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[Darot] Brothel City


Demon Girl Master
Jan 9, 2011
Reputation score
Hey guys, found this game recently and seeing hat nobody created a thread till now, I guess it's not really well known as of yet.

Behold! A Sex-themed Sim City of the game - Brothel City!

Now then, I didn't play it much myself - it's been available for quite some time, but it had some issues with starting (locale setting to be specific), but it's been fixed today so there you go.

From what I've got so far, it's pretty much city management game - you get a bunch of different resources, which are required for different buildings, maintenance of the city and so on. You spend your basic resource (Money) to construct building and hires girls that are going to bring profit to your city.
Beside the buildings there are characters walking on the streets - those are your girls and passersby (your potential clients). If you select a girl you can see corresponding artwork as well as her stats (like Corruption, Shyness, Tiredness and so on), while selecting other dudes will show you requirements for them to leave their money in your city. Also, with corruption increase artwork for girls becomes more revealing, tho it's just two stages I believe.

There's like 23 different building and 30 types of girls, but really, I've just started so no input from me about it.

So, dude who's making this happen is called Darot and he's running a patreon for this game. From the look of it, the game is shared for free without any difference for Patreons or whatsoever, so you always can grab latest version from there.

Also, it appears that the latest version has a problem with save/load system, so you might want to wait for a more stable version.

That's it for me guys.
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Re: [Darot] Brothel City

is there any shown sex, sprite or cg?
Re: [Darot] Brothel City

Already unlocked and played all of the available content, they have lots of potential and there can be so much to add on. Love the constant updates as well. :p
Re: [Darot] Brothel City

finds well done but still some factors that could be improved ^^
It is very hard to see a much one earns.
1.You should also install if you write pay red or green.
2.Later was very nice extra-menu where you can see his people in ner list.
Unfortunately it can be difficult to estimate how much you need protector.
3.because who ne beautiful art display the one says how much is your protection in%.
4.Nen difficulty gerard who not bad.

finds gut gemacht aber sind noch paar faktoren die man verbessern könnte^^
Es ist sehr schlecht ein zu sehen wieviel man verdient.
Man sollte zusätzlich einbauen ob man rote oder grüne zahlen schreibt. (Aktiv)
Später war sehr schön extra menü wo man seine leute in ner liste betrachten kann.
Man kann leider schwer einschätzen wieviel beschützer man braucht.
da wer schön ne art anzeige die ein sagt wie hoch dein schutz in % ist.
Nen schwierigkeits gerard wer auch nicht schlecht.
Re: [Darot] Brothel City

is there any shown sex, sprite or cg?


And another one, a bit more revealing, which I don't have atm.
Unless we consider these kind of pics as CG, then 'no' is the answer.
Re: [Darot] Brothel City

gonna have to pass on it. just an image of your worker doesn't make it an H-game in my book. it's a manager with sex words replacing the simulator.
Re: [Darot] Brothel City

Well, I give up for now after the 5th crash destroying my save.

The game is interesting, but need balancing (way too much thiefs/kidnappers, you have to spam guards at the start). Also, the event board is way too short. I lost few girls of sickness because I didn't cleared the board and the sick event was far, far away...

The H can be added more or less easily if they want to add some (and not just the strip tease img).
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Re: [Darot] Brothel City

I can't even get the game to launch for some reason. I am getting the following errors.

'0.399999976158142' is not a valid integer value.

Then when I hit ok on that pop-up box, I get another saying.

Access violation at address 0061DA8E in module 'BrothelCity.exe'. Read of address 00000034.

I have tried deleteing and redownloading with no luck.

Is there some dependency I might be missing?
Re: [Darot] Brothel City

I can't even download the file.
Re: [Darot] Brothel City

I think the game is too bugged right now.

I go it running fine, and the concept seemed really cool.

But as far as I can tell, the # of occupied rooms in the house just increases for some reason, meaning you can't put anymore prostitutes in it.

So I'm just sitting here, not really making any money, because someone stole my sloots and there's no room to put anymore in.

EDIT: So it seems like the # of rooms increases after you upgrade to an inn. So only upgrading a single flophouse to an inn is a workaround I -guess-

The 'room's are also an issue, because travellers and employees share the same pool, so if your inn is full of travellers, you can't hire anyone new, and vice versa.

EDIT2: IT'S NOT BROKE, apparently you have to select the upgrade button AGAIN and select a new location for it. Which seems silly as hell, but alright, whatever.
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Re: [Darot] Brothel City

Is there some dependency I might be missing?

Yep, that's the issue with starting that I was referring to. The problem is that is needs Russian locale to run it, however that should have been fixed in the latest version, according to the author. Well, at least when I started the game this error was gone for me.
Just to be clear, you're using latest available version, right? If yes, and you still get an error I'd recommend giving it a time and grabbing another version later.

The game is interesting, but need balancing (way too much thiefs/kidnappers, you have to spam guards at the start). Also, the event board is way too short. I lost few girls of sickness because I didn't cleared the board and the sick event was far, far away...

Yeah, my thoughts exactly. Those thieves/kidnapper just flood your city, and you either invest in guards (which lowers your income and takes population) or your other girls and again, lose income.
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Re: [Darot] Brothel City

Yep, that's the issue with starting that I was referring to. The problem is that is needs Russian locale to run it, however that should have been fixed in the latest version, according to the author. Well, at least when I started the game this error was gone for me.
Just to be clear, you're using latest available version, right? If yes, and you still get an error I'd recommend giving it a time and grabbing another version later.

Yeah, my thoughts exactly. Those thieves/kidnapper just flood your city, and you either invest in guards (which lowers your income and takes population) or your other girls and again, lose income.

ACTUALLY, I wonder how much guards actually take as an income loss. Since every worker has sex and therefor produces SOME income. Sadly the game doesn't tell you how much.

They're way too strong though, I was running 3 amazons and people were still making off with my mermaid constant. Q.Q

Then girls started running away because they were unhappy for having been worked to the bone, and I don't know why because I had two inns and it's not like I can just 'make' room for them to stay in. I only had 6 workers anyways.
Re: [Darot] Brothel City

ACTUALLY, I wonder how much guards actually take as an income loss. Since every worker has sex and therefor produces SOME income. Sadly the game doesn't tell you how much.

They're way too strong though, I was running 3 amazons and people were still making off with my mermaid constant. Q.Q

Then girls started running away because they were unhappy for having been worked to the bone, and I don't know why because I had two inns and it's not like I can just 'make' room for them to stay in. I only had 6 workers anyways.

And hiring nuns won't increases you god's favor much. Usually ur other workers will be "serving" but nuns won't get you god's favor until they serve someone...

there will be messages popping up saying the workers are unhappy. you can choose to let them rest to restore their happiness.
Re: [Darot] Brothel City

So pretty much literally cant do anything with this game.

Started a game, didn't realize I needed defenders, got stuck in a constant loop of earning 140 gold, getting it stolen down to roughly 10 gold, repeat forever never able to get a defender.

Started another game and immediately get defenders, rooms get taken up too quick as im doing that so i cant get strippers, only make enough money to handle upkeep and any profits get stolen cause 3 defenders isnt enough, constantly fucking sleeping

Starting a third game caused an error which spawned like 30 error messages before I ended the task

4th game I managed to get it to where I was making good profit. 3 strippers, 4 defenders, 1 hunter. Strippers slowly stolen one by one over time, but long enough to make money for me to do things like make 2 wells, 3 farms, 1 garden, 2 dinner houses. Guests replace the slots for strippers so cant even replace them. Upgrade the flophouse for 910 gold, permanently glitched so the rooms read as constantly rising by 10 every .2 seconds forever, ultimately making the house completely useless since it doesnt add to my rooms available.

And then i gave up. I love resource management games but boy does this one have a long way to go.
Re: [Darot] Brothel City

When you upgrade the flophouse you need to place it somewhere else, because it becomes bigger, just hit upgrade again.
Re: [Darot] Brothel City

When you upgrade the flophouse you need to place it somewhere else, because it becomes bigger, just hit upgrade again.

ah, thanks. They really should just tell you to place it somewhere first but that'll probably be added later. I see it affects all buildings so i guess time to continue. Enjoying the game so far though.
Re: [Darot] Brothel City

i've problem with happyness, my girls are always sad even if i make them rest.
Re: [Darot] Brothel City

i've problem with happyness, my girls are always sad even if i make them rest.

Make sure you have enough of everything bath's/rooms/girls etc.
At least i think that worked for me.

I started out with 3 flophouses since beds are money and happiness.
Re: [Darot] Brothel City

wow this looks neat I will have to give it a shot!
Re: [Darot] Brothel City

I bought a ton dozen of guard 4 valkyrie and thief can still come and take some money and girl is frustrating. Why can't all guard go to same thief.