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Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)


Drama. Such a derailing thing.

Alright, I admit I fucked up. But it's not gonna happen anymore. Things are gonna shape up. No more cutting corners in order to get stuff going. No more rushing through it.
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

'log in your eye' is a term I don't remember hearing before.

I think it's from some Jesus quote. "Why complain about the sawdust in your friend's eye when you pay no attention to the log in your own?"
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

............Did no one read my post? The entire little conversation between Burrito and the mystery man was broadcast over da radio.
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Tch... Geez. Give us time, will ya? I'm considering a certain idea at the moment.
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Wow, two and a half pages of OOC whilst I was gone.

Anyway, to clear things up; Shrike, if you'd have seen my character had entered his Shadow Judge form when the piece of ship landed on him. If you'd have bothered to check my character sheet you'll have seen that his SJ form is ridiculously fast, much too fast for even Siphon's character to dodge. Burrito didn't seem to have a problem with me doing what I did and I knew he wanted to get all this over with so I was just helping him out. This is something only Burrito knew beforehand but the souls inside Oni can be used to force him into his SJ form if he has insufficient energy to do so and his body is destroyed. And the more he transforms into his SJ form the more control he has over it later. I know he's OP but I do plan on playing him down, if Burrito didn't want the ship part to fall on him then I was going to have him finally use up all of his current energy in the next couple of posts. His power isn't determined by the amount on energy he has, the amount of energy he has determines how long he can use said power before running out.

Does that clear things up now?
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Still, a character that can't die is a bit too much. Also, making others vegetables with nothing else but presence isn't something I an agree with. That SJ form is a definition of OP.
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

As for the rest, I don't really have much to say, you've agreed with me on some and deftly shot me down on others.

Hence my ‘I don’t debate, I correct.’, although I’ll be the first to admit that it’s a bullshit line, since the truth is relative. Still, it’s a good line that I’ve wanted to use for awhile, though I would have preferred using it on someone I didn’t like. :D

what I care about is the "I use my super ability, it's destroyed' after Siphon saying they may not have the ability to kill it, and I believe an 'even you', pointed right at him.

Ah, I took that to mean ‘even you (in your current condition – i.e. at 7% and not super form)’.

My whole beef with you was ask the GMs before you entirely derail their plot,

You don’t truly think that I’ve entirely derailed the plot, do you…? I know I’ve put it off track at points, but then so have others – including you, in fact, as douche-y as it is for me to say that - if to a somewhat lesser extent.

Shoop lazor, switch to super ability and it's still used too often, for too much damage. Your super, works fine but you've still used yours more than I've used mine, not a big deal but just pointing that out. Oni's has multiple problems, Siphon's is getting changed so I dunno, Copper's is fine, I originally thought mine might have been too OP, guess I'm not creative enough, forget what Grave's is, etc...

Now, now, that’s not quite fair. Your ability is entirely out of your hands as to when to activate or not, entirely dependant on outside influences. The only other people like that are Grave (Grave’s is pretty much the same as yours, but angrier) and I… and mine doesn’t really count as it’s basically controlled by me, in the sense that I decide ‘Host had anticipated laser-wielding chicken people and had anti-chicken spray with him’. With yours, it’s entirely possible that you’ll never use it, or you could hit eight people ‘attempted-rape’-ing you in a row and be forced to super-blast each of them. Looking at the ammount of uses that other characters have had, I’d say two is about right for super power uses so far, three being not too bad and four stretching it… entirely opinion, of course, and it does really depend on what your super actually does. Also, in terms of in game time, Host’s two uses were probably at least 12 hours apart, probably even a couple of days.

I’d put Burrito’s shoop as an effective ‘non-plot assisted’ maximum on damage, since it’s actually dodge-able and linear. It tore a hole through the hive, but wasn’t enough to necessarily destroy it. It was only when he Torchwood-ed that he totally destroyed a hive. Though I’m probably somewhat subconsciously biased in that regard, as soon should become apparent… or not, depends how things go.

Still, a character that can't die is a bit too much. Also, making others vegetables with nothing else but presence isn't something I an agree with. That SJ form is a definition of OP.

Individually, these might actually be acceptable… like if he had to stand still to emit 'aura of vegetablisation', and could be killed by range attacks. Together… no just no.

His power isn't determined by the amount on energy he has, the amount of energy he has determines how long he can use said power before running out.

Oh, bugger. Yeah, definitely tone him down.

Double EDIT:
This is the most drama I've seen in an RP for a long long time...


You don't read AWMBI, do you.

I ca't believe there's another EDIT:

I'm going to wait for the rest of Siphon's group to choose which epic battle they want before posting... despite myself, I won't just start replying to Siphon and leaving everyone else Schrodinger'd.
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

You don't read AWMBI, do you.

Grammar Nazi said:
You don't read AWMBI, do you?

Heavens! I wouldn't suggest anyone do that. Unless the individual in question drinks e-drama as if it were a sweet nectar, and they were an Amazilia Hummingbird
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

The stop was for effect, as in, 'there's no possible way that someone who reads AWMBI could think that this is the most e-drama they've seen, hence making it not a question.’
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Thankfully I'm a writer, not a teacher nor student of 'English'; I form my sentences based on effect, not half-baked rules.
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Ah, I see. As a writer, you need a proof-reader. Coming up with very emotionally charging posts can often deduct from one's ability to remember proper punctuation.

By the way, before I forget to tell you. English is the language we're typing in right now. The teachers of English would have told you that.
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

The subject English, as separated from the language English though the use of apostrophes, are two separate entities that you seem to have confused. They do, in fact, have little to do with each other.

As I writer, I can see beyond such quaint and rustic ideas as 'punctuation' and 'grammar', and even, at times, 'spelling'. I've realised, as all good writers should, that such things are nothing more than an inhibitiant designed to give lesser writers some guidelines and thereby reduce the number of horribly done works of literature. Greater writers, of course, are able to preform well without needing to limit themselves to such constructs. To begin on the path to becoming a greater writer, go read Redwall and look up a flat what.
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Um, technically, "emotionally charging" is subjective based on the reader's opinion. I think you mean emotionally charged.

And Host, great writers are able to -perform- well. Language is but a tool, after all.. And an inhibitory agent.

It gires and gimbles in the wabes!

Oh, and, most "horribly done works of literature" are committed by people who thought they were, greater writers.

Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

My thinking Grave was that he'd been at it long enough to weaken it just enough that a full powered hit, channeled would be sufficient. He may have been interrupted, but wouldn't what he'd already have done to it remain in effect, or does it all poof when he lost concentration on it?
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Yeah, some effect remains, at least for a while. However, those effects might be a bit chaotic sometimes.

Speaking of which, I think I'll try to change my character again. Hopefully this'll balance his powers a bit.
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Ok good, then that played out how I envisioned it would in my mind then, being JUST enough. Barely, but in this case barely counted.

Thanks for the confirmation.
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Um, technically, "emotionally charging" is subjective based on the reader's opinion. I think you mean emotionally charged.

And Host, great writers are able to -perform- well. Language is but a tool, after all.. And an inhibitory agent.

It gires and gimbles in the wabes!

Oh, and, most "horribly done works of literature" are committed by people who thought they were, greater writers.


Stephanie Meyer springs to mind?