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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The wave would be answered with a clear smile on the girls head as it carefully tried to mimick Jennys action back.

"D'aw it's kinda cute..." Riley looked up to the sight as well, before giggling lightly "When it's not trying to rape either of us." she'd wink slyly to the heroine, when suddenly the nearby door to the dome echoed out with several impacts landing on it! Though the force was no doubt great, thankfully it held... even the slimegirl would retreat to her goo fully, before carefully peeking out and looking to the door, one finger on her lips.

"Oh... I guess it's done with the illusion..." the trickster stepped back and closer to the wall, smiling wryly to Jenny. Seemed now they had a cockblocked tentacle monster on them... though for the moment both were safe "Shall we wait for Sir or?"

"It's fine he'll catch up." Jenny would wave at the notion for now, before continueing onwards. They needed to finish checking for captives...

Thing were indeed looking grim, as the third cage in a row hinted at the ill-fate that befell whoever was inside... until at the fourth gate. Looking inside Jenny would see a girl! Her hands were tied to the cieling a kin to how Jenny herself was kept here! Just as most actual survivors the door was locked, but swiflty opening it up would allow the heroine entry! "Hey another one!" Riley smiled brightly as they rushed to check on the girls state.

While she was still breathing the girl was clearly out cold and unlike Sona, she and the rooms stench bore clear hints that she wasn't kept here for containement... but entertainment "Out... and badly." neither Jenny or Riley were trained in proper medicine, but at the very least both could see the girl was still alive... weak, but alive.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny frowned "This is how they had me." Unlocking the door and moving to the girl Jenny had Riley support the weight while she undid the latches that held the girl up. Seeing she was out cold Jenny frowned it would be too Risky to get the girls back across the chamber and Jenny couldn't recall if there was another way around. Still Jenny had a plan. "Keep an eye on her for a moment Riley okay. I need to get to Sir and Sonja. I don't think they have left yet." Indeed while the room was dark Jenny's night vision could help her judge that. Sneaking back thankfully in the nude with no armor to make noise Jenny would head to where she saw Sonja and Sir. If she was lucky she would intercept them before they headed out and inform them of her plan. She wanted Sonja and Sir to meet up with Riley while she went and fetched the priestess. Even if she was ruined she still probably knew a little of healing arts. If she caught the two she would then move on to the priestess.

One head to Sir and Sonja hoping they haven't left yet. Tell them to meet up with Riley. If they are gone already head back to Riley and check the other cages.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny wouldn't have to go far as just as she stepped outside a voice greeted her... devoid of the subtelty or stealth Riley and Jenny kept throughout their venture here "Yo! Find anyone else?" Sona approached in an all too confident manner. Standing up the woman was taller than Jenny... and by her stance, far more physically fit.

Looking for Sir, would reveal the tiny construct clinging around the womans foot, likely trying to stop her from moving before the healing was done... not to much effect though.

Whatever Jennys first plan of thought was would temporally be halted as the dome creature once made it's ever looming presence known! The steel door once more was bashed into this time bending with each successive powerful blow! A few more strikes and the door would not doubt be torn asunder!

"Eh?" Sona raised an eyebrow and gripped the gifted blade "Someones looking for a fight?" the warrior turned to the door, about ready for a battle only for Jenny to grip her hand and pull her inside the room?!

Jenny looked to the creatures likely entrance and sighed with relief... Sona however "What are you doing?!" she'd snarl lightly looking to Jenny in a clearly agitated manner, likely spurring Jenny to explain what was skulking there "So just beat the shit out of it, I don't see the issue."

"The issue is getting this girl out alive." Riley looked to the womans protest with a light frown "She seems to be in a bad state..." upon seeing the injured girl, Sona would relax her stance and approach with fair care "No she's alright... exhausted... probably shocked unconscious." the warrior sighed deeply "It'll take her more than a few pints to forget this place."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny would look to Sona a moment. "Stay here for now we need to check the remaining cages." Turning to her little companion she would thank him and ask him to check out the other girl. "Oh Sonja if you see a green slime girl don't hurt her okay. She seems friendly." Gettng by the door Jenny would wait a moment for things to calm down before slipping out to check the remaining cages. If she found anymore survivors she would gather them up with Sona and the new girl.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Sona looked to Jenny briefly and sighed deeply "Alright, it's your parade. Just shoutout if the grabber gets ya." the warrior crossed her hands and leaned against a nearby wall.

"I'll go check on the others as well." Riley would stand up away from the girl "Sir can heal, Sona can guard this room. Besides with the two of us it'll go much quicker." she'd smirk slyly "And if our dome friend feels touchy I know a perfect trick to get him away from us." unless Jenny absolutely insisted otherwise Riley would join her.

Though once out of the room she'd add in a hushed tone "Besides the room kinda reeks." the trickster winked playfully and would help wtih checking the rooms, keeping her steps light and silent akin to Jenny.

For the first time in a while, things seemed to actually start to look up! Approaching the next cage Jenny would find yet another girl in a similar state, with Riley motioning that the next cage had yet another captive!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Oh if it gets me you'll know." Heading out with a wink Jenny went about freeing the first woman they saw again and checking her over. If she was awake she would tell her to crawl over to where Sonja and the others where and to be quite. If not she would have to move her herself before moving to get the other girls she saw.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Unfortunately neither of the girls seemed to be react to any of Jennys attempts to wake them. With Riley standing on watch, Jenny would have to carefully carry each girl out of their prison and into the damp cold cell her allies remained. Though as Jenny continued her duty, the goo girl now much more openly looked to her curiously, though her position near the heavily deformed steeldoor was a bit worryisome.

Still once inside the first of the probable priestess cells Jenny would carry lay down each girl on the cold stone floor, Sir seeminly running back and forth between the girls in a mad panic! Heck this was by the most injured he had seen in some time... if ever.

"So whats the situation out there?" Sona would speak up clearly growing anxious at just waiting for Jenny and Riley to do their thing "I've seen only warped and aliens here, where are the demons?" seemed the warrior wanted a bit more information just what the heck was going on beyond the prison.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"The demons if any are left are scattered. Right now we just have to worry about the aliens and warped as well as some undead." Jenny would look to Sir and stop him a moment and tell him softly to calm down take it easy. Looking back to Sona she would look out the door. "We left one more person out there and I plan on getting her. Moving all these wounded past the grabber is going to be very hard. It might be safer to get you all along with us. Ill be back keep an eye out for me okay."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Yeah I gathered as much, but what the hell happened?" Sona looked to Jenny firmly "Last I remember this place was run by demons, now it's just a ruin." whether Jenny choose to elaborate, guess or just shrug the question off was up to her. Either way Sona would only pinch her nose bridge in annoyance at the situation and sigh deeply "Bastard hunters..."

"Wait where the heck are you going?" Riley would turn to Jenny, actually when the heroine picked up the second girl both her and Riley could see that further down the line the door were more or less either open or busted. Chances were no other survivors could be found.

Jennys announcement of her plan to fetch the one girl they left behind would swiftly be met by a frown from Riley "You want to go near the exit and then come back here. Let's move everyone out, there's what..." Riley quickly counted the number of people in the room "3 of them and 4 of us. You, Sona and... Sir." Sir looked to the trickster in objection at the work-skipper "Take one of the girls and we sneak right on out."

Sona would speak up on the matter as well "Look if you're worried about the grabber, if it tries to make a move I can keep it off you." the woman looked to the blade in hand "No grabber bastard is going to beat me."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny would of course explain the situation to Sona to the best of her abilities including the fallen one not holding back any detail. If Sona was shocked Jenny would be unphased. "Okay Riley good plan I don't know what I was thinking. Still dragging the wounded along would take a lot of time but Jenny had little choice in the matter. "Okay keep an eye out for the grabber Ill start to ferry people along its gonna take awhile." It was obvious this would be her burden as Riley wasn't very strong and Sir was well too short. Sona would keep Jenny safe so would need to be free to move around.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Sona would give Riley a guilty look, much to the girls displeasure. The trickster crossed her hands and looked to Sir.... "Fine, you take the top I'll take the legs." the girl turned to Jenny "I guess we can do it in just one go."

Jenny wouldn't object to the plan at hand as soon enough the trio began their treck along the dark hallway, Rileys magical lantern illuminating the way forward. Thankfully each of the girls was fairly light, the most unburdened of three seemed to be Sona who'd walk fairly casually even with the added weight, Riley and Sir seemed to be alright as well with the tiny construct clearly forced to carry the heavier part...

As they continued onwards the group kept their eyes towards the dome, seemingly feeling a presence gaze at them through the walls... made that extra bit clear as it moved ever so occasionally to keep close to the wall the group traveled along.

Still soon enough the corridor Jenny and Riley entered came into view! Though just as Jenny was about to feel some measure of relief a sparkle of green caught her eye near the domes wall?

The goo girl seemed to be tinkering with one of the heavily reinforced doors to the dome... the very last door they had to pass to reach the hallway... though it was hard to see she seemed to be undoing whatever kept the door firmly shut!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny nearly panicked she had no idea what was behind that door. Motioning the other girls to go fast Jenny and her burden would head to the slime girl trying to quietly get her attention. If she could get her to look this way Jenny would show her wings so the girl would be curious about her again hopefully leave the door alone.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

- Special Event -
Evolved Grabber fight!

The group can attack either the Grabber itself or it's tentacles OR carry a priestess to safety.

Grabber is attacked and takes damage as normal, but has very high HP and armor values.

Attacking the tentacles works by a system:
Sona can kill 3 tentacles or deal her attack damage to the grabber!
Riley can stun 5 tentacles for 1 round or gain a charge on her lazer attack (Lazer attack fires the following round, killing all tentacles and inflicting heavy damage on the grabber)
Jenny can attack as normal. Tentacles are instantly killed upon any damage received from her.

Any of the girls can choose to carry a priestess to safety, but loses any other actions that round.

Additional tentacles will spawn every round depending on a 2d4 roll.

Unfortunately it was far too late, all of the girls knew it judging by their facial expression. Sona would carefully put the girl down nearby as she looked on to the sight "Hope you're ready."

"No no no!" Riley would motion to the slime girl to stop tugging that damn buckle and Jenny did her best distraction. Though all this seemed to only spur the slime girl to give the final latch one more tug!

As the final bolt hit the ground the slime girl looked to metal and then to girls, before smiling innocently and reaching up to way happily--- *THUD* with a powerful slam the poor girl was utterly mushed by the door being slammed open as numerous and far thicker tentacles shot forth!

With a wicked roar Jenny could finally see what was stalking them, it was one of the alien creatures a so called 'grabber' though from the surface area that peered at them through the entryway it was all too clear this one was far bigger than any yet encountered!

Jenny looked on to her current situation, before the group through the slammed open door peered their enemy. At the moment it had 6 tentacles easily long enough tor each any of them in the corridor, each one dripping with potent gooze... there was little doubt they'd begin their attack shortly!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked at the door fall on the slime girl poor thing thought it was helping. Still she had little time to wonder on the girls state before the grabber made itself known. "Sonja keep the tentacles away from the wounded. Ill cover you Riley look for an opening and let the beast have it."

Sona kill tentacles
Jenny kill tentacles Rapid fire 3
Riley charge up for a laser attack
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

- Round 1 -
Sona kills 3 tentacles
Jenny shotos 3 tentacles
Riley powers up.

No tentacles left to attack!

- Round 2 -
5 new tentacles appear!
Riley shoots lazer and hits the boss for 42 damage!

Jenny needs an action
Sona needs an action

"Sounds good!" Sona drew her blade and rushed closer fearless, the tentacles lunging forward at her keen to wrap around the brave girl! Though as each attack flew at her, each one would be all too easily countered! Each attack slicing off an appendage one at a time up to three!

Jenny meanwhile showed off her own talents, aiming down the thicker tentacles at such range proved an all too easy target! Three brilliant streaks would fly out of the Frost, each one piercing and snapping the tentacle off!

The beast cried out in anger as the snapped tentacles retreated, before 5 new ones sprung forth! "Riley!" Jenny called out to the trickster "Already on it! Step aside for the Showstopper!" Riley being her overly bravado self called out in a dramatic fashion, one hand on her top hats rim while the other 'painted' the target!

With a bright flash of light, the mages attack came forth instantly burning the tentacles aside and slamming into the beast inside the dome! "NUAAAAH!!" the creature cried out in pain, for the brief moment they were free to move! "Nice! You two wierdos can fight!"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Keep it up Sonja! Get ready for the next attack Riley!" Jenny herself would empty the remaining clip into the beast. Reloading Jenny kept an eye out just encase Mr. McGrabyNfeely got his arms back. So far the plan was working the creature had been hurt badly by the laser attack and so far the girls had been left unharmed. However the poor slime girl was still trapped under the door.

Riley on CD
Sonja ready to attck new tentacles
Jenny 4 shots into the main body
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

- Round 2 conclussion -
Jennys empties her magazine:
Creature is literally too big not to hit...
#1 15 damage
#2 8 damage
#3 15 damage
#4 10 damage
Total damage: 48!

Sona stands menacingly.

5 new tentacles appear!

Riley briefly caught her breath "Y-Yeah... just give me a moment." the girl would reach for one of the magic restoration potions and take a few sips and wipe off her lips "Phew.... ready when you are!"

"Aye!" Sona called out awaiting for the next challenge to come forth, all the while Jenny emptied out Frost into the creature adding that extra bit insult to injury! Each shot leaving an icy mark upon impact quickly hidden beneath the constantly shifting good that covered it's body.

The beast wouldn't take long to recoup as another 5 tentacles shot out from it's body! Each one aiming to drag one of the girls inside it's lair!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Seeing the the new tentacles shoot out Jenny ducked under one and shouted "Now!" Letting loose Jenny shot two of the tentacles while Sona began her blade work. Still with the writhing masses it was hard to see how she fared in her attack and Jenny still had her own to deal with.

Sona attack
Jenny 2 shots at tentacles
Riley charge up
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

- Round 3 -
Jennys shoots down 2 tentacles (5/7 shots left; 1 clip remaining)
Sona cuts down 3 more
Riley charges up

8 more tentacles spawn!

- Round 4 start -
Rileys uses her Lazer!
Tentacles are no more
Grabber is hit once more
Only 26 damage done... [min roll...]

Jenny and Sona get a free action!
Fight intensity grows! Tentacles spawn at 3d4

The battle was going well, almost too well! Even if jenny was eating through her ammo the creature was absolutely locked down by the girls and slowly whittled down "Keep at it!" Sona would call out with a huge bloodthirsty grin, the agitated grabbers tendrils lashing towards her only to be cut down! Jenny too all too easily sniped whatever was left, before Riley gave her signal once more!

Still as the trio got into their groove the beast suddenly spwaned almost twice as much tentacles all instantly flying towards the unconscious priestesses nearby?! Thankfully even before they made any headway, instantly Rileys lazer would slam into the appendages and then into the creature who seemed to brace for impact this time!

"I think we pissed it off..." Sona raised an eyebrow and tightened her stance "How is it still not dead?" Riley would chip in as well, frowning cutely at the stubborn monster. All three however would notice this time it's body surface seemed to shift and change at a increased pace! "That... doesn't look good..."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Not good, the situation was getting desperate still they had to do something. Unleashing her clip into the beast Jenny began to swap it out. "Sona we need to end this quickly! Riley can you keep any new tentacles busy?"

Jenny unloads the remaining shots in her clip
Sona attacks the main mass
Riley stun any new tentacles