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May 24, 2022
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Hey everyone, I am Dendie. I am creating a fantasy RPG adult game called "Revenge of Ruinia." It's still in the early stages, but will focus on themes of segregation, revenge and mind control.
My goal is to make memorable adults games that transcend the medium. Since this is my first adult game, I hope to improve through an iterative process with more and more feedback.

I'm here to gauge interest in the game. The planned features of the game will be:
- Mind control on characters in the game for sexual content
- Vanilla sexual content (oral sex, vaginal sex, anal sex)
- Future enslaving of certain characters with excessive usage of mind control
- Mind break on characters from excessive usage of mind control
- 2DCG art in the sexual content scenes
- Main storyline that will attempt to factor in your decisions

The planned gameplay will be:
- Enough RPG battle elements to simulate earning the reward, but not too much to be tedious
- Might be ARPG or turn-based RPG depending on what supporters want
- H-content will be accessed through after battles and depends on whether you win or lose. There will also be scenes that force the protagonist to make decisions, and that will result in H-content as well.

For controls:
If turn-based RPG, it will be a regular RPGMaker with standard controls. Arrow keys and Z X keys, typical stuff.
If ARPG, will probably still use RPGMaker, but with custom plugins and programming to tinker into a roguelike or zelda type game. It would still use the RPGMaker standard controls.

For brief summary of premise of the game:
You are a student at the Royal Academy of Magic, but as a talentless student with no magical ability. You are there to become an adventurer and earn a living. The culture at the school is toxic and favors those that are born with magical abilities. Thus, there is segregation among the students. You and your friends live in the poorly funded slum-like area of the dorms and are forced to take disrespect from upper-class magic students. You hope to change this somehow and an opportunity arises.

Thanks for reading the thread!

If you have any questions, I'd love to answer them. Any feedback is welcomed as well.

I plan to release a demo by mid-April 2022. After the demo, workflow should accelerate though.

If you're interested in the game or want more game information, please support me at my Patreon:


  • Demon Girl.png
    Demon Girl.png
    1.3 MB · Views: 279
So two nitpicks for you right off the bat:

1: Giving us a patreon link that gives virtually no information and has only one post that's hidden behind a paywall inspires zero confidence and doesn't help your cause at all. This is made especially egregious when you basically do nothing for the $1 tier, which is definitely not a good idea when you're just starting out and people don't follow you/know what to expect. All that we have as-is is a basic concept and a single image to go by, so maybe add a few free posts with real content before you require donations for the meat of your work.
2: Already a little late for your April 2022 dealine.
Yeah, putting basic information behind a paywall isn't making me super excited for the game when I'm not sure if I have any interest in the first place. I have a slightly different nitpick here actually:

You are a student at the Royal Academy of Magic, but as a talentless student with no magical ability.

Who/what are 'you' in this game? Is the player the demon girl pictured in the OP, or is that just an NPC sample of the art? Is the player instead male? You've described the plot context, but in terms of this being an adult/H game, what is the player character like and what is the nature of the sexual interactions? When you say " H-content will be accessed through after battles and depends on whether you win or lose" is this implying that there's reverse rape and such?
Coming with a game, screenshots, previous work, and/or proof of existance? Hell screenshots of engine work or even compiled code? Something, This is literally "i make gaem, giv monie pls." I hope you dont expect a warm reception by only giving us a means to give you money,
Kind of telling that OP dropped this post and, from the looks of it, didn't even bother to check feedback. This seriously feels like a scam.
We kind of figured you guys would go to town on this 'dev' for his monstrously poor decisions.
So far, this isn't necessarily unrecoverable if they would at least come back with a bit more information on what exactly they were working on, but it looks like they just posted the thread and then ghosted for a week.
A good "Fuck You" for the free advertisment crowd would be to remove their links and/or close their thread and/or maybe we need an "Advertisement" tag.

I checked the Patreon page and at the very least, they haven't found any suckers yet. It would be disappointing if they actually had any pledges but who would pay for something so incomplete and vanilla? You could find a dozen more games with demon girls as a theme for free, and it doesn't appeal to any specific niche that would make someone desperate enough to pledge preemptively.
I checked the Patreon page and at the very least, they haven't found any suckers yet. It would be disappointing if they actually had any pledges but who would pay for something so incomplete and vanilla? You could find a dozen more games with demon girls as a theme for free, and it doesn't appeal to any specific niche that would make someone desperate enough to pledge preemptively.
So, it might just be attention whoring?