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[DMM] Goddess of the Iron-Clad

Re: Goddess of the Iron-Clad

*sighs* Oh well, guess that we're going to miss the new HR that looks really good, in fact getting the 1500 wins will be hard.
Re: Goddess of the Iron-Clad

though,the cool down time for the grid skill is pretty long(SR version)
not sure if all of you are lucky or im just unlucky,0 completed set of HR,i just have pairs in each attributes.
oh yeah 1500 wins in 7.5 days *sighs*
Re: Goddess of the Iron-Clad

I don't think its physically possibly to get 1500 wins in 7.5 days those star things take about 30 mins to refill right? so even if you did nothing but played this for the average 16 hours a person would be awake each day thats 10 wins an hour 160 wins a day would take close to 10 days but no way is someone gonna always be at a computer to do that or would have the will power so I think the wins count for both parts of the event the whole 2 weeks not to much leeway still. I think they're starting to make their events more focused on trying to make people spend money rather than being easy enough to get decent rewards playing casually. I'll be dammed if I spend my time 10days+ and money for a chance at 1 card though.
Re: Goddess of the Iron-Clad

Might be possible with a fine tuned mouse clicker, a free pc to conduct the clicking, and a extremely strong team.

On a side note what level is everyone and how many points is your team limit. I'm currently lvl170 with 104 team limit.
Re: Goddess of the Iron-Clad

actually I think its an hour or nearly an hour for the yellow stars to refill so even if you did all 14 days with little to no breaks thats only 1120 wins possible this events utterly ridiculous you cant get all the SR without using refill tickets which cost cash or a autoclicking setup like your suggesting maybe thats how those top 10 ppl have so many bp already. I think I just need to learn how to pull cgs I dont have from this game somehow these events are too much
Re: Goddess of the Iron-Clad

god dammit I think the wiki was lying about you being able to immediately evolve things the first time then maxing them for the next evolution and after that would give them near maxed stats I tried this with my kira hera and now its stats suck horribly in the final form it has 494 hp and 1465 attack at lvl 63 I kept thinking maybe it gonna have some huge growth spurt or something but now its occured to me that isnt going to happen it just too weak compared to the completely maxed out ones I see with 4000 dmg in the final form. either ppl intentially put false stats on the wiki or kira cards are the only ones like this? Im so angry why did I have to do this with such an important card that I probably can't get replaced since I doubt the customer service for this game cares or can even speak english.
Re: Goddess of the Iron-Clad

I think the whole idea is for example:
SRLVMAX + SRLV1= 10% bonus stats
SR+LVMAX + SR+LV1= 10% bonus stats
then SR++MAX has the max stats a card can get
Re: Goddess of the Iron-Clad

I wish it really was only 10% stats that I missed out on but theres no way thats possible my card isn't going to gain the 2000 dmg its missing in 22 levels the last lvl up it gained only 5 hp so it cant be gaining much dmg at this point. I think it was only lvl 20 when I evolved it the first time then I maxed it in the 2nd evolution I only tried this because this wiki
( )
shows that you can do this with the sword SR and only lose 2 dmg but I think thats a lie now since it didnt work on my kira hera so Im never not maxing a card again this was too painful of a lesson. I doubt I'll do to well in this pvp event now with my only bonus card weakened so much
Re: Goddess of the Iron-Clad

Well maybe Kira cards need maxing every part to get a huge bonus or something. What I wrote though gives max stats on every other card though, you need to LVMAX the base card every time.
Re: Goddess of the Iron-Clad

I didnt max the base card for the first part cause that wiki I posted up there shows that you can skip the first part for some cards and they lose very little dmg like only 2.

I think this is saying they cant help me because Im not speaking japanese the reply from customer service this is the reply

「鉄壁の女神-GODDESS OF DEFENCE-」をご利用頂き




would someone mind typing a response in japanese for me so that they might understand my problem and help me?
I basically want to say that I accidentally evolved my kira hera too early and it has weak stats and ask if they could take the fully evolved kira hera and give me 4 of the basic kira hera's and 6 scratches so I could evolve it again properly.
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Re: Goddess of the Iron-Clad

Erm, that will never happen. If they gave you back cards for mistakes like this, everyone would ask. They want you to do these mistakes so that you spend more money.
Re: Goddess of the Iron-Clad

I think its worth a shot I've played another game though it was english with horrible customer service and they actually gave me a replacement for a mistake I made upgrading an item. But I wont have that chance unless either someone helps me put in a japanese response or I teach myself japanese which I imagine would take months.
Re: Goddess of the Iron-Clad

So just so i can understand what happened as i asked about evolution before.
SRlvMax + SRlv1 = SR+Max
SRlv1 + SRlv1 = SR+Min
SR+Max(lv70) + SR+Min(lv1) = SR++

Was that what you did and the stats are below max?
Re: Goddess of the Iron-Clad


SRlvMax + SRlv1 = SR+Max at this part I did not max it before combining only after
SRlv1 + SRlv1 = SR+Min
SR+Max(lv70) + SR+Min(lv1) = SR++

I think the stats are very far below max lvl 63 in its ++ form with 1465 dmg it only has 17 more lvls to go and I beleive its dmg will stop around 2000 about the same stats as a completely maxed SR+ form I suppose that 10% means little just from what I can observe now and from other cards I lvled. Each form when its maxed stacks on the stats from the last form which would explain why Im missing about 2000 dmg Im gonna go back to maxing the main card at every step screw whats on the wiki. My kira hera was supposed to have 4000 dmg like I see everyone else with and pretty much have HR stats but it basically has normal SR stats now.

I usually follow this path for cards and this does give them max stats long as it says 10% for each combination part meaning 1 card is maxed the food or catalyst isnt
SRlvMax + SRlv1 = SR+Max
SRlvmax + SRlv1 = SR+Min
SR+Max(lv70) + SR+Min(lv1) = SR++

but I just had to trust that crap I saw on the wiki saying you can immediately evolve cards at the first step and still get pretty much maxed stats

I have almost maxed that kira card they give you for getting wins though so I guess I might have a fighting chance at making it in the top 50 for the HR at least top 10's probably impossible without buying a ton of those refill tickets and or having a bot get bp while you sleep. Im tempted to try and make a macro just so I can have enough wins for the SR but I think it would probably get stuck somehow and the problem of using the half circle defense formation so my cards dont always die in 1 hit or using the full circle so the macro doesnt have to spin a half circle around and Im also only lvl 150 ish so I can only fill up a full circle with R's and a couple SR's
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Re: Goddess of the Iron-Clad

Wanted to ask everyone if the prize box (the one you go to claim your daily gifts) have a duration it can hold a item before deleting it. I feel like i might have lost a few cards in it but I'm not certain.

Also anyone see the event where you beat your main character. The main character is swapped with the attendant girl in terms of who is being defended. What is the main character cards for? From what i could see stats are horrible but he is packed with SR skills.
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Re: Goddess of the Iron-Clad

It stops counting the number after 50 but it seems at least so far I can still get the items I try not to push my luck though and let it grow massively over 50 incase it does have some cut off point other game I play just deletes anything after 50. I didnt notice he had SR skills their just passive junk though slow down, rotational speed, and that last one I think is happy oracle some people say it raises drop rate some say it does nothing. I guess it might be a good idea to put that skill on some common rare card and test if it helps gathering egg. I'm convinced grid, the hp drain skills and dmg buffing skills, particularly breathing technique are the only ones that matter though everything else is useless in this tournament. I tried learning passive dmg reducing skills earlier but they only lower dmg by about 1-2 % percent for some reason while the passive attack skill raises dmg by 20%
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Re: Goddess of the Iron-Clad

Probably the prize box items may be deleted after a few months, but I don't know when...

And the main character probably is used only to swap abilities with the other girls cards.

Plus the first part of the event end...

General Ranking : 394
Angel Rank (from 1 to 4) 3 ** Means Venus-Earth **
Guardian Rank - Venus-Earth - Ranking: 91
First Half Event Ranking: Nothing ;_;
Re: Goddess of the Iron-Clad

btw if anyone was gonna try and get some of the event SR from the gold gacha with those tickets they give your for beating maps dont bother the event ones are kira version I think the ones in the gacha are all normal versions it gave me 1 of the normal event rares when I was trying to see if I could get 1 of the event SR so I wouldnt have to get 1500 wins. I tried making a macro my team just gets slaughtered unless its in the half circle 1/2 dmg formation and whatever I'm fighting just slips through if I try to have it just spin automatically
Re: Goddess of the Iron-Clad

There was an update and im not sure what it was. I think it involved egg paradise. Anyone know the details.
Im assuming the egg paradise starts immediately once you login and it lasts for 60 mins?
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Re: Goddess of the Iron-Clad

The egg paradise update is good for me: now you can start it any time you want, and get 60 minutes after that to keep farming it. So you don't have to guess about the time it comes up anymore, but only get 60 minutes per day(previously you could get 2 hours but at maybe bad times to be able to farm.

I want some help with the Olympic event.
Everytime I fight I lose or nearly lose, only get saved by the assist card that's maxed out and has 4k attack and maybe bonuses. My power is around 11k, I fight 7-8k power opponents and lose nearly half matches. What's the idea of this event?