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Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

The fox spirit nodded briefly as Nina remembered the kitsune they had encountered during a previous adventure when the three females went to visit the Eastern wilds. Looks like she had encountered an ancestor of the villagers. Still, the half-tree advised against doing anything now. "You need to rest soon, among other things. We'll learn the ways of ones spirit when there is plentiful time for you. But for starters, try to take a brief moment on trying out meditation. That is where it all starts." Tree-Father said as he began to turn completely into a tree, soon going hollow and melting back into the ground, once more leaving nothing behind to suggest that he had ever been there. Karin too had vanished, leaving Nina behind by herself.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Before going to sleep that night, Nina spent about fifteen minutes or so trying to meditate. She knew only as much about meditation as she had heard about in pop culture references and various kung fu movies. She knew the idea was to clear your mind of all distractions and focus on the essentials. She tried to do so as best she could.

She knew that with practice, one could meditate for quite a long period of time without problem, but as she was just beginning, she soon found it difficult to remain in the sitting position trying to think of nothing. She was certain she was missing a great deal, but that would be for the Tree-Father to explain.

At last Nina rolled over onto her back, resting the cascade of her green hair against the thin pillow beneath her head before pulling a drab woolen blanked over her body. She took a deep breath, pleased with the start she'd made up here at the temple so far, even despite that one bad experience. Closing her eyes, the maid-knight-in-training fell asleep.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

After her attempts of movie-styled meditations, Nina saw it best to sleep. She was not the best at this kind of thing, and learning from the elder fox spirit might be the best course of action for her. Settling herself into the bed, she was soon asleep.

In her sleep, the maid-knight saw a curious dream. She was fixated to a specific spot over the lantern-lit river, seeing Karin ferry souls to their final destinations. There were many different kinds of people, all of which she could see as the boat went past her over and over again. Some deceased were scared about their inevitable destinies, some were calm, others tried to persuade or threaten the spirit girl into letting them away. One desperate drunk even tried to attack her with fists, but a magical force field reflected his feeble strikes before a swarm of ghostly hands stretched out from the wood of the boat, beating him down until there was no more resistance. As the phantom limbs squeezed him down against the floor of the boat, the man's screams began to sound from farther away as the boat passed under the bordergate that Nina too had seen in her meeting with Karin.

After what seemed like several hours of passing boats and different kinds of deceased, the green-haired girl woke up in her guest bed. From what she could make up from the surroundings, the sun was rising, already past the halfway point at the horizon.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina blinked and yawned and rubbed her eyes as she awoke. At last, after a few more moments of procrastinating the last moments of horizontal relaxation, she slowly swiveled herself into a sitting position and let herself get used to being awake. Then she stood up and started to hop around to get the blood flowing.

Her dreams last night had been curious - if indeed they were dreams at all. More than likely, she suspected, they were actual visions of herself watching Karin at work, ferrying souls across the river of death. She didn't know why she was having such visions, but it wasn't completely unpleasant. She just felt a bit sorry for Karin, having to deal with the newly dead every single day, every single moment of her existence. There wasn't much to be happy about, and she could see why being able to experience life through Nina's eyes would be nice, merely for the change in scenery, let alone emotion.

Something about that made Nina not afraid about letting Karin see more of her life, even her more intimate moments.

Nina got up and headed to the kitchens to get in a quick breakfast before beginning her second training day with Yura.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Despite the memorable dream, Nina's rest had been good and she was not tired at all. Once she had gathered herself, the girl set towards the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

But she could not go far, as a man was waiting for her in the corridor. A remarkably muscular person from someone his age, the older man had a weatherbeaten, grizzled look about him. He was dressed in a practical set of clothing that would hold up against the elements and camouflage him pretty effectively in the wilds. Strapped to his back was something that the green-haired girl was not expecting to see in the game world, a firearm, more specifically a flintlock rifle. Under his wide hat, a hairy face looked at the girl. "I've got the weekly food at the front. Where's Yura?" the man asked her, putting it rather bluntly. Still, Nina could feel that the man was not a bad person despite his gruff exterior.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"The Weapon Master is no doubt in her chambers. I am her student, Nina. I will show you where you can put the supplies. Please follow me."

Nina had the man follow her to the larder where she had him place the packs of supplies.

"No need to bother unpacking. I'll see to the placement. Thank you for making the journey here. Is there anything you require before you leave? Perhaps some tea or a light snack before you hit the road?"

Nina eyed the rifle on the man's back, but took the apparent increase in technology in it's stride. It was a primitive weapon, and not at all accurate. Magic and spirit powers would no doubt trump it.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Hmph, so she has finally taken one. I've tried to suggest this to her for a while, but that girl is just so stubborn. Good to see that she's getting some company up here, haven't seen her at that shack of mine for a good while." the man replied to Nina as she put up her courteous face. The man went back and forth between the larder, bringing in two boxes of things for the girl to unpack later.

With the offer of food, the courier seemed delighted. "I'll take you up on that offer lassie, got a hunt ahead of me still. The nearby village requested a boar for some minor festivities they are having, and hunting them piggies is enough work for one man. I'll take whatever you want to offer me." the man replied, sitting down near the table after setting his rifle down. Yura stepped in just then, looking somewhat messy after her sleep. The woman nudged at the hunter's hat when she went to take her place. "Heya Garn. Looks like you got friendly with my student. Good for you, she is a maid in addition to being a learning warrior."
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Good morning sensei, I will put on some tea for all of us." Nina said and bowed her head in recognition to Yura. It was not so different from the way she would show a sign of respect for Lady Iliana while performing her official duties as a maid. She supposed it was simply becoming a habit of hers in the role she had allowed herself to play. She enjoyed it, so there was no reason to change her demeanor.

"What sensei says is true, I have been serving as a maid for the Einzbern Estate for a little while now - but my true background was as a novice adventurer before that. Now that I have duties and important people to protect, I have promised my lady and myself that I will improve my martial prowess. Already within a day's training, I feel that I have learned much to set me on the right path."

Nina smiled and hummed as she went about making tea. When it was ready she brought the kettle to the table and poured some cups. First for the Weapons Master, then one for the guest. Lastly she poured herself a cup and took a seat at the table.

"Ah, tea. Simple, hot, refreshing. I'm happy to be able to share this with good company." She raised her cup. "To good company and enjoying the little moments."

She blew a little at the steaming surface of her tea, then took a sip.

"Sensei, will we be drilling again this morning like yesterday? Or do you have something different in store for me?"
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

The hunter cast a curious look at Nina. "Hmm, not the first combination of careers I would have imagined. Never heard of a battle-maid before this. And not one from this country? You've got influental backers, or somehow made this lady like you if you are here to train. But it's not my business really, so I'll say no more on the matter." he mused at the idea while acknowledgeing the girl's toasting, remaining quiet unless spoken to for the rest of the time.

As they enjoyed the tea, Nina inquired about the upcoming training from Yura. "Yes, pretty much. Though today we'll focus on the usage of a sword & shield combo in battle, how they work, weaknesses and strenghts. Yesterday was simply the basics stuff about fights, this will be a more in-depth look at your chosen weapon. Each weapon has their little kinks about them, knowing these is always a needed thing on the road towards victory."
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"I imagine having an encyclopedic knowledge of the strengths and weaknesses of weapons is essential to your style of attack, sensei. I know I will not have enough time with you to learn other weapons, but I wouldn't mind being told a few exploits against the more common sorts that I could go up against."

Nina thought it would be best to build up a working knowledge of other types of weapons besides her own. If she were going to be trained by a weapons master, it was essential she follow in her teacher's philosophy.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"That was the idea I had, since you might have to hurry. But I'm not sure if that hurry will last. Have a look at this." Yura said, producing a carelessly-folded, official-looking paper from the chest folds of her morning robe. "Darn bird, had to wake me up... couldn't it have waited for a few hours..." the horned woman mumbled, sounding somewhat grumpy as she handed it over for Nina to read. Still, Yura remained with them, not seeing it smart to laze off anymore.

The paper was a familiar design, the maid-knight had seen it twice already, Lord Rao's official style. In short, the message told her that Iliana had finished her rulership businesses with the good Lord, and had gotten permission to access the mountainside complex with Iris. They were to depart from the castle-estate sometime in the mid-day, reaching Yura's abode most likely somewhere during the evening. Since the bigger and safer cart had to be taken into maintenance, they couldn't make it quite as fast. Once the training was complete, they would be free to leave towards their own country or visit other places in the united communities if they wished.

"I take that is good news?" Yura asked as Nina eyed the letter, finishing up her tea.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina's eyes lit up with glee, and she had to re-read the letter just to make sure she hadn't misread this wonderful news. She glanced up at Yura with a genuine grin.

"My Lady Iliana has concluded her political visit to Lord Rao, and he has granted her and my friend Iris access to this temple. They will be leaving at mid-day today, according to this letter. That means they'll be here soon! Oh sensei, this is joyous news!"

Nina practically giggled like a schoolgirl as she held the letter up and wiggled about in her chair as if she wanted to dance but couldn't leave her seat.

"Ah... don't worry, sensei, I promise not to let them distract me from my training, but being apart from the mistress even for this short time has been tough. The last time I was separated from her, there were some bad things that had happened. I am glad that you will be able to meet her, and I'm sure she and Iris will be honored to meet you. Iris trained under Sir Haku - so it seems my Lady is keen to have her protectors learn from two of the best!"
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Heh, thought as much. I did read it before you did. It wouldn't have been that badly folded if I had given you the roll from Rao's messenger eagle directly." Yura admitted. She then got up, together with Garn the hunter. "I think you have the dedication to not get distracted. It does look like you like your mistress enough to not let her down. So I don't really worry about that. We'll get into the training in a moment or two, take as much time as you need." the weapon master spoke up again as she left with the older man, no doubt to see him off. Nina was free to do whatever morning things she might have in mind, since it might take Yura a while to do hers.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina finished her meal with a smile plastered across her face and when she finished and had cleaned her cup she practically skipped to her room, her feet feeling lighter than air. She imagined Iliana and Iris coming to the temple entrance and herself running and glomping the Lady Einzbern tightly. She lingered on the thought and memory of Iliana's embrace, but eventually dismissed this day dream. She couldn't simply hug the lady like that in such a formal meeting between Yura and Iliana. No, she would have to be prim and proper -- but that didn't mean that she wouldn't dearly want to hug her mistress. Or kiss her. All over.

Nina blushed red as she gazed into the mirror, realizing she was being a bit excessive in her thoughts. She hopped up and down to relieve herself of the extra energy and decided that she would have to calm herself.

"I'm very excited, can you feel it Karin?" She asked happily as she pulled on her training garments. "My Lady and Iris will be here soon. Even I'm surprised by how happy it makes me."

Nina finished her preparations and began to do some light stretching, looking at herself in the mirror as she did so. If Karin wanted to say something in response, Nina would chat with her, adding that she had dreamed last night that she was seeing the many people that Karin was ferrying to their destinations.

When she was finally limbered up, Nina would meet Yura at the courtyard to begin training.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

With all her silly and lovey-dovey thoughts making a lasting grin on her face, the green-haired girl went through her morning routines after having finished the breakfast. As she bounded up and down to get some of that hyperness away, Nina asked Karin about how she was doing and feeling. "Yes... your feelings are potent in the current situation... I can almost touch them... carry on like this... it's a curious feeling..." the ferrygirl replied in her usual mental way. She had no further things to add, suggesting advancement of the daily schedule instead, telling that she was perfectly fine with just looking for now. Of the dream part, the spirit made no comment.

At the courtyard, Yura's lesson began with the same exercises and stretches that they had done yesterday. Once they had done enough to the weapon master's satisfaction, the pair moved on to the main course of the whole thing. Securing a sword and shield of her own, the horned woman started to cram the knowledge about this particular style into Nina's head with both verbal and physical demonstrations. Bladed weapons with primary focus on slashing were hard-pressed to deal with a skilled shielder. Depending on the skill of the opposition, blunt or piercing weapons might be able to pierce of shatter a shield, but such things could still be kept away with skilled use of maneuvering and the blade on the user's hands. Yura further demonstrated this by showing how these worked by handing the student a different weapon to swing while she defended/demonstrated the various things. In addition, she also showed effective ways of striking from behind guard and using the shield itself in offensive manners as well.

After a few hours, the practise shield had been reduced to a hole-riddled mess. "Looks like were done enough for now. I'll say we continue this tomorrow, there is no hurry with your lady coming here. You are free to rest or whatever, though I recommend going over the things we just went through by yourself." Yura instructed Nina as she eyed the useless shield, taking it with her.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina poured in extra effort into the day's serious training, wanting to make the most of it and absorb as much information as she could. If at any point she wasn't sure of something, she would mention it to Yura, but for the most part, things that Yura said made sense and Nina commited the moves to memory. Once Yura dismissed her, Nina stayed behind after the sensei went away to practice the movements all over again until she felt comfortable that she could call upon anything she had been shown that day in a heart beat. To solidify what she had learned, she mentally repeated the information to Karin, her ever present listener. If asked why she was bothering to tell her everything over again, Nina would explain that in trying to teach something to someone else, she would quickly find out the areas in which her understanding had been most deficient, and thus know what she truly had to work on.

Overall, the training had really hammered home by the time she called it quits and went to clean up and dress in something nice for Iliana and Iris to meet her in, a relaxing robe should do the trick she thought, and found a suitable one to garb herself in.

Then she stayed in the courtyard and sat cross legged in the middle of the training circle. She asked Karin then if it would be all right to train with the Tree Father then, as she had a few more hours until her comrades arrived and now would be as good a time as any to begin her first meditation.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

It looked like Nina had decided to further her training on another facet. Doing a quick dress exchange for a loose and comfy robe type of deal. Having done it, she went back to the training area, assuming a somewhat meditative position in the middle of the courtyard. After a wordless inquiry from Karin, the student girl saw Tree-Father appear next her in the same position as before. "So... you are keen to learn..." the ancient kitsune whispered in his raspy voice. "Just so you know... no-one else will be able to detect me here... with their regular senses... but that is not what we are here for..." he continued, a hand brushing into Nina's back, at about the same height with her belly button. "Meditation is no mere art of blanking out... it's true potential is the control of one's inner energies... when tapped into properly... this spirit energy can provide untold potential to one properly synched with it... so... what you need to do... is to touch your center of being... and open it... the spot I just touched... is where one's center is... reach inside in meditation... and see if you can find it..." the ancient fox finished, staying there next to the girl and maintaining a steady meditation of his own.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina concentrated on that specific point in her belly area that the Tree Father had pointed out. She didn't feel anything different about that particular point, but she figured that that was what meditation was all about - she had to find a way to sense and then harness those inner energies.

She spent a long time in silence, focusing on that specific area, concentrating hard on it. She imagined all the physical things going on in her body through that point -- blood flow, the feel of muscles tightening and relaxing from breathing, the feel of her silky robe on the surface of her skin. She then tried to look in between all those things, to discover the energies that existed there that were not merely physical. After a while, she thought she felt something, but couldn't exactly define it, nor harness it. She focused on it, trying to will the inexplicable essence to go this way or that. Through a lot of experimentation, she began to see slight changes, as though what she were touching were a stream, and she were dipping her fingers in the water -- the flowing current acknowledge her 'fingers' and poured around them... So what would happen if she tried to "splash" at it?

Taking a deep breath, Nina did so, disrupting the flow with a force of will. She had no idea if this would work or what it might do...
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

It was a strange feeling for the usually energetic girl to remain in place for who knows how long, poking at her center point mentally. When she did "splash" at it, a tingly feeling ran through her, leaving behind a feeling of great lightness. It did not last longer than half a minute however. Trying it again, Nina noticed that she would be able to move at high speed if this was used, though she would likely need more practise to utilise it in any practical way and at will. "That's pretty good... for someone's first time..." Tree-Father spoke up besides her, starting to fade away.

The girl had failed to notice Yura in her deep concentration, and now the weapon master was sitting in front of her, almost in her lap. "Someone is trying hard. That level or enthusiasm is good." Looking at the sun's position, Nina realized that she had spent a few hours sitting still, and the evening was that much closer.
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Oh, sensei... I didn't hear you approach. Yes, I've... been trying to get a hang of my spiritual side on my own. Well... not entirely on my own..."

Nina weighed out how much she wanted to say in her mind, and she decided to come out with a half truth.

"A while ago, when journeying with my Lady, I had the opportunity to encounter a tribe of kitsune mystics. We befriended them and fought with them against some of their own renegade spell casters. In a recent dream, I had a vision of meeting a kitsune mystic while I slept. In the vision, he said he was an ancestor spirit of the mystics I had met in my travels. He told me that I should focus here."

Nina pointed to the general area of the chakra that she had been meditating on for the past few hours.

"I've never been one to argue with dreams... so I figured, Sensei has given me some free time -- why not try it out? Time really flew by after that, heh... I hope I didn't alarm you. Do you think I'm weird for dreaming like that?"

Nina looked down shyly in front of Yura, thinking that perhaps she did sound quite silly to the Weapons Master. She also hoped that the technical truth of her words wouldn't set off any alarms in her sensei's mind. She didn't want Yura to think that she was hiding something.