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Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Razzie needed a moment to process the situation from her current position under a naked human. She quickly realized several things, but mostly one thing: this was the opportunity Venice mentioned. "Akitsu, engage! Don't let her escape!" Darkstar shouted, pushing the woman off her. Now that a fight was about to break out, the last thing she needed was a corpse (though the woman was still alive, probably) pinning her to the ground. She had to be up and standing firm so she could coordinate the incoming assbeating. No, she was not angry. She just wanted to point out that she wasn't some cutie a girl (or a guy) could throw to the ground. She had some freaking PRIDE, and wasn't about to let some fox-tailed maniac get the better of her. Just that. And there was the matter of possessing people. Razzie found the idea rather disturbing, and decided to communicate that sentiment to the criminal.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"Yes, master." Akitsu replied, standing before the kitsune.

"Alright!" Venice announced once Razzie stood up. "Your leadership in any battle will determine if you are victorious. Let me help you along." Venice offered.

(At the start of every battle, all mamono begin with Zero Guts. By default, mamono gain 5 guts every passing second in-game. Mamono build guts when they plan to make an attack, as they build up their focus to try and make the attack successful, and to make sure their attack has impact. This is important to know should you ever have a limited time to win the fight.)

(You begin battle by opening the Battle Menu below, and deciding a course of action by first choosing a Command to give your mamono.)

(Battle Menu)
(This shows the Life and current Guts of all mamono participating in the battle.)

Akitsu: 147 / 147
Guts: 0

Kitsune-bi: 120 / 120
Guts: 0

Skills: (This allows you to see all of your manono's skills that they can use for this battle.)

Bone Toss
Pow 8

Pow 25

Commands: (You may choose one command to give your mamono to try and help them fight better.)
Go all out! (Increase to hit and damage, lower dodge and defense)
Play it safe! (Halve Guts generation, increase defense and dodge)
Defend! (Forsake using a skill and use Guts to mitigate the enemy's next attack by up to half. Scales with Tech.)
Get out of the way! (Use all current Guts to increase Speed for the enemy's next attack. Scales with Tech)
Wait and See! (Do nothing, gain Guts passively)
Get brave! (Gain guts at a faster rate, lower dodge and defense)
You can do it! (Cure negative morale)
She can't stop you! (Add positive morale)

Items: (You may use an item to aid your mamono in combat. Should you be able to use more than one item in a battle, after you've used an item you must wait five in-game seconds before you are able to use another.)
Dust and butterflies
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

'Alright, let's try to land the first strike and keep her under pressure.' Razzie had some understanding of fighting. Granted, she knew that she couldn't help to compete with a skilled rancher in that regard, but she knew basic stuff - and Venice wouldn't put her against an opponent who couldn't be beaten with basics. Not right off the bat, at least. And as far as she knew, hitting first and following up was usually a good way to start gaining an advantage over one's opponent. "Akitsu, attack! Slam her with a bone, we'll see how she likes it!"

(Bone Toss, no command)
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Akitsu was indeed the first to strike, taking her own arm off from the elbow, and throwing her limb at the kitsune in a crude gesture, which bounced off of the kitsune's head for 21 damage!

"Ow! What the hell kind of attack is that!?" the kitsune exclaimed, before rushing at Akitsu in response. The spirit swirled round and round, spinning around Akitsu, making the skeleton spin as well, before the spirit quickly left, leaving Akitsu to fall to the ground on her butt, with her head facing the wrong way. Akitsu lost 17 Guts!

(The enemy just used a guts draining skill. Mamono who lose their guts also lose the ability to make an attack as they become overwhelmed by their opponent. If Akitsu is overwhelmed too much, she will lose!)

(A simple way of avoiding loss under these circumstances is to order your mamono to Get brave in order to increase Guts generation.)

(Don't let Akitsu's guts fall to -100!)

(Battle Menu)
Akitsu: 147 / 147
Guts: -17

Kitsune-bi: 99 / 120
Guts: 0


Bone Toss
Pow 8

Pow 25

Go all out! (Increase to hit and damage, lower dodge and defense)
Play it safe! (Halve Guts generation, increase defense and dodge)
Defend! (Forsake using a skill and use Guts to mitigate the enemy's next attack by up to half. Scales with Tech.)
Get out of the way! (Use all current Guts to increase Speed for the enemy's next attack. Scales with Tech)
Wait and See! (Do nothing, gain Guts passively)
Get brave! (Gain guts at a faster rate, lower dodge and defense)
You can do it! (Cure negative morale)
She can't stop you! (Add positive morale)

Dust and butterflies
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Razzie let out a growl, feeling frustrated by the opponent's inane tactics. Unfortunately, they were very much effective against Akitsu. "Come on, Akitsu! Get some bravery on, there's no way in Hell you'll get beaten by someone like that! Grab your arm back and keep whacking that miscreant!" She shouted. "And try to trip her up if she does it again!"

(Bone Toss, Get Brave)
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Akitsu adjusted her head, putting it back on correctly, before standing up, just as the kitsune was charging a pair of balls of magic in both her hands. "Kitsune-beam!" the spirit announced, before slamming her hands together and firing a beam of concentrated energy at Akitsu.

The beam blasted Akitsu for 40 damage!

Akitsu's arm floated back and reattached itself to her limb, before she made as if to thrust her other arm forth before that arm suddenly launched itself at the kitsune!

The kitsune-bi dodged to the side!

"Ha-ha-ha! That same move over and over? You suck! So predictable!" the kitsune mocked Akitsu and Razzie. The kitsune-bi is now Composed!

(The enemy has gained a positive morale for making the battle one-sided in her favor. Morale can greatly influence battle, and if it is not stopped, your opponent can defeat you more easily.)

(Battle Menu)
Akitsu: 107 / 147
Guts: 0

Kitsune-bi: 99 / 120
Guts: 0


Bone Toss
Pow 8

Pow 25

Go all out! (Increase to hit and damage, lower dodge and defense)
Play it safe! (Halve Guts generation, increase defense and dodge)
Defend! (Forsake using a skill and use Guts to mitigate the enemy's next attack by up to half. Scales with Tech.)
Get out of the way! (Use all current Guts to increase Speed for the enemy's next attack. Scales with Tech)
Wait and See! (Do nothing, gain Guts passively)
Get brave! (Gain guts at a faster rate, lower dodge and defense)
You can do it! (Cure negative morale)
She can't stop you! (Add positive morale)

Dust and butterflies
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"Gah!" Razzie stared. She had no idea the creature had this kind of firepower at her disposal. This made things difficult... Very difficult. But the thing was... It was a ranged attack. And it took her a while to charge it up. So in theory, Akitsu could land another strike much faster. The problem was, the fox was anticipating an attack. This was bad. Darkstar grit her teeth. If this was her only form of attack, aside of that weird spin, the option were to either attack faster, or hit so hard she wouldn't be able to attack again. "Akitsu! Keep it up! She's got the advantage at range! Just go close and tear her to shreds!"

(Slash, Get Brave)
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"Good! I see you may not need my help after all!" Venice said with confidence, acknowledging the fact that Razzie was analyzing her opponent.

"Master... May I ask a question?" Akitsu announced, while the kitsune charged up and fired another beam.

Akitsu dodged the beam by casually stepping to the side!

"If I win, will you show me your panties?" she asked, her red eye looking back at Razzie.

(Battle Menu)
Akitsu: 107 / 147
Guts: 17

Kitsune-bi: 99 / 120
Guts: 0


Bone Toss
Pow 8

Pow 25

Go all out! (Increase to hit and damage, lower dodge and defense)
Play it safe! (Halve Guts generation, increase defense and dodge)
Defend! (Forsake using a skill and use Guts to mitigate the enemy's next attack by up to half. Scales with Tech.)
Get out of the way! (Use all current Guts to increase Speed for the enemy's next attack. Scales with Tech)
Wait and See! (Do nothing, gain Guts passively)
Get brave! (Gain guts at a faster rate, lower dodge and defense)
You can do it! (Cure negative morale)
She can't stop you! (Add positive morale)

Dust and butterflies
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Razzie had only a couple of seconds to go over this question. Any longer, and Akitsu would miss her timing on the attack. With the kitsune firing, and that dodge, she was in perfect position to exploit the opening. Now, the young rancher had all kinds of reasons to say no. She wanted the skeleton to get over this obsession, and feeding it wouldn't help her start that process. It was rather demeaning for her to just show off her panties, too. However, Darkstar was a practical, down to earth, live in present kind of girl. And what mattered now was winning the battle, a battle they were in together. Any other concern was secondary. "Akitsu." Razzie gave her a calm, grim stare, like a general adressing a soldier. "Yes. Hammer that kit into the ground."
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Akitsu's red eyes suddenly glowed bright when Razzie gave her answer. "Yes master." she replied, before charging at the kitsune, suddenly moving with a passion that caught the kitsune off guard.

In a flash, Akitsu violently slashed the kitsune-bi for 50 damage!

"Wah!" The kitsune cried as she was hit rather hard by Akitsu's attack. "What the hell, get away from me!" the kitsune demanded, retreating from Akitsu, who was chasing her as if acting on Razzie's desire for the kitsune to be crushed. The kitsune is Terrorized!

(Battle Menu)
Akitsu: 107 / 147
Guts: 0

Kitsune-bi: 49 / 120
Guts: 8


Bone Toss
Pow 8

Pow 25

Go all out! (Increase to hit and damage, lower dodge and defense)
Play it safe! (Halve Guts generation, increase defense and dodge)
Defend! (Forsake using a skill and use Guts to mitigate the enemy's next attack by up to half. Scales with Tech.)
Get out of the way! (Use all current Guts to increase Speed for the enemy's next attack. Scales with Tech)
Wait and See! (Do nothing, gain Guts passively)
Get brave! (Gain guts at a faster rate, lower dodge and defense)
You can do it! (Cure negative morale)
She can't stop you! (Add positive morale)

Dust and butterflies
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Razzie grinned. That attack really hurt the fox girl. Now it was time to follow up. Another slash would likely finish it, but it'd take time to properly execute. It'd be better to hit her fast, before she can recover. "Now! Quickly, clobber her again!"

(Bone Toss, Get Brave)
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Akitsu launched her bone from her arm like before, only this time, she grabbed hold of the kitsune's tail, before the spirit was suddenly being pulled back to Akitsu, screaming the whole way. The bone connected back to Akitsu's arm, before Akitsu gripped her tail with both hands, and suddenly began pulling hard, and slamming the kitsune into the ground, only to pull her by her tail, and slam her over her shoulder, back to the ground. Akitsu repeated this over and over until the kitsune spirit stopped struggling, at which point, Akitsu jumped, and began bouncing on the kitsune. When it became clear that Akitsu had completely won, Akitsu dug a hole, and rolled the kitsune into the hole, before burying her under the dirt.

"I have buried the kitsune, master." Akitsu announced.

"Yes-yes, now get her out." Venice announced. "If you decide you don't want to make her into a partner, I'll take her out of your hands."
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Razzie raised an eyebrow as she saw Akitsu drag the spirit back to her instead of smacking her about with the flying hand. The reason behind that quickly became evident as the skeleton - in a display of previously unseen strenght - began to literally slam the kit repeatedly against the ground like a rag doll. Staring at the display, incredulous, Darkstar began to feel regret. She deeply regretted not bringing any snacks or beer. Still, that didn't mean she wouldn't be able to enjoy the spectacle of a bone-thin girl literally hammering another girl with no remorse or mercy - the rancher had to admit that her partner was very literal when it came to obeying orders.

Her amusement died a bit as she watched Akitsu bury her opponent, wondering if she didn't take it too far... Only for the guilt to evaporate nearly instantly once Venice reminded them of her existence. Snickering, Razzie gave her mamono a big grin and a thumbs-up. "Good job, Akitsu! You've really fought well." Here her expression turned a little exasperated. "Just wait until we're home before you attempt to de-pants me. I'd rather not give others free views like that. Now, can you bring that fox here, like Venice said? I reckon we should probably have a word with her."
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"Yes master." Akitsu agreed, digging the spirit out and dragging her by her tail over to Razzie. The kitsune's eyes were literally swirling from her beating, barely able to think straight, though she could think enough to say one thing.

Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Razzie smirked. "I'm guessing this one must have found a mirror down there." She snarked back, unable to resist the temptation. She gave the kitsune a few moments to collect herself before deciding to try her hand at talking to the spirit. "Yeah, sorry about the beating." Not really, no. "The problem is, running around possessing people isn't an acceptable pasttime here, or anywhere else as far as I know. You've caused a lot of trouble and potentially harmed someone innocent. You can't expect us to overlook that, you know?" Not the best speech, but perhaps it'd do. "Name's Razzie, by the way."
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Shaking her head, the kitsune spirit silently listened to Razzie speak. Once she introduced herself, the kitsune replied, "Bitch, wipe that stupid grin off of your ugly face-"

Suddenly Akitsu's hands were around the spirit's throat, choking her. "She is not ugly." Akitsu said calmly.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Razzie stared at the kitsune spirit calmly, seeming ignoring the fact that Akitsu was choking her. With a sigh, she rubbed the bridge of her nose, feeling her usual annoyance return. "Akitsu. Relax that hold a little. I don't want her dead or unable to speak. But do keep her under control and make sure to help her reconsider her choice of words." This time, Darkstar sounded grim. "Now, I am trying to be civil here. But that won't work if one of us is throwing a fucking bitchy fit. So either you stop acting like a bloody punk and behave, or we'll have a repeat performance of today's entertainment. Because I could watch Akitsu keep slamming you around all day. So, are we going to talk, or do I need some more force to get through that thick skull of yours?"
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

After being released, the kitsune didn't gag, not seeming to need air since she's a spirit, even though she did rub her neck. "Behave and what?" she growled. "What do you want? All you've said is to behave and do what you say and stop possessing people and blah blah blah! Haughty little virgin."
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"What do I want?" Razzie raised an eyebrow. Now that was a good question. "What I want..." The girl paused for a moment before smirking. "What I want is partners!" Her eyes lit up. "Mamono who will work with me, follow me and kick ass in my name!" She chuckled. "Or something like that. This run is basically half peacekeeping, half recruitment drive. We can't exactly let you loiter around on your own and cause trouble, so we've got two options here. Either Venice here takes you with her to IMA, or you can join me at my ranch and help me turn that travesty of architecture into a place that's going to make everyone around die of envy." The girl nodded. Yep, that about summed up the situation nicely.

Now came the hard part - advertising yourself. "Now, I suppose you're pissed off about the whole trashing, but hear me out. If you run around wild like that, people are going to get pissed. But if you stick with me, I'm pretty damn sure I can get you entertainment without pissed off locals or other ranchers breathing down your neck, if you don't mind working with me to keep the ranching business going. It's probably gonna involve fighting, but I'm sure I'll be able to find other things you can do if you like. So, wanna come? You'll probably end up having to go with some rancher anyway, and I ain't gonna deny you what you deserve. You'll have to work with me for it, but I will get you the rewards you may want."
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

The kitsune folded her arms behind her head and closed her eyes as she seemed to think on her offer. "In your name... That sounds fuckin' selfish." the kitsune spirit announced bluntly. "I'll help you if you let me possess you every now and then. I want to do shameless and sexy things, but since you're a virgin I'll keep it all private." she offered.