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Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"Having trouble getting past it yourself?" Razzie added, her tone implying no malice. "Well, I've seen a B rank take on an A rank at the arena... That sure as Hell was impressive... And a bit scary, to be honest." Melpha and Valdis... Those two, regardless of their quirks or weaknesses, meant serious business, especially the necromancer. "And hey, that is pretty sound advice, I think. Execution's always the hard part. Honestly, if it was as simple to do as saying it, there'd be a whole lot of high ranked ranchers. Besides, C rank means you don't have to fight to the death like the higher ups, right? Even if they can put you back together afterwards." That was a good thing, one had to admit. "Anyway, I gotta go. See ya some other time, Logan." Razzie grinned as she said her goodbyes, then set off in the direction of her ranch. Hopefully the skeleton and the vampire haven't demolished the place, it barely stood as it was...
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"Don't let the fact that Melpha lost get to your head in that fight. She's one of the people I can't beat in order to graduate." Logan warned Razzie. "And just thinking about facing Valdis, Claire, Iris, and Fio in Rank A... There's no way I'm gonna beat them, not when they've been undefeated for so long that they've become known as the Elite Four." Logan said, not so much with fear or respect, but he seemed annoyed that such terribly powerful people were blocking his progress.

Then, he addressed her thoughts on Rank C. "Rank C is where you start to see executions, so the higher ups install protective measures just in case things get ugly. My lizard girl you saw back there tends to decapitate any mamono who flirts with me from the enemy side. Even threatens the other Rancher if she's in on it... But, I'm always in the tournaments, so when you try to advance beyond Rank C... We're gonna fight each other, I guess. I don't care who's better by that point, just don't piss her off. Beat her and be done with it, because she won't quit until she's ripped apart someone she decided to hate."

Then Razzie said her goodbye, and Logan grunted a similar word of departure. Razzie would make her way home to find Akitsu doing something perhaps unbelievable.

She was repairing the house. The skeleton had wood and hammer and was patching up the various holes in the house that made it quite drafty. She even fixed the bathroom, but still left a tiny 'peeping' hole for obvious intentions. "Welcome home, master." Akitsu greeted Razzie. "Would you like a bath?"
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Razzie mulled over Logan's words as she walked home. Executions... Well, they were bound to happen sooner or later. Altough getting to fight Logan could be fun, once she got far enough to challenge him. She was not underestimating Melpha, though. She saw what her monsters were capable of - no wonder even strong fighters were unable to beat her. As for the elite four... Welp. If all of them were as powerful as Valdis, no wonder they got that reputation. Still, those battles were ways off - she'd have to advance from E rank first before she could start thinking about that stuff. And speaking of thinking, she should probably decide which one of her mamono should be sent off for training next week...

Walking back into her house, Darkstar was indeed suprised to find Akitsu working on house repairs. She actually expected the skeleton to be engaged in a more perverted activity. She almost forgot that the skeleton was not only a pervert, but a loyal servant and partner in this business as well. It actually helped the girl get over some of the resentment towards that particular undead she gained today.

"Maybe later." Razzie replied, glancing at the tiny hole left. She'd have to patch it up herself once the skeleton was done. With a sigh, she began to walk towards her bedroom, where Rachel was most likely waiting. "Good job, though, thanks for making the place a bit more bearable." Yeah, having her around wasn't too bad. For now, however, there was still the matter of speaking with a vampire to take care of, and it was an important matter indeed.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Akitsu didn't react. She couldn't, in fact. Though despite the fact that she was a skeleton, she shrugged a little and displayed some body language that showed disappointment. Hana seemed to have gained enough energy from Razzie in the meanwhile, and simply left her body and floated into the sky.

Once in the house, Rachel seemed to hear Razzie coming, as she speaking from the closet she was hiding in the sun from. "Took you time, did you?" she asked in a refined yet still somehow pissed off voice. "Are you certain there's no other trivial task you wish to waste your time on?"
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

'This one sure knows how to show anger...' Razzie thought as she opened the door to her closet. "Your amulet, majesty." She replied dryly, handing the trinket over. "And it is good to see you again too. On a more serious note." She sobered up a little. "Sorry it took so long, ran into an... Unforeseen complication, altough Hana can be blamed for that one. Better sleeping quarters may be a problem, though." She had a feeling Rachel would not like this bit of news... Truth be told, she may have forgot to mention this before Venice left, not that she had much time to do so. Oh well, Darkstar would have to figure out something on her own to make the place better. "Oh, and a word of advice. Akitsu's been the one repairing the walls, and she might have missed a couple small holes here and there." The girl added, her tone leaving no doubt that she didn't believe this to be an accident. "I'll go and plug the one in the bathroom with something, but I wouldn't be suprised if there were other holes she may have forgotten to fix."
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"You complain about your company..." Rachel grumbled, before taking the amulet, putting it on, and walking into the dusk light, unaffected by it. "But you present similarities to them that contradict your complaints. You only lack the sexual obsession." Rachel would listen with a cold expression on her face, not even looking at Razzie straight on, merely watching her at a glance. "My quarters shall be the next thing you work on then. That is my next task for you, see that it doesn't take terribly long. I want a coffin like the one back home. The cheapest I will accept is a coffin of red velvet and high quality plush worth at minimum, two-thousand, five-hundred (G)ilorians. Until such is provided, I reserve the most comfortable place to sleep for myself, which seems to be your own bed. I require anything you have to block the windows so that sunlight does not reach me," she said, before Akitsu was already on the job, a ladder appearing and the skeleton coming up with boards. "If you must complain about my demands, then do it to the wall... I have no interest in complaints."
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Rachel's first annoucement was met with a distinct lack of reaction, save for Razzie rolling her eyes. Similarities? Of course there were some. That's part of the reason why she was still here, instead of telling Venice to find someone else to mind the ranch. However, when the vampire listed her next demand... The girl gaped as she realized the expense would take well over half of the ranch's budget. By the time Rachel claimed her bed as well, Darkstar collected herself and began to seethe, obviously preparing to launch a retort. Luckily, Akitsu managed to take care of the last detail, preventing her from snapping on the spot, but it was obvious that while Razzie was not happy about what she just heard. Rather, she was getting pissed. "Oh, as you freaking wish, majesty." Yep, definitely pissed. "Maybe a snack of a virgin's blood before bed as well?" She added dryly, leaving the room and grumbling. "Fuck me... Two and a half grand... Dear gods, this gotta be a nightmare."
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"If you happen to be a virgin, that would be lovely," Rachel replied. "Just keep your neck clean."

"What did you expect?" Hana inquired as Razzie left the room, the kitsune spirit floating upside down from the ceiling. "She's a vampire who came from a castle. She must have been loaded before she came to you."
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Razzie wished she could respond to Rachel's reply with a suitably vicious remark, but words seemed to fail her. When it came to Hana's question, however, she did manage to find something to say. "That she'd be a bit slower to ruin me?" She responded dryly before sighing. "Alright, I admit, I probably should have seen this coming when I let her stay in my house, but still... Two and a half grand is a lot." Darkstar frowned, adopting a more thoughtful expression. "We're gonna have to look for some jobs, and get more money fast... I'll get her that coffin, but if she requests another purchase like that, she'll have to wait until we got more cash. I just hope this expense will be worth it." Otherwise, the vampire would simply be abusing her generosity.

The rancher made her way to the kitchen, hoping to sit down and cool down a bit, but found that to be impossible. She just couldn't quite calm herself. Frustrated, the girl decided on a different approach instead - find something to do. She set off to look for some tools and materials to fix the peeping hole Akitsu left in the bathroom. As she did that, she also considered getting some help. She didn't know her way around enough to quickly make up for the loss of money - she needed advice on where and how to find best jobs, preferably along with advice on living with vampires as well. And there was only one person she could think of who could prove helpful with both problems. "She's not gonna be happy about this, I'm sure of it."
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Hana wouldn't really have much to say about that, and would simply float away when Razzie chose to busy herself with other things, leaving the magical haired girl to her own devices.

Then, she'd get the idea that she needed some help. Assuming she meant Valdis, finding the Rank A Rancher's house was a simple task. All one had to do was first find the dark and ominous clouds, head in that direction, then follow one's natural fear of death towards where your mind tells you not to go, and that generally leads you straight to Valdis' Graveyard/Occult Altar/Haunted Mansion.

( )

Upon getting there, if she chose to go there, Razzie would feel just like the directions there would tell her. Under those dark clouds, it'd feel like the land was devoid of life. A land for the unliving. The trees looked to still be growing, and yet dead at the same time, their rotten leaves falling around her. They'd break and turn to ash upon touch, as if they were begging for their suffering to end. Razzie would be overcome with a feeling that she didn't belong here. She'd feel mixed response from the environment around her. A part of it felt like it wanted Razzie to leave, and hatefully so. Another part called out to her... But not in a friendly way. It called as if it wanted what she had: Life. Violent but faint whispers in her mind would emerge as she marched deeper into the undead lands. Promises of the unknown that her soul would be violently torn apart before they'd use her body to return to the land of the living. Other voices were simply psychotic, wanting to burn her, maim her, and flay her.

This, of all places, was where Valdis chose to live. Should Razzie continue into the dead lands, the dark clouds above became more thick, until it became as bright as early morning, and during the noon hours at that. Only the light from the lands beyond illuminated what was under the dark clouds, and even then, it was slightly harder to see anything than if it was daylight lit. Following her sense of peril, she'd come across a grand structure that was off the beaten path. It was some kind of dark altar with red candles lighting an awkward path to it. Pillars circled around a circular disk floor with an ominous symbol painted on it. The pillars themselves were designed to look as if souls of another realm were trying to reach out in a plea to escape the dead lands.

Going further, Razzie would come across an expansive graveyard with a massive mansion behind it. It was far away at first, but as Razzie drew closer, she'd begin to notice that spirits were following her from afar. They weren't whispering. Instead, they were merely staring at her with empty red glowing eyes. Towards the graveyard, she'd begin to see shambling figures. They were living corpses. Walking towards the mansion, they too stared at her. Razzie had an audience of the living dead. When Razzie came up to the door, and presumably knocked, as the door was locked, it'd soon open.

What stood in the doorway was... Something unnatural.

It seemed to stare into her soul.

Razzie would begin to develop a feeling that her soul would be sucked into the thing's eyes if she stared for too long.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

As she moved towards the place where Valdis lived, Razzie couldn't help but question her decision. After all, even though the girl seemed quirky at worst, this was merely an illusion one could get at a first glance. Seeing her monsters kill, and now experiencing this slowly growing feeling of dread as she approached, Darkstar began to have doubts about choosing Valdis as her first option. After all, Logan was in the business for a while as well, why not ask him?

The girl shook her head. She needed money, and she needed it fast, along with house repairs. Logan would not help her achieve that, she needed a rancher that was a level above the average. Whether she liked it or not, she had to go to the necromancer, as she was the only other rancher Razzie knew. Though standing at the entrance to the blighted wasteland that was Valdis's domain, the girl felt she would definitely regret that decision.

The land itself was a nightmare, all vegetation long dead, but clinging to some twisted semblance of life. Rot and ash all around her, it was a miracle this place didn't spread plagues all over the nearby lands. Probably even diseases couldn't survive this unforgiving enviroment. Undeath was everywhere, not just in it's inhabitants - in the earth, water, in the very air. Razzie could feel it down in her bones, and with each step she took, she couldn't help but shake a bit with terror. It wasn't long before she heard the whispers, whispers that made Darkstar wish she had anything aside of bare hands for protection. She soon began to differentiate them - the ones that wanted her to leave were relatively bearable. The murderous ones were worse - she found it all too easy to imagine what they would do to her if they could. But the worst of all were those who wanted her body and life for themselves. The girl desperately focused on the bloody images and hatred of the rest to tune those out, not that it helped her fraying sanity.

Taking another step closer to her destination, Razzie once more questioned the sense of visiting Valdis. Anyone who elected to live in such a place was either insane or completely inhuman - no, not even that. It had to be someone who was the antithesis of life itself. Yet even as she pondered, her legs mechanically carried her forward closer and closer to her destination. She barely even noticed the strange altar, half-consciously registering it's presence. Under different circumstances, she'd regard it with some kind of feeling, be it morbid curiosity or horrified revulsion. Here, it was merely another freaky thing in the middle of an ocean of eldricht deadlands. In some twisted sense, it actually felt right at home, as if it belonged exactly where it was. Ironically, this observation made Darkstar associate it not with terror, but with comfortable certainty, that even in this insane place things were in order, that this land obeyed the cosmic tropes. She almost considered taking a break at it, even. Almost.

Eventually, Razzie managed to spy the outline of a mansion in the permanent gloom. She let out a massive sigh at the sight - perhaps bigger than she would like to, considering how eerily silent the place was. Sure, the whispers were there, but the voices sounded as if they were talking directly to her brain - nothing seemed to physically make any noise there. The rancher stepped into the graveyard, not giving it much thought - after all, she made it this far, a couple stones wouldn't faze her. On the other hand, the sight of ghosts and wraiths watching from afar did startle her, causing the girl to tense. They were not the ones whispering, though, they merely stared... Same as the zombies and their ilk in the graveyard. She was actually grateful for the presence of the zombies - rotten flesh they may be, they were the first physical beings she found there, and made some noise as they walked about. One could easily underestimate the terror of complete silence and the comfort of noise, until one experienced both at least.

Razzie fought down the urge to sprint to the door and attempt to smash it down. Somehow, she managed to summon the hidden depths of will known only to the desperate, and walked up to the entrance (at a rather brisk pace) and knocked. She would have tried to enter, but the door was locked, sadly. Fortunately, it was opened rather quickly. Unfortunately, behind it was quite likely the most terrifying thing available in the entire place. Confronted with the sheer wrongness of the... Thing, Darkstar faltered. She readied herself to step back, mouth an excuse, turn around and quickly leave - then she realized she'd have to trek through the wasteland again. And it's inhabitants would not take kindly to someone who was merely a tresspasser.

'... Fuck.'

With a sigh of resignation and the will of someone sent to their death, she mustered the courage to stare at the horror at the door once more. Razzie cleared her throat, hoping to avoid sounding completely terrified. It wasn't much of a hope. "Uh... Sorry for the intrusion and all, but... Is Valdis here?" She asked. "I wanted to talk with her about something important."
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Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Upon hearing Razzie's request, the little creature looked over her shoulder, and spoke with the voice of a young girl, but warped so that echoes of her own voice whispered and resonated at the same time as when she spoke, giving her a demonic tone.

"Master. There is a girl with pretty hair at the door. May I hang her head in my room so I can brush it?" she asked.

The sound of boots walking along wood was heard. Someone was coming down the stairs. They walked closer, and the smaller creature stepped away as Valdis stood in front of the door. "No, this girl is here to make herself useful to me, because if she isn't, you shall have her head, but only for a while. I'll have to reattach it and reanimate the body when Venice decides to make a problem of it." Valdis said with regret.

The little demonic girl looked up at Razzie. "Please die soon." she requested.

Valdis would step aside to finally let Razzie inside. "You're here to waste my time when I could be doing research, that much is clear. State your business, so we can hurry towards making you repay your debt to me." Valdis said strictly.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Razzie stared at Valdis and her creation, not bothering to hide her horror this time. Silently, she lamented her horrible lack of foresight that led her to this situation. 'What the fuck did I just get myself into?' Clearing her throat, she decided to go straight to the point. "Alright. Thing is, I need work. I can do any job for you if you can help me find a way to get money, fast. I'm not asking for charity of any shit like that - it's just that you mentioned you can put me to work, and I do hope this means getting paid as well, because I really need cash. And some pointers on how to live with a vampire, because I've got one on my hands and she's driving me insane already." The girl sighed. "So yeah. Repaying debts, working me to the bone, whatever. I need work, you apparently could use someone to work for you." Darkstar didn't believe in gods, but she prayed fervently to the cruel force of irony governing the universe, hoping she wouldn't regret this any more than she already did.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

( )

"So you need to be alive afterwards," Valdis looked disappointed in Razzie. "Very well, I can put you to work. Though if that vampire is the same one I am thinking it is, then you may have doomed your career before it ever began." Valdis said with a touch of humor in her tone, before extending her arm out and making a gesture for Razzie to follow as she turned on her heel with a flourish. "You're dabbling with those who exist but are not living. They fade from this world as nature tries to correct the cancer it considers us." Valdis explained before walking straight, opposite from the door Razzie entered. The path Valdis chose to take was between a pair of large starcases on either side, and lead down instead of up. Down each step went, until there was quickly a need for light. Valdis made a snap of her fingers, a spark that sent off quick moving threads of magic to strike at various unlit torches welded to the walls before the torches lit with a sudden green flame.

Valdis went down these steps at a quick pace, forcing Razzie to walk in somewhat of a hurry, down deeper into a place that did not welcome the living. Even the torches themselves seemed oppressive and a comforting light only for the dead who need eyes to see. "You've taken in a noble vampire. A peasant like yourself could not hope to satisfy her, and in light of that, it's not far off an assumption to say that she is merely using you out of desperation. But she is a victim to her nature just as all things are, and you are here likely as a result of that." Valdis announced, acting as if she knew much of Razzie's situation, though she was simply making assumptions the entire time. "Did she ask you for something that caused an urgent need for Gilorians?"

Should Razzie not tell Valdis what Rachel wanted, she'd be made to do so anyway by being reminded where she was, and who wanted to play with her severed head. Either way, Valdis would receive her answer. "If it's a coffin, I've a spare I'm not using. If she is only looking for what's acceptable, then a spare will do, even for a noble." Valdis claimed, before Razzie would be allowed to see one of such coffins in one of the dark chambers they passed once the stairs had reached solid flooring. The 'mere spares' looked cushioned and comfortable enough to be inviting to sleep in. There would be little doubt Rachel would be pleased with this.

Going on a little further, they'd reach a chamber stained with varies lines and blots of blood, and a single rectangular stone slab in the center of the room fitted with various small tables and precise operating tools for experimenting with flesh. On that table was a young looking girl who was laying on it unrestrained, flat on her back, and the upper section of her skull cleanly removed to show that she had no brain within. Though Valdis had a spare nearby, which she went off to fetch, before carefully slipping it back into the child's head, and reattaching the upper crust of the skull. Valdis would begin stitching her head back together with accurate and skilled hands before speaking to Razzie again. "This girl died from falling off of a cliff. Her brain was severely damaged in the process, and many bones broken. Her family brought her broken body to me and requested I bring her back into this world so they can bid her a proper farewell. Your task is to take this girl to her parents. Let no harm come to her body, it's imperative that she remains fully functional so that she can communicate with her former associates of the living."

Valdis would finish her work quickly, and place her hand to the child's head firmly as a green light would glow from her palm. "Rise, child. Your parents selfishly wish you back. Answer their call." Valdis spoke to the corpse, before Razzie felt the very pressure in the room change, and lessen. Her very existence felt as if it were spreading out as a sense of lightheadedness overcame her. Her body began to feel numb, just as she might conclude that this was what it was like to feel death. A distant, lonely, and sensationless void.

The girl's eyes would slowly open, before the corpse rose from the stone, staring blankly at the wall. She didn't look braindead, rather, she looked speechless. She appeared like someone who had gone through a great deal. Valdis let the girl stay like that, allowing her to slowly being to move, and look around. One of her eyes were missing. On her own, she'd fetch an eyepatch Valdis had laying near the table, and strapped it over her face before looking back to Valdis. "I'm ready to see them..." She said with a rather sad voice.

Valdis concluded by telling Razzie where she had to go, and that the girl should not leave Razzie's side until they reach her parents. Mamono of danger would be in Razzie's way, so she would have to be aided by her own mamono. "Do not fail me, Razzie. I will have your head if you dare even consider it... But conversely, if you prove yourself capable of this simple task, then I may see in the future if you can't be put to more use."
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Razzie followed Valdis, feeling somewhat exasperated at the necromancer's theatrics. She felt very much uncomfortable with the fact that her new employer had such an... Interest in killing her for her own amusement and profit. Following her down, Darkstar felt a pang of envy as she watched the other girl cast her spell. She wasn't entirely sure why, though. Was it just an old childish desire to have magic? She'd have certainly liked that. It'd make her life much easier. Or maybe it was because she was the only person around who couldn't find any comfort in having light. Or being here at all.

Moving at a quick pace was little trouble to Razzie, she herself tended to walk fairly quickly most of the time. Here, however, every step she took felt as if she'd slip and fall into darkness unless she took utmost care, making it harder to keep up with Valdis. She was frustrated by this, as well as the blunt - and fairly accurate - assessment of her situation the necromancer displayed, but only sighed in response. Asked about the actual nature of her problem, she allowed herself to be a bit more open, not feeling like hiding the weight of her problems. And upon hearing that she could acquire a suitable (for now) coffin without having to waste so much money, she perked up considerably. And after stealing a glance at the spare she'd be allowed to take, Darkstar began to feel genuinely grateful towards Valdis. For a sociopathic monster, she was suprisingly helpful.

Said help, however, would come at a price. Razzie could tell that from the get go. As she eyed the contents of the ritual room, she even began to wonder whether this price wouldn't involve her body parts after all. That fear disappeared when she noticed the necromancer had a different subject to work on. As she listened to the explanation, the young rancher couldn't help but watch the whole procedure with morbid fascination. Said fascination shortly turned to nausea as she began to feel the side effects of staying so close to one of Valdis's rituals - it was almost like having one's life sucked out. By the time she recovered, the girl was already up and moving, leaving Darkstar with little to do but getting on with her task.

Before she answered the mage, however, Razzie took a good look at the person she'd be escorting. There was nothing to hide the fact the girl was undead, but... Something felt off. It took her a moment to realize what it was. Despite her state, the girl was still what she looked like - a little child. Not a boneheaded pervert, shameless ghost or psychopathic killer doll. It was odd, really - how those that didn't have any pretense of trying to maintain humanity seemed easier to accept, less uncanny. Banishing the thought with a shrug, Darkstar focused back on her task. A solemn and quite tragic one, she felt, but perhaps necessary. "Got it. She'll arrive unharmed and with all due haste." She replied, her voice serious. Glancing at the little one, she tried to give her a reassuring smile, though she couldn't quite find the good humor to do so.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"I care not for haste, only the best possible success." Valdis confirmed, before informing Razzie that her first concern should be leaving Valdis' territory and only returning when she has completed her assignment.

The girl in the meanwhile, would approach Razzie, and after Razzie offered her smile, the girl seemed to suffer from a similar issue, giving an attempted smile as well. "... My name is Dandy..." She said, somewhat awkwardly. Despite being a zombie, she seemed equally frightened of the place she was in. "M-may I take your hand?" the zombie requested meekly, seeming a little worried of Razzie's disposition, unsure of what she could ask for.

(A new Expedition has been added. Razzie may embark on this mission at any time.)
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Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"Y-yeah, sure." Razzie wasn't best at dealing with children. So far, her experiences with them lead to her classfying the little tykes as extreme annoyances. Still, not offering the dead girl some comfort in her current situation felt heartless. Bending down a little, she offered Dandy her right hand, before nodding to show she acknowledged Valdis. "I guess we'll be going then..." She said, readying to leave. "We'll go to my ranch first, picking up a couple of mamono as bodyguards might be necessary." Well, that and it might give the girl some time to recover from the ominous aura of this place.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Valdis shared no more words with Razzie, allowing her departure without much in the ways of a goodbye. Razzie would be able to depart from the dead lands, likely with haste as death's boney hand seemed ready to reach out and drag Razzie down to join the undead. She'd eventually be within sunlight again. Towards which, Dandy seemed a bit uncomfortable with. "T-the light... Feels scary..." Dandy revealed. Seemingly the opposite towards a human's fear of darkness, it seemed the undead fear the light.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Razzie raised an eyebrow. This was a bit unexpected. She knew that vampires were weak to light, but had no idea other undead found it unpleasant or possibly harmful as well. Guess that explained why Valdis had so little of it in her domain. "Don't worry about it." Darkstar replied reassuringly, feeling her own confidence return as she stepped back into sun's embrace. "Nothing's gonna happen to you, I promise." Suddenly, something occured to her. "Oh, right. I forgot to introduce myself, right? Name's Razzie. Nice to know you."

Taking a glance at the sky, the rancher decided she wanted to get to the farm as soon as possible. However, it was unlikely that Dandy would be able to keep up with her pace - zombie or no, she was a child. This was a bit of a nuisance, though thankfully it was a problem that could be easily solved. "Hey, Dandy... Want me to carry you until we reach my farm? I think it might be easier that way."
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Dandy would off a small greeting in reply, but otherwise remained mostly quiet and shy. At her question, Dandy seemed confused, before shaking her head quietly. "I'm okay... I feel really strong, I-I just... I feel really scared." she explained, seeming to be hiding in Razzie's shadow more than anything else to escape the light.