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[DMM] 鎧姫 - Armor Princess


Demon Girl Pro
Dec 6, 2013
Reputation score

鎧姫 -> Armor(鎧) Princess(姫)

New online dmm game, currently in open beta testing.

It's an SRPG where you control a squadron of "Armor Princess". By armor, I mean mechs, and princess refers to the pilot of said mech. You place them on the map etc etc, collect ingredients to upgrade the armor, "version", other things.

Will add more info/pics with time once I've had a solid playthrough.
Re: [DMM] 鎧姫 - Armor Princess

I started play it yesterday. Randomly click this and that then happened to disintegrated the pink/purple hair princess whom in the main screen. :(

Also got one 3-star princess killed in the mission and she was gone for good. :(

Feel quite lucky that it's just Beta testing. :p

Does anyone know what is no.4 button in sortie screen? I think they already explain it in the tutorial but I'm unable to use google translation for those. Their How to Play guide just mention that it's bulk supply but doesn't clear what's it for. :confused:


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Re: [DMM] 鎧姫 - Armor Princess

wait, if your units die, they are gone for good? like fire emblem on classic mode?
Re: [DMM] 鎧姫 - Armor Princess

wait, if your units die, they are gone for good? like fire emblem on classic mode?
Yes, they will die along with their mecha. You'll lose both Pilot&Mecha if they got kaboom in the mission. :p

Well, there is something call "emergency escape system" which will save your pilot life though. It cost 3 diamonds and I don't know it's expensive or not because in Beta they gave us bunch of diamonds (100 IIRC). Not sure about when the game release since I think those diamonds are the thing they want us to buy with real money. :)

Edited -> It seems like not only pilot and mech but also accessory (+pilot stat item) and weapon (+mecha stats item) that have attached to those too. :(
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Re: [DMM] 鎧姫 - Armor Princess

Interesting game.

Yes, not always, but there's a chance that you will lose your pilot if the mech explodes. You need to install an escape pod that costs diamonds.

#4 on sortie screen is 補給(Supply). Unfortunately the pilots consume resources when they are dispatched. You don't need to refill the supply if you don't want but their abilities will degrade drastically.

Don't forget to heal them at 医療室.

During battle, you have three choices of attacking, the normal 攻撃, Ex, and 特別攻撃 shortened to 特攻. Ex uses up the bottom gauge, no problems, it's a special attack based on the girl and the mech they are piloting.

Watch out for 特攻 though. There is a chance it will succeed and it will fail. You should only use it on bosses, and if you do, and if the boss dies from that attack, there is a very good chance you will get a premium crate (used to create rare girls). If the attack succeeds it will take away 30% of the pilots life. So if she has 25% life left -> BOOM!

If the attack fails... It will take away more than 30% and you may lose the pilot. It's a big gamble...

By the way the pilots aren't human. They are "Living Operating Systems" used for the mechs... You "create" them. in tubes.. hahaha the things they come up with 0.o.

Last but not least all data in open beta will not transfer over to release.

OBT Period: 06/04/2015 - 06/11/2015 at 4 PM (japan Time)

There's.. Quite a lot in this game, and the tutorial barely teaches you the basics. I'll provide guides and pictures if the demand is high enough.
Re: [DMM] 鎧姫 - Armor Princess

The game plays kind of like chess, you can only move one mech per turn.

Just like chess each mech is a certain type of unit. You have the horse, tower, bishop, queen, king, this game has similar mechs with similar exaggerated movements.

Each pilot (or princess) can control two types of mechs, the "pawn", which so far from what've I've seen is completely useless (movement range way too short, just like the pawn in chess), and the the mech of a certain unit type.

The 4 star girl you get from completing the tutorial or example controls the mech with a horse type movement.

The rate at which you can get 1-5 star anything is meh.

使用PG ★1 ★2 ★3 ★4 ★5
生産プログラム 44.0% 33.0% 20.5% 2.0% 0.5%
★3生産PG 0.0% 0.0% 97.5% 2.0% 0.5%

使用PG ★1 ★2 ★3 ★4 ★5
生産プログラム 0.0% 0.0% 100.0% 0.0% 0.0%

使用PG ★1 ★2 ★3 ★4 ★5
生産プログラム 44.0% 33.0% 20.5% 2.0% 0.5%

使用PG ★1 ★2 ★3 ★4 ★5
生産プログラム 0.0% 65.5% 33.3% 1.2% 0.0%
Re: [DMM] 鎧姫 - Armor Princess

What does it mean when one of my girls have an arrow beside them and I cant sortie them?
Re: [DMM] 鎧姫 - Armor Princess

Awesome game
sadly its just beta xD!

(i guess thats why we got 100 crystals)
Re: [DMM] 鎧姫 - Armor Princess

well, i'll vote for a guide. i really dont want to go in blind and test what does what and lose pilots like that other guy >.<
Re: [DMM] 鎧姫 - Armor Princess

Some info that might be helpful to you all:
The higher the star rating of the girl the less fights she can do before she gets tired + the higher the repair and recharge costs..

Cost of recharge is:
5x☆ rating of the girl of each resource used for crafting girls (top 4 resources)

Repair costs have a similar increase based on the star rating.

Number of times a girl can go into battle(before weakening and getting tired) is limited based on star rating aswell..

4☆ girls can go into battle 3 times before weakening(they do less damage in this state) and 2 more times until they get tired(unable to go on missions until recharged).. so a total of 5 times before you need to recharge.

1☆ girls can go on for all day (srsly they get weakened state after about 10+ sorties)

... so if you want to farm resources -> get a 1star girl(lvmax) with OP(lv20+) mecha + accessories(2-3 ☆ or higher) and spam a low tier mission (free crates and the girl has no problems with OHKOing stuff for less problems with repair costs)

.. well that's about as much as I figured out so far..
(..I even managed to lose my 4☆(the tutorial girl) unit because I had no idea what the 30% thingy did in battles so never touched that since..)

But yeah, interesting game, I like SRPGs so I'll be keeping an eye on this for later..
Re: [DMM] 鎧姫 - Armor Princess

Yes, the higher quality of pilot, and the higher lv she is, the more time it will take to heal her and refuel with more genomes (the stuff they eat, they're not human).

In case no one knew, you get resources from the tutorial to create a rare girl (★4 and above). When you destroy that boss with the special attack, it drops a golden crate. Go to 姫->生産 and click one of the capsules, click プレミア タイプ (the bottom right box). Notice it hardly takes any resources except the items you obtained from the golden create.

This is the first dmm game I've seen that doesn't have a crappy gacha system where you have to shove sacred crystals, magic stones, drugs, etc to roll for characters. You don't need to pay to obtain characters in this one, and to compensate for that your pilots and mechs can permanently be lost.
Re: [DMM] 鎧姫 - Armor Princess

This game like Kancolle, but with strategic battles. I already want Nutaku to release eng version asap.
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Re: [DMM] 鎧姫 - Armor Princess

I really like this game. It scratches my gundam itch.

As far as the chess comparisons go, I'd say that this game is closer to Shogi (the Japanese equivalent): All the units have irregular move patterns and knowing who goes where and can hit what makes the game not infuriating.

For the record I still don't know who goes where and can hit what. ._. All I know is that adjacency is good and I should probably make weapons for my machines.

(Also restricting deployment types is bleh)
Re: [DMM] 鎧姫 - Armor Princess

I'm getting a browser compatibility issue that says I can't play the game.
I've tried both Chrome and Firefox (latest versions).

Anyone else had these issues?
Re: [DMM] 鎧姫 - Armor Princess

Awkward, i think i sold my 4 Star. lol
Re: [DMM] 鎧姫 - Armor Princess

finale00, I have same issues on Chrome, but use user-agent switcher set to IE 10 to bypass restriction.
Re: [DMM] 鎧姫 - Armor Princess


The day I have to rely on IE to play a game :eek:
Re: [DMM] 鎧姫 - Armor Princess

Need some help here..
..so once your girls reach max lvl there should be a way to "upgrade" them, but I got no idea what I need for that.
(screenie of the upgrade screen in spoiler, I guess I need 10 of something, but considering I can't read moonrunes, it's kind of hard to figure out what..)
Re: [DMM] 鎧姫 - Armor Princess

The game is pretty anal about which OS, browser, and flash player version is being used. It will fail the check with Windows XP and Linux, because the game designers are idiots.

And yes, I just looked up a summary of shogi and it definitely resembles it, the armor unit types are even given the same names as the shogi pieces.

Armor Princess isn't being received well it seems.

1. Players are asking why the screen size is so small, and with shoddy graphic quality to boot.
2. Having a certain chance that your princess and armor will be permanently lost when using special attack is being criticized. One would end up having to spam common princesses on bosses in order to get gold crates. It will be an endless cycle of raising common princesses.
3. The drop rate on all maps is currently haywire. Very hard to find resources to even sustain sending units out to missions without spending diamonds.

I think the game designers will be driving this one to the ground.

At any rate, you can get 5 free diamonds when the game launches by filling out the questionnaire at the bottom of the page.
Re: [DMM] 鎧姫 - Armor Princess

I think the horse/knight unit probably be the best class to invest since almost (if not all) current mission are allow their deployment. Too bad I've just realized that after loose 3-4 of those to the final boss and haven't got enough resources to rebuild another nice one. :p