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Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Ridley's expression returns to his usual semi-happy face as the problem is solved. "It's what I do, I'd do it for anyone in trouble." the captain assures her as they walk past him and head towards the mansion.

Jashi doesn't seem all too bothered about the passed encounter. "It is nothing new to me. This is what happened pretty much every time I've tried to look for shelter in a human settlement." the oni confesses as they approach Iliana's grand home. Isaku can be seen from a distance, now decked out in his massive suit of black lacquered armor. While the gate is closed, the big man sets about opening it as Nina comes into his field of vision.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Thank you, Isaku. You're looking especially fearsome today you big lug," Nina approached the gatehouse guard and hugged him, before turning to point out her two companions. "This big one is Jashi, he's a blacksmith who agreed to help us out if we could find him a place to stay. The one on his shoulder is called Patch. She's a quiet one, and Jashi is looking after her. I'm going to talk to Lady Iliana about setting them up with a place to stay, should they stay out with you here or can they come inside with me?"
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Isaku's usual friendly look is still there in his features, even as the town has been placed in a state of alert. He pets Nina on the head as the girl hugs him. "Nah, you've seen this before. The Lady gave orders to be on alert, so I had to get the suit out from the armory." he says as the seal on the door is undone. "There's no need to keep them outside, go on right in. It shouldn't be that much of a worry if they're with you. And a man carrying a little girl is not a threat in my eyes." he continues as the trio head inside, closing the gate behind them.

Once inside, Nina can't find Iliana in her study. Most likely the mistress was sleeping, it was the early morning after all.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Okay Isaku, thanks. And has Lynette come back yet? She left about twenty minutes before I did, but I didn't run into her on the way back. If you see her before I do, let her know that I've brought back the oni blacksmith and the girl on his shoulder as friends and guests."

Having said that, Nina went inside and brought Jashi and Patch to the dining room and invited them to have a seat. She asked either of them if they would like some tea or toasted breads for breakfast.

"It's only fair that I give you some food before I go and wake the mistress up, which I can do while you are eating."

She quickly fixed the two something to eat and then, when they were settled, she attempted to find Valkenhayn or Lynette or Iris if any of them were already up and inform them of the situation. She didn't want Jashi or Patch to have to explain why they were eating at the table without Nina there to speak for them.

Lastly, she went to knock softly at her mistress' door, minding the time. Hopefully the mistress wouldn't be too disturbed.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Isaku confirms that Lynette had returned some time ago and given her story about the situation. Most likely the head maid was taking a short rest before moving back to her daily duties, asking everone else to make a surprise raid on the cave if Nina did not return within the period of a day.

Somehow the chair manages to hold up as Jashi sits on it, creaking loudly under the oni's weight. Once the bread is offered, the smith accepts it with gratitude. "It's not much, but I'm fine with it." he says, offering Patch the ones Nina made for her. The little girl takes up a piece without taking her eyes away from the current book, taking a long time to munch on each bite. Nina doesn't need to search for anyone as Valkenhayn walks in before she can leave the room. Casting a few looks at the unlikely pair, he agrees to remain with them until Nina came back. The butler found himself interested in Jashi's skills, and was somewhat eager to discuss with the oni.

Nina knocks on Iliana's bedchamber door, not getting any response for quite a while. Once she thinks she heard a low moan from the inside, the girl's curiousity gets the better of her and she decides to open the door slightly to peek into the room. She can see the red ball is resting on the naked mistress' midsection, having spawned a great number of wiry tendrils. It has Iliana restrained completely, her legs held in a frogtie while the lady's arms here wrapped together over her head. The suction cups were going at her sizeable breasts again full-force, drawing the mistress' milk into the creature's small body while her mouth and womanhood were filled with thicker tentacles. While it seemed she was getting abused by the small creature, Iliana's expression showed that she was enjoying the treatment immensely. As she was getting pumped into her holes and treated to casual slimy touches all around her magnificent body, the woman kept her gaze on the creature's single eye that was monitoring her condition all the time.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Pleased that Valkenhayn was there to oversee the new guests and that Lynette had returned safe as well, Nina had hurried off to find Iliana.

She had knocked and received no immediate response, but the low moans coming from the room got the better of Nina and she opened the door just a crack and peeked inside. She told herself it was just to assure herself of the lady's safety. Then she promptly accused herself of lying and her lips curled into a smile. She opened the door and stepped through, and saw Iliana enjoying the ministrations of the red tentacle creature, which was working her over fantastically.

Nina closed the door behind her and walked over to Iliana's bedside. She stayed there for a moment, admiring at the sexual beauty that her mistress possessed.

Nina was sorely tempted to join in the fun, but she felt that any such action would be far too presumptuous of her, plus she was dirty from days of travel, and maybe that would bother Iliana as well.

And yet, she found that she had no desire to stop Iliana's pleasure so early, so rather than speak, she let the monster continue its fine work. If and when Iliana noticed her, she would find that Nina had slipped her hands down across her own body, feeling herself as she watched the red creature please Iliana in all her holes and suck at her breasts. She stood as a voyeur, living the experience through what she saw, remembering the feel of those suction cups on her own breasts several nights ago.

She did not know what Iliana's reaction might be once she noticed Nina there by her side, but the green-haired servant stayed put and would wait silently for her mistress to either finish up or order her to do something.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

It did look like her mistress saw Nina come near the scene of sexual intercourse between weird creature and beautiful woman. She didn't pay her more attention than a few brief glances towards the girl, kept busy by the red ball pleasuring her with it's full potential. The thing was eager to help Iliana enjoy herself, gradually picking up pace to drive the statuesque woman towards her climax. Eventually the mistress started to struggle against her restraints, muffled sounds escaping her as the height of orgasm washed over her body like a tide. The ball saw this as a good time to finish on it's end as well, releasing a torrent of cum from every tentacle it had, shooting the sticky stuff all over Iliana's shapely body.

With their session over, the ball retracts into it's compact shape, the eye closing as it enters sleep mode once more. Iliana lies down on her cum-stained sheets, gasping for breath as she recovers from the intense treatment given by the red creature, covered in the thingy's jizz. After some time spent lying there under layer of white stuff, the mistress manages to speak up in a low voice. "..maybe... we should... ta..ke a bath..." she suggest, turning her head towards Nina who was still there near her.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina nodded and removed her hand from underneath her panties, the tips of her fingers wet from where she had slowly been pleasuring herself, watching the wonderful display.

"Of course, mistress. We must both get cleaned up. Let me help you to the baths." Grabbing a pair of towels and putting then helped Iliana into a light robe so that they could traverse to the bath without being seen in such a vulnerable state.

"We have two new guests... but they are being tended to and there is no great urgency. I will clean you and then tell you more, yes?"

Nina led her lady to the bath and made sure to test the water to make sure the temperature was appropriate before helping Iliana into the bath. Only then did Nina disrobe and enter the bath as well. Taking the soap she would begin to scrub Iliana clean, unless her mistress had any specific alternative cleaning methods in mind.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

The mistress did seem to be quite spent, hardly managing to move under her own volition. She was quite happy that Nina was there to help her. "We spent several hours, planning late. Then I decided to overdo it with the little slimeball, that was a lenghty session. Feel so...tired.." she says as Nina helps her wobble into the baths.

"Two guests? Do enlighten me further..." the mistress carried on their conversation as Nina was cleaning her shapely body from all the tentacle cum. She did not bother requesting any special ways to achive cleanliness, letting the girl do it with normal scrubbing. "Lynette did say you got into trouble, but seems like you turned the situation on it's head, eh?"


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Oh, you know me, my lady," Nina said in mock seriousness. "I just bat my pretty little eyes, bite my innocent lips, and strangers I meet can't help but fall for me."

She smiled then and carefully cleaned Iliana's body, noting how tired Iliana was and keeping her strokes efficient and businesslike, getting Iliana ready for the day. As she did so, she filled Iliana in as best she could about what had occurred between her and Jashi, and what she had learned of him and Patch, as well as the deal she had offered him and how he had readily sabotaged the armory and gone with her.

"So. I know I may have overstepped my bounds in offering them sanctuary, but it seemed the best course at the time, and they don't seem all that bad. The girl is quiet and Jashi seems true to his word about being peaceful. Plus he's a decent smith, so he could be useful to have around."
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"That is a rather curious turn of events. I'm sure the girl can will show some skill later, and we little shack out there in the courtyard that was designed there for a smith. But there's only one smith in town, and he's quite busy with his own shop. I never got around to seeking out another skilled artisan, so this is actually a nice gain for the household. Good job once again, you crossed he bounds for a gain.." the mistress airs her opinions after Nina has explained the situation.

Once Iliana was clean, Nina set about washing herself. During that time, the mistress leans her body over the edge of the pool, with her lower body still in the warm water. Placing her hands under her head, Iliana soons starts to breathe sparsely, having fallen asleep.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

When Nina was finished cleaning herself, she got up from the bath and gently shook Iliana.

"Mistress, I'm not sure I can carry you back to bed, but I will help you back there as much as I can. I'll then tell Jashi and Patch where they can stay, okay?"

If Iliana was completely unconscious, Nina would make sure to move her mistress out of the water before going to get Isaku to help move her. She of course would get dressed in a fresh maid uniform before going to talk to Isaku if it were necessary. If Iliana was able to walk with Nina's help, then Nina would help her back to bed, then change into her uniform and go to tell Jashi and Patch where they could stay, since she had received Iliana's blessing.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

The mistress doesn't react to Nina's prodding, having clearly checked out for now as she carries on sleeping. Now faced with the task of getting the tall woman out from her bath, the girl moves away from the water to dry herself and seek help, since she was not confident enough that she could get Iliana up just by her own strength.

Once she's getting back into her underwear, Nina is met by Lynette entering the room with a pristine uniform on her arm. A look of relief comes to the head maid's face as she sees Nina. "Welcome back. Looks like you made it out unharmed." she says, handing the uniform over to Nina. It was an exact copy of the previous one. Wih Nina dressing up, Lynette goes over to the bath, trying to wake Iliana much like her student did. "Once you're done with dressing, help me get the Lady out. She seems to be extremely tired. We'll take her to the bed."


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina gratefully accepted the pristine new uniform and put it on quickly, filling Lynette in on all the essentials of what had happened. Together they then picked up the sopping wet Iliana and dried her off with a towel before each of them took an arm and hefted her back to bed. The lay her down on her mattress, and Nina took care to tuckk her in and make sure she was completely comfortable.

Then she took Lynette to meet Jashi and Patch properly, having explained everything that had happened as well as Iliana's approval that they should stay on as part of the estate.

"I'm glad you got away smoothly. All in all, I'd say our mission was a success. What's gone on while we were both away? I haven't had time to ask."
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"They actually wanted to find a better place? Huh.. appearances can be so deceiving..." Lynette replies to Nina's information about the happenings after she had departed. They both take great care to clean the mistress of the house before carrying the woman to her bed. With her statuesque form layed out on the soft bed, Iliana continues sleeping as her two devoted servants set the new sheets over her naked form. With her long red hair splayed out like a sunburst under her, the mistress was a beautiful sight in her sleep.

"Not much has happened, the Lady was spending lenghty periods of time going over the guard details with Ridley and the others. The town is now under alert till this issue gets cleared out." Lynette explains as they head back towards the dining room to get acquanted with the new members of the household. Once they had discussed briefly, Lynette asks Nina to get Iris from her room as the blind girl had no idea about the newcomers and could react to them in un-foreseeable ways.

Once she's at the door, Nina finds Iris to be asleep still, her almost empty room still in perfect order. The girl herself was still safely covered under her thin blanket, dressed in a white nightrobe, with a sleeping position as orderly as everything else about her. The blade she carried was set next to the low mattress, within arm's reach in case she needed it.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)


Nina said the word upon entering the room and closing the door behind her. She figured that with everyone in a state of high alert there was no need to stand right beside her before announcing her presence. The way Iris moved, it could result in an unfortunate accident.

"Iris. It's me, Nina. Back safe and sound."

She crossed the room then at the first sight of Iris stirring.

"Just to let you know, there's a big red oni with glasses named Jashi and a little girl named Patch who are our guests and will be staying with us for the time being, so no need to fight them on sight, okay?"

She stroked Iris' cheek affectionately. "Would you like me to help you get dressed, and then take you to breakfast?"
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Iris rises up to a sitting position as soon as her name is called the first time. Her head turns to Nina's direction as she enters, tracking her across the room as she comes next to the bed. The girl absorbs Nina's information in her usual silent vigil, confirming that she understood with a slight nod.

Once the question is asked, Iris gains a slight red on her cheeks, and agrees to the offer with another nod. Before any dress-up happens, the girl makes her bed with surprising quickness. With the bed done, she turns back to Nina and lets her dress the blind girl.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina removes Iris' bedclothes gently and lays them on the made up bed, and then fetches some simple undergarments for Iris to wear. She makes small verbal commands such as "okay, right leg... now the left," or "arms up," to let Iris know what to do to help her dress the girl. As she did this, she once again admired Iris' cute, petite body, wearing a tight-lipped smile as she dressed her companion.

Next came one of Iris' traditional, eastern-style robes, which she wrapped about the girl with a very gentle touch.

"You're looking lovely this morning, Miss Iris," Nina said, taking to her maid role naturally and eagerly. "I'm happy to be back here with you and the mistress. I know I was only away for a couple days, but I missed having the two of you around. Not to say that Lynette wasn't an enjoyable and instructive companion, but well... no one listens as well as you do."

Her mirth was audible and she hoped to rouse a smile from her friend as she finished the final wrap of the robe and tied it off with a colorful violet sash. She smoothed out the robe and then gave Iris a kiss on her forehead.

"All done, just step into these slippers, okay?" The green haired girl proffered some slippers at Iris' feet.

When that was done she fitted Iris with her sword, and then opened the door for the girl. "Come on then, I'll make you some tea and get you some food."

Nina had an indescribable feeling of elation in serving Iris in the same manner as she might do for Iliana. Certainly, the blush on Iris' face was reward enough for performing the service. Nina thought the blind girl had never looked cuter.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Iris is an easy and co-operative person to deal with when it came to dressing her up for the day. As the girl was so familiar with her clothes, she knew exactly what to do with each article. Once Nina was finished setting her up, Iris gave her a deep bow in thanks, after which the girls leave for the dining hall.

The pair enter the dining room together, with Nina going over to the kitchen to make Iris something to eat. She cannot miss the fact that Jashi's spectacled gaze gets locked into Iris as soon as she enters.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina fixed Iris with a slice of fresh, crusty bread, some butter, some jam, and tea. When she re-entered the dining room, she set the breakfast in front of her friend and then nodded to Jashi and Patch.

"May I present Miss Iris, she is the Lady Einzbern's trusted bodyguard and companion. Miss Iris, this is Jashi, a skilled blacksmith, and his companion, the young Miss Patch. Jashi has helped us to delay the ogres attack and the Lady Iliana has agreed to let them stay with us."

She raised her head and addressed Jashi. "There is actually a forge on this estate, and the lady would happily set the both of you up in that building. The Lady would tell you this herself, but unfortunately the strain of organizing the town defense has left her very tired, so she is resting. I will gladly help the both of you set yourselves up, and if there is anything I can do to make your stay more comfortable, please, do not hesitate to ask."

Nina bowed politely, as she thought a maid ought to do.