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Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

I can and will vouch for Host. I apologize it took us so long to finally come to a decision.

On regards to the Ori ship: For us it was a quick and easy solution since both of us know the layout of it quite well, and in my case extremely. I could probably build one of the damn things if we had the technological level to make it work, and get every minute detail right. I think we both wanted something we knew well, something which would be exceedingly powerful but not completely invincible (yes I know several ways of disabling an Ori ship), and something that would fit the general thought we wanted for my character to settle with. Was there something else we could have used? Probably, almost definitely. As for bringing the Ori themselves in.... That would be a major no. The ONLY place they will be appearing will be the Splinter RP Bartnum and I are running, and that won't be for quite some time.

As for the Thembrihkal, I'll admit, they were originally supposed to be something that could immobilize but would take some time to do so. Unfortunately I failed to take into consideration just what that Vampiric Kiss thing really does, and that has totally thrown off my vision for these things. It was supposed to originally be something where it would make the character grabbed finding it very hard to want to break free, but instead it apparently turns out that instead of that it makes it impossible.

As I mentioned before, I was more forced into having my character kill the one he did prematurely because of a complete error on my part thinking the attack used would be possible for the character grabbed to escape. Obviously, I was wrong on that, and had to do something.

As for the changes Siphon has gone through... His strength and speed won't really ever be returning to normal again. HOWEVER, there is something planned that will be happening soon that will... make him nearly 100% melee oriented rather than having the ability to nuke you from afar. I won't say WHAT that plan is just yet, but I can say that when it comes into action, it will be 100% recognizable, and no mistakes will be made.

Actually, again there I had made a mistake. I had been operating on the assumption that even though my character is a hybrid Wraith, that his body would react the same way Ford (Stargate Atlantis) did when the Wraith feeding on him was suddenly killed. I later found out from someone who is better with these types of things than I am that this was not the case.

When a Wraith feeds on a human, they inject a special enzyme into the body that grants a temporary boost in strength and speed. This is NEEDED because otherwise the trauma undergone while being fed on would shut down the body almost instantly, it's that traumatic. When a Wraith is killed in the middle of feeding, suddenly and instantly, the enzyme floods the victim's body. In Ford's case, it began to break down.

Siphon however, already is part Wraith. Because of that, he already secretes this enzyme into his own body, which is how he manages most of the feats a full Wraith does. Superior Strength, etc etc. However, flooding his body with it, instead of breaking down, it is absorbed into his body, and since now his body is dependent on it in high doses in order to survive, and he can already make it, his body then begins to secrete much more of it than is normal. This results in a permanent change to his physical abilities, and also brought on the half insanity.

I failed to take this into account when I did that, and since I try when I make a change like that to a character of mine to play it as close to being realistic as possible (As Realistic as one can get with Sci-Fi anyway), I needed to have this become what it SHOULD given what he is. This also forced me into considering something. How can I keep this change, but prevent him from being completely invincible no matter what you toss at him? I believe I have found a method that will work for that, and it may not be the only thing I have to do, but it's a start. All I will add is that mentally, after the event I have planned which will weaken him, he will NEVER be the same person again. He will be more withdrawn from the others, he'll be prone to fits of random anger not directed at his team mates, and he'll also be someone that if your not in his circle of friends and comrades, you really won't want to bring certain topics up lest he just rip your limbs off.

With regards to bringing in a Tyrant class creature.... I still might do that as a potential enemy since one of them would be on equal footing with what Siphon has become. Using it as a PC though... Well since for the most part they are almost indestructible... you see my hesitation. Whereas a Rocket would probably kill Siphon if it hit him and blew him up, despite his upgrades, A Tyrant class creature IS surprisingly capable of simply knocking the rocket away and suffering no damage. It takes an insane amount of damage to finally kill one of these things, and sometimes even that isn't enough. The G-Virus creature for example, can withstand damn near anything you can toss at it. The only known thing capable of killing one was an anti-virus bomb that simply destroyed the virus itself, causing the viral weapon to be destroyed. Other than that, Birkin WAS invincible. And hence the reason I say, no one would like it, and even in an OP allowing RP, I personally would consider something that is invincible to any form of weaponry short of biological warfare as being too far OP to allow. Now there may be ways to weaken something like that, but I have not found something plausible enough to work that in yet.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Geh. With all of you using some strong characters, I wonder if I should power up my character. I think that he's the only one that can be described as normal.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

I'd say go for it to be honest. I mean hell, I don't see a problem with it myself, and I doubt Burrito will.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Siphon, you know me so well. :)

Powering up is Awwwwwwwright :D

It's kinda supposed to be a stress-reliever of an RP.

Also, Host: GOOD FUCKING LORD! I don't remember ever seeing that kind of text wall in my history of the internetz!


Nov 15, 2008
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

So. Much. Text. *burns*

Tsuki isn't THAT special.... If she doesn't use her computer-y powers, she's fairly normal.


Mar 28, 2009
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Gah, sorry Burrito. On top of the exam from yesterday, doing that sprite editing took forever. It may be more appropriate to have my activity as 'every two days'.

While I'm posting, I might as well add something I forgot; the history section in my character post would only be known by members of the forum, or others who were significantly involved in the conflict - it's not some big event everyone on the net is aware of. Unless they had looked into the past of the forum before, or had been there at the time, they probably don't have any idea about it.

EDIT: Yeah, I just realised the bloody and not-bloody versions don't match up completely, due to how I'm editing the sprite they’re based off. Not going to bother making more changes, the not-bloody one is the proper appearance of the suit. The differences are primarily in arm thickness.
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Mar 28, 2009
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Double post, but I'm positive it won’t show an update if I just edit the old one:

Grave, the enemies are all dead from your first attack. You're currently attacking a section of the wall that's falling in on you... which could probably make the rest of the wall, and possibly ceiling, fall as well. Unless we're talking an attack so uber it blasts away the whole section of the hive he's pointing the attack at.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Gah, I'll edit. As for the firepower it has, think of something like Saber's Excaliber. And I'm a type that'd rather blow everything up, then worry about details.


Mar 28, 2009
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Damn but it gets hard to keep up with this forum, sometimes. First things first, Siphon, you already have an alarm going. It should probably be "the alarm changes" or something.


At that time, alarms began screaming throughout the hive, warning of intruders. Many Wraith began flooding into the halls, looking for prey.
Secondly, Burrito cannot answer the radio right now, one of the armoured people has a jammer running. (That's the excuse I'm using as to why he can't respond, anyway. Really he's just out of time with the rest of the RP and cannot jump to the present till this scene's over... which will happen in about two posts by me, including this next one. Sorry for slowing you down, guys.)

EDIT: Oh, I might as well add, what does everyone think about the idea of me using the different sprites for my various characters like the character portraits in AWMBI? I'll go through with it if nobody minds, but I don't really mind either way.
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Taking things in turn:

Eh, on the alarm. Could have been a one-shot sounding, but you are right. A self-destruct sound would definitely sound different than "intruder alert."

As for Burrito, Copper doesn't know this. That, and he can always "catch up" and reply once you guys get your stuff done, since it is, in all likelihood, happening parallel to the stuff we've already done.

As for the sprites, can take 'em or leave 'em. I'd say maybe if more than one of them is talking, yeah, go ahead, but otherwise, simple bits of "says So-and-so" and "Grunt number 2 says," are sufficient for me. Yes, Doug can read.


Mar 28, 2009
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

As for Burrito, Copper doesn't know this. That, and he can always "catch up" and reply once you guys get your stuff done, since it is, in all likelihood, happening parallel to the stuff we've already done.
Indeed... but Burrito (the player) didn't know that, and I would rather he knew what I was planning before responding to the radio. Also, you and the other players didn't know that, so instead of having a gap where Burrito would later respond, they can just assume that he never replied.

EDIT: (Does anyone else think this new forum set-up is making it harder to determine if posts have been replied to? I always run off of the 'last posted' dates and now it takes more clicks to get to them...)
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Eh, been using it for a while, so it doesn't bother me. About the only thing I'm not keen on is Burrito having his own sub-forum *laughs* Kudos for getting it, but, but now it's twice the clicks to see if the game's updated.


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Name: SirOni, though most of the time called just Oni
Description: Oni stands at about six foot, average white male and a plain ol’ human. Shoulder length brown hair, often tied up at the back and sports a pair of thin, black-rimmed glasses.
Not much is remembered about Oni, not even his age or his real name. Since killing his family and subsequently his entire race on his home planet Oni has been travelling through various dimensions to look for a place to finally live in peace though wherever he goes war usually breaks out shortly after and so he has to move onto the next dimension or world.
Since the slaughter of his planet Oni has been bathed in an aura of darkness. This aura is full of the hatred and anger of everyone and everything he has ever come across as well as his own and only gets bigger and more powerful as he comes into contact with other beings. The aura itself is a being on its own, created by Oni’s own anger, it often talks to Oni, whispering in his ear, working on his insecurities and paranoia’s to force him into lashing out and killing anyone he comes into contact with. In actuality it was this shadow that caused him to destroy his planet, and used the negative energy that was spilt to create a rudimentary body of its own.
It’s not a one-sided relationship however. The shadow increases Oni’s natural strength and speed allowing him to take on multiple opponents with relative ease and it increases his resilience to damage and damage done to his body. If damage is done to him the shadow rapidly regenerates areas where there is damage. Though damage is restored relative to the amount dealt; if the damage is light it takes longer to heal than if a large amount of damage is done. For example, if multiple cats scratched him all over it would take longer than a large wound in his stomach. Oni isn’t immortal however, if his head or heart is destroyed he will die, the same goes for his body being destroyed or if he loses too much blood before the wounds are restored. The shadow does perform one more final act, his ultimate ability only known as ‘The End’. It’s only been seen to be used when Oni takes in or reaches an almost unbearable level of anger or hatred.
Before travelling Oni normally wore jeans, short-sleeved shirts and a variety of tee-shirts including video game and film tee-shirts and trainers. Though since his travelling he’s taken to wearing a coat and hat, the likes of which old film noir P.I.’s wore. Inside the jacket he keeps various weapons including a plethora of throwing knives, an AK-47, an seemingly limitless supply of ammo and a katana. It is with these weapons that he kills anyone and anything that gets in his way. Oni fights mainly with his katana and only uses his AK-47 and throwing knives when he’s taking part in medium to long range fighting. Though he does fight with his katana and gun simultaneously at times. Oni doesn’t have any one particular fighting style, instead he fights very viciously incorporating many different styles all at once.
Personality-wise Oni is very withdrawn and doesn’t take to talking very much, though he will answer when addressed. It’s unknown whether it’s because of all his screaming in battle or his not talking for years but he talks quietly and only raises his voice when he needs to, specifically when something has angered him. When not fighting his posture and mannerisms seems to be those of a person who’s tired or lost his reason for living though this is simply because the shadow drains some of his energy and he very rarely sleeps.
Special Ability: Simply known as ‘The End’, when Oni reaches an almost unbearable level of anger or hatred the aura completely engulfs him before spreading out an aura over the floor with a six foot radius and forming armour (the armour resembles Gabranth’s from FF12 though the armour is pure black in colour and the horns are a little bigger) completely covering Oni’s body. The aura also morphs into a great sword, almost 1.5x the size of Oni including armour. As well as his appearance the aura increases Oni’s strength and speed over 100x its normal. The armour itself is impenetrable and Oni becomes immortal while this ability is active. The new aura that has spread instantly absorbs all the hatred and anger from anyone who enters it, completely pacifying them taking away their will to fight. This allows Oni to kill anyone without them fighting back.
Activity: Non-existent at the moment, just posting it in the chance that I accidentally lose it and I need to type it again.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Hey, what's with Shrike? Did she leave or something?


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

No, she's got something planned out and is just biding time here to do it.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

((That's code for 'She got completely lost so she decided to take a break and pop in when it's more convenient ;) ))


Mar 28, 2009
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Ah, Oni. Your guy is truly lol-worthy, for managing to base it almost entirely in fact. Although forums are more like cities than planets in this, but other than that, perfect. :D


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Lol I wasnt actually trying to base it on what happened, I was basing it on a bit of one of my classes for an TRPG I'm working on, my anger and my hatred for pretty much everything. Though it does seem like that. Now all I need to do is wait for Burr to accept and when I properly come back online I can join in and kick ass. Oh, and the character is pretty much me in real life, minus the demon knight ability :p


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

My character's not going to get along with him, though.


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Lol why?