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[DMM] 鎧姫 - Armor Princess

Re: [DMM] 鎧姫 - Armor Princess

Need some help here..
..so once your girls reach max lvl there should be a way to "upgrade" them, but I got no idea what I need for that.
(screenie of the upgrade screen in spoiler, I guess I need 10 of something, but considering I can't read moonrunes, it's kind of hard to figure out what..)

You need 進化細胞(青)I -> Evolution Cells (Blue) I
Re: [DMM] 鎧姫 - Armor Princess

So apparently the parachute thingy is not a 1 use thing..

Equipped one of my 4☆s with it and started spaming the -30% attack on the boss of the last stage, on the 6th round it failed and she exploded gloriously, finished the map with my 1☆ then went to check what I lost (expected to lose the mech and what not..) apparently, it completely protects everything, and it doesn't get used up on death as my 4☆ still has the parachute icon, and all her equipment is still there, she did need a full recharge and a full repair.

This makes it MUCH better imho, cause this means for 3 diamonds you can perfectly protect a unit... guess if we get any free diamonds in this game it'll be all going into parachutes..

EDIT: Yep blown her up again, nothing is lost except the materials I need to fix/recharge her.
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Re: [DMM] 鎧姫 - Armor Princess

From what I've read, simply failing the special attack will result in having your princess and armor removed from the field (will need repair), not lost. It's when you use the special attack and your princess has less than 30% HP left -> chance of permanently losing everything. When the HP of your princess reaches 0%, that's when there's a chance of losing her. That's according to the tutorial.

In reality both failing the special attack or 0% hp will erase the princess. That's what's pissing off players.

If the princess is in top condition and upgraded then the chance of perma lost is lowered significantly. Installing the escape pod solves this issue.

Apparently you're supposed to collect "Version Upgrade" ingredients from special missions but the only ones they've had for was for collecting money, useless.

Oh right, the special attack, when successful, completely destroys anything it touches. The tougher the enemy, the larger of a gap of the princess lv, the higher chance the special attack will fail.

The escape pod only has one use.

OB ends today, in a couple hours from timing of this post.
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Re: [DMM] 鎧姫 - Armor Princess

From what I've read, simply failing the special attack will result in having your princess and armor removed from the field (will need repair), not lost. It's when you use the special attack and your princess has less than 30% HP left -> chance of permanently losing everything. When the HP of your princess reaches 0%, that's when there's a chance of losing her. That's according to the tutorial.

The escape pod only has one use.

OB ends today, in a couple hours from timing of this post.

Oh okay, then being careful+pod solves the issue of losing a princess right now (cause the pod doesn't get used up on special attack fail), and later it will be enough if the player is careful, that is more than great news imho.

I'm liking how this looks right now, gonna play it for a while definitely once it gets released. (mainly cause I like the SRPG style combat)
Re: [DMM] 鎧姫 - Armor Princess

So it's the best to use that suicidal attack when the unit is in the best condition (full HP) because even if we failed there're still chances for her to survive the enemy counter attack in the next turn.

Also is it the only way to get the high rarity crates (golden, silver, bronze, etc.) by using this suicidal attack? Because IIRC I always got those dulled-yellowish (wooden?) crates only from the normal attack. :confused:

If so I think it's a bit too much of high risk high return. :(
Re: [DMM] 鎧姫 - Armor Princess

So it's the best to use that suicidal attack when the unit is in the best condition (full HP) because even if we failed there're still chances for her to survive the enemy counter attack in the next turn.

Also is it the only way to get the high rarity crates (golden, silver, bronze, etc.) by using this suicidal attack? Because IIRC I always got those dulled-yellowish (wooden?) crates only from the normal attack. :confused:

If so I think it's a bit too much of high risk high return. :(

afaik using the attack has only 2 possible outcome..
-success : she OHKOs the target and loses 30% hp
-fail : she goes down to 1hp and is removed from the battle

So she will not get counter-attacked at all.

Using extra resources while crafting princessess you can still score a 4☆ princess if you are lucky enough while using the most basic core (the brown one).
(crafted 24 princesses during the beta period, 16 with minimal costs this got me 2x3☆ 5x2☆ 9x1☆, 3 with MAX extra stuff 2x3☆ 1x2☆, 5 with random amounts of extra 1x4☆ 1x3☆ 2x☆ 1x1☆.. so yeah.. no real need to go for the 4☆ tokens, but they are a sure-fire way to get 4☆ for those who don't feel lucky.)

The "suicidal attack" is not as suicidal as one might think imho (think of it as "investment" for chance of better loot.. cause when you use it you will need to repair the girl that used it anyways, so use it on things that you can't get otherwise or if you feel lucky), and yeah I didn't get any high tier crates from normal attacks.

also tip to those who don't like the repair costs : the first map (1/1) had small forest, if you attack trees they have a chance of healing your girl, so you can essentially substitute the repair cost by going into battle there and killing trees to heal up. (note: yes all debris/building also has a chance of healing the girl that destroys it, so you can even "recharge" the health of the girls mid-battle while doing maniacal suicide special attack spamming..)

(sidenote: I didn't find any way to get around recharge costs so if anyone has a tactic/trick to deal with that, please do share the info)
Re: [DMM] 鎧姫 - Armor Princess

afaik using the attack has only 2 possible outcome..
-success : she OHKOs the target and loses 30% hp
-fail : she goes down to 1hp and is removed from the battle

So she will not get counter-attacked at all.

Using extra resources while crafting princessess you can still score a 4☆ princess if you are lucky enough while using the most basic core (the brown one).
(crafted 24 princesses during the beta period, 16 with minimal costs this got me 2x3☆ 5x2☆ 9x1☆, 3 with MAX extra stuff 2x3☆ 1x2☆, 5 with random amounts of extra 1x4☆ 1x3☆ 2x☆ 1x1☆.. so yeah.. no real need to go for the 4☆ tokens, but they are a sure-fire way to get 4☆ for those who don't feel lucky.)

The "suicidal attack" is not as suicidal as one might think imho (think of it as "investment" for chance of better loot.. cause when you use it you will need to repair the girl that used it anyways, so use it on things that you can't get otherwise or if you feel lucky), and yeah I didn't get any high tier crates from normal attacks.

also tip to those who don't like the repair costs : the first map (1/1) had small forest, if you attack trees they have a chance of healing your girl, so you can essentially substitute the repair cost by going into battle there and killing trees to heal up. (note: yes all debris/building also has a chance of healing the girl that destroys it, so you can even "recharge" the health of the girls mid-battle while doing maniacal suicide special attack spamming..)

(sidenote: I didn't find any way to get around recharge costs so if anyone has a tactic/trick to deal with that, please do share the info)
For the counter-attack I mean in the next turn (an enemy turn) after we failed. Since our unit will be left in low HP after using suicidal attack there's a chance for enemy to kill her in the next turn (their turn). :)

About the crafting, I've been tried to put max additional resources everytime I do it and mostly finished in 2* princesses. Got 3* just only once while got 4* from the premium crafting. I also found something weird. Sometimes when I pull my princess out of the crafting pod it said that she's 3* but after that in the other sections show that she's just 2* princess. :confused:
Re: [DMM] 鎧姫 - Armor Princess

For the counter-attack I mean in the next turn (an enemy turn) after we failed. Since our unit will be left in low HP after using suicidal attack there's a chance for enemy to kill her in the next turn (their turn). :)

Well losing 30% hp will not get a properly equipped princess into trouble. (the 4☆ I used for my tests had 3k+ hp, using the suicide attack successfully twice got her down to around 1k hp and the 3-2 boss (the big one) couldn't deal more than 400 damage with an attack on her..)

And failing the suicide attack just throws her back to base without chance of enemy counter attack.

..but yeah if your princess is not high enough level or her equip is bad.. then it could be a problem.
Re: [DMM] 鎧姫 - Armor Princess

the game dissapeared from the list i hope it dosen't end up like gun princess
Re: [DMM] 鎧姫 - Armor Princess

yeah, need that back
Re: [DMM] 鎧姫 - Armor Princess

gun princess came back, so Armor princess might comeback also
Re: [DMM] 鎧姫 - Armor Princess

Is there any retreat button in this game in case your unit get heavily damage during battle ?

I do not want to blind charge into the new map and lost all of my precious girl.
Re: [DMM] 鎧姫 - Armor Princess


3 star King/ōshō princess is the reward for winning 5 normal mission (通常任务).

@arisato minato

Refresh your webpage or close it down and login again so the game doesn't save your progress. I'm pretty sure this trick works in any web based MMO.
Re: [DMM] 鎧姫 - Armor Princess

Just started so i got a few question:
1st the most important 1.... how to get more resources ? as doing the mission and repair will need to spend resources again
2nd i read about fatique on the unit, where do you check this ?
3rd where to get this escape pod that prevent the unit from permanently lose ?

Hint: it seem at shop you can buy chip for 3 star at cost of 5 jewel
Re: [DMM] 鎧姫 - Armor Princess

Retreat button is probably is yellow button with flag in bottom left corner. Didn't tried it myself.

1. Resources replenish over time (1 per 1 minute), but not over cap. You also can get them from boxes in missions and for completing quests.
2. There should be arrows near the portrait of girl. (Played few dozen battles, no change in status, bug?)
3. IIRC you should be able to buy this just by clicking on parachute icon. Every girl already have it when created.

Anyone got gold chest not by suiciding?

Stuck at 5-2... that mecha has too much hp and def, can't kill it before turn limit.
Re: [DMM] 鎧姫 - Armor Princess

@arisato minato

Refresh your webpage or close it down and login again so the game doesn't save your progress. I'm pretty sure this trick works in any web based MMO.

wont that get you banned?