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ADV [dartred] Breeding of the dead


Tentacle God
Feb 23, 2012
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please let me know by saying "make into a downloaded .txt please" if you think this was too big of a first post and i will make the backstory into a .txt to save space and make it easier to users to read through.

this game is 100% american made, uncensored and drawn by me. i got tired of games not having zombies or pregnancys OR BOTH as a fetish, so i decided since i have no programming skills, i could make a visual novel at the least. so here we are, lets hope i get this done as to not dissapoint any would be fans.


Hello, your friendly neighborhood Dartred here. Today i bring you some good knews. I am currently in development of my first H game. It will be zombie based and it will be visual novel. I decided this game will now have choices to give it a survival horror feel. the amount of extra work it causes it only equal to that of extra text and CG. not much real work on the coding side so i said fuck it, i'll give the people what they want. choices will have an immediate effect in the game, rather then keep making choices and see if you turn out good route or bad until thousands of lines later, you will know almost immediately if your choice led to a bad end (with CG ofcourse). if it wasn't a bad end choice, you will instead continue with the progression of the story.


the virus that is called virus X was suppose to be a miracle cure that was meant to help people, but with a life hanging in the balance and nothing to lose, they attempted to use it on a dying patient. the patient was killed by the medicine, only for it to revive her cells, but to live off instinct and not control off herself. after all, they are now brain dead and living off instinct.

there are 2 way to become infected. one is through infection by biting. if you are bitten, the virus will kill your brain and restart it in 2 minutes.

the second and more to the point of this game, is through pregnancy by the zombie. if your egg gets fertilized and sticks to your womb. you will slowly become ill. since the sperm is dead, but the virus even revives dead sperm, its like being injected with rotten sperm, that can still impregnate you. the baby will reach full term in just 9 days instead of 9 months. at any time during the pregnancy after the third day you can die to the sickness, but you can have an abortion during the first 3 days with a morning after pill. at any time past the first 3 days you can die due to being sick with the pregnancy.

there will be condoms and contraception in the game, you'll read more about it in a sec.

since saliva and sperm are mostly water, drinking either directly will not kill you or have very little chance of getting you sick (im doing it this way to allow zombie x human yuri to be allowed).
The game will take place 2 years into the infection outbreak.

Immediately following the outbreak, the first things the zombies did was feast out of instinct.

1 year after the outbreak as humans began to be outnumbered by zombies, the second instinct in their brains kicked in.... to breed! with zombies now raping their victims instead of eating them, soon they saw the horrors of what it meant. females all over the world were becoming pregnant and giving birth to undead children, in no more then 9 days!

2 years later, now at the present time. woman all over the world now knowing the horrors of the zombies have raided every liquor, convenience and wal-mart store for contraception, morning after and even condoms. most zombies no longer attacked their prey with intent to kill, but some still hurt and kill their victims indirectly when they try to mate. contraception and morning after pills were the quickest to be used but for those who were not so lucky... they must try to slip on a condom onto the zombie as it tries to over power and rape her. most are not so lucky as the zombies over power their victims easily.


age 14
hair (blue)
eyes (purple)
style (long and mostly unkept)

Sarah was just getting home from school when the event occur'd. She lived in the neighboring town so the infected reached her family fairly quickly. her dad, while being a policeman for 7 years had a safety bunker at the basement of his home incase of an emergency.

her father acted quickly as soon as the first sighting appeared and placed Sarah in the basement bunker. He then rushed off to find his wife at, only to find her being eaten alive before his eyes. not wanting to see his wife suffer shot her in the head to end her punishment. The father rushed back to home to check on his daughter and as he drove home, he saw people that that were freshly killed, rise from the dead. He remembered, why didn't his wife return like the rest? it dawned on him that her death was from a shot to the head. maybe that was the way to keep them down for good. he arrived home, by this time his own city and police force was turned into zombies, so he decided to stay with his daughter in the bunker until helped arrived.

This bunker was meant for their family of 3 to live inside it no matter what for 1 year without ever having to open that door again. since Sarah's mom passed away their time with 2 could be stretched to a year and a half. It was well equipped with a space of 100 feet by 100 feet, 10 feet underground, canned foods, working flush toilet, plenty of water, urine to water filters and 3 extra fluffy and warm sleeping bags. It had a Washer and Dryer, but with the panic of it all, they only went in with the clothes on their backs. With the sound of zombies and scratching on the door they can't go out to get more. They kept up with the news by satellite TV and radio.

This worked for a year, but it was only long enough to learn of the zombies sex drive before the last radio announcement was ever sent. Sarah's father in the meanwhile has taught Sarah how to handle a gun with the extra pistol they kept in the bunker. ofcourse that was all in practice and never fired because of their limited situation. he taught her they must be shot in the head.

It was not too long after the first year that a suprise radio call came in. A woman was calling for help at the other edge of town by walkie talkie that just happened to be picked up by Sarah's fathers radio. With the thought that things may have died down in his town, Sarah's father, against all of Sarah's begging, went out to look for the woman. What should have taken 10, even 15 minutes tops to go and back, turned to hours. those hours, turned to days. after 3 days, Sarah knew. her father loved her too much to not return for her own daughter. she knew something had happened to her father, with the world the way it is. he wasn't coming back. the rations for 3 that were suppose to last 1 year, were not all thats left for Sarah in her bunker all to herself.

Skip to now, Sarah is now a 14 year old girl and running low on food and water. with no choice, she got a camping backpack and filled it with the last of her food, water and with the knowledge of what the zombies do, the contraception and condoms that she found and knew that were meant for her parents. after all, the bunker was meant to last a year underground. they must have had intentions of having sex when Sarah was asleep. Because of course, Sarah is now old enough to get pregnant.

this is just a proof of creation and placeholder. there is next to nothing in here right now. i am working on this game every day. final product will be colored and backgrounds added.


these 2 images might or might not be in the game. they just happen to be what i have drawn already and to showcase artskills for you guy to say if this game is worth a try.
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Re: Breeding of the dead

can post some screenshot?Just to have an idea about the look of it
Re: Breeding of the dead


edit, well attaching them resized them and slightly messed up the resolution. so here they are at their full resolution

Re: Breeding of the dead

it could... i think...

thought putting it there would be seen by a very few and then i wouldn't get questions like yours. also i think it can go here because thats the point of the incomplete tag.

like i said, if i can figure out how to do routes. i can EASILY turn this into a survival horror. make the wrong choice in a dire situation and Sarah gets raped. I also like the idea of that because then that means not only can i have an end. i can have multiple bad ends and just that 1 good end. bad choice means she gets raped, good choice means she goes on to continue the story.

i WILL look into how to build routes. like i said, i have zero programming knowledge.
Re: Breeding of the dead

Normally I would pass over anything that has no animation (and I assume this won't if it is hand-drawn), but zombie dog rape? Pregnancy? Now you have my attention regardless. :D

And no, I don't think the intro should be removed from the OP, it gives us an idea of what to expect.

Will be watching this, good luck!
Re: Breeding of the dead

You might want to change that 14 to 18 in the OP. Love the idea btw, go go chick getting knocked up by zombie dogs.
Re: Breeding of the dead

right right, she's "18" wink.

ill be sure to change that. people will see her age when they open the game. the game wont contain any of her scenes anyways since im saving the main characters scenes for her debut / full game release. i dont care much for the 1 time appearances.
Re: Breeding of the dead

So I've noticed a lot of you might/can in the OP, is it possible to survive the pregnancy in its entirety or is it always a ticking clock towards death?
Re: Breeding of the dead

since this is a visual novel and not an adventure game. i will kill off by choice / story. its not an effect that will kill them after a few lines or so. they'll die only if i decide. if for instance sarah does get pregnant, i will decide if she dies halfway into the pregnany or give birth as a human still. either way that will still be bad end.

unfortunetly i dont have any programming skills or i would have used game maker to really give poeple more control over this game. my spriting skills suck so i can't even get started on that lol.
Re: Breeding of the dead

I can program gamemaker, if only I know how to draw though.
Its hard to develop a talent for drawing.
Re: Breeding of the dead

Zombies? Check. Zombie rape? Check. Corruption? Check. Zombie pregnancy? Double check. Yes please. if you require a tester I am available. This fits nicely with my fetish. There are far too little zombie related H games.
Re: Breeding of the dead

dont worry, any updates i make will be posted on the first post for every one to take a look at. i would appreciate any spell and grammar checking though. my spelling and grammar on forums is horrible but i like to keep myself tidy when making the game / scripts.
Re: Breeding of the dead

our Heroine has been revealed! i decided not to go with blonde hair because it was just too over used and blue is my favorite color.... yah selfish reason sorry. i will be working on her poses then clothing today. once that is done i will work on her game over scenes now that i have a model to work with.

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Re: Breeding of the dead

the tags intrigue me and the art is good,gonna give a shot
Re: Breeding of the dead

Certainly going to keep my eyes on this one!
Re: Breeding of the dead

Seems pretty interesting... These fetishes are sadly so uncommon.

The only thing that bothers/disgusts me is the fact that the main char is a youngster. Won't play it if if she's 14 >_<" !
Re: Breeding of the dead

Not sure exactly who's doing the writing, but I seem to have found quite a bit of grammar and spelling mistakes.

I wish I could fix them. D:
Re: Breeding of the dead

visual novels are not games.....but I do like your art work and love your concept of what you are making so I do wish you the best.
I have gotten ok with using the fighter maker program but have no art skills, if you have every feel like drawing some stuff up and throwing it my way I'll try to put it together and maybe we could make something together. I can hope for it at lest.
Re: Breeding of the dead

Not sure exactly who's doing the writing, but I seem to have found quite a bit of grammar and spelling mistakes.

I wish I could fix them. D:

My grammar and spelling is absolute shit lol. Yah.. it's me who's doing it. if you would be so kind and let me know any mistakes you find, i would really, really appreciate it. Writing isn't exactly my specialty and i don't want to leave it up to others since i want my ideas to be portrayed into the game.

visual novels are not games.....but I do like your art work and love your concept of what you are making so I do wish you the best.
I have gotten ok with using the fighter maker program but have no art skills, if you have every feel like drawing some stuff up and throwing it my way I'll try to put it together and maybe we could make something together. I can hope for it at lest.

hmm, im not really looking to turn this into a fighter though. i want to turn it into a survival horror. Also turning it into an action game would mean game over rape. im looking for game over on bad decisions to make players think "do i really want to make this choice, or that one". with the wrong choice leading to a bad end CG.

haven't mentioned it yet, but im highly leaning to a good end with her virginity intact if you avoid all bad decisions. only make sense to reward the players with a good end.