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Down Time and Hospital Time

Re: Down Time and Hospital Time

“I’m the one with troubles on my hands, girl.” Viktor muttered, deciding that staying angry would do nothing at this point. “Go ahead, I’ll see what I can do about your clothes.” With that, Viktor led Lynn to the showers, pushing her gently inside and leaving her to her privacy while he took out his cell phone.

“Nikolai, I need something right now…”
Re: Down Time and Hospital Time

Maybe her nerves were still acting up, but being escorted to the showers just felt...strange. Well, she was here now, so there was no use delaying any longer. After she was assured Viktor was well out of sight and sound, she began the painstaking process of getting herself out of the plugsuit. Some time (And a substantial amount of wiggling later), Lynn had stripped out of the tight fitting suit, revealing a modest bust and toned figure (As toned as one could get training how to fight and pilot a wolf). She was quick to slip into one of the stalls, a little unnerved by the fact it was partially open. Sure the important parts were still "protected" but she still felt exposed. Regardless, she turned on the shower and began washing up, praying that Viktor would find her something proper to wear.
Re: Down Time and Hospital Time

“Is this it?” Viktor was certainly confused when he received a very light bag on his hands, causing Nikolai to shrug in response, “That was everything that woman gave to me.”

“I see.”

Nikolai took his leave, without a word, leaving the operations director to his own thoughts. Without thinking much of it he opened it, curious as to how would girls like her dress like, and looked inside. “…” Just to find himself robbed of his own words, the contents were nothing more than…

He walked away, taking a small detour through the complex to fetch a couple of things before getting back to the showers. He looked at his surroundings, before knocking on the door. “I’m back, when you’re ready I have something to speak with you about.”
Re: Down Time and Hospital Time

After a long flight, a shower was just what the doctor ordered. For the first time in at least a week, she was truly relaxed. But her peace and quiet was broken when she heard knocking and Viktors voice coming from the entrance. In a panic, Lynn turned off the water and rushed to grab a towel before quickly wrapping it around her body. Just as quickly, she retreated to behind the shower curtain before yelling back. "C...Come in."
Re: Down Time and Hospital Time

With the confidence of having her permission to enter, Viktor opened the door and closed it behind him, and looked around the room, finding the girl cowering behind a curtain. Much understandable, Viktor thought. It brought a bit of a smile to him, realizing that despite the attitude from before, she was still just a child.

However, his smile disappeared as he remembered why he was here, and it had nothing to do with smiling at her while she was naked behind a curtain. “This is the bag that was sent by your caretaker when I asked for your clothing…” Viktor’s voice was decidedly a bit more serious than before, even if inwardly, the man couldn’t help but to crave face palming at what he had in his hands.

“I do have to ask… is this some kind of prank or joke… against you or from both of you to the people here?” He said, pulling out the contents of the bag, which turned out to be a very small tube top and equally small short shorts.
Re: Down Time and Hospital Time

A slight shiver ran down Lynn's spine as she saw Viktor enter. Was this even legal? Was he even allowed to be in the same room s her when she was like this? It just seemed so...strange. But she knew she couldn't change anything about it now. For all she knew, there might be a time where he saw more then just her head behind a curtain. And she was afraid of that day. But the mans smile vanished and that made her even more worried. Oh lord, what was this about. Oh god, her stuff was missing! She's have to rush to the mans apartment in nothing but a towel or her damn plug suit.

And then he showed her the outfit. That damn tube top and short shorts. Cavey actually packed it instead of her regular outfit. Her face turned beet red at seeing at it but was even more ashamed that Viktor was holding it. He must think worse of her now. But she couldn't leave him guessing. "N...Not really. The Doctor picked out that outfit for me. Insisted I wear it. Something about not showing any fear. Like a proper pack leader. But it's so damn embarrassing. But if that's all I have...I guess I'll take it. Was there...anything else?" She asked, trying to find an indirect way of asking if underwear was included, since she couldn't immediately see any. Oh god, how could Doc do this to her?
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Re: Down Time and Hospital Time

"But-" Charlotte started, before immediately catching herself. "Yes, sir!" she shouted, snapping to attention and raising her arm in a sharp salute.

Once they were gone, though, she took a seat in a chair, looking annoyed. She wasn't no nurse - what the hell was she supposed to do here? She had to get ready for school tomorrow. It was her first day! Ever! Sure, she had classes when she was in the lab, but... She had to pack up all the things on her school list - fuck, she still hadn't gotten that compass or that apron it said she'd need! What was she supposed to do, go unprepared, her muster not put together properly like she was some hotshot?

And she still had to take her medication, too...

Orders were orders, though. She supposed she was some 'hotshot', questioning the Commander's orders, after all.

He hadn't said when to leave, either, so she wasn't sure when she was supposed to, and as the hours wore on, she increasingly aggravated.
Re: Down Time and Hospital Time

(And lies again, cause another bloc post. Come on people, you can also post something from time to time too. Ranger comes back 'morrow to help move things along.)

The girl’s reaction was more than enough, but for some reason, Viktor knew just from her words that she was telling the truth. An honest girl, he was starting to feel more relieved by the minute, instead of the bitchy brat that had come out of the EVA, he was now before a much more manageable, scared girl… even if it did hurt him a little bit seeing her as scared as she was.

“Sorry, other than these clothes, there was only these… pair of ears?” Viktor was as confused as he sounded, looking at the diadem with more than just a bit of surprise. “There’s… nothing else…” The man said, clearing his throat a bit as he turned the bag inside out for Lynn to see, leaving only, and only the tube top, and the short shorts…

“I…” On his end, Viktor was a little baffled as well, there was something very wrong with a situation such as this.

The silence that hung in the air for a few moments was a little unsettling for Lynn. Almost like the man was inspecting her reaction or something. Picking her apart. Then again, that was kinda his job to make sure she was OK and junk. Make sure she doesn’t lose it. And at least for now, she'd not say anything or smack him in the face, lest she accidently flash him or something.

"You...You serious? Doc didn't even pack my....Oh god!" Her face grew an even darker red as she retreated behind the curtain for a few seconds to contemplate what this meant. She'd have to be like this for god knows how long. Next free chance she got, she'd go shopping and buy out half the stores in this city to have a decent wardrobe. She popped her head back out and with one hand holding the towel, she grabbed her clothing with the other hand. He even revealed that there was nothing extra, making the situation even more upsetting. And then she remembered the ears.

"Yeah...those ears have to do with helping me get use to the mentality of my Eva. Since it's a wolf, Doc thinks I should look as much like one as possible. It's a little embarrassing...but you almost don't notice them. J...just give me a minute." Dropping the towel, she slipped the shorts on, sliding them up her legs until they covered her as best they could, buttoning them when they fit snugly on her hips. She then slipped on the tube top to cover her girls, the lack of protection beyond that worrying her greatly.

She stepped out of the stall in her new outfit, her gaze cast down at her feet. As she stepped out, she asked one more question. "A...any shoes or footwear?"

Viktor shook his head a no to her question, unable to really hide his surprise at the situation. That doctor was all sorts of crazy, but this was just too much. “Sorry I couldn’t do anything right now, but this did came as a surprise, I didn’t expect to receive our new arrival in the elevator instead of the air port…”

“But I did manage to grab some footwear. Don’t worry, these are new.” He pulled out a pair of flip flops, nothing impressive, and he felt somewhat embarrassed that he was even providing the girl which such shoddy items… “For the time being, I guess I should take you home. The less time you have to be in public looking like that the better, right?”

"It's...It's Ok. Sometimes Doc is forgetful and she forgets to pack things...At least I hope that’s the case." She still was ashamed, but she'd have to live with it once again. She got use to it spending time with her back home. At the very least, the man did have some shoes for her, making the trip a little more bearable. No walking around with bare feet.

"These will be fine for now. Thank you so much, sir. I really appreciate all the help. Can't imagine how I would handle it had I been by my lonesome." She slipped on the flip flops and grabbed the ears, slipping them on in kind. "I figure I'll get you use to seeing me in them. But let’s go. I'd like to get to know where I'll be spending my time from now on."

“No, I’d like for you to be comfortable when I’m around. I can kind of tell you’re not comfortable wearing that… for a couple of different reasons.” Viktor shook his head. “Let’s just go home, at the very least, I can help you feel comfortable after what you’re going through…” The man sighed, unable to decide what to think of this. “In any case, let’s go.”

With that, the man led Lynn to his own car, quickly taking her for a very brief tour of the route from the Nerv Quarters to Viktor’s house. A light blue house of only one floor was what Viktor presented to her, as the man helped the girl out of the car. Opening the door for her to a cozy interior of wooden flooring, white walls peppered with a couple of paintings and other such objects. The man quickly led her to the living room, where a large TV and soft and comfy sofas awaited eagerly for the girl. “Just hang on here for a second.” Viktor excused himself, as he walked into the kitchen, where he rid himself of his leather jacket, and headed for the fridge.

“It might be a bit awkward right now… given that we had a bit of a friction… but, Welcome home.” Viktor said, laying before Lynn a cake of a somewhat respectable size.

“I hope you like it.”

"No, no. It's fine. Sometimes they're ok, but when Doc insists I wear them all day, is when it starts to get a little annoying. But I can live with it for now. But thanks for the concern anyway." She smiled earnestly for the first time all day, no bloated ego or anything behind it. Just an honest smile.

The trip in the man’s car was thankfully quick, with a tour of the route from the Nerv Quarters to the place she would eventually call home. Minsk seemed like an impressive city. If only more places were like this. She was led into the very modest home, the girl mildly impressed that the man at least owned property and didn't live in an apartment. The interior was nice enough and was tastefully decorated. It had a good sized TV and equally comfortable looking sofa, which she was sure she'd be spending a lot of time on.

Viktor quickly dismissed himself, leaving Lynn somewhat curious? What could he possibly be getting for her? After all the trouble she caused today, she was amazed he'd be getting anything for her other then another scolding. But when he returned with a cake and sincere wishes, she couldn't help but gasp in surprise. Good lord. This man was something else. She ran up to the man and gave the man a big hug "T...Thank you. Thank you so much."

Viktor got a bit surprised for a couple of seconds as the girl wrapped her arms around him, before he smiled at her again. Man did this girl live to be honest. “You’re welcome, you’re welcome.” He said as he, almost instinctively, started patting the girl on the head. “I had been quite excited when I heard a new pilot would be coming, this was the first thing I thought of doing.”

He set the cake down on a small table in front of them and quickly produced a fork for her. With that, he took a seat at the girl’s side, careful at all times not to make her uncomfortable, even if he couldn’t resist the slightly strange urge of rubbing and petting her head and the nape of her neck. “Enjoy it.”

Not even an hour ago, this man was more angry then anything she had ever seen before. But now, she was seeing the exact opposite and in all honesty, she was happy to see it. Doc did say this man loved to pamper his pilots and now was no different. She didn't even really complain about the pat on the head, it almost feeling instinctual for her to like it.

Snagging the fork out of his hand, she was quick to sit down and carve herself a slice, almost too happy to do so. It had been a while since she enjoyed treats like this and she was going to take full advantage of it. She began devouring the slice, almost like a ravenous animal.

Viktor couldn’t help but to smile at Lynn’s energy, despite the problem earlier, this sight was easily enough to calm himself. He couldn’t forget about the others, but at this point, his presence would change the fact that they needed the medical attention. And Lynn certainly didn’t need to see the results of their most successful battle against the angels yet…

“Well, you will be living from here on out, what do you think?”

"It's great. I gotta admit, I thought we'd be stuck sharing an apartment or something. No privacy or anything. No offense, but I though guys like you were paid on the cheap. But this at least means I have something." She was much more relaxed now than ever, and her mood had significantly increased.

"So...when am I going to meet the others? I'd like to get to know my team mates as soon as possible so I can better help them, if that's OK with you. If they need rest from their last fight, then I won't push the issue and I can wait."

“That’s a tough question, I’d rather didn’t see them today, but… If you really want to visit them, they’re in the hospital.” He said with a bit more mellowed tone. He’d really like for her not to see the kids like that, but he wouldn’t stop her if she still wanted to. They all would be part of the same team after all.

"Well, if they aren't feeling that great...then I'll hold off for now. Besides, I'm sure I'll meet them when school starts soon anyway. Plus, I don't think meeting them in this..." She motions towards the outfit. "It’s the best decision. I'll hold off for now and give them a chance to recover. See them at their best."

“Thanks.” Viktor replied with something of a smile to his face, he could only hope the situation would improve soon, but for the moment… things were what they were. “Well then, there’s only just one thing left to do. Enjoy yourself, treat this place as if it was your own home. There’ll be one or two rules to follow, but I’ll tell you them later.”
Re: Down Time and Hospital Time

(I really am ashamed of double posting, but I have to help thigns a bit. We'll move to jap boy momentarily if Ranger doesn't do anything before I do.)

Viktor only waited for a while, making sure to see Lynn’s smile just one more time before standing up. “Well then, feel free to explore the house if you wish, I’ll show you your room when I return, okay?” He said, as he headed for the door, his concern for the other kids finally reaching a peak as he hopped into his car.

His speed matched his concern, as he traversed the hospital just a touch away from actually running through. “I’m back.” He said gasping weakly as he entered the door with haste. “Are you two still doing fine?”
Re: Down Time and Hospital Time

As Viktor burst into the hospital room, Olga simply laid on the bed looking at the panting man, "I am doing adequate, Kapitan. I will feel better once I am out of the hospital and in my quarters and my Eva...... Also once I have a second arm again..." she informs her superior officer awaiting her medication and eager to be out of the hospital.
Re: Down Time and Hospital Time

Takehito looked up from his book as Viktor burst in the room once again, ever concerned about their wellbeing. It was somewhat...strange to him. Didn't he have other duties to attend to besides looking over the pilots? The doctors had said he himself would be fine, Charlotte seemed normal, the only person that really needed a bit of concern was Olga, and even then, the doctors would take proper care of her- well, he assumed so.

"I feel fine. I will feel better when I can get out and go home." Takehito said, clearly exasperated he was still in the hospital. Aside from a few...disturbances in his head when he slept..he felt perfectly fine. With that, he went back to his book.
Re: Down Time and Hospital Time

“Sorry for the delay. I was informed, for the time being that you two could leave the hospital. Of course, both Takehiko and Olga are to return every day if both of you want to get better. I’ll see to helping you if you decide to keep coming back.”

The man spoke with clear words, not mixing nor mingling anything in order to avoid confusing them in any way. “I thank you for staying, Charlotte. You are too free to return home if you desire.”

“However…” Viktor said, clearing his throat a bit before making sure everyone was listening. “I was wondering if you would have the will in yourselves to accompany me. Our new pilot arrived, and I wanted for all of you to meet her, of course, if you’re feeling to tired or affected, I can drop you off at your homes instead.”
Re: Down Time and Hospital Time

With Viktor finally gone, Lynn could relax. Or at least calm down from all that's happened today. When was the last time she ever got that embarrassed over anything? Must have been during her time in the Neo-Spartan program. Cavey was somewhat relentless in her teasing of the young Lynn, cause Lynn was always quick to defend herself. It was just part of who she was. Regardless, she had some free time and she was going to use it.

She explored the house a short while, taking a look at any of the tasteful decorations in the house. At the very least, the guy had a good taste. Guess he had alot of free time on his hands. Well, least she could keep herself busy while she waited. Making a quick dash to the kitchen, she found a glass and ran over to the sink, filling her glass with water. She would plop herself down on the couch and switch on the television, opting to find some news to watch. Might as well keep herself informed while she's here.
Re: Down Time and Hospital Time

Charlotte shot up out of her chair, once again snapping to attention. "Yes, sir! Nothing to report, sir!"
Re: Down Time and Hospital Time

Lynn wasn’t going to get much chance to relax, mainly because the doorbell managed to ring all of 10 seconds after she turned on the TV. Almost like it was perfectly timed to cause her as much annoyance as possible, or maybe it was just bad timing. Either way the person at the door was very insistent, ringing it multiple times in rapid succession. Mostly because the woman outside the house was an incredibly impatient girl. The bubblegum pink hair had drawn a few looks on her way over, the ears (that many swore were infact moving around and seemed to be hooked up to a pair of headphones) and tail had drawn even more. Either way though Doctor Cavey had managed to track down Lynn in record time and was now attacking the doorbell with increasing vigor, the tail seemingly waving side to side in annoyance.

Lynn almost jumped out of her seat in surprise as the doorbell suddenly ran. Seemed nothing was going to give her a chance to rest. And the persistence of the ringer was starting to irritate her. That could only mean one person. Doctor Cavey. Hopping out of her seat, she called out to the doctor. "Ok. Ok. Calm down, I'm coming." Adjusting the ears on her head (knowing doc would ask about them) she made her way to the door, opening it for the doc. However, she kept her body hidden by the door as she peaked her head around. "Doctor? What's going on? What did you track me down for? Don't you have some last minute debriefing to do with the heads of this place?"

“Probably but after that little conversation I had with Viktor I wanted to make sure he wasn’t wrecking your synch ratio or something else that would ruin the pilot of my Wolfpac,” Cavey said, her voice rising in volume as it went before she ended off a pose with her finger pointing out over Lynn’s head then she recovered herself and coughed into her fist, “That and I didn’t really want to go to a boring debriefing,” Then the excitable doctor saw that Lynn was wearing the ears which caused her tail to start wagging, “Good you actually put them on! Did you try the new headphones yet? These new ones actually work, and give 0.025% better hearing then normal human ears!” In response the ears the doctor was wearing twitched around before focusing on someone walking down the street, staring at the doctor who stood on the doorstep.

"N...No! Viktor hasn't been doing anything to my synch ratio or anything like that. In fact, he gave me some cake when we got back. A bit of a welcome home gift. It was really nice." Seems the doctor was intent on escaping her responsibilities for as long as possible. Rather strange for a woman who had myriad responsibilities. However, the doc only grew more excited as she saw Lynn wearing the ears. "N...Not yet. I just put them on so Viktor could get used to seeing me with them on. I didn't know they had headphones in them. But it seems yours work just fine. W...Why don't you come in the house? Get you off the street?"

“Hmm, so despite that initial encounter Viktor’s file was actually correct,” Cavey said as she put a finger to her lip in thought and stepped over the threshold, “I wonder if that will only extend to you because you’re a child. Worth possibly checking at a later date,” Then the Doctor perked up again and said “Also the headphones are attached to the top half of the ears you just pull them out and put them in your ears and they should start picking up your mood too!” Then she paused for a moment and looked at the younger pilot, “He gave you cake too? Seems the housing assignment was still a good choice… is there any left?”

I...I don't know Doc. Viktor seems nice enough. It seems like he's pretty friendly so long as you don't give him a reason to be angry at you." She felt strange talking to Doc. It was almost like talking to a large child. But the ears came up again, meaning it'd be a long conversation. "Picking up my mood? You mean like how your's twitch? Mine can do that too? Wow." It was interesting and she was almost certain to be using them at the doc’s insistence.

"There is a few slices left. I guess he won't mind if I give you a slice. If he asks, I'll just say I had another slice. Come on in." She opened the door further, letting the doc in, hoping that she said nothing of the outfit she was wearing.

“Yaaaay!” Cavey said as the tail and ears she were wearing wagged and perked up respectively at the news, then went serious again, “Ohh right,” the doctor said when she saw what Lynn was wearing, “Sorry for forgetting your underwear, just totally slipped my mind when I went to pack stuff. As for the ears yes, they will track to the nearest sound you pick up and focus on when they are plugged in.”

Heading further into the house she looked over just about everything in the hallway, and started wandering on her own through the house, searching for what she herself wasn’t likely certain but until she stumbled into the kitchen on her own or was direct to it she wouldn’t stop looking around.

"It's not so much the underwear. I could have gotten over that. But the outfit itself is just so embarrassing. You know I had long pants and a jacket back home. Yet you packed this stuff instead. Next time, please don't forget something so important. Especially when I'm sharing a house with a man several years older than me. And I'll have to try those ears out later. "

But it seemed the Doc was now more curious about exploring the mans house, taking her time to get to the kitchen. Feeling like they'd be there all day if she let her wander, Lynn spoke up. "Doc, the kitchen is over here. Come on." She'd grab Cavey's arm and lead her to the kitchen, pointing to the cake when they made it. "Dig in."

“The weather is too warm for long pants and a jacket here if you haven’t noticed, and you had better remember to try out those ears cause you had better be wearing them all over the place!” The doctor said as she wandered around the house, atleast until Lynn pulled her into the kitchen and pointed her at the cake, which she started wolfing down, finishing off the piece in record time. After which she looked at the pilot and said “Well it seems that you are in good hands here, so please excuse me.”

At which point she opened a window and made her departure.
Re: Down Time and Hospital Time

Takehito, after hearing the news that he could be released, sat up on the side of the bed. He shrugged after Viktor's request to accompany him to see the new pilot. He had nothing better to do- school wasn't a thing to him anyhow.

"Sure, it's not like I have anything else to do."
Re: Down Time and Hospital Time

“Great, great. That makes one.” Nodding energetically, Viktor looked at the girls who had yet to say anything on the matter. “Stand down, pilot, we’re not at war right now.”

“So, what about you girls? Would you like to come? It’s something small, you’ll get to meet your new companion in a more relaxed enviroment”
Re: Down Time and Hospital Time

Charlotte blinked. Not at war? Bullshit - the only time she'd ever not been at war was when she was in the laboratories - and that was because she was training for war. And why did he keep asking her things? Command commanded, and grunts hopped to.

"I see no reason not to meet a new squaddie."
Re: Down Time and Hospital Time

"........ K-Kapitan... I am bedridden. I cannot go anywhere till the doctors declare me fit to leave the hospital. I am still missing an arm and having trouble getting up. Pethaps if you truly wish me to meet the new pilot you should bring her here. I cannot speak for Pilot Miyamoto or my sister though, however." Olga said dryly as she continued to lie wearily in her hospital bed as she continued to wait her replacent limb to be grown and reattached to her body.
Re: Down Time and Hospital Time

As if in response to the Manufactured's comments, a small machine beside her beeped and then released a timed dose of sedatives and painkillers. Enough to put the damaged girl out cold for a while, as it was they would likely be able to attach a new limb by the end of the day. Though rehabilitation would take quite a while longer, atleast at that point she would be able to go outside occasionally.