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Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

The weapon master seemed happy to hear the student's thankful words, patting her on the shoulder. "Maybe some unsure person will wander here and ask for training, who knows. But as for you, keep up your training and you should develop a better level of skill and strenght. That will decide how good you become, my regimens with you laid the groundwork. You will have to build the rest of the house yourself, maybe with other trainers somewhere along the way." she replied, turning away to head back inside. "If you people ever roam these areas, my temple will always provide shelter if it is needed." were Yura's last words to the group before she dissappeared from sight, going back to her usual life.

Now, it looked like there would be a walk down the mountainside waiting for the group. They might have to take more breaks than usual with Isane there, but it is hardly a thing to fret over. And if that would become a problem, Galeon promised to offer his back to the sorceress, willing to carry her in piggyback if need be.

(Nina gains Sword skill 3 and a legendary warrior's training, effectively causing a drop in more powerful opponent's skill and making them a manageable thing to fight.)


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

Nina smiled sadly, wetness growing in her eyes as Yura turned away. She leaped forward and hugged the woman tightly before stepping back and wiping her eyes. She hated goodbyes.

"Until next time!" She said with a hopeful promise. "I'll do as you say."

Later as they walked down the mountainside, Nina kept close to Iliana, wanting to walk next to the taller woman whose elegant presence could always compete and even win out against the towering Yura. Nina's adoration for the red headed beauty kept the main knight feeling chipper even though it might be a long time before she saw Yura again.

"Thanks so much for letting me go to train at the temple, my Lady." Nina had been snuggling with Iliana a lot during the past few nights, and wanted to do so again, but it might not be appropriate in front of Galeon and Isane. In the case of the latter, Nina was eager to help her with her footing, or to provide a shoulder to lean on, or to simply provide additional conversation where her opinion would be merited.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

The group ventured down the mountainsides, the rough paths occasionally making it a somewhat tiring experience to endure. Still, it was easier to go downwards than upwards along such routes, so it could have been much worse than what Nina and company went through. Somewhere along the way, they had to stop for a meal and some rest. Other smaller breaks were frequent as well, Isane's condition still making it harsh for her to travel. Even so, the sorceress didn't ask for help, going all the way by herself.

As the ground level began to near, there started to be signs of an imminent rainstorm. The group were not too far from the carriage waystation according to Iliana, so if they hurried up, they would likely not get wet and miserable.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

Nina was feeling in excellent condition, her body was strong from the training and she had several days of restful sleep and solid servings of food to sustain her. She was also mentally cheerful and upbeat. Things were looking up and she was in the company of friends. The only sadness was in not seeing Yura for a while, but she had known that day would come and the woman was able to take care of herself - clearly.

Even though Isane didn't ask for help, Nina would hover nearby at times just in case there was a tricky part of the path that could be pointed out casually. She didn't want to seem like an overbearing guardian to the sorceress, but neither did she want the sorceress to exhaust herself quickly.

The maid knight nodded to her mistress when Iliana pointed out the signs of bad weather. "Yes, we don't want to get sopping wet and catch a cold. Let's give it a final push to the waystation and then we'll be able to rest."
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

The rest of the group picked up their pace, Galeon picking Isane up as they began to advance at a brisk speed towards the waystation. With each passing minute, the skies darkened a bit more, steadily turning towards a stormy sky. The winds began to blow at higher speeds as well, ruffling the party as they made their way down. When the waystation was in sight, the first drops of rain started to fall on the moving group, who managed to enter the place just in time to avoid the worst of it.

The common room of the station was not too fancy a place, but it served it's purpose without such frills. Sturdy wooden furniture and a few bear and goat skin rugs were the main things here besides the counter. A somewhat bored, uniformed man was sitting behind the counter, though he livened up when the group entered. Without any fuss, Iliana shushed the rest of the party onto the chairs and couches while she began to talk about a ride with the arranger.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

Nina sat on the couches as urged by Iliana. She might have wanted to stand by the lady as she arranged the transport, but she wasn't going to argue against an order to rest after a day of walking down a mountain.

She took the opportunity to turn to Isane.

"How are you managing Isane?"

The maid knight also took care to evaluate Iris, Iliana, and Galeon as well, but she knew that amongst all of them, the recovering sorceress was the most likely to be tired, even having been helped by Galeon most of the way down.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

A quick look around revealed that there was no real cause to worry. Iliana was still talking with the on-duty official, showing him some papers that were most likely official ones from the Lord of the realm. Galeon had seated himself next to Isane, still maintaining a watchful eye over her. Iris remained calm as ever, briefly pondering something about her blade of choice. Collectively, the situation seemed to be in good order.

"No worries, I'm quite fine. Mister Galeon did carry me for the roughest part of the trip. I'm sure I can make it to wherever it is we are heading today without tiring too bad..." the sorceress replied once her condition was inquired. To Nina's yes, it seemed a genuine answer.

Before they could speak further, the mistress cut in. "Right, we got ourselves a ride. There's a wagon coming from a nearby small town that's heading towards the capital. We'll go there first and spend a night at an inn, I feel like we should do that for a change. Maybe get a few drinks while we're at it." she announced their schedule for the rest of the day, sitting down on the couch between Iris and Nina. "Can't get farther than that today, the normal wagons move in regulated schedules most of the time. And we have to wait a bit for the one we're boarding to get here."


Tentacle God
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Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

"That sounds lovely, my Lady. We aren't in any rush, so there's no need to to lament not having one of Lord Rao's superior steeds to pull our carriage. And it will be nice to stay at an inn and have a few drinks, so much more like being on a proper road trip."

Nina grinned and clasped her hands together, finding the bright side in the news even as thunder rolled overhead and outside the pouring rain became even more intense, pelting the way station with its deluge.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

"That was the idea. It's good to get out once in a while, even if the people are not my own townsfolk." Iliana agreed, quite obviously looking forward to having a few drinks among the main populace of Blackwall.

The crew did not have to wait for too long, barely an hour had passed until a drenched-looking driver came to urge them towards the wagon. "Ain't got no cargo to empty, so ya people can climb right in. We'll leave towards the capital as soon as possible, get out from under this darn rain." the wiry man told them, moving out as quickly as he had entered.

"You heard him, let's go." the mistress spoke up, getting up from her seat. Outside, the driver was setting up a collapsible little roof over his driver platform, attempting to make the upcoming journey a bit more tolerable with the amount of shelter it provided.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

Nina didn't hesitate, popping up from her sitting position and moving out to stuff her pack inside the carriage along with Iliana's things, and of course, holding the door to the carriage open so that her Lady and then the sorceress Isane, followed by the others could clamber inside and out of the rain. Nina was the servant after all, and of the lowest rank, so she didn't mind getting a little wet while the others fitted into the carriage. As soon as they were in she hopped inside as well and patted herself down after closing the door shut. She smiled across at Iliana and clasped her hands together waiting for them to get underway towards the capitol.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

The wagon soon moved onwards, barely a minute after the doors had closed. With a snap of the whip, the horses started their last stretch of the workday, the speed suggesting that they too were willing to get away from the rain as soon as possible.

A few hours later, the capitol could be seen from the side window. The group had spend the trip in relative quiet, though occasional discussions did break the silence. "You want to go to an inn or what?!" the driver called to them through the window between the front of the wagon and the passenger compartment, getting Iliana's confirmation for the final destination. Zooming through the gate without need to stop, the ride soon stopped. Outside, Nina could see a sign in the shape of the mystical stone-gaze creature bearing the same name, Basilisk. It looked like this was to be their place for the night.

The first sight that awaited them behind the door was a huge slab of a man, apparently the bouncer. The guy stood well over a foot taller than the mistress did, looking at them with his only remaining eye. The second one was missing, hidden under a few criss-crossing scars and burn marks that marred the other side of this burly male's head. Still, he didn't seem to be unfriendly and was quite willing to let them in, though he did look at Iris for a bit. Maybe he was estimating if the girl was old enough to enter, considering her fine after a look. A mostly male clientele manned the tables of the lower floor, drinking away after completing their work day. Next to the counter, a set of stairs went upwards, a sign telling any visitors that the rooms were up on the second floor. A trio of barmaids were keeping the customers happy by providing their drinks and taking in the few passes aimed at them, the mustached man behind the counter that instructed them and poured drinks was most likely the owner. He left his post pretty quickly after seeing them enter, coming to Nina's aid and helping her carry the stuff up. There, the biggest room of the house awaited them with enough space and beds to house all five of them, even leaving one of them empty.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

Nina was pleased to note that despite his gruff exterior the inn's bouncer was a smiling and helpful gentleman. She gladly unloaded the carriage with his help and brought the lady's luggage and the others' up to their room which was amazingly spacious.

"My this is big! Bigger than any inn room I've ever stayed in. Well, let's set these things down now and leave them for tonight," she told her helper and then closed the door and went back down the stairs to join Iliana and the others at the table, telling them eagerly about their spacious room.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

There was really not that much stuff that Iliana had dragged around with them, but the two of them didn't need to go up and down the stairs for more than once to get everything there. Having helped the girl with her carrying, the bouncer seemed quite happy that she was pleased. "Well... this room is the special one that the Lord issued orders for. In case there ever was important guests and he was not able to host. Or so I heard..." he shared a bit of info with the maid-knight, a slight wheeze audible in his voice. Whatever it was from originally, that sound was a clear indication this man had been through rough times.

Before Nina could move down to the main hall, she was greeted by Isane and Galeon. Since he had promised to help the sorceress, these two had moved quite closely at pretty much all the times possible. "We will go ahead, you three have a nice time now. It seems she wants to rest again." the elder knight said as the sorceress went by, almost flopping onto the first bed inside. "Still pretty weak, looks like..."

Back at the main floor, the mistress and Iris had parked themselves not on a table, but on the counter. In front of the chair nearest to the stairs, there was a plate with roasted potatoes and those small chicken drumsticks that were familiar to Nina from the real world's wings packs. The mustached man looked as the girl arrived, offering her a seat next to Iliana. "So, what are you drinking?" he asked.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

"Ah... something alcholic... whatever is on tap." Nina chimed, happily settling down to her meal. After the many miles of traveling, her mouth was watering. She at least remembered her manners though, and used utensils to eat the food rather than digging into the chicken with her hands. She ate at the pace set by Iliana.

"Isane and Galeon have gone upstairs so she'll be resting. The room is quite large and open. Plenty of beds, that's for sure." She made polite conversation with Iliana as she waited for her drink to arrive, which she tasted hesitantly and if finding it to her liking, she would drink freely.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

"Hmm, my choice then?" the owner realized, stroking his moustache a bit before taking up a glass. "I think I'll offer you some of this here wine then, brought in by the gentlemen over at the corner table just this morning." he carried on, notioning to the corner table. If Nina saw right, the four individuals eating in relative peace had pointed ears and fine, delicate features. Looked like she was going to have herself some Elven Wine, which turned out to be a fruity deal with many subtle undertones of taste in it. The chicken was spiced nicely, no detectable heat in the seasoning made it easy to eat.

"It's good they have such a big room here. Even though I doubt there will be any danger here, it's better to have all of us in one room rather than split up into two or more." the mistress offered her opinion about the surprisingly big room while the trio ate, Iris on the other side of Iliana where she peeked at the two from time to time, following their conversation by ear. Next to her was an empty seat, while the last of the five was occupied by a hooded stranger quietly sipping at a huge beer mug here and again.

The whole atmosphere inside the hall was nice in that community kind of way, drinking, wating and gambling going on all over the place. A few curses could be heard from a table as well, somebody apparently having terrible luck with their dice this evening.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

Nina thanked the man for his choice of wine, sipping it and approving. When he left them, Nina lifted her glass.

"I would like to propose a toast. To us, the women of House Einzbern, both ladies and servants. To our continued pursuit of better fortunes, adventure, and unveiling of mysteries. To the health of our loved ones, and to our future endeavors. May we always be reassured in our reliance upon one another."

She touched her glass to Iliana's and then to Iris' if the blind girl had lifted her drink as well.

"Cheers!" She said and sipped deeply.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

Iliana and Iris agreed, both of them giving their drink up for clinking, even if the smaller girl's cup only had juice in it. Despite being of age, it seemed she had no desire to drink alcoholic things. Maybe it was her training regime, or simple personal preference.

The ladies had a decent time to spend on eating, until there was a start of a possible ruckus. The same table where there had been curses earlier, a fight was beginning to break out over possible cheating. It was purely verbal at first, but soon fists began to fly, followed by thrown tankards and a chair. Said chair was avoided, it's flight carrying on towards the counter. At first, Nina got alarmed that it would hit Iris. But at the last second, she saw that it trailed towards the stranger at the other end instead, who was knocked down onto the counter and their beer down to the floor on the other side of the table. While the thrower seemed to notice what he had managed to hit, he was too busy fighting off the cheater. For some reason, the bouncer was absent from the door.

Only once the stranger picked themselves back up to a sitting position did the maid-knight get a warning signal that Hell itself was likely going to break loose after that chair hit. She had seen the red braids that hung out from under the cloak before, at Rao's castle-estate. "No, please remain calm. I won't charge you for another tankard, it was not your fault." the owner said as he went over, trying to keep this particular customer from breaking out in rage. The words seemed to have little effect on the visibly pissed Mei, who had turned around to look where the chair had come from.
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Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

"Aw shucks. Not her again. Those guys are screeeeewed..." Nina mumbled over to Iliana, who no doubt had recognized Mei. "Should we um... intervene?"

Honestly, Nina had no inclination to involve herself with Mei's troubles. Chances were she'd beat up the chair thrower and the cheater and whoever looked at her cross-eyed just for good measure, so it was Nina's intent to keep her head down. But if Iliana thought that some restraint needed to be imposed in the situation, then Nina would do her best to calm things down.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

The mistress had been watching with Nina, and had not missed anything. "I'm fairly sure she won't attack any of us, we still are political visitors here after all. But I'm not sure if she can remember that at this particular moment either. Personally I'd just remain here and not try to agitate her further." Iliana gave her plain thoughts, but did not prevent Nina from doing anything either. It did look like her advice was sound, given the situation. It seemed like the owner was familiar with the sour gateguard, and not a stranger to what she could do. Mei herself was getting ready for beatdowns, having dropped her previous heavy cloak and now in her usual green uniform. After getting a pair of red gloves on, she got out that star-decorated beret and set it on her head.

Now was the final moment that interference could be applied, if Nina had the desire to, that is.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

Nina shrugged, hunched over, and ate her food, keeping one hand on the plate, just in case she needed to move away quickly. She didn't want to waste their meal. She was so hungry after all. She continued to shovel the food into her mouth just to make sure something got in.

"Mfff, mmm nom, nomm..."

She grabbed her cup quickly and drank from it, daring a look out of the side of her eye to see the imminent violence.