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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Choosing to pick the loot first, question later Jenny quickly exited the room and firmly shut the door behind her, even gasping for the fresh fresh, even if it was actually stale, air outside. Hopefully getting through the stench was worth it "Finished the aroma therapy?" Riley giggled teasingly from nearby and smiled innocently. Whether Jenny showed or gave some of the potions from inside to her was all her choice.

Picking her next room Jenny ever so cautiously walked past the other corpse in the hallway and continued onwards. The outer door was identical to the rest, taking a deep breath the girl hoped she understood the soldiers scribbles right and tried the lock.

The door would be unlocked. Pushing it open would instantly fill air with the smells of relaxing incense, perhaps it was due to the last few hours, but the fragrance was just utter bliss for Jenny right now. Even cracking a smile, the heroine leaned inside and inspected the room.

This was nothing like the last two rooms. White silken curtains adorned the marble walls, still retaining their luxurious nature, clearly well taken care of. The bed had red silken sheets and at least a good dozen of small pillows scattered about it. The layout of the room seemed different as well, this room not only had a larger bed, a huge mirror, writing table and a dresser, but a fully a fledged bath with beautifully crafted marble statues of female angels. The floor was beautifully decorated with cracked stone smooth tiles. In fact everything here looked pristine.

"Finally." Riley smiled widely with wonder as she followed in close pursuit, she'd turn to Jenny and nudge her inside closing the door behind them, clearly much more relaxed in the substantially more pleasant enviroment.

Jenny obtains:
2 dark green bottles of ???
1 white bottle of ???
1 black bottle of ???
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

This was a far cry from before but for now it would do. This had to be her room of course. Looking about Jenny set the potions on the counter. "Riley see if you can make heads or tails of these. Im gonna seach the room." With that Jenny began to look around opening dressers and chests looking for anything useful.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley gave Jenny the look briefly, the potions were all unknown substances that came from THAT room... still sighing deeply she'd have to agree "Alright..." As Riley inspected each potion and frowned more and more at each reek the substance gave off, Jenny was busy looking through the room for anything of use.

Actually looking around there were numerous items of great potential use, small sweet smelling salves, incense, clothes of pretty much any variety. In fact, Jenny even found Rosas leather armor the design reminiscent of the kind she saw The Black Widows wear. Besides that Jenny wouldn't find any real notes, however opening of the writing table drawers would bring a huge smile to the heroines face.

Inside one of the drawers was Frost, her heavily modified weapon from earlier in her journey, besides it rested at least 3 clips worth of ammo! Likely not leaving her weapon behind once again, Jenny had quite the pick of what she wished to take. While there were no potions some armor and numerous clothing items offered her quite the number of choices... especially with her being naked right now.

Jenny regains FROST.
[ Enhanced Su-Ku-Ta Hand Repeater: +54 2d8 + 21, 15 foot range, 7 shots, 1 round reload[0], ignores 4 AV; + 1d8 Frost damage ]
5 clips of ammo total.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

As soon as the drawer opened Jenny smiled. Picking up Frost she carreseed it like a lost pet. "Well girl it seems we are back together at last." Inspecting the gun for damage Jenny checked if it was loaded and ready to go before taking hte 5 clips of ammo. Next was some cloths. Grabbing some fairly decent covering cloths if any where to be had Jenny put them on before taking an extra set and stuffing it in her bag. "Riley could you help me with this?" Jenny held up the armor almost sheepishly. It wasn't exactly modest but it was better than cloths.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Ugh... I'm pretty sure these are either extra potent or not for consumption." Riley winced as recorked the final vial "Can't recognise any of them." she'd sigh and approach the looting heroine "Find anything?" introducing her finds however she wished, Jenny was now finally fully armed once more, with more ammo and a far superior gun than before to boot! Though there was one more thing she wanted...

Riley smirked at the apparent innocence Jenny displayed and with a smile approached her. One sharp pinch on the far from shy heroines ass later, the two got to work on getting her in gear. While the armor seemed to fit for the most part, Jennys very generous bust stood out all the more as it was clearly fitted for a smaller cup. The tight black leather squeezed tightly along the sides of the DD's with only Jennys nippies seemingly holding the leather from slipping aside to reveal her bust in full.

Riley giggled at the lewd display, the armor was mostly thigh-high boots and a one-piece leather suit, a wide cup exposing Jennys bust all the way down past her midriff, only its black laced nature denying a full show of the exceptional plot of skin. It had a shiny black coloration to it and some silver armor at key locations for protection.

Either way, armor and now armed. They could linger in the room or move onwards to wherever Jenny deemed worth investigating.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny showed off frost with a little gunplay before tucking it away for easy acess. Struggling into the dark leather armor Jenny grunted. "By the goddess why are my tits so huge." Sighing Jenny focused inward and shrank her bust down to git the armor better. "Much better I almost couldn't breath." Smiling at Riley Jenny decided to leave the potions of qustionable nature and head for the door checking it before moving on.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley giggled playfully at the comment and looked down to her own none too modest D's "M~ They can be a bother, but I guess the boys like them this way." she'd smirk with a certain spark in her eyes "And certain girls." still the trickster would not build on top of her comment.

Meanwhile Sir would join the duo as well, seemed the tiny construct did some of his own searching as apparent from the pink and expensive looking panties on top of his head. Thankfully clean and in great condition though "Say Jen, do all succubi not wear anything underneath?"

Be it while checking the door or before doing so, Jenny could answer as she wished. Though whatever mood lingered in the safe room would quickly crumble.

Opening the door out Jenny quickly closed it up, to just barely peek outside through a small gap. In the hallway both of the corpses now stood, the one from before, now unarmed and still bearing marks of the massive attack it took and it's comrade, holding a huge two handed blade in it's hand. Both didn't seem notice Jenny and both of the animated corpses stood mindlessly not moving from their spots.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny blushed "The only reason I don't is they kept getting ripped off. Maybe once this adventure is over I can relax and have underwear again." Jenny smirked but it quickly fadded as she saw what awaited her outside. Checking Jenny made sure that said ghosts where looking away before bringing a finger to her lips to warn Riley and Sir to be quite. If it looked good Jenny would sneak out and away from the horrbile abominations.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Hearing the answer out Riley bursted into laughter, just as Jenny took peek inside the hallway. Thankfully the tricksters laughter would remain unheard, allowing Jenny to plan out their next move.

Leaning above her Riley glanced inside, her expression turning far more serious. The corpses both stood facing various ways, there was no question that whatever route Jenny mapped out it would cross one of the enemy line of sights... though after a brief gaze at them, Jenny suspected that they may be perceptive enough to spot out the potential sneaks.

"So whats the plan?" after Jenny closed the door Riley quickly turned to the heroine to ideas, Sir looking to Jenny just as intently listening to her idea. While Jenny has some experience in sneaking, Riley was nowhere near as subtle, same going for Sir. Moving as a clump would likely cause a much more prominent object in the corpses line of sight, but moving individually would take significantly longer.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked at the situation and frowned. Sir was small and would be hard to spot and Jenny had picked up quite the few sneaky moves from all this adventuring. Riley however not so much. Grabbing one of the nasty potion Jeny held it close. "Get ready okay. Well need to move fast but quiet alright." THey needed to get back to the mainhall way as all the exits from here simply lead out. Plotting a route that would lead them to her goal Jenny would hold the potion till they reached a point where they would needa distraction to slip past the guard.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley uses invisibility.
33 EP left

Riley raised an eyebrow at the plan and smiled to Jenny, before snapping her fingers. An illusionary curtain quickly wrapped around her and flew away, seemingly making the trickster disappear on the spot "If we're sneaking, I'd rather go like this."

Choosing for them all to go in a bunk, Jenny would lead the way as she slowly opened the door. It wouldn't be even a fair few feet before they'd have to stop. Right now one of the guards a few feet in front of them was facing to the right side, however the other one was facing the left side where they were at an angle. Going any further they'd surely come into the corpses potential line of sight.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny made a silent stop and looked to where she wanted to go. Throwing the potion to the northeast she hoped it would draw the looks away from her and the others. Waiting to see if it would do the trick Jenny held her breath. Hopefully they would reach the previous fork in the road they had been at before this little adventure.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jennys stealth:
42 vs 43 SPOTTED
Rileys stealth:
46 vs 40 Not seen

Glass broke bottle broke from the impact leaving a green ooze across the nearby wall. Jennys choice to throw the bottle to the corner to her right, did work to draw to the attention of the corpses... unfortunately.

Hearing the sudden sounds the corpse did indeed turn to face it, however its slow turn speed would cause the creatures gaze to run along the southern wall.. and the southeast corner the group was.

For how stealthy she was, Jenny was clearly out in the open... the corpses gaze locked on Jenny it slowly began to move forward, its greatsword dragging along the ground drawing the attention of its comrade!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Well so much for that... Jenny began to run sense she was seen ther was no point in being quiet any longer. The one with the sword was fair more dangerous than his already blasted brethern. It shouldn't be to hard to move past him as long as they where both this slow.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jennys looks to Riley
Perception check:
42 vs 30... fail.

Not giving any commands, Jenny trusted her group to improvise. Meanwhile she dashed forward, hopefully drawing the enemy attention to her. With the absolute crawl movement speed of the armed corpse Jenny had little trouble keeping out of its reach, it's comrade however proved an even easier dodge as it slowly turned to face the great sword instead of the heroine rushing right behind it and towards the door!

Thankfully the door was wide-open, allowing Jenny an easy escape. Looking back she'd note Sir cowering and keeping out of sight, while Riley was just flatout invisible. For better or worst the magic was supremely effective. Either way for the time being Jenny had brought the duo corpse attention as they slowly shambled closer to her.

Looking around Jenny could get back to the barracks quarters she just ran out of, dash to the planning area or head onwards deeper down the hallway to the crossroads from before. There were still 2 unknown pathways for her to choose.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Get to the crossroads Ill join you shortly." Jenny didn't want to draw the zombies to the crossroads so she opted to lose them in this hallway while her team made it back to where she would meet up with them. Dashing around to the various doors and keep ever so out of reach of the two zombies Jenny would buy her team time hopefully they would move fairly fast while Jenny looked for a room she could hide in to lose zombie intrest.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Choosing to play bait, Jenny returned to the room and called out to her companions just loud enough for the corpses to lock their gaze on her. While she saw Sir successfully make it to the door, only glances to the entrances wouldn't reveal Riley... still for the time being she needed to make her escape as well.

Making sure to give her friends plenty of time Jenny ran around the two mindless corpses as best as she could, till deeming it enough. Not wasting any more time Jenny went to the hallway only to see Riley slowly appear near the entrance already past it. The trickster looked to the slow corpses and then to Jenny "We got a problem."

The trio wouldn't likely wait to be chopped up to bits and move onwards "Remember those guys you decapitated?" she'd pause near the door to the planning room "Well all three of them are looking for their heads at the crossroads." turning towards the hallways Jenny did indeed hear the unmistakeable sound of steel grinding against marble... from both sides now.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Riley go head down the other path but stay close and hidden." Jenny had a daring yet fool hardly plan. Heading for the exit to the crossroads Jenny looked at the situation. If possible she would try to get teh headless zombies to attack the not so headless zombies and hopefully start a brawl between them. That of course depended on the situation.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley raised an eyebrow "What?" still following Jennys lead the trio would actually risk and go to the crossroads, instead of avoiding the possible conflict. Just as the trickster said there were 3 of the knights here, not really looking, but more just standing around mindlessly, each keeping a strong grip on their blades and only occasionally moving.

2 of them were at this hallways end, while the third one stood around the middle of the crossroads. There were 3 paths to take from here forward towards a yet unexplored path, to the right leading out of this place and to the left leading to another unexplored path.

That is if the trio could get past the headless guards "Hope you know what you're doing, Jen..." Riley looked to the massively armored guards and their jagged edge great swords, getting caught off guard would leave them much more than a little sore and nude.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Putting a finger to her lips Jenny moved forward trying to negoiate a path between and around the headless knights. She had to be quick or soon her not so headless zombie friends would join the fight. Beckoning Riley and Sir Jenny moved.