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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Jenny? Jenny!" without a word uttered Jenny quickly turned and dashed forward, her weapon unsheathed. Thankfully the stairs were free of the constructs completely now, but just as she turned towards the exit she flatout needed to stop! All the tiny constructs seemed to have made a circle around Sir as he moved his hands as if telling them tales of his adventures, much to the clammor and tippy-taps of the feet of his brothers.

Still Jenny there was a backdoor and continued her mad dash! Riley while fairly athletic in her own right didn't seem to be able to match the speed of the heroine "Jen---" without a second to delay Jenny was already out dashing through the backalleys of Kingscoast with the mud between her toes!

Jenny saw the mob near the church, no doubt something big was going down there! It was only her hope that she wasn't already too late...

Clearing the stresst Jenny would see several wagons speed past her and dash away out of Kingscoast! While one of the travel wagons seemed to for some reason hold Jennys gaze for those extra few seconds longer, she'd quickly turn her attention to the church and the lone armored figure infront of the mob.

Approaching the site the picture became much clearer, the mayor stood before Kain as the old man seemed to fiercely argue about something, the townsfolk behind him cheering him on!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

A sinking pit opened in Jenny's stomach as the wagons raced on. Watching them go Jenny grimaced before heading for the church. Seeing the gathering Jenny pushed her way threw the towns folk to hear what was being said by kain and the mayor. She had a deadly serious look on her face and her gaze was directed right at Kain. Still while her finger itched she kept it away from the trigger. "Where are they." Her voice was calm but carried the threat of death in it."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

As Jenny moved through the crowd she could hear the Mayor absolutely batter the man with his words "We are not some livestock to be locked away on your command! This is our town, it is WE who shall decide whats best for us. Not. You!" the crowd would cheer out not really paying heed as Jenny pushed through them ever so slowly "We are thankful for your aid during the assault, a debt we cannot possibly repay, but we will not be some slaves... some meek sheep anymore!" the townsfolk grumbled among themselves as the attack continued. Though throughout the armored templar seemed to remain calm and silent, the others of his band of zealots seemed to be gone.

"Go. Leave, we no longer need your protection." with those finals words the mayor would call for the man to leave only for Jenny to step forth and utter her question...

Kain would turn his eyes away from the mayor and to Jenny finally speaking once again "Girl... so you live?" this most spurred the girl to repeat the question in a bit more... 'clear' manner. The Inquisitor would raise his hand as if to stop her right there "Your friends are unharmed, they are likely in the church resting." he'd turn to the crowd and adress them "You need not worry, Mayor. We are leaving."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"All of them?" Jenny looked at Kaine he knew what she meant. The wind blew and lightly tossed her hair. Frost gleamed in the the light as even the townsfolk seemed to silence themselves for the moment. Jenny doubted she would get an honest answer from the inquisitor. "Yes all of them Nico, Lina, Grace, Misty , Rosa, and That smelly obnoxious sheriff. They all better be their unharmed or you will have to deal with me."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The man ever so briefly glanced down at the mention of Nicos name "The two girls we held in custody are alright, just as is Reicarn and your demon shelter provider alchemist." he'd state plainly, though his tone shifted to a much more serious and personal one as he continued "However, Nicole of the Black Widows has given herself over for judgement and has been taken away for trial and execution."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"No I don't think so." Jenny looked at the man intently. "She has done nothing to hurt these people in fact she probably did more to help them by keeping their spirits during these dark times. So you will return her here or you will deal with me."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"There's more to it than just some kidnapping." Kain looked to the girl sharply, as all around the townsfolk seemed to step back and dash away "Go back to your friends, help the people rebuild this town. Just step away from this, girl, for both yourself and Nicoles sake." he'd keep his eyes on Jenny, his gaze now turning to piercing even chilling "This is not a fight you can win."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"I've done my share of saving this town." Jenny wouldn't let the man's cold stare bother her, after all she had seen far worse than what he had to offer. "I've walked threw hell and back and then back in to wretch the darkness away from this place. I will not back down when an outsider threatens one of our own. A trial then execution that's not justice. Its a tactic for fools and cowards. I don't care if I can't win its not about winning its about whats right."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Kain finally turned to face the girl "Then quell yourself this one time and live." the man kept his gaze on Jenny now far more sharply "Whats right is for you to live another day and relax in fruits of your labours. That was Nico's wish for you and your kin in this town."

"I truly do not want to harm you girl, but I fear I cannot turn my back to you. Just turn around and go back to your friends. It's not my wish to harm you." he'd slowly take a much more combat oriented stance. There was no dramatic shift or overpowering presence, but looking into the mans eyes she could feel a primal fear of something exceptionally dangerous.

The choice, ofcourse, was Jennys - to turn her back and leave Nico or to attempt a desperate struggle for her life.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"I will not abandon someone who saved me from becoming a monster." Jenny looked at frost and let it fall from her hand before looking to Kain. "I will not give up on this.... so you best end this now." Jenny stood unarmed against Kain the next step was firmly in his hands.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

With a light clang Frost hit the stone road as Jenny stood before the man, unarmed and driven by passion to save her friend. Kain would glance to the weapon, before looking to Jenny briefly before his gaze wandered aside "I am sorry." he'd just turn around and walk towards his horse.

"Under difference circumstances you'd be regailed a hero." he'd pause and look to her once more "Nico has already left for the holy city of Mariosa. It will be atleast a few weeks travel time and a months until the council for her trial gathers." unless Jenny acted aggresively the man would mount the horse and give her one more look over "As you are right now, you won't save Nicole. Become stronger, smarter, gain powerful allies. Perhaps then you'll stand a chance."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny couldn't do much to stop the man. She didn't wish him ill after all of all his kin he seemed the most reasonable. Falling to her knees Jenny took Frost into her possession again. She failed to save Nico but it seems everyone else was safe. Still how could she face her sisters. They would want to go after her and none of them where in the condition to do so.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Without another word spoken Kain would mount up and only give a brief glance to the collapsed heroine, before riding off "Hyah!"

As the scene concluded slowly the townsfolks came out of their hiding spots, relieved at the aovided conflict, but something seemed off about them. Meanwhile Jenny would inspect Frost in her hands, the weapon long since lost was her once again.... though even with it, she just couldn't save everyone.

"Jen?" "Hum?" two figures appeared from the church as one of them clearly took note of the distraught blond in the middle of the street "Jenny!" Nina called out to her loudly "Jenny!" dashing down the small flight of stairs from the church rushed Grace, Jennys own angel, and Nina, the girl responsible for setting out to her adventure.

Before Jenny could even properly stand up Grace was already upon her! With a huge smile she'd give the heroine a tight hug only for Nina to run in a slightly more... composed manner "You are just full of surprises, sis." even Nina couldn't help, but smile as she stood close up close "What happened to your hair? Why are you out on the streets like this?" Grace puckered her lips with interest.

All the while slowly the townsfolk gathered around the girls, few daring to look up to Jenny.

Due to certain characters bordering other characters far too closely, I've gotta retcon a few names:

Lina -> Nina
Ezalor -> Ezekiel

They sound fairly close so hope it won't cause issues :]
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny returned the hug before breaking it. Something was off about the towns people and it made Jenny's skin crawl a little. "Lets talk about that someplace private okay?" Gathering herself up Jenny began to walk with Grace and Nina hoping to find Riley on their way back to Misteys. "Well Grace I used the essence of a powerful spirit to clense the area of the corruption and taint. It restored me.. well mostly to my original self. Jenny looked at Nina together if it wasn't for their different clothing they could almost be mistaken for twins. "Though I must admit its going to be hard for people to tell me and Nina apart now. How about you Grace did the magic do anything to you?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

As Jenny slipped out of Grace's hold, Nina would remain standing with a smile, before giving dashing in and giving Jenny a hug as well "What kind of older sister am I? Always being saved by my lil sis." she'd smile to the heroine earnestly.

Indeed the townsfolk had gathered up once more, though as the trio turned to leave "Wait!" the mayor called out. The mayor was by now means particulary elder, but he was certainly aged a white poofy and well kept moustache probably his most striking feature, besides his fairly well done hair "Jenny, you're Jenny, Linas sister." he'd step closer look to the girl firmly... before bowing down deeply "We are so sorry!"

It was then Riley finally caught up only to see the bowing man "Whats... going---" whichever of the trio they'd probably motion the girl to be silent for now as the mayor continued "We all knew. We knew the bar was run by succubi, but we never minded. You never mistreated the town, nor did it any harm. Dare I say Nicole and her girls were a beacon of light to in our humble lives." he'd keep his head down "The bar was a much a part of the town-- NO! It was far greater! It was our centerpiece!...B-but.. during your darkest hour we turned away from you girls, we ran and hid in fear as they tore the heart of Kingscoast out."

"We will forever be indebted to those men, but saving our town they also discriminated one of our most cherished citizens!" the crowd by now all looked down in clear guilt, their hands clenched in fists as some even shed a few tears "We will never be able to repay for our betrayal... but please. If there is any aid you require, you or Nicoles sisters do not hesitate to ask anyone."

He'd stop his bow only if Jenny asked, leaning out to reveal some tears running down his cheeks "P-Please, forgive Kingscoast." the crowd would bow in respect for their heroine as well, as at that moment the street went absolutely silent everyone showing their appreciation.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked at the man and the townsfolk. "I'm not the one that you should apologize to. Jenny turned around and began to walk away hugging Riley as she got close before turning to say once last thing. "When they are feeling well enough I will tell them that you wish to speak with them." With Grace, Nina, and Riley with her Jenny would make the trip back to Mistey's to meet with the girls and Ricaren.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

A clear sense of rejection was evident in the man eyes as Jenny shunned the apologies, the heroines thoughts were no doubt with Nicole and the possible price she'd pay for the town "What was all that about?" Riley approached the trio clearly confused about the events that just occured "Where's Nico?" Grace seemed to only glance down sadly, however Ninas reaction seemed far more fierce "She's done something absolutely idiotic." still if asked seemed she didn't want to talk about right now "Let's just head to Misteys for now..."

Still Jenny wouldn't leave the townsfolk without anything, the mayor seemed to still look on speechless, before Jenny added her comment "The others?" his eyes widened "Y-yes, ofcourse." with that Jenny was free to leave, the townsfolks seemed to be busy discussing something out of Jennys ear-reach.

Returning to the alchemists things were very much the same. Although Sir and his comrades were nowhere to be seen. Misteys placed seemed to be quite heftily repaired by the constructs, if Jenny wished there was plenty of room to sit down upstairs although the succubi girls were likely still nursed in the basement.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked around and sighed. She was tired and sore, the burst of energy from the mine was starting to wear out. "Okay they must still be down stairs. Grace, Nina can you see to the girls they are probably still out of it. " Heading down the stairs Jenny directed Grace and Nina to the room with the black widows while she and Riley moved on in their search. Though as a thought crossed her mind she stopped. Rosa was here to.... she probably took the full force of the purifying magic. Not to mention she was already weakened. "Riley check the room at the end of the hall I think thats where Rei was when I left. I... I need to check Rosa.... she was already weakened when the purifying event hit. If the other widows are in that state... then..." Looking a little sick to her stomach Jenny moved to where Rosa's room had been almost too afraid to check it out.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Perhaps it was more the events that continiously kept raining down upon the heroine that seemed to tire her out, otherwise whatever lingered in the air seemed to heal and rejuvenate her upon breathing it in or heck even upon simple contact "Ofcourse! Just point us in the right way." Grace smiled brightly always eager to help, though Nina seemed to clearly still have something on her mind "Alright..." she'd follow with much less enthusiasm.

Either way, it was likely neither of the duo knew just how bad Rosas situation was... Jenny not only saw, but she brought her back first hand. If the others were all out, Rosa may have indeed been...

"The girl from the woods?" Riley turned to Jenny to likely receive a silent nod, with Sir being gone with his 'fanclub' it was up to the duo to check up on the more heavily injured of the team.

As Jenny neared the room where Rosa was it was up to her to check inside by herself or with Riley, though as she'd push open the door to the temporal sickbay... the bed was empty? Rosa was nowhere to be seen.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Looking to the empty bed Jenny stared a moment before sitting down and leaning against the wall. It seemed that she couldn't save everyone. This was indeed a bitter sweet victory. Taking Riley's hand Jenny pulled her close and held onto her letting silent tears roll down her cheeks. How could she face the others. Not only was Nico missing but Rosa had vanished as well, after she insisted that the girls trust her once more. Still she had saved her sister and Grace. Though the fact Nico had turned herself in still sat bitterly in her gut.