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Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"That's one way to put it." Razzie muttered, none the less trying to make herself comfortable in Akitsu embrance. Regardless of how it felt, it was probably the thought that was most important here. The skeleton's reminiscencing once again brought the sacrifice of her predecessor to the girl's mind. She had to admit, this was something that took some serious dedication... And desperation, but that was besides the point. Despite the mamono's touch, Darkstar began to visibly relax, the last shades of blonde disappearing from her hair - only for her partner to drop a metaphorical bomb right on top of her.

Razzie's jaw moved a few times, but no sound came up as she tried to process the reveal. She had no idea her own relative was like that - then again, she really didn't know him well. "I, ah..." She tried to desperately put together the information she just recieved and connect it to what she knew thus far about him, suffering a minor cranial overload on the way. Eventually, she let out an exasperated sigh. "That... Was too much information, Akitsu. Too much information." Sure, it was nothing to be proud of, but then again, she did owe him one, and he was dead. It was probably best to forget this and move on. Besides... Akitsu said those memories were cherished. It was just a word, but Darkstar doubted it was used without a purpose. And it's not like he ever did her harm, didn't he? 'It does explain the flat-chested bitch from earlier, though...'
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"Why would you... Tell me to speak... And then scold me for speaking?" Akitsu suddenly questioned when told that she gave too much information. "I do not understand you... But... The fragments of his soul... Are still happy..." she said, before placing a hand on Razzie's chest. "You are still somewhat flat... And his arousal... Becomes mine..."
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"Sometimes... People aren't comfortable with what you're telling them so casually." Razzie replied, trying not to grumble over Akitsu's accusation. Then again, things like tact and such seemed lost on the skeleton. Of course, all that gave way to righteous anger when the mamono cose to describe her rancher's chest in an unfortunate manner. "Oi! I'm not flat! Small, sure, but not flat!" She replied with indignation. That's when an alarm went off in her head, and Darkstar realized she may have missed a critical part of conversation. "Hold on... What was that last thing you've said?"
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Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Akitsu looked up to Razzie. "His arousal... Become mine..." she repeated over. As if knowing Razzie would need further explanation, she continued. "His emotions... For you... Before he died... Were within his soul... When that soul... Was used to make me..."
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Razzie stared at Akitsu with a blank expression. 'Huh... I must be really exhausted, I'm starting to hear things, because there is no way... Oh, who am I kidding?' The girl let out a sigh as she let her head fall down, staring up into the ceiling. "I... Think I get it." She let herself ponder this for a moment. "Was there... Anything else left of him?" The girl asked, feeling a little curious.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Akitsu seemed to think for a moment, before she suddenly pulled down Razzie's pants a little, and looked at the panties she had on. "He loves... Your cute panties..." she revealed.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Razzie could feel her face grow red as blood rushed under her skin. She could also swear she could feel her hair start turning blonde again, the barely detectable yet eerily familiar twinge of magic working it's way through her scalp. "Akitsu." She asked, trying her best to keep her voice calm, even though a large part of her consciousness was now screaming hate and bloody murder. "Could you pull my pants back up, please? While I am rather flattered, I am a little bit too tired for things like that right now." 'That, and I really, really don't want to risk bringing the whole house down in case a certain someone continues with this stupidity.' Her hands inched down, trying to pull the pants back onto their proper place. And while she really was too tired to do anything drastic, she had a feeling such measures might be necessary soon.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Akitsu did Razzie the favor of pulling her pants back up, before she looked back up to Razzie. There, the skeleton simply stared at her.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Razzie stared back at her partner. It occured to her she probably shouldn't blame her... She was literally created that way. Still, there had to be something more to her, no? "Hey, Akitsu... Aside of having his memories and feelings and all that... Do you have something that you like or want to achieve?"
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Akitsu's answer came to Razzie without hesitation. "I want... To serve..." she replied with her cold, dead voice, before adding more onto her desires. "... And... To see... You naked..." she added, though that last bit was likely 'him', rather than Akitsu herself.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

'Riiiiight...' Razzie resisted the urge to facepalm. Instead, she suddenly yawned. Engaged in the conversation, she didn't even notice how tired she felt. "You know..." She muttered, tired of trying to keep her eyes open. "Maybe we can take care of that tomorrow?" She was too tired to keep up the conversation much longer.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"Very well," Akitsu accepted. "I will see you... Naked tomorrow..." she announced, before climbing off of her, and heading towards the wall, where she sank, and curled up, wrapping her bony arms around her legs... As if going to sleep.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"... Right." Razzie watched Akitsu curl up before relaxing. Now that she no longer felt like being in the arms of reaper himself, she could truly feel at ease... If in her surroundings left a lot to be desired. Grimacing, the girl decided to take example from her partner and go to sleep. Soon enough, she was out, and likely wouldn't awake too early in the morning.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

And then, she went to sleep, and had an undisturbed rest. When she next woke up, she heard the rattling of a cup on a plate. Opening her eyes, she'd see Akitsu walking in with a steaming fresh cup of tea. Silently, she walked over to Razzie, and stood over her, staring down at her as she lowered the cup so that she could access it.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Razzie yawned as she opened her eyes. Waking up was hardly her favorite part of the day. For a brief moment, she wondered whether she could just roll over and continue sleeping. That plan, however, went out of the window as she heard noises in the house. She rose quickly, trying to figure out what was going on and who the Hell had the gall to snoop around her home, only to realize that Akitsu was entering the room with a fresh cup of tea. Mystery solved, the girl proceeded to enjoy the beverage, courtesy of her mamono. "Thanks, Akitsu." She spoke after downing a few gulps. Ah, that hit the spot.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Akitsu didn't give her a reply back. As Razzie sipped her tea, she stood there, staring at her with her glowing red eyes.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Finishing her tea, Razzie glanced at Akitsu. She usually didn't mind if someone was a man, woman or mamono of few words, but this was bordering on ridiculous. The fact that the skeleton just stared at her all the time didn't help. With a sigh, she gave back the now empty cup. "I'll go and clean myself up a bit, get changed and all that." She announced. "We can move on to whatever we've got to do today after that." After yesterday, she really felt a need to refresh herself.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"We must speak with Venice and have me trained for battle and competition in the arena." Akitsu announced their tasks for the day, before letting Razzie get all clean and dressed. "... You look sexy." Akitsu said once she was dressed.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"... Thanks." Razzie replied to the compliment, altough she had a feeling it was a remnant of her relative's soul talking. Now that she was up, running and good to go, she was able to start the day properly - except for one detail. Getting on track fast was a priority, but there was no way in Hell she was starting the day without breakfast. Darkstar was pretty much starving - who knew that going to bed without food after extensive workout would leave one feeling so ravenous? Of course, as soon as that was out of the way, she'd leave the ranch and go look for Venice in town to start the training.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

After a hearty breakfast(turns out a Rancher's living expenses were all paid for), Razzie and Akitsu went off to find Venice, who was standing in front of the Ranch itself. "Ready to get started?" the white haired woman inquired.