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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

- Round 3 conclusion -
Jenny unloads!
#1 shot 10
#2 shot 18
#3 shot 16
#4 shot 8
#5 shot 14
Total damage done: 66!

The Evolved grabber is defeated!

"Aye!" Before the creature could even recoup Jenny knelt down and let loose a volley from frost, one after the other the devsatating shots slammed into the creature seemingly overcoming even it's impossible toughness before...

*NHAAAA!* the Evolved grabber cried out in a chilling inhuman shreek as it quickly moved aside and escaped further punishment! "Get back her ya overgrown slug!" Sona called out as she didn't even get a chance to socket the damn thing atleast one good blow "Humph..." the warrior looked briefly before crossing her hands "Don't think it's coming back any time soon."

Jenny could ofcourse try to order the two to chase after it inside the dome... however for the time being they were victorious! "Heck yeah!" Riley cheered out and grinned all too happily "Not even a scracth on us." seemed the girls were free to continue onwards and past the dome prison.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny held back her cheer looking to the hole. "Riley can you give it a shot to remember us bye?" Either way after Jenny would head over to the door and see if the slimegirl was okay. After all she was made of goo a simple door falling on her shouldn't be the end right? Finding out either way Jenny would take up her girl and head back in to meet with the remaining priestess and think on where she needed to move next. Not to mention gather her breath and recoup her little group. Thankfully Sona hadn't said anything about her wings.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley let out a fairly exhausted and light laugh "I think it's good." the mage smiled kindly, clearly not looking to strain herself any further. A boisterous laugh would echo out from nearby "Hah! Well that was fun." Sona grinned widely, with an all too clear hint of wickedness "Going to have to jot that bastard down as one of the bigger beasts."

Checking up on the goo girl would reveal that sheer force seems to have forced whatever lifeforce kept the girl sentient out. All that was left was some green goo, absolutely lifeless.

Whatever Jennys initial reaction to the victory was, she'd soon enough explain that they should get a move on to the priestess and plan from there. Though just as they were about to head out and took their burdens once more, Sona would indeed mention the sudden reveal "Not sound rude, but you don't look like a fallen angel to me." the warrior would scan Jenny sharply, be it openly or from behind as they moved. Though she'd seemingly not dwell on the matter too much.

The trip back while uneventful was nothing short of bonechilling the cold from way up seems to have begun seeping to the lower quarters of the dungeon. While they didn't see anything, the shadows seemed to flicker at the very edges of their vision, dark howls and utterances echoing out from unknown directions.

Still as they reached the 'sleeping quarters' Jenny would push open the door and beckon for the priestess... initially there was no answer. Though a few moments later the very same drawer would spur to life and slowly open, the priestess all too sleepy would look to the returning group "Oh...H---" though upon seeing her friends the girl almost fel out of her hiding place with wide eyes! "Y-You found them! Sandra, Jill, Emilia! Put on the bed, quickly!" with that the priestess would take over the nursing with clear concern and happyness in her eyes. Sona however seemed to be unrecognised by the girl.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny frowned at the poor pile of goo and gently padded it. Poor thing was just trying to help and got squished. Still she had the living to worry about and they where soon on their way. At Sona's comment Jenny was both relived that it didn't seem to other her and a little concerned that such a thought had crossed the girls mind. "Yeah definitely not an angel but more importantly not a demon."

Reaching the other priestess Jenny was glad that the woman had the faculties to care for her friends. Sliding against a wall and letting her wings stretch she took a breather besides it looked like Riley could use one as well. "So Sona whats your story? I know the priestess here are from the town or there abouts. What about you?"
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Sona seemed focused her gaze into the darkness, the distant calls of something dark clearly causing some concern "This place isn't safe." the warrior turned to Jenny "We can exchange stories after we're out of danger." the woman looked between the duo "If you two are here just for the captives, we should keep moving. If there's something else, take care of it. I'll guard the girls."

While they weren't stalked by the grabber anymore, the longer Jenny spent in the catacombs the more clear the sense of being watched grew. As if unseen hands kept grasping at her from the shadows. Judging Rileys anxious glances and the tell-talle rub of her forearms, the trickster shared the feeling as well. Still was there anything else that Jenny wanted to investigate down here?

A memory from her previous 'visit' down here seemed be just out of the girls reach, there was indeed something that called to her in this dungeon still.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked to the wound girls, to Riley, and then Sona. "I- I can't leave something is calling me deeper. Maybe its because of my condition but I need to go deeper. Sona you should get the rest of the girls out of here and Riley should go too but she won't listen to me anyway." Jenny smiled at her lover. "Im going deeper I have to but.. if you guys make a break for it avoid the bodies the are being animated by dark magic. Its a fight that you can't win at lest not in your state. Maybe if the priestess had some magic but it would be best to avoid a fight if get what I mean." Take a deep breath Jenny got up and raided the dresser of the room for some cloths. "First stop is the armory I need more bullets and then Im going to find what keeps calling me and either shoot it in the face and save the world or well.... I don't want to think about the other. Smiling at the girls and with a nod Jenny would step out and make her way t the armory.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"If we're moving out, we're moving out together." Sona looked to Jenny sharply, clearly dismissing her plan "I don't have the means to move them all, much less protect them alone while on the move. Any skulker attack and they'd be gone." the warrior crossed her hands "Though I can hold them back, the door would funnel anything that would come visit. You go and take care of your thing, I'll wait here with them."

"Just how much ammo you got left in Frost?" as if knowing Riley dropped the comment, though honestly Jennys ammo storage was more than clear... and there was only one clip where previously there were much more "You going to try punching them once you're out." Riley placed her hands on her hips and leaned forward with a sly smirk "I'm going with you, cuz like it or not you'll need someone to watch your back."

The only question of assignment was Sir. The lil guy seemed just as keen to help Jenny as help the wounded, though clearly he'd listen to whatever Jenny ordered him to do.

Dungeon locations:
- Kitchen
- Throne room
- The Mysterious door
- Living Quarters - Completed
- Alien dome - Completed
- Prison - Completed
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Hey Sir these gals going to be okay?" Jenny looked at the little construct awaiting his answer. "If they are going to be okay then come along if they need your help then stay little buddy." Bending down Jenny would hug the little golem. It was heartfelt and despite him not actually being alive. He had been one of her closest companions threw out this mess. "Okay Sona Im heading out keep the girls safe but if they recover and can move on their own don't wait for us okay?" There was only one place to really go. The strange door, it was the only place she hadn't been at lest once. Steadying herself she moved out.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Overhearing Jennys talk with Sir, the priestess quickly interjected "It's alright. I'll take care of the girls, I..." the girl paused "I still remember some of the healing arts I was taught. Their bodies aren't in bad condition as well." Sona would glance down seemingly keeping a thought to herself.

Still with permision given Sir would join up with the duo and once more the trio would take leave to the dark once more. Thankfully the group didn't encounter any creatures on their way, even from absolutely every dark corner seeming eyes opened up and followed their movement. While it may have been just their imagination, coupled with the absolute chill around... it was more than a little uneasy trip "The shadows weren't this dark even in the academy." Riley spoke up nervously, though luckily just at those word they'd reach their goal.

Oddly enough unlike most of this place, this area seemed to be relatively untouched. The door was slightly larger than either of the groups members, it's surface absolutely decorated with golden filigree creating a imagery that seemed to warp and change the more Jenny tried to understand what it displayed.

"Hey... it's open." Riley puckered her lips and widened her eyes at the noticed detail, indeed the huge door was slightly agape, Though due to it's mass it would likely require all three of them to push it open.

No going back after this.
Enter the room?
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny stared at the door, the shifting swirling decorations playing on her mind. No mater what she had to go threw here. Her fate was tied to what every lay ahead. Standing here though she wished for some consul. Ezalor, Nico, Azreal, hell even the sheriff's voice would have been a blessing to hear. "Yes we.. I need to go this way." Reaching out Jenny took hold of the door and began to pull it open. Sir her ever present and loyal companion pushed with is stubby legs and even Riley helped thought the light girl's efforts where suspect at times. With the door open Jenny Checked frost once more making sure it was loaded and took a deep breath and stepped into the room.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

While usually one to skim work, even Riley gave some effort at opening the massive door the steel hinges echoing all around as it slowly opened up. Looking inside no wind, no movement caught Jennys notice it was just pitch black. Even Rileys floating light offered little only hinting at stone tiles, far different than the ones in the hallway "After you..." the trickster glanced down to their most sturdy companion "Sir." the tiny constructs body language spoke all too clearly, as he stepped back and motioned his hands to rather not.

More likely than not Jenny would be the first to brave inside. Even if it was pitch black, there was a familiar hum inside the room, though this time it was distinctly louder.

Braving a few steps inside suddenly Jenny felt warmth beneath her foot?! Whatever her reaction was exactly where she placed her foot a bright blue rune ingnited! Instantly this seemed to cause a cascade of light throughout the room, a seemingly invisible wave would echo out from Jenny igniting a blue rune on each of the numerous tiles scattered through the circular chamber!

As the runes ignited soon enough the room was fully illuminated, quickly reminding Jenny exactly why the hum sounded so familiar "It's... just like in the academy?" Riley stepped closer as well looking around the wards chamber.

Just as the mage said, the room was similar to the Ward chamber Jenny found Lina in, though this one was far bigger! The chamber itself was mainly constructed from sand colored tiles, each one a precisely cut square, each one bearing an intricate glowing blue rune.

In the middle of the chamber however was not one, but three glowing crystals. Each one towering atleast three times the size of the heroine, though unlike the crystal in the academy they did not emit light... the opposite. Two of the crystals were pitch black, slick black goo covering their surface with only one remaining in a seemingly pure see-through condition.

Leading up to the crystals was a small bridge of sorts, the walkway extending up from the ground and towards the three centerpieces.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny would not hesitate and move in with steady steps. She had been in a room similar to this one though this time there where three crystals instead of one. Stopping only a moment Jenny looked to the empty crystal. Her sister had tried to re-power the academy with herself to little effect. No that wouldn't work not to mention Jenny was corrupted. While her will and mind where her own her spirit was tainted by dark magic. No doubt she would do little good following Lina's example. However she did have something that was pure spiritual energy. Reaching into her bag Jenny pulled out the gift of Naya. Holding it for a moment Jenny looked and thought. "Im going to try and fill the empty crystal with this. Any objections?" If no one could come up with a better idea Jenny would make her way to the empty crystal.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Unfortauntely the duo of her companions wouldn't even have the time to answer, as the moment Jenny pulled the seed out the small object instantly ignited a warm light. As the fairly small object glowed more and more intensely a wispy golden stream of lights began to escape it, wrapping around Jennys hand and rushing onwards to spread across the room.

Riley stepped back lightly "I really hope that's a good thing..." the mage winced seemingly preparing for something bad... though as the now floating lights brushed against her a certain comfort and warmth echoed across her body. The same was for Jenny as well, the more of the lights filled the room the more peaceful the otherwise cold and foeboding the chamber became.

As if hundreds of fireflies the lights all danced throughout the chamber, the tiny seeds light seemingly an endless stream, up until Jenny felt her fingers previously holding the warm object touch together with the final stream of energy slipping out of her grasp.

The lights seemed to linger brieflly until one, then two... then a dozens of them began to swarm to the crystals. The black ooze on one of the wards seemingly ignited upon touch of the golden lights, slowly burning away more and more as the lights rushed at it. Soon enough every single 'firefly' rushed to one of the three crystals enveloping them in the golden glow!

Before Jenny the three flaoting crystals now glowed a warm light a kin to the suns, their radiance growing more intense by the second? Seeming winds picked up in the chamber as the low hum that echoed through the chamber began to grow louder and louder, the three crystals floating upwards and emitting even more radiance! By now the humming sounds drowned out any words the trio wished to share, the runes all across the room turning a gentle green color and golden light turning blinding---!

A low boom echoed out as Jenny felt a surprisingly soft and gentle shockwave slam into her body and rush though her. A deep echoing pain tore at the girl as her skin seemed to burn, though if she dared to look at her hands, she'd seeminingly see the bleed a black substance that quickly turned to dark dust and disperse, torn away along by the shockwave. Though she couldn't see it her Dark raven wings would share a similar fate as they were continiously blown back the feathers snapping off to turn into black dust behind her that quickly dispersed!

By the end of the blast, Jenny couldn't help but collapse on the spot. While she was still alive, her whole body seemed to curl over in some sort of shock. Even if she felt a seeming soft blanket wrapped around her, some sort of primal fear just happened kept gnawing at her and wouldn't let go until she felt herself drift asleep.... or just fall unconscious.

When she came to jenny felt a calming warmth rest across her body, even some dew forming on the girls wonderous body. Looking around the chamber the crystals now continiously spun, each one emiting a soft white light as they worked. If the girl tried to move, she'd note Sir in his sleeping mode standing right next to her... seemed the lil guy was out.

Looking back towards the door, she'd see Riley laying asleep as well. Her outfit was now gone revealing her supreme body in the full, the soft light the room emitted only adding to the exceptional view. Thankfully she too seemed to be breathing.

Besides that just looking around, there was a certain humidity to the air. A distinct light green hue seemed to color whatever direction Jenny turned to.

Jenny is bathed in purging light:

Jenny loses Supernatural and is returned to Warped status.

Jenny loses Greater wings/Wings/Vestigial wings mutations.
Jenny loses Pheromones.
Jenny loses Night eyes.
Jenny loses Odd hair.
Jenny loses one base cup-size for her bust (DDs -> D's). [can be reverted with shapeshifter]

Total mutation loss: 6
Active mutation count: 8

Ability loss:
Jenny loses Stunning Gaze.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

For a moment Jenny watched the light bath the crystals, their glow illuminating the immediate area. Perhaps she was lost to the beauty of the moment as she just stood their watching the lights. She knew she had done the right thing she could feel it but that was short lived as the light grew more intense. Moving her arm to shield her eyes from the intense light Jenny saw the effects it started to have on her body. Watching as the black substance began to ooze out of her then burn away frightened her greatly especially as it burned. Screaming a little Jenny could only hold her ground as the light intensity grew and grew. Soon all she could see was the light in front of her.

What Jenny couldn't see was what Riley saw. Jenny stood her ground the succubus seemingly immobile as the light erupted around her with force, blasting her lovers hair and wings back. Watching stunned she saw Jenny's wings disintegrate under the barrage of light as it slowly engulfed her. Till with a final boom the cascade of light hit her as well.

After some time​

Jenny stirred on the warm stone little droplets of water running down her naked body causing soft gasp. Standing up she felt off balance. Reaching back she could feel that her wings where gone. Blinking a bit she brought her hands back around dragging a few strands of her now blonde hair. Taking a few strands Jenny looked at them like a long forgotten possession that had been returned to her. What happened to her? Looking about she soon spotted Sir and Riley. Crawling to Sir sense he was closest Jenny tapped the little guy to wake him before standing to move to Riley in a stumbling off balance walk. Reaching her lover Jenny would shake her lightly. "Riley.. Riley.... please be okay."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The poke on Sirs body would quickly reactivate the light crystal as it once more began to glow and fly around, effectively returning to it's role as the lil guys 'face' of sorts. Sir would quickly get to moving and hug Jenny, his stoney body tho chill to touch, especially with the dew still beared a certain warmth to it.

Next up was Riley. Jenny would stumble lightly, be it from her bodys weakened state or plain loss of certain parts of her body. Reaching the sleeping trickster Jenny would try to shake her awake, only for Riley to stir to life "W-wha..."

The illusionist slowly opened her eyes "Jen...? Jen!" she'd lightly jolt up, remembering the sight she saw "Your wings! Your blood?!..." Riley leaned out looking at Jenny the last question echoing in a much slower and less concerned, but more confused tone "Your... hair?..." besides having lost her clothes, Riley seemed to be exactly the same as she was before blast.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny sat down feeling weak from the effort and returned Sir's hug. "Guess I won't be flying us out of here. Holding Sir on her lap Jenny looked at her hair again. "Its strange to have my natural hair color back... the light must have purged the taint from my body. Oh boy did it burn. How about Riley are you okay?" Jenny looked over her lover making sure that the trickster was indeed in good health, before looking at the room and getting up. "Come on we need to get to Sona and the others and get out of here." Struggling to her feet and offering a hand to Riley Jenny smiled. "And maybe we can find some cloths too." If nothing else presented its self Jenny would head back to where she left the priestess and the warrior so they could head out together.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley giggled lightly clearly relieved that both of her own friends were okay "You always seemed like more of a blonde." she'd smirk clearly just teasing her, before laughing lightly "...but... what was that? I saw the light constantly rip something out of you..." she'd glance to Jenny "I thought it was your blood." as Jenny elaborated on her thoughts at what happened to her, Riley would glance to the trio of crystals spinning and emiting the warm glow.

"Y-yeah..." Riley shook off her own drowsiness and stood up, she unlike Jenny didn't seem to suffer from the physical weakness that plagued the heroine. If need be she'd help Jenny up with a smile and once more glanced to the three spinning crystals "I wonder what the heck did we just do..."

Before they left Riley would pick up her top hat and return it to it's proper place, her outfit quickly reappear once more. By now Jenny noticed that the clothes Riley always donned were part of her illusionary magic, not actual material "Right behind you."

The air itself seemed to provide a fair amount of healing on it's own, as just breathing the warm and humid vapors seemed to quickly regenare and reinvigorate Jennys body. Unless there was something else Jenny wanted to do in the chamber the three of them were free to go.

Stepping outside the change was instantly noticeable here as well. All the torches in the hallway seemed to have been ignited providing a clear view through the hallway they stood in, the dark opressing stone now appearing more like an ancient ruin than a dark dungeon. Especially with the numerous wines that seemed to have made their way through the stone...

Indeed the walls and ceiling of the dungeon beared numerous hints of nature eating away at it, freshly grown light green wines seemed to have pierced and dislocated a fair amount of the stones "Jen... look" Riley raised her hand to one of the roots to point out as it continiously grew and spread right before their eyes, growing thicker and eating away at the stone. It wasn't just one strand but the whole placed seemed to have slowly begun to erode to the nature outside!

Rushing back to where the duo left off Sona and the girls would reveal, that huge parts of the dungeon had already collapsed! The rampant growth from outside forcing the collidors to collapse at a slow, but constant rate.

Reaching the room would reveal the unfortunate sight of it having already collapsed! Thankfully no signs of the pirestess or the warrior girl were evident, Jenny had to hope they made it out in time... just at that though a distant crash echoed out from deeper inside the dungeon, a subtle wind reaching even all the way to the trio "Jen, we gotta go now!"
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"What do you mean about that? Whats wrong with having blonde hair?" Jenny's opened wide as she began to run following the fresh air. "Come on Riley lets not get turned into fertilizer!" Running with Sir held close to her chest and holding onto Riley's hand she ran hoping to find a way out. Obviously Naya was not intent on letting such a wicked place exist and they needed to get out of the rapidly collapsing structure. Hopefully things above ground where in a far better state.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Unfortunately following the 'fresh air' would only lead the girls to a collpased hallway, the jotting and rapidly growing roots hinting at the cause for this "This way!" Riley called out to Jenny to follow her this time as they'd head to the entrance the trio came from!

Rushing out the dungeon Jenny would subconsciously glance to the 2 bodies of the hunters they had executed here, though her gaze would instead meet a huge mound of roots, all wrapped around whatever was left of the carcass.

Riley would pause upon reaching the top of the stairs and smile brightly "Bingo!" she'd glance back to Jenny with a smile as their lift out of this place awaited. Unless Jenny had some objections or something else left in this dark and decaying corner of the world, the trio were free to leave.

Getting on the lift, the girls would pull the lever to activate it and with a loud creak, the rickety ascend had begun. All throughout their ascend the warm and rejuvenating aura still lingered, even the cold and dark mine at the very top had gained a certain cozy warmth to it.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Following Riley Jenny only barely noticed the vine covered corpse and had little time to wonder. Finding the lift the trio got aboard and activated it. Thankfully the plant like growths had yet to effect the mechanical device. Still if the lift was down did that mean Sonja and the others didn't make it out. She tried not to think about it to much as they finished the ride up the lift. Watching Jenny held frost who knew what they might encounter up here with nature gone wild.