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Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo


RP Moderator
May 25, 2009
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The other slime was moving happily off. She seemed like a lovely, nude woman, aside from the fact that she was made of usually-transparent golden slime. That was about all they had in common. Xetal was leaner, harder, smaller in the chest, beautiful rather than cute. And instead of the vacant smile of her progenitor, she had her mouth set in a thin line of determination.

The memories she'd inherited told her that the other slime was likely to continue west, into the swamps around Lockacre. But her new instincts didn't pull her the same way. That land was too empty, right up until the walls of the human city, which had weathered invasion and siege for a hundred years or more. To the West was little better. Jungle stretched all the way to the sea, and if it was more hospitable than a city, it had no more potential for a kingdom than a swamp.

North and South were the only real options. North were the highlands, leading into the foothills of the mountains dividing Amazonia from Crolia. South were the steaming plains that bordered the jungle. There were more people to the South, but that could be as much bad as good.

Though of course there was also one person right where she was. The woman was nothing terribly much to look at - short black hair, modest breasts, a pussy dripping with her own cum and slime. She was blinking on the edge of consciousness from her ordeal, completely nude on the grass. Her clothes lay to one side, in a trail where they'd been stripped from her as she tried to flee, leading to the pack the human woman had been carrying when Xetal - or whatever she'd been, then - had surprised her. It was about even odds if the woman would awaken or fall into sleep.

EP: 106

OOC: I'm not going to track HP (since slimes don't have HP) or PP. Since you can resist pleasure damage at will, orgasms and any consequences of that will be purely RP/fluff, not mechanical.
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Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Xetal examined the woman carefully. She put her finger to her chin. She didn't have any land yet (a situation she would have to rectify) but she didn't need that if she only had a few subjects. However, she also needed information. Her mind was painfully lacking in local news. Perhaps this woman would have what she desired. She watched the woman carefully, leaning against a tree. She really wanted to turn her into a slime. She was aching to do it. But she knew that a queen had to have an iron will to rule. So she watched and waited.

When the woman woke up, Xetal would be right by her side, holding her wrists. "Hello there, sleepyhead." She kissed the woman deeply, her liquid tongue going far into the woman's mouth. Then she pulled back. "I need to know a few things and if you answer my questions, I'll let you go." She grinned. "So how about it?"
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Aphrodisiac fluids: 2d6 = 8.

The woman's eyes went wide as she saw the slime practically right on top of her upon awaking. She opened her mouth as if to scream, and found her it filled with Xetal's tongue. After a moment the involuntary kiss ended, and the black-haired woman swallowed. The effect was immediate. Her nipples went hard, and a look of panic went across her face. She struggled against her captor, but to no avail. She blinked, swallowed again, and in a somewhat breathless tone finally responded to Xetal's question. "I... you can talk!? Please, I'll do whatever you want if you'll let me go!"

The woman hadn't put up a very good fight the first time around, and she was still exhausted, naked, and a bit aroused. Unfortunately, she also hadn't really had time to recover the energy Xetal could usually feed on, from a person under her control.

EP: 106
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

"That's very good." Xetal licked the woman's ear. "I need to know some things about the human world." She smiled. "Let's start with you. What is your name and where were you going?" She kept her grip on the woman's wrists but a tendril reached out to trace gently along the outside of the woman's sex. Xetal wasn't hungry at the moment. But that didn't mean she couldn't have fun.

After she got that information, Xetal would continue her interrogation. "If I went North, what settlement would I reach first? And..." She kissed the woman again, this time for longer. "...please don't lie. Otherwise I miiiight have to do something awful ♥" In her mind, Xetal still was deciding whether or not to convert the woman anyway. She hadn't yet made up her mind. While it might be handy to have a subject at hand, that might also be a determent. And... Xetal wasn't quite sure how she was going to ensure her creation's loyalty. She might have to experiment a little.
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

At first the woman bit her lip and looked like she might not answer, but the tendril running around her sex made her gasp, and when she caught her breath she spoke, nervously. "M-my name is Jessica. I'm... I'm visiting my p-parents in Lockacre."

The second kiss didn't have quite the effect of the first. The woman still looked startled and struggled weakly against it, but this time she didn't helpfully open her mouth, and she managed to avoid swallowing anything. Nevertheless, the woman answered. "I... think Jorn's Ferry? I'm sorry! I'm not from here! Please, don't..."
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

"Hmmm... your parents? Jorn's Ferry?" Xetal's tendril stroked the woman idly while she thought. "Alright, Jessica. You're free to go. Just one last thing♥" Xetal secreted a small amount of special slime and the tendril thrust it inside Jessica. Xetal let go when the process began. "Don't worry, I'll take care of you. Maybe we'll even visit your parents someday." She waited until Jessica stopped trying to escape and put her head in Xetal's lap. "You are lucky, you know. You'll be my first vassal. Maybe, if you are strong and smart, I'll let you have your own servants."

After the ritual was finished, Xetal would examine the pack and clothes for anything of value. She had a long road in front of her and every little thing helped.
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Resistance (Jessica vs Xetal): 15+18 = 33 vs 41 = 20+21 -> Xetal wins!

The cautious smile of being told she was free to go was almost immediately replaced by one of forced pleasure as the tendril plunged into the woman, carrying the secretions that would transform her into a new slime, if all went well. Jessica squirmed, trying to pull away, her arms struggling harder than ever to get free of Xetal's grip.

The slime let go of her suddenly as the secretions scraped off against the walls of Jessica's pussy. The nude woman backed away on all fours. "You said you would let me go! I did what you... what you asked..." she moaned, pressing a hand to her pussy, her fingers digging inside as if against her will. "What did you do to me!?" She gasped, and her groping grew more frantic. She was bucking her hips, three fingers deep inside her. "What... what did you..." The fingers came out, and she stared at them in horror that turned quickly into confusion. They were transparent, or nearly so. "What...? Wha..."

Less than a minute later she was laying down, her head in Xetal's lap, shuddering and moaning as her body slowly turned. Ten minutes later, another slime was looking at Xetal, still confused. Her form was that of the human woman she had been, but composed now of only green slime. She spoke hesitantly. "W-who are you?" She paused for a moment. "Who am I?"

EP: 106
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Xetal patted her on the head. "My name is Xetal. I am your queen. Your name is Jessica and you are my vassal. You will serve me and love me." She smiles. Unless Jessica responds in the negative, Xetal gets to work. First she removes everything from the pack. She chooses things she thinks are useful and places them back in the pack. She leaves everything as it is and begins her travel north, (hopefully) with Jessica at her side. She moves north, on the lookout for food or interesting things. If she finds food, she'll want to instruct Jessica on how to do things. She didn't know if the transformation gave her enough knowledge of how to feed.

What she really wants to find is a village or an abandoned outpost/settlement. She'll need some land to be a true queen. And when she obtains more subjects, she needs somewhere to put them. "And we'll need food too... probably should obtain some... ah... livestock as well." But, again, she'll need a place to put them and means to keep them fed, well, and confined. She should have asked Jessica more about their bodies. Ah well, she'll find new fonts of information sooner or later.
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

"I... love you?" The new slime seemed a bit confused still, but at least for the moment seemed content to stay near Xetal.

The pack wasn't terribly large - a lone human woman had been carrying it, after all - and unfortunately there wasn't much useful in it. Mostly clothing, and none especially fine. As slimes could change their form to a clothed woman as easily as a nude woman, Xetal left that where it fell. A small pot and some food joined the clothes - she would need to eat eventually, but nothing like what humans ate. Really, only three things went back into the pack. A small but quite sharp knife, in a leather sheath. A bag containing 50 denarii. And a 50 foot length of rope.

The two slimes moved north, and near sunset came to the top of one of the larger local hills. In the distance, mountains rose, a forbidding line across the horizon, with snow halfway down their slopes and no obvious passes. But those were days away, still. Back to the South was nothing particularly interesting, just the empty land she'd already covered. But between Xetal and the mountains were a few things of interest.

The most obvious was the river, glinting in the dying light, that wound its way across the landscape, in a gentle southward curve from the mountains. And along its length, a few hours walk from the hill, a small town huddled on the Western bank. Three or four houses had chimneys with lines of smoke mixing together above the town, and there weren't more than a dozen buildings, but there was a dirt road into the town that seemed to continue on the other side of the river.

Further East, past the river and almost out of sight, a stone tower rose above another hill. Greenish light glowed from an opening near the top for a few seconds, then turned a more natural orangish-red. The road didn't look to be headed straight for the tower, but it would certainly pass nearby.

And west of the town a single puff of white smoke rose from out of sight before vanishing. It had seemed to come from near the road, but tucked out of sight by a dip in the land.

Jessica turned to her maker. "I'm... hungry? I think?" She touched her mouth, a solid wall of slime behind the facade of a face, curiously, as if it didn't seem right.

Xetal: 106 EP
Jessica: Low EP (Note: converted slimes start with half their normal EP)
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

"Yes, we will need to get you your first meal. Hmmm..." She looked to the puff of smoke to the west. "That looks promising." She moved toward it, bringing Jessica with her. "Now Jessica, you need to know that most people don't like us and many will harm us if possible. So you need to know how to hide well." When they got nearer to the source of the smoke, she said "Alright, wait here. I'll make sure there is some easy prey there and then I'll come back for you." She makes sure Jessica stays where she is before moving silently to building. She looks for windows, to try and spy on the building's occupants.

Go go +36 stealth!
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Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Stealth check (Xetal): 41

The would-be-queen found herself, after a few hours, at the edge of an orchard, looking at a cluster of small buildings. Unfortunately, the gibbous moon chooses this time to come out from behind a cloud, giving the whole farm a smooth light. Fortunately, Xetal knew how to move without being seen even during the day. Jessica clearly didn't, but grudgingly agreed to stay still and be quiet until her progenitor returned.

The first and largest building turned out, on inspection, to house a cow and several pigs, plus a large amount of hay. The second one had cuts of salted meat hanging from hooks. Neither had any people, or anything else of particular interest to a slime.

The final building, the one that must have been the source of the brief puff of initial smoke, and which still had a thin stream coming from its chimney from time to time, was more interesting. Xetal found a window and peered inside, to see a family sitting around a table, eating a quiet meal. A middle aged man and woman. A young man of perhaps twenty. And two slightly-younger blonde women.

None of them saw Xetal watching, and even as she arrived at the window the middle-aged woman got up and started picking up empty plates. The two younger women joined her, while the men moved towards the fireplace.

Xetal: 106 EP
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Xetal watched the family with curiosity. This is how humans live? Hmmm... She looked at the men, then the women. She didn't really want to have to wait until they all fell asleep, then try and sneak in, grab one, and leave without being noticed. There were too many ways for that plan to go bad. She frowned and tried to work out a plan. She turned and her eyes fell upon the human's livestock. Xetal grinned. She moved towards the cow, planning on spooking the beast enough that it would alert the humans. When the cow made enough of a fuss, Xetal hid herself, waiting for the humans to respond.
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Between the distraction and the dark, I'm willing to give you the first surprise attack uncontested.

The cow mooed nervously as soon as it saw the slime, an unusual creature moving in an unnatural way. Between her ability to change her shape and a relatively high resistance to physical damage, scarring the poor animal was practically trivial. In less than a minute it was calling out in distress, and had already slammed into the gate once.

The farmer was in the barn with remarkable speed, carrying a torch in one hand and a rifle in the other. He cast a cursory look around the barn and, not seeing anything obviously wrong, hurried over to the stall making soothing noises.

A glance back at the house through a space between the boards in the barn walls would show the older woman looking out at a window towards the barn, while the younger woman continued cleaning. The young man wasn't in sight.

Xetal: 106 EP
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Xetal watched the gun nervously. Her faint memories told her it was very dangerous. She'd be able to resist it better than any human but if she got shot it was going to hurt. So she decides to try and not fight him directly. She slithers up behind him and says "What is wrong, sir?" As she does so, she channels power, attempting to make him into a temporary ally.

If it succeeds:
"I'm sorry I spooked your cow. I was just trying to get some help. My name is Xetal. As you can see, I'm a slime but I was gifted with intelligence, as was my sister. I was attempting to get some food when I found your farm. If you don't mind, it'd be very greatful if you could help. I don't want to bother you much, so when you go back to your home, please tell your son to come over here. Make up a reason for him to stay out for a long time. But keep me a secret from your family. I don't want them to be frightened." She smiles and places a hand on his shoulder.

If it fails:
Xetal grabs him, covering his mouth with her hands and grabbing the gun with her tendril. She tries to pull it out his grip while choking the man into unconciousness. This was going badly and Xetal might need to run soon.

Using Charm on him. If it succeeds and he brings his son over, charming him too
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Charm (X vs Farmer): 21+20 = 41 v 32 = 17+15 -> X wins
Charm (X vs Son): 21+11 = 32 v 24 = 9+15 -> X wins

The farmer stiffened as the magic hits him along with Xetal's words, charming him before he even realized he wasn't alone. She felt the man's mind put up a fight, but overpowered his untutored defenses before he even realized there was something to defend against.

"Of course", he replied, smiling. "I'd be glad to help, Xetal."

He walked back to the house quickly, leaving the rifle behind but taking his torch. Xetal could hear his voice, barely. "... spooked her pretty good. Then she hurt herself on the stall. Nothing serious, but someone will have to sit up with her, make sure it doesn't come back and she doesn't hurt herself worse. John, you take the first shift. Wake me in about eight hours. Come on, honey, we'd best get to sleep."

The man and older woman headed away into the house, leaving the two girls to finish cleaning up. And the young man emerging holding the torch, walking into the barn.

Without any sort of warning that anything was wrong, he stood even less a chance than his father at resisting Xetal's magic. His jaw fell open as he saw her form just as her control slipped into place, but he managed to hold onto the torch.
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Xetal smiled as her abilities snagged a nice meal for Jessica. It had drained her a little but it hadn't been too much. She looked at him and considered having a little snack but she remembered she was a queen and had an iron (golden) will. She said "Leave your torch here. Make sure it isn't going to light anything on fire. Maybe just stick the bottom in the ground to hold it in." She made sure nothing was going to happen to distrupt her feeding grounds and then led him over to Jessica.

"Jessica, this is a friend. He's quite happy to help at the moment. So, first... ah... what's your name?" After getting his name. "To help us, you're going to need to take your clothes off. We're going to show you a really nice time. Don't worry, you aren't going to be hurt but this will feel so good you'll end up a little tired." After he does so, Xetal motions to his penis. "Jessica, this is the easiest way to cause a male to release energy that we consume. I have certain abilities that make it easier to to make them feel good." She suddenly turns to him and kisses him. She does this for a long time, letting plenty of her saliva into his mouth and making sure he swallows it.

She turns back to Jessica. "Now, try to feed on him. Let your instincts take over." She settles back, watching Jessica
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Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Hey, sorry about the sudden lack of updates, I had to travel this weekend and expected to have a little time to spare for DG, but it hasn't worked out that way. I'll be gone another day or two. In the mean time, here's one post at least.

The young man glanced out the barn door. The moon was providing a reasonable amount of light, so after a moment he stuck the torch into a holder near the cow's stall. Then he followed his new friend back into the orchard to meet Jessica.

There, he more-or-less ignored Jessica, instead turning back to Xetal. "It's Paul, Miss. He responded while stripping his clothes off. His gaze turned between Xetal and Jessica, not really worried but obviously at least a little aroused. One kiss later he was fully aroused, and at the Queen's instruction turned to Jessica.

For her part, the new slime seemed a little worked up. She bit her lip, and hesitantly reached out to grab the offered penis in her hand. Jessica ran her hand up and down it hesitantly and Paul shuddered, turning back to Xetal to say "And this is helping you? I don't feel tired at all. And I don't think you told me your name...""

Xetal: 94 EP (slightly low)
Jessica: Half EP
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Xetal smiled. "Xetal. I don't mind that you forgot. You were newly born after all." She responds to Jessica's first question. "Jessica, I need support from my vassals. And for that to happen, they must be as strong as possible. My abilities allow me to gather food easily. You may not have the same talents. We will see, in time. And as for the need for food. You might not feel tired but if you are attacked, you will be diminished. The same thing happens if we use magic. It all draws from the same pool. And if that pool empties, we lose focus and turn into a puddle. And that's the end. So don't be shy and eat up."

She could feel her level of energy dipping but she was going to let Jessica feed. Xetal needed her to trust her. She'd simply have to go without for a while.

No Problem
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

"Eat up..." Jessica's eyes looked distant for a moment, then she slid forward, lowering her form until it was her mouth right in front of the young man's cock. She opened her mouth.

John didn't need urging at this point. The Charm Xetal had placed convinced him that these were his friends, and he wasn't going to turn down a blowjob even without Xetal asking him to. He put a hand on the back of Jessica's head and gently pushed her forward, his cock sliding into the mass of slime. He shuddered with pleasure, and Jessica's eyes went wide as a little of his energy passed into her. She bobbed her head back and forth with increasing vigor, her slimey tongue running along his shaft as it penetrated her. Suddenly both of John's hands were on the back of her head, pulling her close until his entire length was inside her, and through her slightly-translucent body Xetal could see spurts of semen coming out, quickly dissolving.

He pulled out and took an unsteady step backwards, having lost an especially large portion of energy as he came. But Jessica wasn't done. She surged forward, pushing him to the ground. This time there was no hesitation. Her imitation of a pussy slid around his cock, and he moaned with pleasure, not objecting to her sudden "assault" in the slightest. His own thrusts seemed to slow down as he approached orgasm, but Jessica more than made up for that with her own enthusiasm. Then he came for a second time, and collapsed into unconsciousness. Jessica kept humping him for a couple of seconds before turning to Xetal. "I... did I do something wrong? Why did he stop moving? Is he... dead?"

The new slime seemed a little more animated, less confused, now that she'd eaten. She looked healthier, and even seemed to have a little more mass.

Xetal: 94 EP (below normal)
Jessica: Normal EP
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Xetal shook her head. "No, no, don't worry. He's not dead. He's just exhausted. And you did fantastic. That's just the way we feed. Don't you feel better?" She looked at the young man. "Most slimes leave our prey on the ground once we are done. Hmmm..." She tilted her head to one side. "I guess since he's been such a good sport, I'll bring him to the edge of his home." She dressed John and dragged him back to the edge of the farm.

She returned. "Jessica, now that you've regained some strength, we are going to go to a nearby town to see what it is like. If it isn't very populated, perhaps I can begin my kingdom here. Otherwise, we are going to have to head farther north."
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