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Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

16 vs 8 | 23 vs 17 | 19 vs 12 | 15 vs 4 | 26 vs 17/15/16
19 vs 10 | 9 vs 22

Fighting off the grasping vines for now, Nina does another co-op attack with Iris who's next to her. Both easily hit their targets thanks to the spell on them, bringing the second minion beast-type on the brink of collapse. Momi switches targets to the remaining human-type, doing a low sweep with her sword that nearly floors the opposing kitsune as it's legs get wounded. Ranya fires a trio of energy bolts, her well-practised magic taking the second beast-type down and wounding the others further, Iliana's bow hitting the leader's shoulder and making him flinch.

The rogue leader follows up on his attack at Nina, firing a pinkish beam he fired once previously. This time on mark with his ray, the beam makes Nina's arousal levels rise to almost unbearable levels of intensity as she fights off any further entanglement from the vines creeping around her. The remaining minion isn't having any luck with his attacks, a bolt of force flying past Nina's head

(Guidance) Nina 4/6 FP 7/10 AP (Vine Curse, entangled, -2 on attacks) Iliana 7/7 FP 0/10 AP Iris 3/4 FP 0/10 AP Momi 3/5 FP 0/10 AP Ranya 20/20 FP 32/50 MP 0/10 AP
Kitsune leader 7/13 HP Human-like Kitsune A 4/7 HP
Last edited:


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina's body trembled from the undeniable amount of pleasure coursing its way through her body.

"My... my... ahhh..." She stumbled, then gritting her teeth, leaped and slashed at the remaining human type kitsune, wanting to embed her blade into him to take him out. Then... after that... maybe there'd be enough time to sit down, spread her legs and take care of that throbbing wet need that was rapidly becoming a problem between her legs.

(desperation attack!)
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

18 vs 16 | 14 vs 6 | 26 vs 12 | 14 vs 5 | 25 vs 19
21 vs 13 (lucky bastard, only 2 AP from the damage roll...)

Taking teamwork to the next level, the three girls each attack the same remaining lackey. Taking turns to cut at him, their attacks take their toll, nearly killing the rogue as huge gashes appear all around him. But the final blow doesn't come from a blade, the mistress' arrow dealing the deathstrike, sinking deep into the kitsune's forehead as he stumbles back and falls.

With only the leader left, Ranya fires another one of those nasty green bolts at him, easily hitting the rogue commander. Briefly surrounded by a sickening glow, the leader claws at himself as terrible pain courses through him, but doesn't melt away like the previous unlucky victim of this spell. Recovering from the wracking pain, he still seems to be willing to cause some mischief before dying, firing another beam at Nina. With the girl being so distracted by her arousal, she doesn't manage to evade, getting aroused to the very edges of her ability. Even as she is being stimulated to no end, Nina manages to prevent the vines entangling her further than they already have.

(Guidance) Nina 4/6 FP 9/10 AP (Vine Curse, entangled, -2 on attacks) Iliana 7/7 FP 0/10 AP Iris 3/4 FP 0/10 AP Momi 3/5 FP 0/10 AP Ranya 20/20 FP 22/50 MP 0/10 AP
Kitsune leader 2/13 HP


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Everywhere she looked, Nina was in a haze. Her eyes went from Iris' cute petiteness to Momi's impressive strength an animal nature to Iliana's amazing beauty, and even to Ranya with her fox features and powerful magic. She wanted them all to touch her and make her feel good. To run their hands up and down her body, to feel their tongues across her nipples and the petals of her flower. To feel their fingers probing her. To have Iliana tie her up and then each of them take turns doing whatever they wished...

Her hand slid underneath her harem pants and pressed up against a sopping wet pair of panties, her finger stroking through the engorged folds and putting pressure against her clit. She moaned audibly as she stumbled forward, the vines threatening to restrict her further.

"Got... to... finish..."

Her mind couldn't complete the sentence, but she had been speaking about the fight with the kitsune, the last vestiges of her clear mind screaming at her to be aware of the danger. She followed behind the others as they went to engage the kitsune leader. She would do her best to fight as well, but the vines and the lust spell were nearly overwhelming.

(fight on)
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

20 vs 12 | 8 vs 14 | 17 vs 20 | 9 vs 20 | 29 vs 23

Showing amazing self-control even among her raging lust, Nina manages to make her way to the leader and wound him with her charging stab. The kitsune leader, on his last legs now, is starting to pull out evasion maneuvers with his remaining strenght. Neither Iris, Momi or Iliana manage to hit the madly weaving beast leader. But there's still Ranya and her unerring magic, who proceeds to finish the fight with a casual force blast, knocking the leader back to a wall and ending his life.

Still seething with magical power, Ranya is not looking happy. "They were sending other creatures to your land...!"


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Her breathing heavy and shallow, Nina stumbled towards a secluded part of the cave floor, then sank down on her knees, facing away from the group. She couldn't stand it anymore, she was teetering on the edge and needed stimulation. She doubted her fingers would be enough, but she forced herself to maintain some shred of dignity by not crash tackling Iris or Iliana and grinding herself against them. Instead she simply slipped her hand down her pants and began to play with herself. She was already so wet, she slid two fingers directly into her womanhood, while her other hand shifted her top up to expose her breasts before kneading one of them heavily.

She sighed, semi-satisfied. It wasn't as fulfilling as what her lust filled mind dreamed of, but it was better than nothing.

The others were talking behind her, and she was certain they had some idea of what she was doing, but she was beyond caring in this moment. Perhaps later she would feel the rush of embarrassment. For now, she only continued to move her fingers against herself and day dreamed lewd visions of her mistress, Iris, and perhaps a few nameless stud men all taking their turns with her.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Looks like she got hit by one too many of those arousal beams, nasty little spells used against us women..." Ranya can be heard saying some distance away from Nina. An awkward silence follows, Nina being unable to detect anything else going on as she tries to relieve the terrible burning in her womanhood. "Hmmm.. such a shameful servant I have. I think something needs to be done.." Iliana's voice suddenly says.

As the words echo in her mind, Nina can feel herself getting cradled from behind as some holds onto her and pulls back to make her sit. Slim hands slide over her body, the other taking hold of her free breast while the other continues travelling towards her panties. Both hands start helping her with pleasurable motions of their own, a mouth suddenly starting to kiss her neck in several spots. Feeling the firmness of leather against her cheek briefly, Nina recognises her helper as Iris. The blind warrior was apparently eager to help Nina get rid of her overpowering arousal, continuing to work the green-haired girl towards her much-needed release with her skilled hands.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

The mere touch of another person was enough to make Nina moan softly in sexual comfort. When those slender fingers traveled to her sensitive breasts and down across her stomach and pelvis, slipping under her own hand to fondle and stroke against her clit, Nina turned those soft moans into passionate gasps. The wet kisses that accompanied the motions just seconds later made her whimper with joy, and she fell back against the cradling helper, letting herself be taken into this person's arms.

At first, from the words her mistress had said, she thought she might be receiving a touch from the tall, red-haired beauty, but it didn't take long for Nina to realize that someone altogether different was pleasuring her with intense dedication.

"Iris..." Nina murmured with a mingled degree of shyness and joy. She opened her neck to more soft kisses and began to press her body upwards to meet the pressure of Iris' fingers grinding against her, rolling her hips as the wave of pleasure got more intense.

"Oh Iris... yes."

Her nipples stood at attention as she shamelessly let herself be brought to her climax by the blind warrior girl, all for the watching eyes of Iliana, Ranya, and Momi, which Nina felt upon her. Strangely, being watched by her mistress and relative strangers turned her on even more. So embarrassing... yet so good, she thought as the fingers pushed deeper than they had before, and she spiraled down into a final shuddering orgasm.

Afterwards she slumped forward, panting, then slowly she readjusted her top. Turning, she wrapped her arms around Iris and kissed the girl properly on the lips. It was not a wet sloppy kiss, but rather a true kiss, one of feeling and companionship. She held her lips long against Iris' until finally, slowly, she pulled away, whispering "Thank you," to her friend.

After that she would join the others, not wanting to meet Ranya or Momi's eyes, but she would glance quickly at Iliana, before returning her gaze to her feet.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Iris gives an equal part of feeling to Nina's kiss, showing her acceptance towards the green-haired girl. As they retract from the kiss, Iris nods at Nina with a light blush on her happy face, holding her for a bit longer before going back to the rest of the group with her.

Iliana gives Nina a few mysterious glances before grabbing her cheek and giving it a playful pinch. "I'll remember this. Surely something will be done once we reach home..." the mistress promises her, that playful look coming forth again. But the Lady returns to the matter at hand, addressing Ranya once more. "So, the portal. We'll be closing it?" Ranya nods, confirming her intentions. "Yes, I'll close it off. The rogues already released some local menaces to your lands, I can't allow them to do it further. You get back to your own lands, if I close the portal now, you'll be stuck here. Remember to knock down the frame of the portal once the shimmering stops, just to make sure it'll never get opened again."

Taking the instructions to heart, Iliana shares final thanks with the pair of foreigners. As the trio are about to go to the other side, Momi grabs Iris, starting to rub against her. "Iris... Momi will miss you terribly..."


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina accepted the pinch to her blushing cheek with any remaining grace that she could muster. "Yes, my lady," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

She listened as attentively as she could to the ensuing conversation, trying to shake off the effects of her afterglow. She was saddened a bit by having to leave Ranya's company so soon, and this strange green land.

"It's a shame that the kitsune's couldn't all be as nice you Ranya. It would be wonderful to be able to see you and Momi and Sakamoto and other friendly faces." Nina thought of Konoe then, realizing she may not see any of these people again, at least, not in this version of her game.

She felt most sad for Momi, who seemed to really be quite fond of Iris. Hmmm... my Iris... Nina thought, revisiting the last few minutes wistfully and cheering her up a bit.

When the three of them were ready and had said their goodbyes, Nina would be the first to step through the portal, her weapon ready in case the kitsune's waited on the other side.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Giving a final look to her short-time travelling companions, Nina can see the wolf and fox waving at them, Momi shouting well-wishings after them. Zipping over to the tomb, the trio finds the place devoid of any potential threats. Putting their weapons away, the girls wait for Ranya to do her thing.

Eventually the portal starts to flicker, flashing a few times before dissapearing completely. Now devoid of any magic to hold it together and give it durability, the thin frame is no match for Iliana's shapely leg, the mistress' kick tearing the flimsy thing down. With a somewhat dissappointed look, Iliana turns away from the ruin and urges the pair to come after her so they can leave the tomb complex behind. "So, back to the pile of papers it is. So boring.."


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"My Lady has not had enough adventure in the past few days?" Nina said in wonder, then looked from Iliana to Iris. "I was looking forward to getting cleaned up and settled in for a day of rest... besides, we must find these creatures that the kitsune led into our realm, otherwise they'll just cause trouble, won't they?"

Nina stood beside Iliana as the three of them made their way back toward the tomb entrance. She made certain to be on the look out for those same creatures, and was careful to avoid the body sphere trap on the way up the ramp to the desert.

Secretly, she doubted very much that Iliana would be bored at home. The way she had looked at Nina mysteriously and the pinch to her cheeks had indicated otherwise.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Well, I've enjoyed the past days. But sometimes it feels like I should just stay on the road and never look back..." the mistress' answers Nina question as they advance up the stairs. "But the town and mansion can't operate properly if I abandon my duties for too long. Some might think I don't care about the people of the town, but I really do. And the mansion's comforts are a thing I really can't deny enjoying."

Once more finding themselves at the desert, the group can't really do anything else than cross it to get back towards town. Once they close towards their destination, the day is turning towards night already, the desert starting to cool down as dusk settles in.

From a distance, the group can see Isaku at the gate, the towering gateguard smacking down an ogre with his armored forearm. Another one lies nearby, half of its face caved in, no doubt the huge man's doing. Behind the gate, Lynette looks on at the scene with a few bags of supplies on her arms. Once he notices the group, both servants come forward to welcome the travellers back. They bow at Iliana with utmost respect, the mistress asking for a status report. After Lynette has explained that there's nothing out of ordinary at the house, Isaku tells about the brutes suddenly appearing from the desert. "The things saw Lynette coming back from her supply-fetching trip and tried to assault her. Lucky for them, she decided not to fight them and put the supplies at risk, opting for me to deal with them instead." Iliana goes back inside after the reports, Isaku giving the smaller two girls a pet on their heads, properly welcoming them back with a big friendly smile. "Nice to see you all again, I was getting worried that you might not come back"

Once she's helped Lynette with the supplies, Nina finds herself back at her assigned room.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Of course you care," Nina smiled in response to her mistress explanation. "I could tell that about you early on, you know. I'm an excellent judge of character." As she said this, Nina ran a finger along the leather collar she wore around her neck, stroking it.

The desert crossing was long, and tedious, but with the thought of the mansion home awaiting them beyond the dunes, Nina pressed onward with the goal of a hot bath and a warm bed driving her forward.

She was happy to see the familiar shapes of Isaku and Lynette waiting for them, and the ogres appeared to have been soundly defeated without much effort by the two amazing guardians. Nina shuddered, failing to think of anything that could defeat that combo of the gatekeeper and maid.

Finally, Nina found herself back in her assigned room. Merrily she stripped off all her traveling clothes, every last stitch excepting her collar, and then searched the closet for a towel, which she wrapped around her before heading off to the bath for a long soak.

Her plan afterward would be to dry off and then change into some night clothes, before going to rap softly on Iliana's door, to see if the lady would need any help with her paper work. Assuming it was written in English, she figured she might be able to help with some secretarial work before heading off to bed.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

With a towel firmly wrapped around her, Nina heads towards the bath area she loved so much. She meets Valkenhayn along the way as well, the elderly butler welcoming her back as well as she zooms by. Once the green-haired girl reaches the changing room, she notices the neatly arranged maid uniform hanging on the wall. Recognising it as the one Lynette wears, Nina finds herself at a possibly tense situation with the head maid.

Finding Lynette at the bath, Nina is looked at briefly with a one-eyed gaze before the head maid urges her to sit down and relax in the bath. Seeing the maid naked for the first time reveals that her missing eye is far from being the only mark left on her by the tortures from her past. Several long scars weave around Lynette's body, giving her a rough look, the most notable scar going across her abdomen. After some time spent in silence, Lynette finally opens up. "You know, I just received an order from the mistress to train you in the maidly skills. So, we'll be doing things together for some time."


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina blinked, then slowly smiled. "I'm to be trained as a maid?" She giggled a bit, thinking of how she might look in a maid uniform. Then she turned to Lynette.

"That's wonderful news, Lynette. It will make me feel much more a part of this house. Ah! And you will be my teacher. Heehee... you know, that both excites and scares me. You may get very exasperated with me, but I promise I will do my best. I won't let your training go to waste."

She nodded her head to Lynette, out of respect, before beginning to clean herself with some soap. She paused a bit as a though struck her. "Um... you don't mind teaching me, do you?"
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

The head maid is patient, listening through Nina's commentary with a slight smile, nodding at the girl swears to do her best. "It might be tough first, but the punishments are a quick teacher. The mistress allowed such treatment for me to use after all. And I'm sure that boundless energy will help you tremendously, there are a few features in you that make for a good maid." Lynette gives out her own thoughts about it.

As Nina asks her question, the head maid gives her a pondering look. "Why would you ask that? If the Lady ordered it, it's a joy for me to do what she desires. And surely there would be worse people to work with." Lynette airs her opinions as she too washes herself. Once both women are in the changing room, Iliana enters as Lynette is halfway done with getting her uniform back on. "Now, my dirty little servant, we'll take our first visit downstairs. Lynette, your assistance is required" the mistress says to Nina, an evil-looking smirk on her features. After taking Nina's towel from her, Iliana walks through the mansion corridors, naked as they head down into the dreaded basement.

Once the door of the room clangs shut behind them, Nina finds herself being restrained over a strange machine. Between two wheels there's a cord with golfball-sized orbs of marble strung on it at regular intervals, about an inch separating each ball from the next. Over one wheel, there's a large container with a tube attached and a crank. A winch hangs over this contraption, the leather manacles that keep Nina restrained connecting to it, perpetually keeping her suspended just so much that she's forced to stand on her toes. The cord is then tightened by a twist of the crank, the bumpy thing immidiately digging deep into Nina's exposed flower. Iliana looks over the scene as Lynette is made to open up the little tap on the container, lubricant starting to leak down on the rope as she does so. "Looking good. Now, I think I'll go take a bath myself. Lynette, keep on turning that crank until I come back. We'll look at this again once I do." the mistress says, Lynette nodding at her as she accepts her order without question. As the door closes after Iliana's leave, the lubricated rope starts a slow, determined attack on Nina's womanhood, one orb after another rubbing against her in a never-ending stream as the head maid keeps the wheels spinning. "Seems like you did something to upset the Lady?" Lynette asks the quietly moaning Nina once Iliana's footsteps can't be heard anymore


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

In response to Lynette's first question, the one she asked while they were still bathing, Nina had simply smiled innocently while running her hands through her hair. "It's okay then. Some people do not like to teach, and I didn't want to be a bother to you, even if you were ordered to do it by the mistress. But since you get joy out of doing her bidding, I am happy to be a maid-in-training under you, Lynnette. In fact, I am now greatly looking forward to it."

Drying off in the changing room, Nina was a bit surprised to see Iliana stride in with such purpose and snatch away the towel, leaving Nina still partly wet all over and naked.

"D-dirty? But I just bathed... oh..." Slow understanding took its place in Nina's mind and she blushed as Lynette watched this interaction play itself out. The head maid had not seen this side of Nina before, whatever she may have guessed about the newcomer and her now future trainee.

Nina followed nude behind Iliana as the three of them strode across the mansion in a long walk down to the basement. Nina shivered as she was shown inside and stood facing all the intimidating contraptions.

Her wrists were firmly tied together and then the cord was put through a metal eyehole in the ceiling and pulled tight, tied off when Nina was only on her toes.

"Ah... mistress..." Nina whimpered, body squirming. She squeezed her eyes shut, so as to not have to look and see the way Lynette might be staring at her. She already know the look that Iliana was giving to her, and despite herself, her nipples were reacting to both the cooling water evaporation and the embarrassment. In anticipation of what she saw with the wheeled contraption, her own flower began to moisten as well, making her want to tighten her thighs to hide it.

The crank was turned and the cord with the marbled orbs at frequent intervals tightened and pressed deeply against Nina's restrained cunny.

"Hhnnnnggg..." Nina's body trembled under the pressure and the realization of what was to come next. She heard the cap come off the tube, and moaned as she felt the lubrication trickle down the cord.

When all was set, Iliana announced that she would go and take a bath. Nina's head snapped up, and she looked out at Iliana with a silent plead hanging off her lips. Nina knew by Iliana's smile that she would be taking her time with the bath. Nina could already feel the ache in her legs.

"Mistress... I'll be good..." Nina whispered as Iliana walked away, closing the door behind her and leaving the green-haired servant to the machine and Lynette's tender care.

The cord moved and Nina began to silently take her punishment. Each lubricated marble pushed slickly into Nina's cunny, the constant frequency of it slowly beginning to wear at Nina's resistance. She began to moan softly under the treatment. Lynette then asked her out of hand if she had done something to upset Iliana.

"Nnn - not exactly...ah....ah....ah.... she... just... ah... ah... likes to....mm...tease me... ah," Nine knew of course that this had passed beyond mere teasing. Nina remembered the dagger pommel and the spanking and the bondage in the hunter's lodge. It had been a night to remember... and Nina couldn't deny how much she had enjoyed every second of it. Iliana had known it too.

"I...I... think... ah... ah... I may... ah... en - encour-age ... her... ahnnnh...
I... don't... ah... mind... be... cause... she... ah... cares... ah... ah... I'm... hers~..."

Nina let the admission go, and found it oddly freeing. Lynette might tease her about it, if such was her wish, but there seemed little point in hiding the truth with Lynette already cranking dutifully away on a machine that was grinding constantly against Nina's exposed pussy.

Falling back into a happy state of submission, Nina did her best to give in to the punishment, doing what she could to alleviate the strain on her feet and lower leg muscles. Iliana would return sometime... she kept her eye on the door, hopeful, doting eyes waiting for her mistress to return.

Soft moans continued to echo through the room, in time with the cranking of the wheels.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

After what seemed like an eternity of slow and purposeful teasing, Iliana finally returns back to the dungeon. Some moisture still clinging to her shapely body, the mistress is wearing nothing more than a towel that barely manages to cover her intimate areas. "How are things going on here?" she asks, the question directed at Nina as much as it was to Lynette. "Looks like she's enjoying the ride quite a lot, my Lady" the head maid replies, not stopping with the cranking she's been ordered to do.

Noticing Nina's half-closed eyes of submission on her form, Iliana gives Lynette a signal to pick up the speed. Getting as close as she possibly could, the mistress taunts her servant with a teasing flashing of her magnificent body under the towel. "Looks like you want your mistress bad." the woman says, keeping her gaze fixed on Nina. "I could consider that. But, I want to hear it from you. Go on, say that you want your mistress and I'll give that chance to you" the mistress continues as the string of orbs now rubs across Nina's lower parts at triple the earlier speed.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

From her dazed, on edge state, it took Nina a few moments to register that Iliana had returned after so much time, but once she had, her half-lidded eyes rose a bit and she tried her best to smile for her mistress, but as higher thought returned, so did her sensitivity to the machine, and she found herself reacting to it even more.

Lynette's succinct report of the situation made her heat up, but it had been accurate. In her lady's absence, Nina had done her best to enjoy what Iliana had wanted her to experience, and hadn't hid her reactions from Lynnette.

The increase in speed caused Nina to moan louder and with more intensity. Her face was full of ecstasy as Iliana closed the distance between the two of them to mere instances, before flashing her dirty servant with her magnificent body.

"Ah-ah-ah! Mis-trisss...ahhh.... Mistress, your servant, ah! w-wants you..." Nina was a pitiful sight, and she knew it. Her heart heaved in her chest as she felt ragged emotions and exhaustion toy with her sex-addled brain. "Mistress... ahnnn...I need you..."