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Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Still not quite ready to abandon her newfound friend, the wolfgirl pushes Iris down to her back, not stopping the cuddle even as she is on top off the blind warrior.
"Momi loves you, blind girl. You feel so nice, and smell good.." she ends up replying to Nina, even though it feels like she barely heard the question. Iris looks like she enjoys the attention, not doing a move still to break away, even when the girl starts rolling around with her.

"It's a travelling portal, they aren't dangerous, I've used one some years away. It's the place on the other side that might be dangerous" Iliana tells Nina, placing her hand on Nina's shoulder.
"We should ask her about the land behind this portal" she continues, looking at the pair of cuddlers rolling around the the tomb floor with an amused look on her beautiful features.
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Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina was happy to feel Iliana's touch on her shoulder. The display of affection by Momi towards Iris had reminded Nina of her budding devotion towards her mistress, and she found herself desiring attention, though perhaps now wasn't the best time for that...

"They look like they're having fun, it's almost a shame to disturb them," Nina said softly, then raising her voice so that the wolf-girl could hear her, she said, "Her name is Iris, Momi. I'm sure she would say she was fond of you too, but she cannot speak. Iris and the rest of us are curious about what sort of land lies behind this portal. Would you be able to tell Iris about that?"

Making Iris the focus of this line of questioning would probably be useful. Nina would take the role of 'faux interpreter' in order to get the information Iliana wanted.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Upon hearing Nina raise her voice, the wolfgirl stops the rolling, ending up on top of Iris. She quickly gets off, letting the blind warrior get up on her knees.
"I-r-i-s... ok, that is blind girl's name." she says, actually turning to face Nina now. Upon hearing the fact that Iris cannot speak, she glomps her again.
"Awww, Momi wanted to hear Iris' voice. Too bad."

After a another moment of snuggling Iris, Momi gets up to speak for them properly.
"Momi's home? There's lots of small streams and rivers and forests. Some mountains and a huge waterfall too. It's a wonderfull place." she explains with childish eagerness as she picks up the shield. Going for the saber, she continues "But there's the rogue kitsune. And oni and those perverted plants. And other things. That's why Momi and the rest of the okami learned how to fight."

Done with her explanation, she sheathes the huge blade between her shield and arm before facing Iliana. The two look at each other for a tedious few seconds.
"Wow, you're tall and pretty, old lady" Momi bluntly expresses her opinion to the mistress, causing a rather shocked reaction.
"OLD?! For your information, I'm only 30 years old." Iliana replies with a somewhat furious voice.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Having not yet left her mistress' side, Nina ran her hand along Iliana's back reassuringly after the wolf-girl had accidentally made a gaff in etiquette. It was understandable though, as Momi probably wasn't used to speaking with humans.

"Thirty years young, my lady. And as Momi was correct in pointing out, you're absolutely gorgeous," Nina said brightly, then addressing Momi quickly she added, "Your homeland sounds beautiful, Momi. I'm sure Iris would like to see it one day. So would we as a matter of fact. But it sounds dangerous as well - you were under the spell of a kitsune just moments ago. Do you remember how you were ensorcelled and what he wanted you to do?"

Her hand meanwhile slipped down to Iliana's butt and gripped in a way that Momi wouldn't have been able to see. She was being forward with Iliana here, but she hoped to distract her lady from her anger at Momi. If later on some reprimands for Nina's forwardness were in order, well, Nina welcomed them~...
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Momi listens to Nina speak once more, paying much more attention now that she had been separated from Iris.
"You would? That's nice. But.." she says, turning to Iris "Can you really see my country? Huh? That sounds weird..."

"How Momi got controlled? Momi remembers being out on patrol when that kitsune came out in the open and started attacking. Momi was knocked out and made to obey him, through the ritual of binding they use. Some days ago, Momi thinks. He was talking about something like making this tomb into a focal point for the rogue kitsune to move into. Momi doesn't know if it's a good or bad thing" she explains, scratching her ears a bit.

Not making a scene from Nina's rather straightforward behaviour, Iliana lets her servant feel her up a bit.
"I'm not sure I like hearing that. An influx of magically powerful monsters so close to the town is bad news... At the least, we have to figure out how to shut off this portal."
Momi chimes in, understanding the situation somewhat. "That guy is a low-class kitsune, he's got only three tails. Had it been an eight- or nine-tailed one... Momi is afraid to think what would've happened to you."


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina let her groping subside, now that Iliana had calmed down from her initial furor.

"Right," she said, thinking about the apparent problem aloud. "What do we know about how these portals operate? Could we shut them down from this side? Or would we need to cross over?" These questions she addressed primarily to Iliana, who had indicated some knowledge at least of what these things were.

To Momi, she made another remark, "Iris can sense her surroundings despite her lack of normal sight, Momi. How else could she be such a formidable warrior? But we'll be sure to avoid eight or nine-tailed kitsune in the future if we can. In fact, that's why we want to close this portal. Do you know of a way to do that? Or do you know of someone who could tell us how?"
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Momi turns to face Iris once more as she is informed about her extraordinary way of "seeing" things.
"Hoo, that sounds kinda cool. But, Momi doesn't know about portals.." she says, poking at Iris' blindfold. This makes Iris look a bit uneasy, but the wolfgirl stops after only few pokes.

"These types of portals are difficult to get rid off, they are powerful magical artifacts after all." Iliana ponders aloud. "We need a powerful mage to seal the portal itself before the stone framework can be destroyed to finish the possible threat..."

As Nina's mistress thinks about it, Momi enters the discussion again.
"Maybe we could ask Ranya about closing it, she's the most powerful magician Momi knows. A nine-tailed kitsune and the leader of the peaceful fox tribes."


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina gave a sideways glance to Iliana. "Shall we seek out this Ranya, my lady? It seems a reasonable choice, if what Momi tells us is true."

Turning to Momi, Nina smiles. "Would this Ranya be okay with meeting us? Does she not mind humans?"
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"I see no better option, there's no mages of high enough caliber within the city. I doubt Elise is able to shut down portals." Iliana says after thinking a few quick moments about the possibilities

Momi is quick to answer Nina as well
"Momi doesn't have any doubts about miss Ranya. Everyone who approaches her in a peaceful manner is met with the greatest hospitality. She is not a rogue kitsune leader." the wolfgirl goes on for a while. "But are you ready to travel in Momi's homeland? Momi doesn't know where exactly this portal leads, it might be a few days or weeks worth of travel"

Without any hesitation, Iliana answers the question "Yes, we are. The mansion doesn't need me for a few days, so might as well go have a look at the foreign lands." she says, starting to go towards the portal.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Ah? Wait for us, Iliana!" Nina ran in front of her mistress, holding up her hand cautiously. "We should all go together. Who knows where we'll end up or who could be waiting on the other side?"

When Iris and Momi were ready and had moved to their side, Nina nodded to Iliana. "Okay, let's be careful. Iris, you and I can go first..."

Facing down the portal, Nina slowly edged her way to its surface, then nodding at Iris, she plunged in with a quick leap, holding her breath along the way. Wherever she landed, she'd have her sword and shield up and ready to meet any threat.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Iliana stops as Nina moves to hold her up "That dedication is admirable. I'll let you go first then." she says, giving Nina an approving look.

As they prepare to enter the portal, Momi dashes past Iris and Nina with an impulsive, eager sprint. "Home, Momi is coming back!" Iris tracks Momi with her unseeing gaze, giving an embarassed smile at wolfgirl's antics as she dissappears to the other side of the portal. With her sword at the ready, she too steps in, letting Nina come in third.

Moving through the portal is as casual as using a door, one step and you're there. The other side of the portal is a open area that looks like it's an alcove in a mountainside, with rock mostly around them and nothing hostile in the vicinity. In front of them however, is a waterfall. It seems like they are behind the waterfall, in a hidden spot. Looking out through a split in the watery wall, Nina and the crew can see an enormous valley stretch out as far as eye can see. This is mostly forest-covered area, with small rivers and streams cracking the canopies of the trees in many places.

Giving them a while to examine the landscape, Momi comes up to them. "This is the great waterfall we're behind. It'll take at least a few days to reach Momi's village, and another few to make it to the kitsune village." she tells says, showing them towards a wide path in the mountainside. Starting to go down the path, she continues "We can use this path to go down."

"That girl.. she must be seriously strong to be able to use those weapons she has and not tire at all." Iliana thinks aloud, looking at Momi's equipment. "Let's get going then, looks like we have a lot of travelling ahead of us" she continues, giving Nina a poke to the back.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Wow... so pretty..." Nina murmured looking out past the break in the great waterfall to gaze on the majesty of the landscape. "It's breathtaking. So different from the desert."

Nina edged towards the moving water and let her fingers brush against the flowing ripples. Turning she giggled with childlike delight at the others. Momi approached them then and told them about the journey ahead of them.

"I guess we should get started then," Nina said, her legs still having strength in them despite the heated encounter with the kitsune and the possessed Momi. Carefully she took her first few steps on the rocky path down the slope, following after Momi and Iris, keeping a hand always ready to steady Iliana behind her. She grinned as her mistress gave her a playful poke, enjoying the small show of affection.

"The traveling will be good for us, I should think. Too much mansion life could make us go soft. A journey like this could toughen us all up. Plus it's such a nice change of scenery, don't you think? So leafy and green. The air's moist too. Though I will miss the beds at the estate... maybe they'll have some nice cots or hammocks at Momi's village?"

Nina continued to talk about many things, entertaining Iliana with thoughts of food and fanciful encounters with woodland creatures, or other altered people like Momi. She wondered aloud about a male kindred to Momi, and whether it would appear as a werewolf or more tame in appearance, like Momi herself. She also pondered about Ranya, and about the evil kitsune who did not want peace. And about the other creatures who could live here. All in all, it was a lot of prattle. Nina as usual could not help herself from making conversation, even one-sided conversation. But if any of those topics interested Iliana, a light discussion might ensue, as the green-haired girl was always curious to know more.

She made a conscious effort not to let Momi get too far ahead, not wanting the group to get separated because of their guide's boundless energy.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

The group of different kinds of females steadily descend towards the forest below. Despite her tall figure, Iliana is quite surefooted and doesn't need to be assisted but once. Iris' thread is even more astounding, as the blind girl practically tiptoes over all the bumps in the road.

When Nina ponders things aloud, Momi is quick on the draw, readily providing them with what info she can. "The okami are split into two different types, human-likes and wolfkin. Both genders have both types, but males tend towards wolfkin and females toward human-likes. Momi is a human-like, wolfkin are more animalistic, with heads and bodies more like the wolves themselves. The same thing goes with kitsune, Ranya is a human-like kitsune. Miss Ranya is a natural talent with kitsune magic. Momi once saw her impale a whole squad of ogres with one stone spike spell." Iliana keeps quiet, seemingly content about absorbing all the tidbits of info provided by the little wolfgirl.

Keeping a short break, Momi glues herself on Iris before continuing. "Food is plenty around here, all kinds of edible plants and different species of prey animals. Not to mention fish from the rivers. The fish is yummy..." she goes on, before a sudden stop. On guard now, Momi detaches from Iris as she points towards the path below. Coming up against them is a trio of tall, slightly fat humanoids. Two of them have light blue skin and wield crude clubs that look like they've been ripped straight from a nearby tree. The third one is slightly bigger than his two companions, a red-skinned, horned brute with a long staff that's topped by a pair of pincers.

Momi's tail start to waggle with a more intense pace as she draws her huge blade. "Ogres.. and an oni as well."


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina followed suit as Momi drew her weapon. Nina unhooked her shield from where it had been looped over her shoulder, and unsheathed her blade, holding it steady and low in her hand as she peered over the rocks to the approaching ogres and their oni leader.

"How powerful are these ogres and oni? What tricks can we expect from them?" Nina asked in a hushed voice. She didn't relish the thought of standing against these brutes - certainly a tree branch to the face wouldn't feel good if it was swung by an ogre. But the oni concerned her as well. It might be even more dangerous. She didn't want anything bad to happen to her friends.

Her body tensed in anticipation of the fight to come. "I don't suppose they could be reasoned with?" She muttered without any real hope. All stories of ogres that she had heard dictated that they would probably fall upon them just as soon as they noticed them. Three big monsters versus four little women, even women with weapons, wouldn't be much of a concern in the monsters' minds.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Ogres are pretty unsubtle opponents, relying on their brute strenght in all things. This oni is of the lesser variety, not much different from an ogre, only stronger and a bit smarter." Momi explains them "We need to be careful, this is a bad spot to fight."

Iliana starts aiming her bow at them, intent on capitalising on the ranged superiority while they still have any. She manages to score two hits on the other blue-skinned brute before the creatures are upon their frontline. Momi's shield rises in front of her, sheltering her behind a wall of iron and wood, from nose to knee.

Lesser Oni 8/8 HP Ogre 1 3/5 HP Ogre 2 6/6 HH
Nina 6/6 FP 0/10 AP Iliana 7/7 FP 0/10 AP Iris 4/4 FP 0/10 AP Momi 5/5 FP 0/10 AP
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Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Iris!, finish the one that our lady has dulled. Momi and I shall distract the larger ones! Momi, you take the other ogre, I'll handle this oni!" Nina barked her orders rapidly, taking the initiative to lead in battle. She supposed her Mistress might object to this, but Nina rather enjoyed taking control of the fight. Maybe she would be allowed to do so in the future if her decisions proved to be sound.

Brandishing her expertly sharpened steel in front of her, Nina picked up a little momentum as the oni hurtled itself towards them. "Fee Fi Fo Fum..." she muttered as she charged forward, reasoning that onis and ogres did not regularly have their chosen victims move towards them at the point of impact. Ducking low, keeping her shield up to protect her head, she sliced through horizontally, aiming at the oni's midsection, letting out her own battle cry as she made her aggressive gambit.

I must protect my mistress! I must protect Iris and Momi! They're in danger! Her caring needs gave Nina strength - like a mother bear protecting her cubs. She felt in that initial moment that she could stand up to an oni and defeat it.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

12 vs 3 | 20 vs 20 | 21 vs 3 critical | 17 vs 4
6 vs 18 | 8 vs 19

Her companions settle into Nina's plan, not minding her acting as a commander as it was a precarious spot to be fighting in. The ogres try to take the front, giving the oni protections so he could use his long weapon from farther away. But Iliana acts to open up Nina's path, her arrow swishing through the air and sinking into the weaker ogre's eye, causing a small blood spurt. Before it can recover from the arrow, Iris leaps forward, drawing her sword in the air as she lands on the ogre's chest. Driving the point of her sword into the brute's throat, the blind warrior topples the lumbering bully before it even had a chance to take part in the battle. With her weight on the creature, Iris drops the corpse backward, standing victorious on it's chest as she prepares to face the next target.

With the path open now, Nina lunges forward to meet the oni. Finding an easy opening in it's pole defense, she cuts the hell-red brute's side viciously. The creature doesn't make much of a reaction as it attempts to snap at Nina with the pincer staff it wields, failing to grasp at her with the contraption.

The ogre near them isn't having much luck with trying to club Momi either, the crude branch stopping easily on the portable barricade wielded by the smallish wolfgirl. With a strike of her own, Momi strikes at the ogre's legs, nearly felling the creature as her great saber slashes huge wounds across both it's legs.

Nina 6/6 FP 0/10 AP Iliana 7/7 FP 0/10 AP Iris 4/4 FP 0/10 FP Momi 5/5 FP 0/10 AP
Ogre 5/6 HP Oni 7/8 HP


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

An excellent beginning to the battle. Quick, clean, and efficient, they had stolen the initiative and now were threatening to overwhelm the would-be aggressors. Nina had just side stepped the pincer staff, coming away with oni blood dripping satisfactorily from the edge of her blade. The monster's hide was tough and its muscles corded and thick beneath its red dermis. Even her sure strike had not penetrated far, but this did not dent Nina's concentration. Death by a thousand cuts could suffice, so long as she did not succumb to the pincer strike. She had no illusion that she might win against this creature in a fair fight - but she was backed up by three effective allies, who would soon overwhelm the ogre behind her and then come to her aid. All Nina had to do was to occupy this oni long enough, and not allow it to escape.

Keeping up the pressure then was the task at hand, and Nina drew her blade up and across her body in a vicious back-handed arc, aimed at cutting through the oni's chest and shoulder.

No words or orders were necessary now. Iris and Iliana would know what to do.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

12 vs 9 | 20 | vs 12 | 13 vs 9 | 11 vs 13
19 vs 6 | 7 vs 17

Iris moves over to assist Nina with the oni, cutting into it in unison with Nina. Now attacked from two directions, it gets a little more determined. Snapping the pincers around Nina, it pushes the held girl back far enough to prevent her from attacking, still holding her in the grip of the staff. Iliana too tries to take part in downing the oni, but misses with her bow this time.

Momi and the other ogre continue their one-sided duel, Momi's great shield keeping the club away from her as she inflicts a wound across the assailant's chest.

Nina 5/6 FP Grappled (can't attack anyone due to positioning, -2 on escape) 0/10 AP| Iliana 7/7 FP 0/10AP | Iris 4/4 FP 0/10AP | Momi 5/5 FP 0/10 AP
Oni 5/8 HP | Ogre 4/6


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

With her waist now pinned between the staff's pincers and her body shoved beyond striking distance, Nina squirmed angrily in the weapon's grip. At the very least with his staff being used to keep her at bay, he was wide open to Iris' attacks - not a clever thing to do, Nina thought with grim satisfaction.

Still, the pincers hurt and she had no intention of being in them longer than necessary. If she couldn't attack him, then she'd attempt to escape by attacking his staff. Raising her sword high above her head, she brought it down with a clang onto the middle of the staff, hoping that the impact would jar the weapon loose from the oni's hands, freeing her and disarming the red-skinned brute.