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[DMM] Love Fishing


Tentacle God
Aug 12, 2010
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Cute little fishing game.
Catch fish, turn them into women
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Dec 9, 2010
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Re: [DMM] Love Fishing

So far, I approve of this game. Simple and fun.


Feb 2, 2011
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Re: [DMM] Love Fishing

Do you get to use that whisk on the chef girl with the pink scarf in her sex scene?


Tentacle God
Mar 23, 2013
Reputation score
Re: [DMM] Love Fishing

interesting game lol

how do you get the scenes? max level?


Mystic Girl
May 12, 2013
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Re: [DMM] Love Fishing

Ah, another fishing game. This one is so much faster and simpler than nerepara though, I like it.

I guess we should start by adding each other ID huh? Mine is 112388354


Tentacle God
Aug 26, 2013
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Re: [DMM] Love Fishing

Was wondering if I should make a thread when I started this game.

Really fun game ^^


Demon Girl
May 21, 2012
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Re: [DMM] Love Fishing

You will unlock a new scene for a girl every time you reach max level at the said girl, and to unlock further scene means to increase her max level, you can do that by using a same girl or by platinum fish.

So, it will be a long time to unlock all of those scene... Or just open that gallery XD


Tentacle God
Jun 22, 2011
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Re: [DMM] Love Fishing

So far the gameplay is just clicking the rod until you find a fish, though you'll mostly find boots and gold and such. When fishing the top number is fish HP, amount of hooks is the amount of attacks you get on it. You want to try to click on the circle when the fish's mouth is on it, not its body, watch for that. Oh and when the green bar reaches max in a stage, you fight the boss fish/girl.


1: Obtaining the stage boss girl isn't a guarantee at higher levels. It can take several or even dozens of runs at higher stages.

2: If you get popups while fishing with a girl in the text and a number/level, it's somebody trying to add you as a friend I believe. You can accept it right there or decline it.

3: You can feed fish to girls from the 3rd menu on the main menu to raise their level/attack. Enter there and click the icon that looks like two cards, then select one. Certain girls get bonus exp for eating certain fish, look for the fish with orange colored text when trying to feed a girl.

4: When you get a hit and go to the screen that counts down before the fish battle, the color of the countdown text indicates how difficult the fight will be (Just from my observations). Blue are enemies you can typically finish in 1-2 great attacks, yellow take some skill and will most likely require a chain hit, but there's some room for errors. Red colored means you will need all your hits to basically be perfect or you'll fail, so be very careful when you receive a red text countdown.

5: Feeding copies of the same girl to herself through a special menu (Not the normal feed tab, a new icon will appear on the main menu that brings you to it) will boost her max level cap. Level 5 and below girls can have a maximum of 3 copies applied to them (40 minimum cap, 70 max cap). Level 6 and higher have 4 or maybe more copies that can be applied to raise their max level.

6: Great hits (Bullseyes) do 200% damage on a target, if you manage to hit all 3 targets with great hits in a row, you get a bonus attack called a chain hit for 300% damage.

7: 20% damage bonus against certain element types of enemies. There doesn't seem to be a penalty against your attack if you choose the same or the other element without a bonus though so it's not a big deal except on very difficult fights. Water gets a bonus against Heart, Heart gets a bonus against Music Note, Music Note gets a bonus against Water.

Event Info Stuff:

This is a limited event that can pop up when you're doing normal stages. Reminds me of Pero Pero where you need energy to fight bosses so you want to use just the right amount to kill it without over spending I think. The blue orbs are your event energy and the different options are attack multipliers. 1 orb is 1.0x, 2 orb cost is 2.5x and 3 orb is 4.5x So if your attack is low, you need to use the 2/3 options probably. The 1,000 text there is the boss HP and the green button will restore your blue energy for some blue potions I believe. It even has "Mega Bosses" like Pero Pero, you get a stormy sea and the boss timer is only 30 minutes, unlike the usual 2 hours. Those bosses have a ton of HP and are worth a tremendous amount of BP (Several times more than normal bosses for their hp). Mega bosses seem to only appear immediately after you defeat a normal boss first.

With all the multipliers (Great hits do 200% damage + 4.5x multiplier attack possible + 5 attacks), 20k HP goes down damn quick even with 1.5-2k max attack on your team. Once you know how to get Great hits consistently, these fights are quite easy for a while. You can click the scroll on the main menu to see how much BP you need for certain event rewards. The limited girl is only 500, you can get that in your first 30 minutes pretty easily.

So overall it's basically a Pero Pero clone it seems. Not sure how I feel about that then. I played Pero Pero for a long time and I'd say it's better than this so far. I didn't like having to rely on friends to do events, kind of obnoxious. I don't like feeling like you can't do much on your own so I hope it's not as bad as Pero Pero about that. The little fishing minigame is pretty fun but I can see it getting old quickly.
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Mystic Girl
May 12, 2013
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Re: [DMM] Love Fishing

So overall it's basically a Pero Pero clone it seems. Not sure how I feel about that then. I played Pero Pero for a long time and I'd say it's better than this so far. I didn't like having to rely on friends to do events, kind of obnoxious. I don't like feeling like you can't do much on your own so I hope it's not as bad as Pero Pero about that. The little fishing minigame is pretty fun but I can see it getting old quickly.
I play PPS too, but I disagree with you on this. If you say this game is a clone of PPS, then a lot of game must feel like PPS clone for you as well then...

I mean, for simple example, in this game, you feed your girl with exp. You can even feed SR girl with low level card. I'm pretty sure that's not the case for PPS, isn't it? Not to mention, money is actually quite important to level up cards in this game.


Demon Girl
May 21, 2012
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Re: [DMM] Love Fishing

Actually you can get more copy of the limited enemies for increase her max level, 30K points for all copy, oh and you can actually check the prize you get for every x point from this raid boss by clicking on the scroll-with-orange-background button.


Tentacle God
Jun 22, 2011
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Re: [DMM] Love Fishing

I play PPS too, but I disagree with you on this. If you say this game is a clone of PPS, then a lot of game must feel like PPS clone for you as well then...

I mean, for simple example, in this game, you feed your girl with exp. You can even feed SR girl with low level card. I'm pretty sure that's not the case for PPS, isn't it? Not to mention, money is actually quite important to level up cards in this game.
I play most DMM games when they come out and it's the first one I've called a Pero Pero clone lol. They completely ripped off their event style, though I appreciated the fishing minigame they added, it's a pretty small addition that separates it. Money in Pero Pero is used to upgrade girls too you know.

Fish = Those lick wild cards. You run story mode and get fish to level girls just like how you ran it to acquire and level up girls in Pero Pero, you can also buy fish with coins like you bought wild lick cards with points in Pero Pero to level girls. Sound familiar?

It's not necessarily a bad thing. A huge chunk of DMM games are the same simple RPG style or Card Battle game with very small alterations after all, any change from those is welcome. People keep playing all those games even though they're so similar, this will be no different from Pero Pero. It's just different enough that some people won't notice it's basically the same formula. The differences can make it seem fresh as well like a sequel, I didn't mind playing it for a bit, not sure if I'll continue though.
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Mystic Girl
May 12, 2013
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Re: [DMM] Love Fishing

I play most DMM games when they come out and it's the first one I've called a Pero Pero clone lol. They completely ripped off their event style, though I appreciated the fishing minigame they added, it's a pretty small addition that separates it. Money in Pero Pero is used to upgrade girls too you know.

You're not seeing that it's the exact same formula with different flair :p Fish = Those lick wild cards. You run story mode and get fish to level girls just like how you ran it to acquire and level up girls in Pero Pero, you can also buy fish with coins like you bought wild lick cards with points in Pero Pero to level girls. Sound familiar?

It's not necessarily a bad thing. A huge chunk of DMM games are the same simple RPG style or Card Battle game with very small alterations after all, any change from those is welcome. People keep playing all those games even though they're so similar, this will be no different from Pero Pero. It's just different enough that some people won't notice it's basically the same formula. The differences can make it seem fresh as well like a sequel, I didn't mind playing it for a bit, not sure if I'll continue though.
Yeah but money in PPS isn't really the main limiter to levelling up cards though. But hey, I may be seeing stuff in a different way to yours.

Also, fish does not guarantee you a level up in a card. I mean, you could argue that LoW and Taimanin is also similar that way too, if you'd like.

The event style though, you are indeed correct, they are very similar.

I could argue more about your points in 2nd paragraph but I think I'll just refrain for now. As you said, it's not like it's a bad thing anyway.


Tentacle God
Mar 23, 2013
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Re: [DMM] Love Fishing

i touight this was a generic raid boss tough.

Dungeons and princess all use the same kind of raid boss. hit them until they die and get a card.
(ok asagi is meaner in this aspect of gameplay)
but the main thing remains. you find the raid boss and hit it until it dieas and you get points/items

can someone please tell me about the elemental weakness in this game?
i have seen heart, music and water drop.

also my id is 14601702
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Tentacle God
Jun 22, 2011
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Re: [DMM] Love Fishing

Has anybody gotten the Stage 2-1 boss girl yet? The only two girls I haven't gotten on my first completion are the final Stage 1 boss (Got her on 3rd try) and her (Around a dozen runs on it). I got the Stage 2-2, 2-3 and 2-4 bosses from my first completion, so it seems pretty odd to me. Starting to wonder if she isn't available yet after that many failures.
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Tentacle God
Aug 26, 2013
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Re: [DMM] Love Fishing

After Japan, you don't get a 100% chance to grab the girl at the end of the stage. I don't know if certain stages are 100%, but there are a lot you need to "farm" to get the card. Then you need to farm a lot more to get the 3 remaining copies.


Tentacle God
Jun 22, 2011
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Re: [DMM] Love Fishing

After Japan, you don't get a 100% chance to grab the girl at the end of the stage. I don't know if certain stages are 100%, but there are a lot you need to "farm" to get the card. Then you need to farm a lot more to get the 3 remaining copies.
I figured it wasn't 100% after a certain point since I failed the Stage 1 boss a couple of times (It's in my short guide), I just thought it was odd that I've failed 2-1 a dozen times when I got 2-2, 2-3 and 2-4 in one try. So I was wondering if anybody had specifically gotten the 2-1 boss yet. Maybe she's a higher rarity or something.
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Tentacle God
Aug 26, 2013
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Re: [DMM] Love Fishing

Nope, she is 2-star iirc. I can't seem to get 2-2...


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Aug 26, 2013
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Re: [DMM] Love Fishing

at first sight, i read love fisting and thought "¿how?" then after my dissapointing realization i spent a couple minutes playing the game and got bored.


Mystic Girl
May 12, 2013
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Re: [DMM] Love Fishing

After Japan, you don't get a 100% chance to grab the girl at the end of the stage. I don't know if certain stages are 100%, but there are a lot you need to "farm" to get the card. Then you need to farm a lot more to get the 3 remaining copies.
I'm not too sure about that. I'm currently looking for the 3th copy of the 3rd girl in japan (the glasses one), but it hasn't dropped yet even though I fought her for about 7 times. I did get the first card, first copy and second copy in a row though.


Tentacle God
Jun 22, 2011
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Re: [DMM] Love Fishing

I got one copy of all the girls up to 2-4, then I went and worked on getting 3 spares for each of the 4 star girls since they're stronger than the 3 star girls. I'm ignoring the 3 star girls now. Got 1-4 and 1-5 girls to 70 max level and working on 2-4 girl atm.

I don't really know what the point of the 3 star girls is when you can acquire 4 stars about as easily. Maybe again like Pero Pero they'll have events that benefit from your entire inventory of girls in the future? Right now there's not much reason to improve them except for CGs.

Oh and to add: When you enter the menu that allows you to feed copies of a girl to raise her max level cap, there will be text under her portrait that tells you how many copies you still need to get her to her max potential cap. Most girls have 3 max cap limit increases but 6 ranked girls and above have 4 it seems. When they're maxed, there'll be two exclamation points.

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