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Dead Space Frequency

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Re: Dead Space Frequency

Excuse me for a second while I clean up the mess I just made reading that last line....

Ok...yea. I'll give the author credit for creating an ambitious looking game. It looks like it would have been rather complex if it were finished and *could* have been good if there were some changes to the foundations of gameplay.

That being said, it was a failure at attracting positive attention. He'd be better off putting it on the shelf for a while until it gets completely forgotten if he has any intention of selling the finished product in the future.

Reputation for gamemakers is a maker or breaker. If he or his game has a reputation for being awful, it would take a massive upheaval of reputable people on here for me to give it another try. And I'm sure I'm not alone in that.
Re: Dead Space Frequency

I think that you should post an opinion about the game,not about LoK forums.Anyways,the game has a spooky atmosphere but it's way too sluggish and hard.So it's a no go for me.
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Re: Dead Space Frequency

1) Fixed for you.
3) I said that you're treating the fact that they let you download their games (or at least their embryos) for free
like an excuse for their games to be of poor quality or abandoned. Toffisama's games are free, and high quality
too, and from what I remember he has always finished what he started. Nobody is expecting HD graphics and superb
animation, but we would like to at least expect that what gets started also gets finished, otherwise why would the
author ask for feedback?

P.S.: gratz to the guy who gave me negative reputation on the previous post with the reason "Jesus loves you".
I got bad news for ya: Jesus is dead. Hail Satan.

what I said what correct as I stated it
their reputation doesn't matter because they're making games for free and no one is expecting a game in return for anything

Toffi's a case in which someone (or possibly even a group of people) enjoys working on games enough to finish them and release them for free.

people who make games for free are making games for free and have no obligation to anyone to finish them because they work on them on their own time.
they don't have to waste their time working on a game they don't want to work on because some aspies on a porn forum are angry that they don't have some fresh content to jerk off to
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Re: Dead Space Frequency

I think that you should post an opinion about the game,not about LoK forums.Anyways,the game has a spooky atmosphere but it's way to sluggish and hard.So it's a no go for me.
As I mentioned, the game has a control scheme that's far from decent, which is sufficient to make the
whole game a quite unpleasant experience. As for the graphics, I didn't think it was something worth a
mention, it doesn't look like something that goes very far from other's LoK games like SNT. Anyway
I just replied to a post, which was not off topic.

what I said what correct as I stated it
their reputation doesn't matter because they're making games for free and no one is expecting a game in return for anything
As Vinceras said (and I couldn't have explained it better), "Reputation for gamemakers is a maker or
breaker". You are free to think differently, but you stand corrected anyway, reputation doesn't matter
to you (and only to you, for what you know).

Toffi's a case in which someone (or possibly even a group of people) enjoys working on games enough to finish them and release them for free.
So the people on LoK don't enjoy working on games? Or don't care about them enough to finish them?

people who make games for free are making games for free and have no obligation to anyone to finish them because they work on them on their own time.
they don't have to waste their time working on a game they don't want to work on because some aspies on a porn forum are angry that they don't have some fresh content to jerk off to
Nobody here is talking about "obligations", even Toffi often says that he takes his own time because he
likes working at his own pace. It seems like that you're trying to say that since we don't pay anything
for their games, their actions and attitude have no consequences whatsoever, too bad that there
are a lot of things other than money. As for the "spies" part, rofl, it's hilarious, "spies" on a public forum?
Re: Dead Space Frequency

As Vinceras said (and I couldn't have explained it better), "Reputation for gamemakers is a maker or
breaker". You are free to think differently, but you stand corrected anyway, reputation doesn't matter
to you (and only to you, for what you know).

reputation is a "maker or breaker" for gamemakers who get paid money. it doesn't matter for those who don't get paid as their actions won't influence anything in their free game-making futures

So the people on LoK don't enjoy working on games? Or don't care about them enough to finish them?

they may enjoy working on a game at first but eventually dislike working on it

Nobody here is talking about "obligations", even Toffi often says that he takes his own time because he
likes working at his own pace. It seems like that you're trying to say that since we don't pay anything
for their games, their actions and attitude have no consequences whatsoever, too bad that there
are a lot of things other than money.

you're the one talking about obligations:

but we would like to at least expect that what gets started also gets finished

Or don't care about them enough to finish them?

you people think that people should complete the games they start just because you want them completed. what I've been stating for the past few posts is that they have no obligation to finish the games because they are working for free and can abandon the games as they see fit and have no major, and hardly any minor, negative consequences

As for the "spies" part, rofl, it's hilarious, "spies" on a public forum?

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Re: Dead Space Frequency

People might be more forgiving of a maker if it is free. But even with it being free, it would have to have some major endorsements by people of repute around here for me to turn back to a maker that I have had experiences with creating garbage. So yes, for me at very least, reputation does in fact matter.
Re: Dead Space Frequency

People might be more forgiving of a maker if it is free. But even with it being free, it would have to have some major endorsements by people of repute around here for me to turn back to a maker that I have had experiences with creating garbage. So yes, for me at very least, reputation does in fact matter.

you think it matters to them if you jerk off to their games?
Re: Dead Space Frequency

Yeah the controls for this game are abominable, but I guess we'll see where it goes.

No way I'd have thought this to be worth a thread on ULMF at this point, but eh.

never get completed.

Close enough to true, though not 100%.

Anyone trying to say that the LoK forums have a strong reputation for finishing games would be either an idiot or a liar.

Hell, probably both.

Protip: LoK forum games are always shitty

I'd say relatively few were unfappably bad, though there ARE some, to be sure.

3. the games aren't bad for what you're [not] paying for

Garbage is garbage whether it's free or expensive, the point is perfectly irrelevant.
Re: Dead Space Frequency

how leave first room?
Re: Dead Space Frequency

you think it matters to them if you jerk off to their games?

When did I mention anything about jerking off to their games? You're either a troll or delusional. That being said, I'm done with this one sided "debate".

how leave first room?

Alt-F4. Best cheat code in the game. Takes you out of the first room, restores your life and more time.:cool:
Re: Dead Space Frequency

Alt-F4. Best cheat code in the game. Takes you out of the first room, restores your life and more time.:cool:

-In any game, really. In DayZ it can save you from death even if you're knocked out.
It's super OP.
Re: Dead Space Frequency

-In any game, really. In DayZ it can save you from death even if you're knocked out.
It's super OP.

Didn't really like DayZ...controls felt a little unresponsive and my luck when encountering zombies was awful. Think the longest I survived was 30 minutes hahahaha. Kept thinking it was L4D2 and I charged in the middle of a pack. Was pretty funny though.
Re: Dead Space Frequency

Alt-F4. Best cheat code in the game. Takes you out of the first room, restores your life and more time.:cool:

Hahhahah,you're such a troll! LOL!
Re: Dead Space Frequency

Didn't really like DayZ...controls felt a little unresponsive and my luck when encountering zombies was awful. Think the longest I survived was 30 minutes hahahaha. Kept thinking it was L4D2 and I charged in the middle of a pack. Was pretty funny though.

lol wish i was there to see it i would just die laughing
Re: Dead Space Frequency

lol wish i was there to see it i would just die laughing

Here,have a laugh!I had one!
Re: Dead Space Frequency


You guys are like the racoons of the internet. Your members go picking through people's garbage, bring it back to the nest and then all of you piss and moan about how you are eating garbage.

I made this in at time span of about 48 hours. Someone came to our boards, said there wasn't enough DS porn, and I whipped this up for them. It is barely a draft at best.

The crappy controls are a reflection of that. Maybe you guys wouldn't have so much trouble with the taste of garbage if you didn't constantly shovel it down your own throats.

Nonetheless, thank you for the constructive feedback! The movement controls are more than likely going to be altered, as well as the speed and effect of the enemies. Stay classy, ULMF :cool:
Re: Dead Space Frequency

lol, butthurt
Re: Dead Space Frequency

I was wondering who the hell had brought back from the dead a thread that deserved to stay dead.
Oh, look.

[P.S.: I actually misread that "aspies" thing, my bad. The post was edited, btw.]
Re: Dead Space Frequency


You guys are like the racoons of the internet. Your members go picking through people's garbage, bring it back to the nest and then all of you piss and moan about how you are eating garbage.

I made this in at time span of about 48 hours. Someone came to our boards, said there wasn't enough DS porn, and I whipped this up for them. It is barely a draft at best.

The crappy controls are a reflection of that. Maybe you guys wouldn't have so much trouble with the taste of garbage if you didn't constantly shovel it down your own throats.

Nonetheless, thank you for the constructive feedback! The movement controls are more than likely going to be altered, as well as the speed and effect of the enemies. Stay classy, ULMF :cool:

Pretty sure you just called your own game garbage.
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