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[DMM] Trojan War Princess

Re: [DMM] Troy Game Princess

Wonder if they are scrapping the whole thing if there's no date for open beta.

Oh well, was an amusing diversion. Never did get to try out mage AoE in pvp. :(
Re: [DMM] Troy Game Princess

Wonder if they are scrapping the whole thing if there's no date for open beta.

Oh well, was an amusing diversion. Never did get to try out mage AoE in pvp. :(

I don't think they'll scrap it, they're just being hush hush about it in case it takes longer than expected. They didn't announce when the CBT would start earlier either. I think that's wise, I wish more amateur developers did that.

I was level 24 on my Ice Mage so I never got to play with aoes either, but they are crazy powerful in pvp since most teams bunch up. A few mages can take out a good chunk of the enemy team (Which is why you will be focused to hell). 20+ Pvp is chaotic because of Mages, saw a few fire mages cripple most my team.

My complaint:

A Mage's escape skill (Teleport) needs to be aimed before you can use it and if you click past the activate range, it won't activate. In short: Teleport needs some work. It should activate even if you click beyond its range, just sending you as far as you're able to go in that direction. Maybe there's a way to automatically send yourself in the direction of your mouse when you click the skill (Smart casting), but I couldn't figure out how to do it. It certainly needs that. Wayyyy too cumbersome for an escape skill.

Not like most classes can't catch up to you quickly anyways with their movement skills, so saying it's difficult to use just because it can be aimed randomly is silly. It really needs to be something that just works the way you need it to instantly to stand a chance. Not like Mage's have a bunch of instant cast skills like most games. Even turning the camera to aim teleport behind you is a bit obnoxious already.
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Re: [DMM] Troy Game Princess

Oh hey this game DOES have a thread!
Been playing it(And DMM's other two MMOs) up until today, was pretty decent. Definitely better than some other adult MMOs I've played(esp Kabod, that garbgepile), but still pretty generic and grindfarmy

Although the title of it is a bit of a mistranslation
戦姫 is "War" and "Princess" kanji, and is generally translated as Valkyrie or simply Warrior Princess or some such. "Valkyries of Troia" "Troy: War Maidens" or something would prolly be a better name
Re: [DMM] Troy Game Princess

I don't mind changing it if people agree (To one of those or back to Troya Senki), I just went with the google translation. I'm not much for the current title translation either, I just didn't know anything about the game at the time to make assumptions like that. Seems they do mention Valkyries in the help files though if that was accurate.

Trying a few different translation sites now. I like one I got for "Trojan War Princess", that sounds much better and seems more accurate to me. Going with that for now as a lot of translations I found end up similar. Not sure why google fails it so hard. Translating the Kanji individually as you mentioned does seem more like that too. Let me know if you guys think there's a better one though, even if I can translate the words, I don't know how they fit together grammar wise.

Valkyries of Troya/Troia sounds good too, but I'm having trouble finding that translating as well. I mean Valkyrie isn't just a game term, not sure why it wouldn't show up. Usually you can check google images for things like that and you'll find a bunch of examples, not with this lol. That and I can't access the help files now to double check the "Valkyrie" translations I got before.
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Re: [DMM] Trojan War Princess

The best example would be 戦姫絶唱シンフォギア, Senki Zesshou Symphogear, which has been both fan and officially translated as "Superb Song of the Valkyries: Symphogear"
It's not the specific term for Valkyries in japanese, but it's a term that has no proper english equivalent word, and Valkyrie is generally used because "War Princess" "Warrior Princess" "Battle Princess", etc can be awkward sounding in a lot of places.

Either way, would prolly be best to at least have the JP name in the title so people can search for it a bit easier トロイア戦姫
Re: [DMM] Trojan War Princess - トロイア戦姫

I don't think many people here search by the Japanese text for this type of thread, but okay.

Usually the people I see in threads like this are either: A: People find the thread and learn about the game before knowing the official site/name/title or B: They stumble in here just checking out new threads and notice they're already playing the game after finding it on DMM.

Don't think I've ever heard of someone locating these types of threads by searching for its Japanese name specifically. In fact, that seems like it could cause some problems rather than helping anything. Eh.... Doesn't look too great in the title either.

I'll put it in the tags instead, searching for it should pull it up.
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Re: [DMM] Trojan War Princess

I actually tried searching for it when I started playing it and only found a, like... 4-year-old thread with zero replies. Didn't find this thread until today
Re: [DMM] Trojan War Princess

To be honest, I try to avoid the Japanese name in the thread title, the majority of people don't want it there. Clogging up pages with "Moonrunes" annoys a lot of people who want to be able to remember the title of the thread. I'd like to respect the Japanese names as well, but we are an English forum.

But that's what tags are good for~ It'll show up in searches now and no cluttered title name, everybody wins.
Re: [DMM] Trojan War Princess

Clogging up pages with "Moonrunes" annoys a lot of people who want to be able to remember the title of the thread
And yet again people absolutely baffle me.
Re: [DMM] Trojan War Princess

And yet again people absolutely baffle me.

If you don't understand the language, it's as good as gibberish. What's not the understand? If you want to remember something, it needs to be familiar. Just because it's not the official name, it's not invalid. Not like it's hating on the Japanese or their language or anything. People just don't have time to learn it or they'd probably be on a Japanese board instead, I usually would anyways.

Put another way, I wouldn't expect Japanese boards to have English game titles in their thread names because I understand that most of them are more comfortable with Japanese.
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Re: [DMM] Trojan War Princess

If you don't understand the language, it's as good as gibberish. What's not the understand? If you want to remember something, it needs to be familiar. Just because it's not the official name, it's not invalid. Not like it's hating on the Japanese or their language or anything. People just don't have time to learn it or they'd probably be on a Japanese board instead, I usually would anyways.

If people can't remember [DMM] Trojan War Princess (トロイア戦姫) then they got probs
Re: [DMM] Trojan War Princess

If you don't understand the language, it's as good as gibberish. What's not the understand? If you want to remember something, it needs to be familiar. Just because it's not the official name, it's not invalid. Not like it's hating on the Japanese or their language or anything. People just don't have time to learn it or they'd probably be on a Japanese board instead, I usually would anyways.

Put another way, I wouldn't expect Japanese boards to have English game titles in their thread names because I understand that most of them are more comfortable with Japanese.

No, but Google searches by keyword, not by semantics.
Google doesn't care whether you understand what you're searching for or not, it will give you what you asked for.

There are threads that don't provide links, for example, and use google translated titles that can't be found anywhere.
Re: [DMM] Trojan War Princess

The next test period(or release? Not sure) has started. Characters were carried over apparently, even
Re: [DMM] Trojan War Princess

I actually uninstalled the game. It would hang up my antivirus whenever it tried to scan it during a full scan, forcing me to restart my computer (Wouldn't even force close). Don't know what was up with that and I don't feel like messing with it. I also wasn't able to delete all my cookies/browser history/etc without Firefox freezing when it was installed, though that may have been a coincidence (It did fix afterwards).
Re: [DMM] Trojan War Princess

so how do we actually get more girls? seems like the starter one will take forever to unlock her scenes
Re: [DMM] Trojan War Princess

New girls: exhentai.org/g/792552/006fa34b14/