutant's once more.

"Why should I play fair?" she would whisper back innocently, and then the remainder of her own garments would join Naltaibur's in being tossed onto the floor. The busy demon's legs remained upright as Naltaibur moved to regain their intimacy, one settling onto the elf's shoulder and the other coiling around her back in order to draw her in while Naltaibur lubricated the demoness with her saliva-coated fingers. Her pussy needed little work, and once the busty demon's lower hole was sufficiently slick with Naltaibur's saliva she found Mavra's legs pulling her in tighter as she lined up her twin rods.

"And I thought you wanted to be quiet~" she would purr with a hint of sardonic humor, but then her voice would rise into a quiet sigh as her legs tensed in answer to Naltaibur's question, resulting in the elf's cocks being made to slide slowly into the warm, welcoming confines of her holes. Their minds connected, Naltaibur could feel her lover's nerves firing as she impaled her, and could share the sensation of having her twin rods squeezed by the soft quivering folds of Mavra's pussy and the tight but soft clamp of her ass with her demon lover. Those two pressing grips would threaten to send the elf into her bliss far more quickly than she might like, but at that point there was no missing the fact that Mavra was more than ready for another session of lovemaking.


['Yes, I can sew. So can Margarett,'] Gloria would reply, though she obviously wasn't terribly excited by the prospect even if it was the safest way for her to remain useful. Still, by that point she accepted her position quite stoically, and offered no further complaints.

Once collected, Naltaibur would be able to teach the two women that she had come with and one other from the alchemist's group a few basic bits of medical knowledge, a task that Annabeth would help with once she realized what was going on. The knowledge imparted on Subject Gemini was evidently somewhat chilling, but they offered no further reaction to it and nodded their understanding of the physician's explanation about them.

Making her circuit of the other survivors here, she found a few minor injuries among them. A broken leg that had been cast days before the monsters from the sky had arrived, a mild concussion, a few bandaged slashes from the claws of a lizard alien. Nothing severe or life threatening certainly, and nothing that needed immediate treatment. Getting to know the group while she did so proved more productive, however, as the elf found that most of them weren't as xenophobic as the alchemist that had greeted her. That man would prove fairly uncooperative despite the gashes present under his clothing, refusing to allow her to treat them and offering as little as possible in the form of conversation, and after she was done with him she was free to take her much needed rest and recover her energy. After that, however, she would need to decide what she was going to do to get her group the rest of the way to their target fortress.
Re: Dr. Love, Dr. Death (GargantuaBlarg)

A corner of Naltaibur's mouth turned up when her demoness shot back that all-too-innocent reply of hers. "I suppose I should follow suit, then, shouldn't I?" she asked as they kissed. For a moment, Mavra would hear her whispering, filling her mouth with odd nothings, and feel her lips twitching as they formed strange words. The doctor's hand on Mavra's back, holding the demoness to her, slid down, to the base of her spine - and when Naltaibur's lips stopped, her fingers started to walk back up along her lover's back, her tips radiating pleasure that raced up and down the demon's backbone.

When she entered her, she felt her eyes roll up and her vision lose focus, her traitorous members already urgent in their need to spill their seed. She stilled herself a moment to let them calm themselves... taking the opportunity to continue her kiss with her lover, her mutant tongue sliding and dancing with Mavra's as she let herself drown in the demonesses' amethyst eyes. Slowly, she would start to roll her hips, pumping her dual shafts as well as she could bear, keeping herself from tipping over the edge as well as she could as she double-penetrated her amazing, crimson paramour. She laced their fingers together, climbing up to lean over the demoness, tongues swirling in embrace as she leaned over Mavra, mixing their saliva, as their bodies strove to merge as their minds had, for however briefly they could, breaking their kiss only to lick her neck, or nip her earlobe. She filled her thoughts with her demoness - let her eyes fall into deep purple pools and roam over flawless red skin, listened to the muffled moans, labored panting and quiet gasps she rewarded Naltaibur with. She tasted her, breathed her scent, felt her skin as she laid on her, her tongue, her palms and fingers, her satin grip on her cocks. Through it all, she strove desperately not to moan out loud and scream her pleasure like she wished she could.

When at last she could resist no longer, she groaned a warning into Mavra's mouth. erupted within Mavra, seeding her tunnels, letting the proof of their lovemaking swirl together. She never stopped her hips, the desire to see the demoness overwhelmed with pleasure held in her heart. As jets of her white spunk shot into Mavra, Naltaibur's thick cocks massaged them into the walls of her innards, churned them with the feminine honey slicking her womanhood. She couldn't trust herself with her mouth free when she came - so she put it to task, lips and tongue joining Mavra's, moans of pleasure she was helpless to stop being lost in each other's throats.


After taking her much needed rest, Naltaibur re-established their mind network - she was feeling her headache resurge in strength already - and returned upstairs to her lizard. THE lizard. She really ought not to get attached to the things... the only reason it was so helpful was because of the grip on it's mind she was returning to re-establish, after all. Perhaps once she had time to spare, she should re-train her hold, so that those under it's command would appear blank, instead of affectionate. She might feel less guilty, then.

Before ascending the steps, she took a moment and remade the magical mirrors, around her core, that would defend her from attacks against her mind and empower her spells, both.

When she went up, she asked Mavra and a few of the fighting men to join her, in case it had managed to break free somehow.

She'd planned to have the beast carefully exit the back door once again and search the surrounding area for food, sheets and cloth, and whatever else she'd determined they'd need down there.

So much she'd done today, and yet they'd not even sighted, let alone retaken the fortress. She still had so much to do.

Something resembling Vibrating Touch GO

Also, once EP is restored, Telepathizing @ Mavra, Gloria, Margaret, Anna, Uldric, Aluwin and his two assholes, and then those two loaned dudes. Should be 11 EP, I think.

Then, L2 Arcane Mirror. 2 EP cost, no upkeep. Casting check prooobably negligible, +21 Resistance [Mind [34]/6, +1 one from Focus (Arcane), * 2+1 because of Healer talent]

Then, dominating the lizard. Again. 8 EP cost.

Eeuugh all my EP
Re: Dr. Love, Dr. Death (GargantuaBlarg)

Naltaibur: HP = 45, PP = 53, EP = 28/49, Status = Fine, +22 Resistance (Arcane Mirror,) Telepathy to 10 different people, Dominating a Hunter

NPC Stats
Mavra: HP = 63, PP = 54, EP = 52/79, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Father Uldric: HP = 53, PP = 38, EP = 61, Status = Fine
Annabeth (Wizard Template) : HP = 35, PP = 50, EP = 55, Status = Fine

Mavra let out a long, high moan as the sorcerous burst of pleasure rolled up her spine, the sound muffled by Naltaibur's mouth but still just barely loud enough that it might have been worrying had she been in a state of mind to think about anything besides the pleasure of herself and of the woman beneath her. There was to be little mercy for Naltaibur's nerves that day, it seemed, as the brief respite that she took upon first being pulled into Mavra's holes was anything but restful. The muscles lining the demon's inner walls quivered and spasmed with delight around her twin shafts, the barrage of stimulation constantly tempting those two lengths to let go and spurt their life-making seed into Mavra's body, and that temptation only grew stronger as Naltaibur would feel the ecstasy of her lover's spirit beginning to feed upon her own.

Eventually that inner fluttering would cease enough for the elf to regain some measure of her composure, however, and once it had and Naltaibur began to move while sending those pulses of magic into her partner and drowning in the hypnotic gaze of those deep amethyst orbs. Every motion was ecstasy in and of itself, both for herself and for Mavra, but both managed to keep the volume of their moans low enough that they hopefully wouldn't be detected. Each and every roll of her hips was like an orgasm in and of itself, and even then Naltaibur would feel that pleasure mounting towards a peak that promised to be far, far more intense. Every roll of her hips was met by an equal buck of her demon's hips, resulting on a soft collision of flesh upon flesh that echoed through the borrowed bedroom as loudly as their moans did.

And when that peak arrived and she groaned her warning, Mavra let out a groan in kind and tensed beneath her as her hips bucked up one last time to meet Naltaibur's final thrust. Those silky inner walls clamped down and began to flutter inwards, and within the span of a few rushed heartbeats Naltaibur felt her twin cocks surrendering their bounty in a tidal wave of ecstasy as her semen was poured deep into her lover's ass and pussy as their tongues wound together in a wild dance. Mavra took tiny sips and gulps of her torn and battered spirit as they came in unison, expanding and extending the bliss of her climax and restoring small portions of her energy while leaving Naltaibur herself almost fully exhausted, but the demoness was wise and controlled enough to leave her able to remain conscious once the flood of physical ecstasy made way for the fading euphoria of their afterglow.

They had managed to make very little noise and only a tiny bit of mess, one that Mavra would immediately set about cleaning up with her tongue after rolling Naltaibur onto her back, but as she was enduring that lewd cleaning the elf would notice that the door that had been closed after their soldier companion had left them was now open by just a tiny crack.


After her brief rest, Naltaibur would reestablish her various magics meant for communication and the defense of her mind before returning upstairs with Mavra and the mercenaries she had found in the chapel of Doraleous, and reclaiming the mind of the hunter she had captured. The bestial alien was awake, and looked upon the assembly of them with an expression made unreadable by its biology, but that was decidedly hostile. It tried to hide just before she used her magics, cloaking itself to match its surroundings, but the chained monster's efforts were for naught, and she quickly brought it back under her control. Once she deemed it safe, the soldiers would reclaim her manacles before allowing it to lead the way back down the stairs, and then to go out and scavenge some more supplies.

Such was largely successful, and the creature ran into none of its kind and only one of the other types of aliens, one of the tentacled creatures that it would easily dispatch if Naltaibur ordered it to. After about an hour of scavenging it had brought back a good amount of food, plenty of cloth, some alcohol, some minor medical supplies that it discovered in a house, and a quiver of crossbow bolts that the soldiers divided evenly amongst themselves since all of them favored that particular weapon. Whether Naltaibur wanted to keep it scavenging a while longer or be on her way at that point was up to her, however, as the people who had hidden there were fairly tolerable of her and her group by that point, and the alchemist had taken to leaving them alone beyond the occasional scowl and grumble.
Re: Dr. Love, Dr. Death (GargantuaBlarg)

With just a few scraps of her soul's energy left, Naltaibur really couldn't resist as Mavra pushed her off, pushed her out, made them separate again. Her demoness climbed down, licking and sucking the seed still clinging to her pair of shafts.

She couldn't resist, but then, she didn't much want to. Naltaibur savored the feeling of her tongue and her lips on her shafts, a smile on her lips. She'd needed this. Sequestering herself away in her laboratory, doing terrible things to rats and dead flesh, pretending like that part of her didn't exist... when the very proof of it showed through on her bare flesh... when she had to hide her very body from all the world's gaze... it had weighed on her, so terribly. Mavra... that Mavra not only knew and accepted, but actively enjoyed the freakish outcomes her exposures had tainted her with, was a solace she found immeasurable comfort in. She gazed down, her hands clutching at their borrowed sheets, as the demoness worked her cocks clean. Her vision was swimming with fatigue... but where it had always been from overwork exclusively before in her life, this time, her eyes were unfocused, and her breathing was hard, and she was sweating and tired, and it was good.

When the demoness had all but finished, Naltaibur pushed herself upright - damn, she'd underestimated just how hard that was going to be - and took Mavra by the neck, pulling her into a kiss once again, the doctor tasting her own seed.

...Shortly afterwards, she pulled away, and made a face. "Is THAT what I taste like?" she asked her lover. "I need more fruit."

Her eyes roamed downward, towards Mavra's oozing pussy, and a smirk grew on her lips. "Maybe I just haven't had enough? I think I should return the favor, don't you, love?" she suggested, licking her lips with a few inches of her tongue. Gently, she pushed Mavra back, laying her down before crawling back to descend on Mavra's nethers.

She showered the insides of her thighs and all around her pussy with kisses, and closed her lips around wherever she found her escaped spunk, licking the spots cleam - nipping gently, every once and again. She neared Mavra's clit a few times, but never did she do more than exhale warm breath over it - until the demonesses' crotch had been licked thoroughly clean. She circled Mavra's clit once, then, and moved lower. She drew her tongue along Mavra's lower lips - again, once, and then her tongue started to push inwards. She twisted it this way and that, moving it every way she could, centimeter after centimeter of the dexterous muscle disappearing into the demoness. Eventually, she got as far in as she could, and she explored every inch she could - penetrating her woman with her inhuman tongue, sopping up as much of her cum as she could, and pulling out to let her swallow it. Naltaibur still thought it was bitter... but, not unbearably so.

Eventually, Naltaibur had gotten Mavra's pussy as clean as she was going to... so she decided to indulge herself a little further. One hand came up and put it's thumb on her clit, and started to circle it, slowly - the other came up as well, cupping Mavra's ass, thumb circling her pucker as well. Naltaibur ran her tongue up and down the top of Mavra's inner canal, searching for that sensitive little spot inside... and, when she found it, she truly began teasing in earnest, circling and stroking it with her tongue, while her thumbs pressed harder, massaged faster. It was difficult, but she recited the incantation in her head... and when she felt her Mavra starting to tense, Naltaibur slipped her cum-covered thumb in through that first ring, and then let her magical pleasure course through into each sensitive spot, while her fingers and lips worked for all they were worth, stimulating the demon until she came.

Naltaibur, problematically, found herself unwilling to repeat the process on Mavra's other hole, admitting as much to her afterwards. She hoped Mavra wouldn't be too disappointed...

Afterwards, as they were getting dressed, Naltaibur happened to notice the door. Her vision was still a little fatigue-addled, so she stared at it, focusing until her eyes could see properly again... and... yes... it wasn't her eyes playing tricks on her. A knot formed in her stomach.

Someone had seen them.

She swore she'd locked that door. Had she? She had, right? Maybe the door wasn't in good repair, and had just swung open on it's own...? Hah, as if. That was wildly optimistic - clearly a far-fetched hope born of desperation. So who had it been? Dammit - if she could remember if she'd locked that door or not, she could narrow it down to who knew how to pick a lock. Kormack was the obvious suspect, of course, but... dammit. If someone had seen her, they were probably long gone by now - fled when they'd finished, given they'd start to come out of their little world at that point.

She turned to Mavra, and took her neck in hand, pulling the taller beauty in for another deep, passionate kiss - even swinging her leg up and around, pressing them together, lower-halves as well as top. If they'd been seen, what could that do? Especially since their companions might end up trying to separate them, hesitant as they were in their trust of her demoness.

"I think we might have just given someone a show," she whispered, nodding towards the ajar door.

She felt along her connections to the others. She'd warded them well before anything had happened, surely... though, as exhausted as she was, and spread across so many different people, she wasn't entirely sure they had all held. She looked at what their surface thoughts showed, for anything unusual - perhaps lust, perhaps horror or revulsion? Perhaps a guardedness that had not been there before? She observed Kormack closely, given he knew they were there, though she thought to feel Annabeth's line, as well, since she was most suspicious of her and Mavra, and probably would have noticed their absence.


After a bit of thought, before she ascended the stairs, she handed Margaret the truncheon she kept on her weapon belt. "If the worst case happens and you find yourselves endangered, you two may need it. If it happens, You might let that orc woman, use it, if you deem her trustworthy and cooperative - or one of the others, if they seem capable enough. Use your discretion, and be cautious. Gods willing, it won't be necessary."

Upstairs, after her lizard had retrieved all the necessary supplies, she bid them move out. She didn't want to give up any more opportunities to draw attention to this place as she had to.

First, she had her lizard scout the outside the entrances - she wanted no invaders to see them leave, no invaders deciding to check the building. If they could access some backroads via the rear, they should leave that way - the front felt far too exposed.

She bid Annabeth sharpen her eyes and ears once more - she could not do so while controlling the lizard, and without her spell-light, their only defense against the predatory ambush of those damnable lizards were their own senses. She bid her not expend too much power - they had a long way to go yet, and if she exhausted herself, they would make themselves vulnerable as they stopped for another rest.

If they left from the back, she'd lead them some distance before returning to the main road. The giants were more likely to be found there, but she could... probably handle them, given she saw them first - which she should have. They were not exactly subtle creatures. The backalleys seemed more prone to being lurked by the lizards, which they were currently very vulnerable to.

Only a mile to go... a mile, and an army to kill... and they'd have sanctuary. Perhaps.

Is this what Cersei and whatshisface felt like when they pushed Bran out that window.
Re: Dr. Love, Dr. Death (GargantuaBlarg)

Naltaibur: HP = 45, PP = 53, EP = 28/49, Status = Fine, +22 Resistance (Arcane Mirror,) Telepathy to 10 different people, Dominating a Hunter

NPC Stats
Mavra: HP = 63, PP = 54, EP = 52/79, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Father Uldric: HP = 53, PP = 38, EP = 61, Status = Fine
Annabeth (Wizard Template) : HP = 35, PP = 50, EP = 49/55, Status = Fine, +24 Perception (Lesser Strength)

Aluwin: Fine
Jax: Fine
Caden: Fine

Kormac: Fine, +24 Body (buff from Annabeth)
Jenkins: Fine, +24 Body (buff from Annabeth)

With just a few scraps of her soul's energy left, Naltaibur really couldn't resist as Mavra pushed her off, pushed her out, made them separate again. Her demoness climbed down, licking and sucking the seed still clinging to her pair of shafts.

She couldn't resist, but then, she didn't much want to. Naltaibur savored the feeling of her tongue and her lips on her shafts, a smile on her lips. She'd needed this. Sequestering herself away in her laboratory, doing terrible things to rats and dead flesh, pretending like that part of her didn't exist... when the very proof of it showed through on her bare flesh... when she had to hide her very body from all the world's gaze... it had weighed on her, so terribly. Mavra... that Mavra not only knew and accepted, but actively enjoyed the freakish outcomes her exposures had tainted her with, was a solace she found immeasurable comfort in. She gazed down, her hands clutching at their borrowed sheets, as the demoness worked her cocks clean. Her vision was swimming with fatigue... but where it had always been from overwork exclusively before in her life, this time, her eyes were unfocused, and her breathing was hard, and she was sweating and tired, and it was good.

When the demoness had all but finished, Naltaibur pushed herself upright - damn, she'd underestimated just how hard that was going to be - and took Mavra by the neck, pulling her into a kiss once again, the doctor tasting her own seed.

...Shortly afterwards, she pulled away, and made a face. "Is THAT what I taste like?" she asked her lover. "I need more fruit."

Her eyes roamed downward, towards Mavra's oozing pussy, and a smirk grew on her lips. "Maybe I just haven't had enough? I think I should return the favor, don't you, love?" she suggested, licking her lips with a few inches of her tongue. Gently, she pushed Mavra back, laying her down before crawling back to descend on Mavra's nethers.

She showered the insides of her thighs and all around her pussy with kisses, and closed her lips around wherever she found her escaped spunk, licking the spots cleam - nipping gently, every once and again. She neared Mavra's clit a few times, but never did she do more than exhale warm breath over it - until the demonesses' crotch had been licked thoroughly clean. She circled Mavra's clit once, then, and moved lower. She drew her tongue along Mavra's lower lips - again, once, and then her tongue started to push inwards. She twisted it this way and that, moving it every way she could, centimeter after centimeter of the dexterous muscle disappearing into the demoness. Eventually, she got as far in as she could, and she explored every inch she could - penetrating her woman with her inhuman tongue, sopping up as much of her cum as she could, and pulling out to let her swallow it. Naltaibur still thought it was bitter... but, not unbearably so.

Eventually, Naltaibur had gotten Mavra's pussy as clean as she was going to... so she decided to indulge herself a little further. One hand came up and put it's thumb on her clit, and started to circle it, slowly - the other came up as well, cupping Mavra's ass, thumb circling her pucker as well. Naltaibur ran her tongue up and down the top of Mavra's inner canal, searching for that sensitive little spot inside... and, when she found it, she truly began teasing in earnest, circling and stroking it with her tongue, while her thumbs pressed harder, massaged faster. It was difficult, but she recited the incantation in her head... and when she felt her Mavra starting to tense, Naltaibur slipped her cum-covered thumb in through that first ring, and then let her magical pleasure course through into each sensitive spot, while her fingers and lips worked for all they were worth, stimulating the demon until she came.

Naltaibur, problematically, found herself unwilling to repeat the process on Mavra's other hole, admitting as much to her afterwards. She hoped Mavra wouldn't be too disappointed...

Mavra was, to put it simply, very very thorough in her cleansing of Naltaibur's twin lengths. She started, first and foremost, with the area around them, her tongue gliding across the mutated elf's skin and licking up every drop of their mixed juices until only those shafts glistened with it. From there she went to the tips, giving the head of one of them a kiss and letting that tongue flick out along the surface of that incredibly sensitive flesh, barely covering half in the first sweep and proceeding out just a tiny bit further with every flick that followed. Millimeter by millimeter, Mavra cleaned the tip of Naltaibur's cock in pieces to small that she wouldn't have been able to feel the difference were those licks aimed at any other part of her body, and once the first was so cleaned the second got the same treatment. Those violet eyes never left Naltaibur's as she worked, and they wouldn't so long as the demoness was working at her task.

Once the tips were clean she went to work on the shafts, licking them from the base up to the tip in small strips that were only a tiny bit farther apart than the licks around the head had been, every breath passing over those moist shafts as they were momentarily untouched ensuring that they were never unstimulated. That Mavra was kneeling between Naltaibur's legs didn't stop the demon's tongue from coiling around one side of her shaft to reach the top, and in the process the elven physician would feel an earlier portion of her lover's lingual muscle rubbing along the underside in tandem with the tip of her tongue as it was dragged along her cock. First one side until she was in the middle of the top, and then the other, until Naltaibur's cock had been licked clean, but Mavra was not done. Left glistening only with her saliva, the first cock to be cleaned vanished into the demon's mouth, passing all the way down her throat and resting there for several seconds before the demoness began to bob. Ten times, up and then down, before Mavra simply pulled off and went to the elf's other cock. If a droplet of precum had appeared to dirty the tip it would be promptly licked up, but then the process would be repeated until the demoness pulled off of Naltaibur's second cock with an audible pop and looked up at Naltaibur with a knowing smirk. If, by that point, she had started to throb on the verge of release, then Mavra would simply slip both tips past her lips and begin to stroke them as her tongue flicked back and forth, finishing Naltaibur once again whether she asked for it or not, and swallowing down every drop to reveal two perfectly clean cocks.

Of course, whether or not she had gotten Naltaibur off again, she would happily shift into the desired position at the elf's offer. "I don't mind the taste! But if you'd like to make sure about it, by all means~" And then she would submit as fully to Naltaibur as Naltaibur had to her, letting out a soft moan at the first of those kisses and then keeping up a constant stream of those pleased noises as the elf grew more and more adventurous. It wasn't long before she was tasting more of Mavra's honey than her own juices, but that didn't stop the elf as she danced her tongue around her demon lover's clitoris, causing Mavra to squirm and let out the occasional whine amidst her quiet moans and gasps. The initial push of her tongue caused Mavra to let out a surprised gasp, but it was hardly one that indicated that she wasn't pleased, and the deeper Naltaibur's tongue proceeded into her depths the lower and deeper the sounds released by her demoness became.

Eventually she would find her tongue unable to proceed any farther, and after that she would begin her cleaning of the demon's insides even as they leaked that lovely girl-cum all over her tongue, every breath drawing in Mavra's heady scent mixed with copious amounts of her pheromones. By then the demoness was letting off a constant series of encouraging noises, and her body had begun to writhe erotically under the influence of the elf's tongue, and both her noises and her motions briefly ended only to become more intense once Naltaibur started circling her thumb over the demon's love button. The digit placed over the demon's cum-leaking ass would find it twitching excitedly against that implied intrusion, always pushing eagerly against it and tensing with every bout of pleasure that the elf put her through and practically begging for more. Once her tongue found its final target, a rough patch located only a short ways into Mavra's love tunnel, there was very little needed for Naltaibur to set the succubus off, and in only a few second's time after the first burst of pleasurable magic was unleashed she would feel her lover tensing as her moans briefly died once again. The pleasured groan that followed as Naltaibur slipped her thump past the pucker of Mavra's anus and unleashed another spell through her tongue as it rubbed over the demon's g-spot and the second thumb strummed across her clitty was long and deep, but kept quiet enough that they stood little chance of being overheard.

Once Mavra had shuddered her way through that climax she would be quite content to consider Naltaibur's work finished, and if the elf actually brought up her unwillingness to give the demon's ass the same treatment she would do little more than giggle. Of course, they had already spent more time up here than they would have liked, and soon enough they would need to be up and getting dressed to get back downstairs, lest someone grow suspicious....

Afterwards, as they were getting dressed, Naltaibur happened to notice the door. Her vision was still a little fatigue-addled, so she stared at it, focusing until her eyes could see properly again... and... yes... it wasn't her eyes playing tricks on her. A knot formed in her stomach.

Someone had seen them.

She swore she'd locked that door. Had she? She had, right? Maybe the door wasn't in good repair, and had just swung open on it's own...? Hah, as if. That was wildly optimistic - clearly a far-fetched hope born of desperation. So who had it been? Dammit - if she could remember if she'd locked that door or not, she could narrow it down to who knew how to pick a lock. Kormack was the obvious suspect, of course, but... dammit. If someone had seen her, they were probably long gone by now - fled when they'd finished, given they'd start to come out of their little world at that point.

She turned to Mavra, and took her neck in hand, pulling the taller beauty in for another deep, passionate kiss - even swinging her leg up and around, pressing them together, lower-halves as well as top. If they'd been seen, what could that do? Especially since their companions might end up trying to separate them, hesitant as they were in their trust of her demoness.

"I think we might have just given someone a show," she whispered, nodding towards the ajar door.

She felt along her connections to the others. She'd warded them well before anything had happened, surely... though, as exhausted as she was, and spread across so many different people, she wasn't entirely sure they had all held. She looked at what their surface thoughts showed, for anything unusual - perhaps lust, perhaps horror or revulsion? Perhaps a guardedness that had not been there before? She observed Kormack closely, given he knew they were there, though she thought to feel Annabeth's line, as well, since she was most suspicious of her and Mavra, and probably would have noticed their absence.

Pulled in, Mavra was quite willing for that deep passionate kiss, and delivered as it was when the demon was still topless Naltaibur would be able to feel the tips of her lover's breasts harden once again as they brushed across her own more modest bust. The swing of her leg only served to draw the two even closer together, and Mavra felt as if she could have eagerly remained there forever if Naltaibur would have allowed it. She made no complaint about parting, however, merely grinning and offering an inquisitive look before the elf made her cryptic statement and gestured toward the door.

The demon's smile fell into a frown, and a glance at the demon's mind or even the basic ability to read expressions would confirm that she didn't need the confirmation of glancing at the slightly ajar door to figure out what Naltaibur meant. Her frown wasn't deep, however, merely worried, and she quickly turned back to the elf and whispered back; "Then we'll deal with that as it becomes a problem, won't we?" She seemed fairly confident that it would be something that they could resolve, at least, but for her part Naltaibur would be able to test her lines to try and figure out who had done it.

Looking across the assembled minds she had attached to her own, the mutated physician would find that everyone attached to her was suffering from lust that had bled over from her mind to one degree or another. Likely a result of the fact that her mind was the "hub" for the psychic network, Naltaibur would find that several of her suspicions had merit as she scanned across her contacts. Kormac's mind was, by far, the most heavily affected by that lust, but Naltaibr would be unable to glean anything more specific than that through the mental link, as if he were protecting his mind. Annabeth's thoughts would be shielded from her totally, leaving Naltaibur unsure if she had seen anything or if she had simply been protecting herself subconsciously from the outpouring of lust. That wasn't all that she found, however, as Uldric too would be all but totally shielded from her, while Margarett would have a sense of revulsion mixed in with her lust, and Aluwin too would have a particularly powerful bit of lust. She could look deeper at any one case or try to penetrate someone's mental defenses, but doing so would require energy that she simply didn't have, and making the effort while she was so exhausted would at best make her pass out. At the very worst, she would have an aneurism and die of a bleed in her brain for stressing it so much.

After a bit of thought, before she ascended the stairs, she handed Margaret the truncheon she kept on her weapon belt. "If the worst case happens and you find yourselves endangered, you two may need it. If it happens, You might let that orc woman, use it, if you deem her trustworthy and cooperative - or one of the others, if they seem capable enough. Use your discretion, and be cautious. Gods willing, it won't be necessary."

Upstairs, after her lizard had retrieved all the necessary supplies, she bid them move out. She didn't want to give up any more opportunities to draw attention to this place as she had to.

First, she had her lizard scout the outside the entrances - she wanted no invaders to see them leave, no invaders deciding to check the building. If they could access some backroads via the rear, they should leave that way - the front felt far too exposed.

She bid Annabeth sharpen her eyes and ears once more - she could not do so while controlling the lizard, and without her spell-light, their only defense against the predatory ambush of those damnable lizards were their own senses. She bid her not expend too much power - they had a long way to go yet, and if she exhausted herself, they would make themselves vulnerable as they stopped for another rest.

If they left from the back, she'd lead them some distance before returning to the main road. The giants were more likely to be found there, but she could... probably handle them, given she saw them first - which she should have. They were not exactly subtle creatures. The backalleys seemed more prone to being lurked by the lizards, which they were currently very vulnerable to.

Only a mile to go... a mile, and an army to kill... and they'd have sanctuary. Perhaps.

Margarett would accept the truncheon somewhat hesitantly when Naltaibur offered it, but the older woman would nod understandingly and reply; "Alright. Keep safe yourself out there!" Her lizard found no enemies nearby, either directly out in the streets or hidden among the other buildings, and certainly none that observed the back door from which she intended to leave. A few back alleys would be present for them to proceed through, thankfully clear at least as far as her lizard was able to discern, and once Annabeth grunted her assent to being the group's eyes against the lizards again and provided magical enhancement to Kormac and Jenkins as well, all who were to come with her seemed ready. Father Uldric would say a brief prayer before they parted from those who were to remain downstairs, and another even briefer one before they stepped out into the open, but it seemed that Naltibur's precautions and the power of the thunder god were with them. They encountered no resistance upon stepping out into the open, no ambush waiting for them, and just like that they were back on the road to Fort Avenshire.

The soldiers would quickly establish a formation, the mercenaries and the regular guardsman now apparently used to one another enough to work together efficiently. Jenkins and Kormac, benefited by Annabeth's buff, would proceed forward as the point, moving at least twenty paces ahead of the rest of the larger, noisier group to act as their forward scouts. Aluwin walked between Mavra and Naltaibur, who were clustered close together with one woman on either side so that the soldier could react in case anything attacked them from behind, as he kept a round wooden shield and his sword close at hand. Uldric walked a short distance ahead of them, keeping the same watch as Aluwin and holding his shield and hammer at the ready as well. Behind them, Jax and Caden guided Annabeth as a rear guard, the mage keeping an eye open behind them. Across the mental link, Naltaibur and the rest would hear constant broadcasts from the two forward scouts, and beneath that Naltaibur would feel a constant buzz of information passing through her mind that she would shortly realize was Annabeth receiving the perceptions of the two soldiers into her own mind, a constant stream that she herself took from them so as not to distract the two. Amazingly, she also kept a careful watch behind them, one that Naltaibur wouldn't have been able to replicate in effectiveness even with her own magical enhancement of similar power and the perceptiveness she had inherited from her race, and kept up her concentration of her own spells at the same time. It was an impressive division of her concentration, to say the least, but the priestess miraculously seemed able to handle it without any trouble.

The first block they traversed, Kormac and Jenkins leading their way given their relative knowledge of the city's layout compared to their own, without running into any problems. And then the second went the same. And the third. For the fourth, they found a pair of grabbers standing listlessly in the middle of the road, and after some scouting with her lizard she would find that no other enemies were present, and the two soldiers would quickly and silently dispatch the tentacled beasts if Naltaibur permitted them too. None of her companions were eager to leave such creatures behind to stumble on any of their fellow Theronians, and most would argue for their removal if Naltaibur objected, but a firm desire to keep from leaving any signs of their passing would earn Uldric to her cause, and none seemed willing to argue the point with the old priest.

It was only two blocks after the lesser aliens that Naltaibur and her group would come to a halt, Jenkins signalling them to stop, and a minute later she would receive a mental image along with the rest of the group. A pair of men were hiding, longbows in their hands and arrows knocked, in an alley across from the one they were in, and which was their destination. They seemed to be watching the outer lip of their own alley, being far enough distant that they hadn't noticed them through the cover of a collapsed wagon present in the alleyway. Their gazes directed towards a street in the opposite direction from which Naltaibur and her group would be approaching, she could opt to have them go around the ambush set up by those two men. If she deliberated for a moment, however, Annabeth would provide another flash of the image of the crouched men with slight alterations, the crests on their tabbards enhanced to show the symbol of a mercenary company that Naltaibur would recognize as belonging to the Blue Falcons, a fairly well known organization. Also highlighted would be the swords belted beside their quivers, and the steel kite shields leaning against the wooden stands that they had dragged into place to use as cover, one angled from each direction and leaving them difficult to see even from where they stood in hiding places of their own. A quick visual sweep down the streets and at the nearest buildings would reveal no other threats, but how Naltaibur wanted to proceed would be left up to her, none of her group offering immediate council.

Is this what Cersei and whatshisface felt like when they pushed Bran out that window.

>:3 That would be Jaime, also
Re: Dr. Love, Dr. Death (GargantuaBlarg)

The doctor flushed a little when Mavra giggled at her admission. Next time, she thought to herself.

She could only nod her assent once her lover spoke on their possible discovery. Whoever it was that had peeked - whether Kormack or Anna - they could do little for it now. Whatever came of this must wait until later... perhaps she should try to speak to the group, Uldric in particular. He seemed to know her longer than anyone else...

She did mention that their little session had bled out across to the others, however, whispering it to Mavra as they made their way back. Naltaibur clung to one of Mavra's arms, trying not to lean on her as they went - she was tired. At the door into the basement, she let go and steeled herself for a moment, before taking the steps unassisted. Despite claiming Uldric as the one who'd spoken with Doraleous, and Aluwin being the small group of mercenaries' leader, she still had seemed to fall into the role of leader, so she didn't want to show any sign of weakness - much less after her session with her beloved succubus, which had been all but shouted out by a town crier. So foolish on her part - and yet, she doubted that she wouldn't do it again.

Once they'd gotten moving again, she found Anna immensely helpful in her proactivity keeping watch against attackers. She gave the go ahead to kill the pair of invader beasts once they determined they had no allies nearby, quickly casting her diagnostic spell to find their Greyhearts and digging them out with her blade - somewhat clumsily, given it's broad shape, though her experience slicing up bodies in her lab made it a relatively smooth process nonetheless.

Upon spotting the two warriors crouched in a defensive position, having made it some five streets without any mishaps, Naltaibur was just a little suspicious of their luck. She recalled that their livery meant they were in the Blue Falcon mercenary troupe, and she recalled that they were reputable enough to stand with the realm's own soldiers and operate all across Crolia... as a mercenary band, she was unsure if that meant they wouldn't attack them for their supplies, but it at least meant they were capable fighters.

Naltaibur tossed back and forth between asking Aluwin and a few of his men to step out and approach them - both as they were also mercenary-types, and that they had shields to protect them against their bows should they not be as amiable as they thought - or contacting them with her mind, as she preferred. It might be a bit unsettling and put them on slightly unfavorable terms, though... but, in the end, Naltaibur decided it was the better option. As she recalled, the Falcons often worked with Academy graduates, so they should be familiar enough with unusual workings like mind-talk, and the band was known well enough as upright men.

Reaching out with her mind, she used the scouts and Annabeth's vision to establish a link with one of the men if she could - if not, she'd carefully make her way to the wagon blocking their view of them and peek out at them to make a mental connection instead. She only needed a glance, and they were watching the opposite direction, after all.

She scanned what she could of their thoughts first, hoping to catch any whiff of banditry in their intentions if they had any. ["Hello - I'm a Healer, trained at the Academy,"] She would start, if no such thoughts came up, though she would continue watching their thoughts for hostile intent. ["Are you hurt? Is it safe to come out?"]


Telepathizing with those two dudes for 2 EPs and things.
Re: Dr. Love, Dr. Death (GargantuaBlarg)

Naltaibur: HP = 45, PP = 53, EP = 26/49, Status = Fine, +22 Resistance (Arcane Mirror,) Telepathy to 10 different people

NPC Stats
Mavra: HP = 63, PP = 54, EP = 52/79, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Father Uldric: HP = 53, PP = 38, EP = 61, Status = Fine
Annabeth (Wizard Template) : HP = 35, PP = 50, EP = 49/55, Status = Fine, +24 Perception (Lesser Strength)

Aluwin: Fine
Jax: Fine
Caden: Fine

Kormac: Fine, +24 Body (buff from Annabeth)
Jenkins: Fine, +24 Body (buff from Annabeth)

(Naltaibur gains 2 experience and 2 greyhearts.)

While she might not take much stock in the reputation held by the Blue Falcons due to their mercenary nature, Aluwin, Jax, Caden, Kormac, and Jenkins seemed to. Each of the soldiers brightened at the sight of the crouched warriors, and as Naltaibur mentally deliberated she would get impatient queries from the soldiers asking if they ought to go and try to speak to them. Shooting them down in favor of her more cautious course of action, Naltaibur would notice a start of surprise from one of the men as she established her mental contact, a solid wall of resistance rising and remaining for a moment as she stopped short of trying to dominate his mind completely.

That wall had risen before she could glean any hints at what their intentions might have been, but it was a sign that they had been trained to resist such effects. Whether or not that was a good thing in this case might have been something that was up for debate, but after a hesitant moment the man would respond; [Hello? Where are you? Our wounded aren’t out here… Wherever you are, keep down and out of sight, we’re waiting to ambush… Shit!] The channel was abruptly shut off, and after a moment Naltaibur would realize why.

A creature floated down the street, just across from the mouth of the alley where the two mercenaries waited to ambush it. It was tall, taller even than the massive juggernauts that had torn apart so much of the city, and like them it was faceless and made up entirely of sickly gray flesh. Unlike the juggernauts, however, its body was long and wiry rather than broad and bulky, its arms reaching down to below where its waist would be on a naturally shaped creature and tipped in hands that were too large and had too many digits, and where it should have had legs there was only a skirt of dozens of writhing, slimy tentacles that hung almost low enough to look as if they were supporting it rather than whatever invisible force held it above the ground. Its head, a perfectly round sphere on top of a too long neck, turned slowly towards the mouth of the alley as the men hiding there paled and ducked further beneath their cover.

That strange creature hung there for a moment, and even though she was perceiving it through the eyes of her hunter the elven physician would be able to perceive the immense power swirling around that alien, its pure strength alone enough to inspire a sense of dread that began to filter across the psychic network she had established if its horrific appearance wasn’t. A few heartbeats later a tendril of that horrible power lashed out, but not at the soldiers hiding so close to it or even at Kormac and Jenkins as they hid just barely within its line of sight. The strange power struck her hunter where it lay supposedly hidden, and suddenly Naltaibur’s control over it would snap like so much dry kindling as a much greater and more heavily ingrained force took hold of the alien lizard, which would suddenly appear with a dazed look. Naltaibur would be able to sense the psychic connection formed between the floating alien and the hunter, and it slowly spun in place to face down the alley, towards the creature, even though it didn’t initially move.
Re: Dr. Love, Dr. Death (GargantuaBlarg)

Gods... the sheer aura of power that surrounded that monster made it feel like the bottom had dropped straight out of the bottom of Naltaibur's gut. It stood higher in the sky than the beasts that had ravaged her city - ravaged her - and unlike those beasts, its power was obviously arcane in origin, which was less observable, and thus predictable, to the eyes than that of a brute's muscles. What might happen to her if she lost this time... as her gaze slid down the thing to the ground, along its tangle of writhing, flexible limbs, the use of which she could easily guess from what the least of the invader's hordes tasked theirs with, Naltaibur swallowed. Though the giant that she had lost to - indeed, the only invader she'd been forced to flee from yet - had been so intense, what would...

Naltaibur stopped her traitorous thoughts there. She'd seen what the monsters did. If they could not flee - and how could they? They might escape this monster, but how long would they last with monsters crawling the city all around them where ever they might run, while they were weakened, demoralized, and panicked? All the men - everyone in her care save herself, Annabeth and Mavra, would be killed - if they were lucky. If not, they would have their souls and minds stripped away, their very presence erased from the world, and the husk that had once been theirs would serve the invaders, terrorizing and destroying her beloved Therion and it's people. The three women would be plundered wholesale, and when their luck ran out, they too would most likely find their inner selves quickly eroded into nothing, and suffer death with a finality she had never encountered - not in all her studies of the Healing arts, nor in her studies of Life and it's manipulation and creation, whether at the University or in her laboratory.

They would take Mavra from her. Not only that, but they would take her, and shred her into pieces that would melt into nothingness, as if they'd never been. Her heavenly body would still be - but gone would be the loving, considerate, gentle soul that made her lover not a sinful lust she craved, but the treasure she was blessed with.

Naltaibur couldn't allow that.

So the complication arose again - preserve her company and flee, or risk it, striking a blow against the remnant of evil in her Therion, taking it - and her inhabitants - one step closer to safety? Saving those Blue Falcons would gain her much needed allies for what was coming, not to mention renown, given that they lived to tell the tale.

['I...'] Naltaibur started, swallowing the panic rising in her at the thought of willfully picking a fight with that behemoth. ['I... I think we can kill it. Maybe. If we're careful. But we may... need to run. But I'm not sure we can kill it, and I don't know how easy it will be to run if it decides to give chase... shall we fight, or shall we run?'] The doctor tried to keep her mental voice calm, though the dread she felt at the prospect of facing such a foe nonetheless tainted her thoughts. Unless the group widely objected to facing it, the doctor would begin to waggle her finger in the air in ancient arcane script once again, writing out the sigils of a spell to enhance her thought, wreathing her mind and her waning store of power with magic geometries that would focus her powers as she used them, and forming lexicons of the magical words she would use in her spells.

I am bad and forgot watspell.

Level 5 Arcane - Arcane Apotheosis (Ithink), buffing Mind
8 EP cost
+42 Mind = (6+1) * [5+1]
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Re: Dr. Love, Dr. Death (GargantuaBlarg)

Naltaibur: HP = 45, PP = 53, EP = 26/49, Status = Fine, +22 Resistance (Arcane Mirror,) Telepathy to 10 different people, +42 Mind (Arcane Apotheosis), Upkeep = 3, Blessed

NPC Stats
Mavra: HP = 63, PP = 54, EP = 52/79, Status = Fine, Pregnant, Blessed
Father Uldric: HP = 52/53, PP = 38, EP = 51/61, Status = Fine, Blessing X = 8
Annabeth (Wizard Template) : HP = 35, PP = 50, EP = 49/55, Status = Fine, +24 Perception (Lesser Strength), buffs on Kormac and Jenkins, Blessed

Aluwin: Fine, Blessed
Jax: Fine, Blessed
Caden: Fine, Blessed

Kormac: Fine, +24 Body (buff from Annabeth), Blessed
Jenkins: Fine, +24 Body (buff from Annabeth), Blessed

Blue Falcon 1: Fine
Blue Falcon 2: Fine

Hunter: Fine
Elder Lord: Fine, Battle Aura X = 10

Casting: 7 + 24 + 10 = 41, just barely a success.
Buffs Mind by 7 * 6 = 42.

Uldric activates Blessing X = 8 for 10 EP and 1 HP.

Though they weren't privy to her internal debate, the entire group could feel the fear radiating off of Naltaibur as she beheld the monstrous floating abomination. It hovered a full story off of the ground, out of the reach of any sword but leaving anyone on the ground well within the reach of its slimy tendrils, but more dangerous than that by far were the magics that she could literally feel emanating from that being. Mavra and Annabeth could sense the same, and both felt a sense of the very same fear that Naltaibur was experiencing as they gazed upon the horrid monstrosity that was hovering steadily towards the mercenaries that they had stumbled upon, though Mavra's was a tinge less than her own. That fear spread through the more mundane members of their group, for what use would the swords and crossbows wielded by the standard warriors like them be against such an abomination? She could sense that Uldric could feel it as well, but unlike the rest of them the priest of the thunder god looked upon this new abomination fearlessly.

He was the first to respond when Naltaibur asked them whether they ought to flee or try and fight, his mental voice filled with a heartening surety; [We can kill it. And we will kill it. The Skylord is with us, and with his blessing we cannot fail! This abomination cannot be allowed to sully the city of Therion with its presence any further!] With that rallying determination, the mean who had all seen the god of thunder in action the day before took the old priest's word as truth, and without hesitation they prepared to fight and offered their ascent to fight the thing, that of Mavra and a highly skeptical Annabeth coming a moment later.

The men who hadn't been privy to that mental conversation readied their bows, the sweat on their brows visible from here, but as the thing closed in they stood little chance of remaining hidden for long. They would no doubt be obliterated before they could do much harm as the floating thing hovered towards their position, but what else could they do? The hunter that Naltaibur had previously controlled hovered dazedly for a moment before suddenly vanishing against the wall, becoming practically invisible as it activated its naturally camouflage. At the same time the floating creature suddenly blazed with energy, raw magic forming around it in a defensive barrier that would leave it all but impossible to harm. Though that might have been predictably despair inducing, Uldric suddenly bowed his head and muttered a low prayer under his breath, his exact words indistinguishable. As if in response, a bolt of thunder cracked, and lightning split the sky and descended upon them. Rather than turning the priest into dust and killing all those around him, however, the power blazed through and then out from the priest, washing over them and filling them with strength and courage enough to face the being ahead of them. Running or hiding was no longer an option, as the priest emerging from the column of lightning glowing and stepped out into the street with his hammer in one hand and his shield in the other. He presented the most immediate target, and the floating monster seemingly took it as a challenge and moved forward with horrid speed, closing the distance until it looked as if it planned on swooping down and grabbing the man up.
Re: Dr. Love, Dr. Death (GargantuaBlarg)

That lightning bolt had signaled their presence - Naltaibur did not relish the though of facing a superior opponent head-on like this, but they were committed, now.

The vortex of power surrounding their opponent had begun to spin harder - Naltaibur could sense it with her Academy training, of course, but it seemed so powerful even her mundane companions could, as well. The thing started speeding towards them - and she didn't like the chances against it with it's power whirling such as it was. Unlike the being itself, that did fall somewhat similar to the patterns of magical phenomena she'd studied - an increase of energetic action in the spirit that translated often translated to a more frightful opponent than otherwise. There had been many cases of such powers she'd studied, where even frail, untrained opponents managed to fight on even keel with more experienced opponents, though the spell tended to hemorrhage power. She feared that that would be of little issue for this opponent, who looked far from frail, and whose power seemed disproportionate even with it's massive form.

If allowed to engage them it would surely break them and send them into chaos. ['Uldric, stop the beast - a wall, if you can,'] Naltaibur thought, writing into the air once more with a finger. ['I'll try to clear that vortex - bows, hold your fire until I finish.']

Casting L3 Arcane - Greater Dispel on scary bossman.
4 EP cost
3 upkeep

Should end turn with 19

Greater Dispel (Utility) [As Dispel, but removes all effects from the target if the caster wins the Resistance check.]
Re: Dr. Love, Dr. Death (GargantuaBlarg)

Naltaibur: HP = 45, PP = 53, EP = 19/49, Status = Fine, +22 Resistance (Arcane Mirror,) Telepathy to 10 different people, +42 Mind (Arcane Apotheosis), Upkeep = 3, Blessed

NPC Stats
Mavra: HP = 63, PP = 54, EP = 34/79, Status = Fine, Pregnant, Blessed
Father Uldric: HP = 52/53, PP = 38, EP = 45/61, Status = Fine, Blessing X = 8, Upkeep = 6
Annabeth (Wizard Template) : HP = 35, PP = 50, EP = 49/55, Status = Fine, +24 Perception (Lesser Strength), buffs on Kormac and Jenkins, Blessed

Aluwin: Fine, Blessed
Jax: Fine, Blessed
Caden: Fine, Blessed

Kormac: Fine, +24 Body (buff from Annabeth), Blessed
Jenkins: Fine, +24 Body (buff from Annabeth), Blessed

Blue Falcon 1: Fine
Blue Falcon 2: Fine

Hunter: Peacing the fuck out
Elder Lord: Diced

Casting: 4 + 24 + 10 = 38, success.
Resistance: 9 + 17 + 21 + 16 = 63 vs 61 = 8 + 43 + 10, Naltaibur wins.

Uldric does not have Holy Wall. So instead he charges in hopes of being a distraction! He can't actually reach it, but he can move up and Shield Cover, which is pretty good. Maybe.

Yon soldiers all open fire. Aluwin, Caden, and Jax only have blessing, but Kormac and Jenkins also have buffs from Annabeth. Its Dodge is starting at 60 and going down by 5 for each attacker.
Attacks: All hit.
Damage (Caden) : 5 + 7 + 1 + 9 = 22 damage.
Damage (Jax) : 7 + 7 + 1 + 9 = 24 damage.
Damage (Aluwin) : 1 + 5 + 7 + 9 = 22 damage.
Damage (Kormac) : 3 + 2 + 2 + 9 = 16 damage.
Damage (Jenkins) : 1 + 5 + 4 + 9 = 19 damage.
Total of 103 damage.

Yon two dudes open up with bows, firing 5 shots each, against 35 and 30 Dodge respectively.
Attacks: All hit from both.
Damage (guy 1) : 1 + 7 + 6 + 10 + 10 - 4 - 5 = 25, 25 x 5 = 125 damage.
Damage (guy 2) : 5 + 4 + 6 + 10 + 10 - 4 = 26, 26 x 5 = 130 damage.
Total of 245 damage from them, to a grand total of 348 damage.

Mavra attacks with Mind Cutter X = 18.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 3 + 1 + 1 = 5 * 18 = 90, 90 - 5 = 85 damage.

Get like.... 6 exp I guess, since Naltaibur was instrumental. .......Lucky fucker

Uldric gave an affirmative grunt in response to Naltaibur's request, doing it aloud rather than over the mental link, but rather than displaying any further magics he rushed forward shouting. It was hard to tell with the eyeless aliens, but it certainly seemed to orient itself on the priest as he rushed toward it and raised up his shield. Naltaibur's spell, a complex pattern of interlocking symbols that lashed out at the energy field surrounding the creature rather than at the creature itself, was miraculously successful in its given task.

The moment that the glowing energy vanished in a final burst, the men around Naltaibur came forth and opened fire. A barrage of crossbow bolts buried themselves into the alien's soft flesh, causing it to pause in place, and the men behind it suddenly saw their chance. Raising their bows, they unleashed an incredible volley of fire all their own, placing every shot into the floating alien's head and neck and burying some of the shafts deep enough that the points could poke out through the front. Mavra's attack was, among them all, by far the most potent, however. As the creature reeled, the demoness stepped out into the open and summoned up such power that it dwarfed even the lightning that Uldric had called upon. It drew every eye to the glowing eyed demon, and with a sweep of a hand she sent out a wave of invisible psychic power so strong that it distorted the air around it in the heartbeat that it took to reach its target. It wasn't a single cut that landed, but a storm of them as that power played itself out, and as it fell to pieces before them Naltaibur could feel its spirit vacate the shredded body and flee, while Mavra stood heaving in exertion beside her.

"So... You folks would be not grey and slimy then?" one of the soldiers in the garb of the blue falcons called across the gap between them, breaking the silence that had fallen after the alien's fairly violent destruction.
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Re: Dr. Love, Dr. Death (GargantuaBlarg)

Despite the overwhelming fear they'd all felt and the obvious aura of power surrounding the creature, they nevertheless had managed to reduce it to a crumpled, slimy pile on the ground, following a few gut-wrenching moments of terror, wherein Naltaibur was almost entirely sure she was going to lose everything. She must have struck and dug into a fissure of some sort in its power, or something of the sort, with her spell... that was the only real way Naltaibur could explain how she'd managed to dispel an aura with so much raw, eldritch strength behind it.

During her studies, she'd run across tales of beings transcended past the need for bodies, requiring only but their souls; Naltaibur was glad this monster was not among them. ...Or at least, it didn't seem to be, judging by the fact that the corpse wasn't repairing its wounds, nor had it's disembodied consciousness attempted to blast them. So, however monstrous this thing was, it - and it's ilk, presumably - did still die if you stuck it with enough pointy things.

The Falcons certainly played a vital role, however - crossbows were great, especially against the thick hides found in the North, but they simply could not fire as rapidly as a traditional bow. While a common man might die from a single bolt, however, this thing towered over houses. The sheer amount of tissue damage dealt by the extra shots they could get off was invaluable.

...Uldric charging the beast was pretty scary though. Even if she were the one be-tasked by Doraleous, she still needed him for the others to rally around. She would've preferred he stay as far away from huge, dangerous things as he could.

Then there was her Mavra. Naltaibur would definitely help her make up the energy burned up in that vicious stroke later.

"Fairly non-grey and relatively clean, yes," she called back, speaking so loud in the quiet of the ruined city giving her an unpleasant feeling of exposure - more so because of how much louder it sounded as her own voice echoed back to her off her mask. She waved them over. ['Watch for the lizard - I don't know where it's gone,'] she thought to her group. ['...Well done, though. That went infinitely better than I'd expected.']
Yay fickle dice-favor not hating me this time!

When her former scout did not appear to immediately set itself upon the Blue Falcons, however, Naltaibur started muttering the form for one of her self-made cantrips - the one to spread light through a body, to examine it. She would cast it on the tentacled horror they had just managed to kill - all these invaders had some sort of valuable reagent, so, especially given that horrific vortex of power, this one must have one as well. Presumably by it's heart, like the others, though she didn't want to assume she actually knew where that was. It would also let her see the make up of the monster's body - it might be as close as she could get to properly sitting down and dissecting it, though she did plan to hack off it's head - partially for later investigation, partially as extra insurance that it was dead... and partially as a trophy.
Re: Dr. Love, Dr. Death (GargantuaBlarg)

Naltaibur: HP = 45, PP = 53, EP = 19/49, Status = Fine, +22 Resistance (Arcane Mirror,) Telepathy to 10 different people, +42 Mind (Arcane Apotheosis), Upkeep = 3

NPC Stats
Mavra: HP = 63, PP = 54, EP = 34/79, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Father Uldric: HP = 52/53, PP = 38, EP = 45/61, Status = Fine
Annabeth (Wizard Template) : HP = 35, PP = 50, EP = 49/55, Status = Fine, +24 Perception (Lesser Strength), buffs on Kormac and Jenkins

Aluwin: Fine
Jax: Fine
Caden: Fine

Kormac: Fine, +24 Body (buff from Annabeth)
Jenkins: Fine, +24 Body (buff from Annabeth)

Blue Falcon 1: Fine
Blue Falcon 2: Fine

"Well.... That's good then!" the mercenary replied, and then the two of them slowly proceeded toward the group while Naltaibur magically examined the corpse of their freshly killed abomination. It didn't seem to have any organs of importance, all of its extremely minimal systems with multiple redundancies. There was no digestive system whatsoever, only a very basic circulatory system pumped by muscles placed throughout the body, its blood contained and seemingly required very little in the way of oxygen or nutrients, and its entire form had no central hub for its nervous system. For all intents and purposes, the body was seemingly little more than an organic shell, but in the center of it, near where the heart would be in a proper body, there was a source of raw energy. Should Naltaibur choose to dig it out, she would unearth a grey stone much larger and more potent than the ones that she had collected previously, and even with the spirit controlling the body gone the stone, easily the same of a large cantaloupe, pulsed with malevolent corruptive energies.

"What are you lot doing traveling around? Looking for someplace safe, or are you a search party?" the mercenary who had thus far done most of the speaking asked, directing his question at Naltaibur as she had been the first to speak to them.
Re: Dr. Love, Dr. Death (GargantuaBlarg)

Naltaibur nodded in acknowledgement to the Falcon's reply, her attention mostly focused on her task. The gleanings were strange... she wondered if this thing's body was even biologically viable at all, or if it had sustained itself simply through raw, magical power. After all, it lacked a digestive system completely - how was it to eat? She memorized what she saw, unwilling to take the time to sit down and pen an entry into her journal just now. It was another avenue for her to explore once she could get back to her research, though - if the thing's body wasn't meant to be self-sustaining like a nal, mortal creature's was, perhaps that might allow her some insight into the secrets of Life and it's creation?

There was little to be had from wild speculation now, though... rather, she marched forward to the thing's massive corpse, and, falchion drawn, pushed her blade down, into the monster's body, just scraping the powerful magical core she'd located with her magic. The night elf then plunged a hand into the wound and yanked out the magically charged lump. She wondered... maybe she could use this thing to make an apparatus that would force the invaders to submit to her will, like her lizard had seemed to do when the magician invader seized its mind. That would certainly be useful...

Naltaibur cast a quick spell, making the gore from the monster clinging to her arm and hand, as well as the core itself, slough off, before stowing the orb awayin her sack, still at her waist, tied to her belt.

"We are on a mission," Naltaibur said, when asked what their purpose was. "I think it safe to assume you saw Doraleous strike down the invader last night? That man," she pointed to Father Uldric, "Is one of the priests sworn to Doraleous - with the exception of Annabeth, Kormack, and Jenkins - joining us from a patrol from Dragonsbane, whom we hope take word back of our mission and our need of aid - we all took shelter in his chapel.

It is in the thunder god's designs that we provide succor to those we can - especially those we can recover from the godslain's wreckage. We intend to find a secure place, with enough room to house these souls - Avenshire is our current destination."

Naltaibur turned to the speaker, breathing in. "Do you have wounded? I would heal them for you - and we could use your assistance, if you are able to provide it."

L1 Clean, water spell, to rinse the gore off my arm.
Re: Dr. Love, Dr. Death (GargantuaBlarg)

Naltaibur: HP = 45, PP = 53, EP = 19/49, Status = Fine, +22 Resistance (Arcane Mirror,) Telepathy to 10 different people, +42 Mind (Arcane Apotheosis), Upkeep = 3

NPC Stats
Mavra: HP = 63, PP = 54, EP = 34/79, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Father Uldric: HP = 52/53, PP = 38, EP = 45/61, Status = Fine
Annabeth (Wizard Template) : HP = 35, PP = 50, EP = 49/55, Status = Fine, +24 Perception (Lesser Strength), buffs on Kormac and Jenkins

Aluwin: Fine
Jax: Fine
Caden: Fine

Kormac: Fine, +24 Body (buff from Annabeth)
Jenkins: Fine, +24 Body (buff from Annabeth)

Blue Falcon 1: Fine
Blue Falcon 2: Fine

(Naltaibur gains a graybrain!)

The two soldiers would glance at one another, and the one who hadn't spoken yet sardonically grunted; "Yeah... Was pretty hard tah miss, wasn't it?" They would nod again at Naltaibur's explanation of their purpose, but then one of them said; "We don't know. We got separated from the rest of our unit when three of those things attacked us. It... Probably didn't go well, but we got away, so maybe some others managed to too? Anyway, staying with you lot sounds liek a better idea than going off on our own. So, we're in. I'm Willem, and the grumpy one is Paul. And you are?"
Re: Dr. Love, Dr. Death (GargantuaBlarg)

Naltaibur introduced her companions and herself - Uldric; Annabeth, adherent of the Star God and healer; Aluwin, Jax, and Caden, warriors that had sheltered with Uldric; Mavra, a ward of Uldric's; Jenkins and Kormac, Dragonsbane soldiers. Naltaibur - healer, Academy-graduate.

"We ought to get going, then, before anything else shows up," Naltaibur said. "Especially those other two you mentioned - I don't know if I have another fight left in me. I think... I think I may need to rest before long... especially before Avenshire."

She added the two Falcons to their mental network - telling them to try not to break the connection this time, as making them taxed her reserves of power, which were most definitely finite. Once that was done, they took up formation once more and started moving again, trying to avoid where the two Falcons had come from if they could - and thus, avoiding where the two other magical behemoths were likely to still be. some blocks away, if they made it that far, Naltaibur would look for a relatively sturdy house for them to stop in, so she could recover some of her energy. If they passed a relatively safe-looking apothecary or alchemist's shop, she would also call for a stop to attempt to find something useful inside - potions to restore her energies would be nice, or perhaps draughts for healing, in case she, Anna or Mavra were unable to reach them in time - but weapons they might be able to use would be helpful, as well - bottled fire or tar, or perhaps poisons... something. Surely they could use it.

My excuse for not letting that spell drop so far is that I was waiting for surprise second waves. I totally didn't just forget to dispel it, just like I'm totally not writing this bit first so I don't forget this time. Which implies I forgot the last like two or three times. Which is totally not true.

Drop Arcane Apotheosis.

Telepathize those two dudes.