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Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"I'd say that was a great first time. A for effort, B for results. For all those questions, I think your skills can be trusted to keep the Lady happy with new foods. The spices can be arranged through our merchant associates if there is something missing from our suplies." Lynette says as she starts to finish the dishes Nina sets out to dry, meticulously polishing them with a fresh towel. The head maid seems quite happy with her student maid's work.

Once they've got the dining hall and kitchen back in order, Lynette remembers something she and the mistress were talking about during the meal. "There's another test coming for you today. We'll have a guest coming over, who is supposedly Valkenhayn's long-time friend and something of a teacher to Iris. He helped Iris refine her skills to the level they currently are at, even if they use drastically different weapons. The Lady told me that he is an easy person to deal with, as he has that eastern warrior mannerism about him. He requested an escort to accompany him, and I'll test you further with this assignment."


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Satisfied with Lynette's praise of her efforts, Nina happily went about the business of being as good a domestic servant as she could. When the guest was mentioned and identified as Iris' weapons instructor, her eyes widened.

"He must be a very powerful warrior to have taught Iris.... but if he is indeed easy to get along with, I suppose I shouldn't have a problem escorting him around the estate. Does he have any special needs that I should be aware of?" Nina wondered as well if this man could answer some questions about Iris' origins.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"I don't think so, the Lady didn't mention anything specific about his desires. Maybe he just wants company for the times when the others are busy on their duties." Lynette tells her as they go about the manor, doing minor chores like dusting and putting places in order if there was something messy. They visit Iliana's room briefly to make her bed and pick up a few articles of clothing still there, the signs of last night's activities now gone.

After a morning spent doing little things around the house, Nina is sent to greet the visitor at the front door. A brief wait later, Nina can finally see the guest coming, a man about Iliana's height. Or so she thought as the visitor was clad in white armor, strangely articulated and made so it trailed along the lines of the wielder's body, a pair of baggy blue pants the only article of clothing detectable on his person. Red eye patterns were located at the back of his palms, the shoulder guards and kneeguards, strangely life-like decorations embedded into the suit of armor. A rightfully huge ponytail of bluish-white hair can be seen coming from his head, just to fall over the sheath strapped diagonally across his back, a katana that was as tall as the wielder held inside. Most disturbingly he wore an angular helmet, the front plate completely smooth and featureless with no openings for the eyes detectable anywhere on it's surface.

Once the guest was closer to her, the warrior stops to adress her, his voice strong and commanding but made creepy by the echoing effect his helmet applies to it. "Are you my escort, Miss...?"


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Though she was nervous to greet the imposing figure, Nina did her best to put on a cheery smile for the visitor. When he stopped by her side and inquired of her, she bowed respectfully.

"Yes, I am to be your guide around the estate. My name is Nina. It is an honor to meet Iris' teacher - she is an excellent fighter and a good friend. You must be proud of her. Please follow me, I shall take you to see the Lady Einzbern, and Iris. Valkenhayn will be pleased to see you as well, I'm sure. If I can answer any questions or get you anything to make your stay more enjoyable, please do not hesitate to ask, Mister... ah..." she paused, embarrassment showing on her face. "Forgive me, in my haste to do my daily duties, I had not had time to ask your name of the people who know you here. I am new..."
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Kisaragi Haku. Haku is good enough, I don't mind being called by my first name even if we are not intimately familiar. Don't worry about that, it's an understandable mistake by your superiors to not inform the new blood, so don't be embarassed for my sake." the man replies, offering her a bow in return. "I have to correct you on one thing, Miss Nina. I am not the one who taught Iris her style, I just helped that girl reach her higher levels of potential. Her initial training in this style was instructed by another blind woman."

A brief silence follows, the blank visor seemingly scanning Nina from head to toe. Even as she is faced by the featureless visage of her visitor, Nina keeps her cool and shows a friendly face to him. Eventually, the man reaches behind his back and holds his sword up for Nina. Now that she was faced with the long blade in it's beautifully-engraved scabbard, the aspiring maid realized just how big it was. If the sword and Nina were set up next to each other, the blade would be taller than her, the wolf tail hanging from the end of it's handle would be on Nina's head. "If it is not too big a hassle, I'd like you to carry my blade during the visit." the echoing voice asks her.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Ah... No, no hassle, Sir Haku," she held out her hands to receive the blade. She knew it might be heavy, but eastern style swords were known for their perfection in balance and lightness, so she was confident of being able to handle the blade. "And may I just say, that even if you are not the originator of her style, I have seen no flaws with your adjustments, novice with a sword though I may be. I have come to rely on her support in the few times we have fought side by side in defense of the mistress."

Her tone was friendly and conversational, happy to hear how pleasant he could be. She took the sword and carried it in front of her as though it were a very special artifact to be handled with utmost care and honor. She then led him from the gate into the mansion, leading him towards Iliana's office. She looked for Valkenhayn along the way, thinking that the old colleagues might enjoy greeting one another.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"I was not wrong about you then. Your stance, the way you balance yourself... they show to me clear as day that you've seen some battles in the past. You are indeed a worthy bearer to my soul on this visit." Haku replies to Nina, following after the sword-bearing maid as she guides him into the mansion.

Once inside, they head towards Iliana's office. Before they can reach the room, Valkenhayn comes through another door to meet them. Both butler and visitor suddenly dash towards each other and wind back their arms, a mighty collision of fists occurring as they lock in a stalemate. "Still as strong as ever, Valkenhayn..." Haku says as they retreat from each other. "Well, you're not worse for wear yourself, Kisaragi.." the butler replies as they briefly hug and pat each other on the back. "But we'll go through old times later, you've no doubt got an appointment with the Lady and Iris." Valkenhayn continues, turning his all-seeing gaze to Nina. "Take care of my old friend Miss. He won't request anything ridiculous, that there might be the largest thing." he continues, speaking about the sword Nina held in her hands.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina grinned at the two old friends, especially at seeing Valkenhayn break out however momentarily from his stoic professionalism.

"Don't worry, I will take good care of your friend, Valkenhayn, and his sword."

She had smiled prettily at Haku's compliment before, but had not pressed him on the matter of his sword being his soul. She supposed it was an eastern warrior's mentality. She would definitely take good care of it.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Once the two have exchanged their last words for now, Valkenhayn departs back to his duties while Haku asks Nina to lead him on. "I've never actually been to this house before, my last time was spent on the mountains with Iris. It was a strenuous task for her, but she's not one to quit too easily..." the armored warrior tells Nina with his echoing voice as they walk towards Iliana's combined study and working room.

Along the way, Haku adresses Nina once more. "You seem uncertain about my reasons to making you carry my sword? It is a sign of trust, to allow one's very soul to the hands of another. But, it is also a display of non-hostility, a sign that I bear no bad intentions towards anyone in this household. I wouldn't give up my blade if I had such plans in mind. And yet from another angle, it is also a display of hospitality from your side to help one bear their blade."


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina nodded at Haku's explanation. "I had been curious, and figured it would be something along those lines Sir Haku. From my point of view though, the matter is very simple. This blade means a lot to you, and you have entrusted it into my care. I must treat it as the most precious of responsibilities. If I did not, it would not only speak ill of me, but of this entire household. That's not a reputation I could bear to spoil."

She smiled and gave him a wink, not really certain if he would notice it through the eyeless helm, but she did it anyway.

"Besides, if there were a chance you were hostile, I would doubt my mistress would send me to greet you. I'm probably the least threatening person in this house, and we have servants here who are better prepared to deal with those who might cause trouble. Valkenhayn of course. And Isaku our gatekeeper. And Lynette, the head maid. So I sort of knew you'd be a pleasant guest from the way things have been arranged."

She brought him to Iliana's study and knocked twice on the door. "Mistress, I have brought our honored guest to see you," she called through the portal. After receiving the welcome, she would open the door and then invite Haku to step through, before she followed and closed the door behind them.

"Presenting Kisaragi Haku, my Lady Einzbern," she said, holding Haku's sword horizontally before her as she stood to the side, trying to immediately sink into the background to be seen and not heard.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Hmmm yes, the big man at your gate. It might be interesting to face him in a duel some time, he shows skills in the unarmed way of combat." Haku offers his opinion before Nina knocks on the door. Once given the ok, she proceeds with the announcing of the guest. The warrior is well-versed in these mannerisms, only coming forward after he was announced.

Witnessing the meeting from the side, Nina is there first-hand to see the three others doing their welcomes. The one between the mistress and Haku is quite formal, but she can feel a friendliness between the two. The warrior then turns his attention towards Iris, who is standing not far behind Iliana, her blade strapped on her belt and held in a diagonal position behind her back. The warriors exchange bows before Haku lowers himself on one knee to properly be able to embrace Iris, such was the height difference between them. "It's been two years, Iris..." the armoured warrior can be heard saying in a low voice.

As the two keep close, Iliana comes over to Nina. "Doing good so far. So, what's your impression about him? I've never actually seen him fight, but there's stories about his skills floating everywhere, one tells about him cleaning a monster-infested city by himself."


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Thank you, my Lady," Nina said in response to the compliment, keeping her voice respectfully low. "My impression is that he is very respectful, and he is mindful of traditions and symbolic meanings. He also has a spiritual side, from what I can tell. I have only walked with him, but I can sense that he is powerful. I am happy that we are on such good terms with him, he is not someone I would wish as my enemy, for certain."

Nina stood straighter and kept her eyes down, intending to let her lady get back to speaking with the guest. Inwardly, she felt happy that Iliana still took the time to talk with her and ask her opinions, even when she was simply a maid-in-training. She felt a connection and favor with her mistress bloom inside her, and made a note to herself that she needed to give Iliana extra tight cuddles the next time she was being intimate with the beauty.

"I wouldn't mind having him around for a while. I'm sure he has all sorts of stories to tell, and wisdom to impart."
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"I'm not sure how long he'll be here, but surely there'll be some stories to be had." the mistress tells her servant, petting her on the head briefly. "Anyway, keep up the good work." Iliana says as she steps forward to wait for Iris and Haku to finish their brief close moment. Iris seems extremely happy with meeting her former teacher, a faint blush on her cheeks as she clings to the swordsman with a smile on her face.

Once they finish, Iliana and Haku start talking about the affairs of the surrounding lands, the warrior mostly asking about the security in the town. Iliana's responses do not seem to completely assure the swordmaster about the safety of her town, especially the few slaver reports that have occurred giving him some doubts. As they converse, Iris can't help but move closer to her teacher, Iliana letting her do it. Haku takes Iris' hand as the girl sits next to him. "Is this better?" he asks, getting a nod back from Iris.

"I could go around town to see the surroundings myself, since you seem busy with all that work. But, I'd like to have Miss Nina with me, she could serve as a guide." Haku says among the conversation, Iliana giving her ok to the suggestion, nodding in Nina's direction.
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Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina nodded. Though she had only had one walk through the town before, she remembered what Isaku had shown her when they had gone out for groceries. She could take Haku along the same route well enough.

She also noticed the way Iris seemed to gravitate towards Haku, and the way the tall warrior took the frail girl's hand into his own. A physical touch. So Iris and Haku might have more than just a teacher - pupil relationship. That was interesting. If it had been anybody but Iris, she would have poked her for details, but Iris of course would never tell, even if she wanted to. It did make for a good conversation topic with Haku though.

Before they left, Nina begged leave of Haku so that she may fetch her own sword before going out. She traversed the mansion to her own room, where she took her sheath and sword belt and buckled it around her maid uniform, and then returned to Haku, still holding his sword. She waited until they had set off for the town and were beyond the mansion's gate before she began her inquiry.

"I notice that Iris seemed especially happy to see you. Is it a part of your eastern ways to hold hands with your students?" she said this last bit with a cheeky look in her eye and a lightly teasing tone. Probably not apt for a humble guide, but Nina could only be Nina. She found any new information about her friend Iris to be something of interest. Haku certainly had been a major figure in the girl's past.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"I suppose you should, there might be a situation where you need to defend yourself." Haku replies to Nina's request, waiting patiently for her to get the sword from her room. Once the girl returns, they both leave for a brief visit to the town.

As they walk, Nina pokes at Haku with her question about Iris. "Not really, at least in the warrior profession. But I've noticed she desires physical contact with those she's attached herself to, no doubt caused by her lack of a true vision. She knows well enough that I've left the world of love behind since I lost my lover to the fires of war.." the warrior says, his echoing voice stopping briefly. Haku holds out his hand in front of him, bowing his head to go along with the fast prayer. "Even so, her sacrifice taught me the value of wielding your sword for others. That lesson gave me the courage I needed to improve myself to the fullest potential, and here I stand today, having taught numerous students and helped towns and cities with their problems." he finishes for the moment as they reach the edge of the town.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"I see..." Nina said, taking in these new facts. "I am sorry for your loss and I apologize if I offended with my tone. It seems everyone I meet in these lands has some tragedy in their past. It's a bit overwhelming to run into it so often. But I'm very glad to hear that you've found purpose in training and protecting people. That's a very noble path."

They walked on for a bit in silence, then, "If I may ask, what has brought you to this town now? You were asking the mistress about our security? Should we be expecting an outside attack?"

She would listen as they approached the edge of town, and then inquire if there was anything else that he wanted her to show him.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

The armoured warrior walks with Nina, going in her pace not build up an overtly long gap between them. "Yes, we discussed the town's security briefly, as there should be a proper wall around the town, or at least a string of guard posts to keep watch at the surroundings. I doubt there's much of a threat from outside forces, but there's always wandering monsters and such. It's not the main reason why I came though, seeing Iris and Valkenhayn was the foremost purpose of my visit." Haku explains, quite open about himself and his reasons.

Before the pair can reach the town proper, Haku stops as his helmet turns to face the wide-open desert. "What are those things doing here...?" he says as a group of six ogres stride towards the town. "I thought they were limited to my homeland..."

Then, a realization came to Nina. Just how long had the rogue kitsune been sending their enslaved armies to the other side? There might be dozens, if not a small army of these blue-skinned brutes in their lands, not to mention some other visitors from the east.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"The Lady Einzbern, Iris and myself recently closed a portal that linked a nearby tomb with lands quite similar to those of Iris' and your own. We had to travel 3 days to find a friendly kitsune mage powerful enough to close the portal, and we came back to discover some rogue kitsune sending these ogres through the portal. We assumed that we had defeated them all, but perhaps many more ogres than we thought had passed through the portal during our journey..."

Nina frowned as she readied herself for battle, first handing Haku his sword.

"You will need this, I think," she said as she drew her own blade and adopted a ready stance.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"That is a curious tale. I think there's investigation waiting for me once I reach the homeland again." Haku says, taking his blade as Nina offers it. "Listen to me now Miss. Ogres can't be reasoned with, especially if you're a woman. The reason they roam through the lands is conquest. They seek to kidnap as many female victims as possible, to increase their numbers. Ogres mature fast and can breed with just about any other humanoid, but this makes them dim-witted and simple in tactics. Using ambushes with an attractive female as a bait is one good strategy to deal with them."

After a brief explanation about their opponents, Haku takes a few steps away from Nina as he attaches his blade to his back. "Keep your distance, this blade is long and I need room to swing it without endangering you." he says as the lenghty sword starts to slide up from it's scabbard. Once a third of it's lenght is out, the warrior pulls away, part of the scabbard slides open to allow the contained blade to be unsheathed. Taking a sideways position to face the oncoming horde, Haku hold the sword at chest level with the blade facing away from the group. It was an unusual weapon, extremely long and more importantly missing a point, making it look like it was cut at some point. It was a blade made purely for slashing attacks.

"Ready now Miss, here they come." the warrior says to her as the ogres break into a run towards them, roused into action by the sight of Nina's perky form.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Yes... I've faced them before, them and an Oni. I'll do my best to distract them for you."

Nina gave Haku the space he needed to wield his specialized weapon, then took a defensive stance with her sword ready to swing as the first ogre bore down on her.

When she dodged to the side, she struck at simultaneously, her blade flickering out, aiming for the ogre's leg in an attempt to cripple it as it passed her. Whatever she could do to reduce the numbers against herself and keep herself upright and out of these ogres clutches.