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[DMM] Trojan War Princess

Re: [DMM] Troy Game Princess

After level 23, it's a bit hard to level up.... D you guys know a good grinding spot?
Re: [DMM] Troy Game Princess

My favorite class so far might be Archers. Warriors and Mages are a bit confusing to build since they are pulled between Fire and Ice and Warriors have a ton of skills that seem all around the same usefulness right now. I think the major problem is that skills are capped at level 5 right now, so it's difficult to tell how useful they'll be in the future. Some receive cooldowns while leveling for example.

Archers seem pretty easy to build and they have great damage and ranged basic attacks. They seem the easiest on potion consumption too. Warriors drink health and mana pots at a pretty quick pace, and Mages chug mana pots like no tomorrow. Archers consume like quarter/half of the potions they both do.


1: Great CC with Ice (Best slow skill among the 3 classes and a strong root skill), great burst with Fire
2: Aoes at the third tier of Fire and Ice, making them pretty annoying in pvp if used well
3: A teleport skill (Though it's difficult for me to use quickly, you need to activate the skill and aim-click it within its range or it won't work) giving you ways to fight and escape unpredictably.

1: Chugs MP potions like no tomorrow. Their skill rotation in early 20's can cost up to like 800 mana per enemy.
2: Will get focused and killed quickly in pvp, hard to get kills in pvp without aoes (Though you are amazing support for your team as Ice).
3: Fire and Ice have split skills for mana reduction and damage buffs, making you choose between which to use well.
4: Healing is rather pointless right now as everybody has auto potions, that and targeting people to heal is a bit of a pain anyways.


1: Amazing survivability with block and high HP, people usually don't want to focus you in pvp
2: Amazing CC, their slow ability is decent but better yet is their stun that can last up to 3 seconds, plenty of time to kill just about any player in pvp
3: They have a 15m dash that can be used every 2 seconds at max rank. I haven't acquired it yet but it seems absolutely amazing for pvp

1: Kind of low damage, probably the worst class to try to fight a higher level player with in pvp
2: Choosing between their skills is difficult and you get the feeling you need about everything on them, so skilling properly is difficult


1: Probably the best soloer, easier on potions than the others and has a ranged basic attack. Their damage is pretty even with Mages too.
2: "Step Back" is their escape, seems pretty awesome though I don't have it yet. Though it may be more predictable than a Mage's teleport, the cooldown is much shorter. If it automatically works on button press, I'd prefer this over the Mage's teleport since you have to choose the destination manually for that.
3: They gain a lot of CC eventually and some pretty nifty traps as well
4: Movement speed buff and a range extension skill that puts them beyond the reach of Mages

1: They seem to have the worst slow among the 3, though at least it's ranged unlike a Warrior's

Overall: The classes feel too similar to me right now. Everybody has a dot, everybody has a slow, everybody has a root/stun, everybody has an escape skill, etc, etc. I wish they would have diversified them more to make them feel more unique. They don't even really hide the fact that they're so similar very well, all the slows and roots and such work in the same way. They could really balance out the skills too, most dps rotations are inferior to just spamming your level 1 attack skill.

After level 23, it's a bit hard to level up.... D you guys know a good grinding spot?

Don't think there is one in particular, some mobs may have different CG item drops you may want to aim for. If you hit the star icon near the minimap, you'll get an exp boost for killing monsters for 2 hours. I think you get that once a day and it helped me reach 24 fairly quickly.

P.S: For those unaware, the main city you start in has many additional merchants. The blacksmith that can upgrade your equipment and the horse salesmen that will sell you quicker mounts to name a couple. So it's meant to be the "Hub" for players as with most MMOs.

Oh, and the dudes around the map with glowy circles behind them teleport you around.
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Re: [DMM] Troy Game Princess

Thanks for all the info as usual Fruit.

Quick question, a couple of times something that I assumed was pvp popped up? Said level 10-19 anyway. Clicked on the button and was teleported to an area with two glowing portals and...... Then randomly was teleported back to where I started without doing anything.

Not enough players or am I totally missing something?

I'm liking the archer but the way the skills are setup seems really unbalanced. I get a bow that does three times the damage as my old one and my L5 skill does an extra 10% damage. You also seem to spend a lot of time sitting on your ass or chugging mana pots. (two-three monster kills and it's pot time!)

In the last MMO I played that had partial nudity (Age of Conan) you literally could not walk a foot in a town without running into a mostly naked player. It's kind of interesting/odd that I've only seen a few naked archers running around.

And for the sad. Despite not being able to understand a freaking word, it's about the same as playing any other mmo. I still don't read the quests nor care what is going on.
Re: [DMM] Troy Game Princess

Thanks for all the info as usual Fruit.

Quick question, a couple of times something that I assumed was pvp popped up? Said level 10-19 anyway. Clicked on the button and was teleported to an area with two glowing portals and...... Then randomly was teleported back to where I started without doing anything.

Not enough players or am I totally missing something?

I'm liking the archer but the way the skills are setup seems really unbalanced. I get a bow that does three times the damage as my old one and my L5 skill does an extra 10% damage. You also seem to spend a lot of time sitting on your ass or chugging mana pots. (two-three monster kills and it's pot time!)

In the last MMO I played that had partial nudity (Age of Conan) you literally could not walk a foot in a town without running into a mostly naked player. It's kind of interesting/odd that I've only seen a few naked archers running around.

And for the sad. Despite not being able to understand a freaking word, it's about the same as playing any other mmo. I still don't read the quests nor care what is going on.

It's that or you need to be standing on the teleporter when the timer ends I think. The only times I was kicked back to the normal world map was when I wasn't standing on it. Could be coincidence, I honestly don't know.

Yeah skills need some work, the dots in particular seem a little silly. Most of them take so long to start doing extra damage that they seem rather useless to me. A lot of the time I think it's better just to spam your first skill. Even at max level they seem less efficient than other forms of damage unless you're fighting bosses.

I don't like that there's no natural regen unless you're sitting either, but oh well. Seems potions will be this game's gold sink. At least they aren't very expensive. I usually carry around 2-3 full stacks of both of whatever kind gives me back like 70% or so of my hp or mp per pot (Best HP pots are seriously needed for pvp).

True dat, I can't imagine anybody actually reads the quests :p The one exception for me was Vindictus, they actually told decent stories in theirs.
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Re: [DMM] Troy Game Princess

Vindictus was interesting until the 12th time you went over the same map. I liked the models, the story, and the combat. (I REALLY liked the combat) But seriously, "lets run the same map 15 fucking times... wait, this time, it's backwards! That's different right?"

Yeah. No.

I swear I tried standing on the teleporter buy maybe I got bored and wandered off, I'll try that tomorrow.

What's with the "we'll randomly give you 30k when you enter the L19+ area" quest? Is there a mount or something you are supposed to buy with that?
Re: [DMM] Troy Game Princess

Vindictus was interesting until the 12th time you went over the same map. I liked the models, the story, and the combat. (I REALLY liked the combat) But seriously, "lets run the same map 15 fucking times... wait, this time, it's backwards! That's different right?"

Yeah. No.

I swear I tried standing on the teleporter buy maybe I got bored and wandered off, I'll try that tomorrow.

What's with the "we'll randomly give you 30k when you enter the L19+ area" quest? Is there a mount or something you are supposed to buy with that?

Yeah as with most MMOs, you need a decent group of friends to stave away the boredom grind. Haven't found a game with combat as good, it's so hard to go back to auto target games after Vindictus.

I'm not sure but I used it to pimp my ride :p

I have a feeling one of the items you can buy in the alternative tab of the potion salesman might reset your skills, if anybody finds out which it is, could you let me know? I'd guess the 250k one. Well maybe skills will be reset after the CBT anyways since the skills are locked at 5 max levels right now. I can't really figure out how to make gold yet.

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Re: [DMM] Troy Game Princess

For those wondering about the 3D models and monster girls, I made a quick, sloppy little collage. Contains boobs. The NPCs don't lose their panties (Yet anyways). Things do look better in game, I had to resize these images and I have no idea if I'm on the best graphics setting. There are player look-alike npcs all over the place. They lose their top, bottoms and bra as they lose health.

Hard to get decent pictures when they're killing you... Boss Lamia seemed to have a bit of jiggle physics. Didn't really notice it too much with anybody else, but who knows. Top left girl is actually a nymph/fairy girl of sorts, but I missed her wings in the back.


Better image of one of the fairy girls:


Maybe I'll try to get the CG and a model importer for those that want the models.
Re: [DMM] Troy Game Princess

Is currently a Maintanance?
I got 2 symbols in the launcher a Orange Book with a lense
and a blue Shut Down button

Not sure what those are doing, after the orange i got a short message which i cant read ^^"
Re: [DMM] Troy Game Princess

Is currently a Maintanance?
I got 2 symbols in the launcher a Orange Book with a lense
and a blue Shut Down button

Not sure what those are doing, after the orange i got a short message which i cant read ^^"

Blue button actually launches the game, lol. Not the most intuitive symbol to use.
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Re: [DMM] Troy Game Princess

Neverwinter online has good combat as well, the problem is that it doesn't even pretend to be anything other than P2W and lots of content is locked behind gear limit walls that you basically have to pay to get to. Good combat though.

The Bee things in the L19 area are a good place to get Crosses for unlocking.

Don't forget to go to the altar in the main town periodically to clear out some inventory space. It eats those useless looking items like feathers and... I don't even know what they are.

The auto-battle AI is brain damaged.

If you run out of pots while auto-battling you will be logged off. Similarly, if your inventory fills up you will port back to town.

Purple portals lead to aggro area's.

There's not enough quests after L20~ to level, expect grinding.

Yes you DO have to stand on the portal to enter pvp. Derp -.-

Mages rule in pvp. Mass AoE blows everything up.

Your equipment in pvp breaks meaning the more you die the less clothes you will be wearing. But it's only the pvp gear.

Watching mostly naked warriors stomp the crap out of everything is pretty funny.

Without the experience boost star thing you get .05% of a level per mob kill at L24.

Well, that's the random things I've noticed so far so on with the questions.
Anyone have ANY idea what the woman with wings on her head (yeah, that's what I said) does?

I saw a hunter using power shot then immediately weapon swapping to dual swords. Any idea how to do that?

I used the blacksmith to upgrade my bow and now it glows but that seems to be the extent of what the upgrade did. Am I missing something?

How the hell do you get gold in this game? Items cost 100k+ and you get 20 from a mob?

Anyone found a mob that drops the items needed for unlocking the second and third scene for the second and third girl? White egg/crystal thingy. [EDIT] Found it, the amazon archers in the first dungeon can drop them, but they don't respawn so you can't farm them. Not sure if any of the other amazons can drop them. The boss there also drops the red scarf? needed for the second girls unlock. Not sure if hard/epic mode helps drops or not because it's fucking HARD. Parties only. [/end edit]
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Re: [DMM] Troy Game Princess

I have no idea how to make money. I get the feeling that it might be mostly on player trading, because I've never even seen items worth anything to sell npcs yet. Maybe it's because it's CBT and they don't want people to become too rich or something just yet.

I hope it's not on selling items to players only, that could be annoying.
Re: [DMM] Troy Game Princess

Seems to be only 3 characters available for the events.
Nothing has changed since before..
Re: [DMM] Troy Game Princess

I got a 5 stack of items worth 26k from a pvp chest. L99, no idea what they do so I didn't sell them. Only thing so far worth any gold.
Re: [DMM] Troy Game Princess

I got a 5 stack of items worth 26k from a pvp chest. L99, no idea what they do so I didn't sell them. Only thing so far worth any gold.

Hourglass items used to extend the time you can afk farm. That is the one thing I found worth some money, but pvp is pretty random. I don't think they're really farmable, but you at least shouldn't pass up the pvp queue.
Re: [DMM] Troy Game Princess

It wasn't hourglasses, it looked more like a cup of... rice maybe?

Though I have another question, according to their game info, 4 hourglasses can be merged into a 3 hour hourglass... Meaning you lose one hour. Why would you do that or is it old info?

I still have the sneaking suspicion that they just bought a shitty defunct MMO and added boobs.
Re: [DMM] Troy Game Princess

Oh and info on the Altar system drop for those who missed it on the first page:

Seems you donate the top list items and can get the bottom list items as rewards (Stuff used for equipment crafting).

Also the AFK farming AI isn't too bad, by default it will probably go through each of your skills left to right. You can set multiples of the same skill in your skill bars, so it's like a queue. Just set up one of your 3 skill bars (Alt + 1/2/3) to whatever you want to kill enemies in the area without wasting mana. I have:

Ice Arrow - Fireball - Fireball - Ice Arrow - Fireball - Fireball - Fireball to kill things around my level without any waste. Although I think it's terrible to allow players to afk farm, oh well. The Japanese love their grinding. I'd rather have quests to do, but I do use it when I'm out of quests. Be super awesome about it and have two monitors, so you can watch yourself afk farm while you play another game >.>

It wasn't hourglasses, it looked more like a cup of... rice maybe?

Oh that might be new, think you can screenshot it? I'm not in game so I'm not sure if I have it, I don't remember it though.

Seems the game went down for maintenance at 11, they kicked me out. There was some Jap text from GMs that mentioned 11, couldn't understand the rest. The website doesn't have a maintenance notice though, so not sure what's up. I think maybe it's just the normal maintenance from 11:00 - 15:00, damn.
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Re: [DMM] Troy Game Princess

Games being super wonky for some reason right now. Here's the image of the item. I'll post the description tomorrow when the game isn't randomly booting me out.


Didn't realize it went from left to right on your skill tree; all I saw of the auto-attack AI was it being dumber than... well, lets put it politely. It makes politicians look good.

Guess what it does?

A. Finish off the enemy that has <100 health
B. Walk across the fucking map and shoot a full health enemy
C. Aggro 5+ mobs without killing any of them

Answer. NOT A. B and C liberally.
Re: [DMM] Troy Game Princess

Games being super wonky for some reason right now. Here's the image of the item. I'll post the description tomorrow when the game isn't randomly booting me out.


Didn't realize it went from left to right on your skill tree; all I saw of the auto-attack AI was it being dumber than... well, lets put it politely. It makes politicians look good.

Guess what it does?

A. Finish off the enemy that has <100 health
B. Walk across the fucking map and shoot a full health enemy
C. Aggro 5+ mobs without killing any of them

Answer. NOT A. B and C liberally.

Oh those things, I have gotten those before and I think I sold it immediately lol. You can buy them from the general shop in the 3rd tab I think. I thought they were a way to repair your equipment out in the field, it's a barrel filled with equipment/repair hammer I believe. I think if you click it, it opens up a repair menu like when you're at the shop. Probably fine to sell since it's rare to damage your equipment if you check in at the shop for potions every once in a while. That was a couple days ago though so I'm not 100%, try clicking it when the game is back up.

Lmao, I think you can change the settings of the AI in that "A" menu. I only have the first option as a different color than the rest of the options I think, and for the most part, my AI works okay. It will attack a 2nd mob sometimes instead of killing the main one first, but I'm a mage that will have aoes next level, so not the worst thing. I've never run across the map and avoided easier enemies though.
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Re: [DMM] Troy Game Princess

Oh, that was actually the test concluding, here's the translation:

We come to "Troy game Hime- maiden and magic of this ~" official site, Thank you very much.
February 9, 2015 (Monday) Womochimashite 11:00, we terminate the trial test.
Thank you very much attended.

Now, for the next service preparation, you will not be able to browse the official site.
I will again notice in details determined now Once official Twitter, etc..

Please wait while now until the next service start.

Troy game princess management team

■ official Twitter

Welp, there goes that. CBT had ended and the game is down until further notice. No date for it reopening has been released yet.
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Re: [DMM] Troy Game Princess

Damn i was just starting >.<

Still it really looks like its a dropped project which was edited with H-CG and striping Female Sprites :)

The Grafics and system reqirements are around 2012.
Still it was kinda Fun ^^

btw. You could switch 1st and 2nd Weapon type with F2 if i am right but it was easier just to use Arrow Skill and if the enemiy got close Dagger Skill to switch.