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Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Since Burrito IS officially back I will go ahead and let him pass judgement here, however, I will say I like the concept a lot. I also know your playing style, so I know that your character should blend in just fine.

Edit: Assuming the character is approved, I already have an idea in mind on how to bring her into the group BEFORE we leave the current hive.
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Copper and Pale might not get on, either, given the fact that if Pale can see life, Copper doesn't register on that scale *chuckles* More like a void. And I'm not sure how Copp would feel about Al, but like Siphon says, we know you and your play style. I'm just happy to see ya! *hugs*
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

*is facing away from Pale* Approved. Siphon, you have the go-ahead with your idea.

And did I forget to mention:

Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Pardon the double post.

Those of you on the chopper, I'm posting the arrival scene back in the city.
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

I'd like to join; Host will be PM'ed to Burrito sometime soon, but I've got a lot of these to write, so if I forget, would someone give me a friendly nudge?
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Take your time, Host. The RP isn't going to leave ya behind.
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Could someone give a ring in here for when I'm needed? If ever...? Too much text that I don't need to really pay attention to....
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Might have to flick Burrito on the ear for that one, Tsuki. I thought he said he had a job for you...
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

I was actually thinking Tsuki would be able to help with the refit of that ship found actually. Don't be surprised if I have Siphon reach out to her or radio her for some help, unless Burrito is against it.
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

If I'm against it, you'll know. Most things don't bother the story, so It's all good in the hood.
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

So, is it sad that I refresh the page like three times a minute while I'm waiting for a reply on this, even though I'm still working at the same time? :/
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Not at all. I once did it ten times in one minute while trying to run something in a game and being on the phone.
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Did I mention that it takes 10-15 seconds for me to load a page on my phone? It's pretty much refreshing as fast as it can :)
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Sigh... Am I the only one that's missing the action?
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

I'm not sure, maybe... could you have perhaps came along with Tsuki in the chopper? I've noticed you got left behind for all this, and i feel kinda bad...

In other news, I finally found some pics of the ship! The first one is bad quality, and the second is a bad angle, but I guess they'll work for now. if I could find the CD, I'd re-install it and take some pics myself, but alas :(

Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Nope, Grave is at HQ right now.
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Now now, it's a bit of a stretch, but the last time anything was said of you you were handing Tsuki's radio back to her, is it so impossible that you came along and just haven't said anything yet? In my opinion, it's much better than standing by and watching OOC, and we could probably use your help when Siphon gets back on and lurches this thing over the hill it's hiding behind :)
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Alright, I'll post. If Burrito doesn't like this, I'll delete the post. How does that sound?
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Sounds like a plan :) And if Burrito doesn't like it, then he can delete it himself, chances are he won't care, I doubt he'd enjoy being left out of all the action either.