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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

As Jenny returned she'd see Riley holding her forearms, her hands crossed. Clearly the girl was more than a bit nervous in the absolute darkness "AAHH!" the girl suddenly ignited her hands in magic, only to turn to Sir who tugged one of her shirt tails "Sir...." she'd relax and hear Jennys words.

Without a moments notice a lantern appeared infront of Riley, along with a sigh of relief. Thankfully the lantern didn't need any holding as it followed them around just like a companion "Phew." the trickster looked around the carts and followed Jenny along.

With the light up, Jenny could see a dash further ahead noting that the dust that coated most of the cart room, was clearly swept aside in the middle of the mining chamber. And following the path it lead to the wall and up?

At his masters command Sir would float up and disappear from sight, before reappearing and looking down. It was hard to make out any report from a mute construct with limited expressions....

Still from the middle of the chamber Jenny could see the path previously on her right lead a fair amount before a speck of light was visible, likely the entrance.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Bringing ehr wings forth once more Jenny would head up to Sir and see what he found. Clearly if it was nothing the little guy would have come down and shrugged or something. Man Jenny wished he could talk at times. Checking out what Sir hopfully found Jenny would head back to Riley and proceed to the next exit.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Stupid mine. What even ARE these things..." Riley inspected the stalagmite, clearly a bit annoyed at how much fright the darn mine was causing her " 'kay call out if see anything up there." the trickster nodded and looked around the ground floor.

Flying up Jenny would see a whole new segment of the mine. It was a huge curving path, following the mining chambers side. There were some picks here as well, however there atleast on the right end it was a complete dead end.

Jenny was certain that 'used' path that she saw lead up here, however her night eyes only provided basic sights. Any details remaining significantly harder to spot. Still from this area Jenny could see 3 potential exits out of the chamber. 2 on the ground floor, one of which would lead back to the cart room, and another exit on the elevated grounds eastern side. This exit would be a significant distance away from either of the two below.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Some exits up here but lets link back up and explore this place a little more." Getting seperated in here was a bad idea so Jenny would make note of the possible link up and explore some of the other passage ways before moving on.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Choosing her route Jenny descended down and rejoined Riley who looked over a pickaxe before discarding it aside "Strange, there's no bodies here." she spoke her voice echoing across the chamber deeper and deeper. It almost seemed like they were absolutely the only ones in the vast mine.

Moving back Jenny soon enough saw the entrance with greater clarity, the path leading to it easily big enough for a substantial group. Still as she backed and stopped at the first area after the entrance, she noted that this area while similar to the others had 2 doors one on her left and another on her right.

More interestingly enough even from this distance, Jenny could see that they were either repaired or completely new.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"They are all probably outside in the secound building." Jenny shuddered before noticing the two other rooms. "Lets check these and sense you want to be a adveturer you can pick which one." Jenny pinched Riley's butt before heading off to which ever door she chose.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley blinked at the words curiously "Adventurer?" still with a slightly more hastened pinch on the girls firm butt than planned soon enough Riley picked a route "Well we can try this one." she'd point to the entrance on their right and lead them onwards.

Though as they passed by, Jenny did manage a glance outside. The mist seemed to slowly start to creep inside the mine as well and much to Jenny sudden horror now at least 5 of corpses had a shadowy apparition above them! Each unknown entity would twitch violently, but clearly inspect each of the corpses before in a blink moving to the next one. At this moment the decrepid and abbandoned mine seemed all too welcoming.

Riley didn't see the sight, it was up to Jenny whether she informed her companion about the things outside or not. Whatever the case Riley would already be at the door "Hum~ locked." the trickster tapped her lips thoughtfully.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny winked and inspected the lock. "Well well you know what they say. Locks only keep honest people out." Jenny would wink trying to keep Riley focused on the task at hand and not at the horrors outside. "Humm ya know.... I think I might just have something." Fishing out the keys Jenny would try them to see if they would unlock the door.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Ah-ha~" Riley gave Jenny an amused smile, clearly she was more than a little sceptical at the girls 'rogue-ish' ways, she just didn't seem the type. Still without Jenny mentioning it, Riley wouldn't know about what was going on outside and thankfully, whatever those things were they weren't keen on going into the mine. Not yet at least.

Luckily enough Jenny turned and with a click from the lock, the door was opened. The duo slowly opened the door up. With Sir, also blissfully unaware at the shadows insight, squezed between the duos legs they'd peek inside and see what they can find.

The room had several put out lanterns and as the light illuminated the contents, having them here just seemed like a horrid idea. A good dozen of barrels rested inside, with clear indication of high explosives inside "Is that... gunpowder?" Riley blinked entering the room. Indeed upon closer inspection there was little doubt, the room was filled with gunpowder and actually other explosives scatted all around. Oddly enough the barrels and the sticks of TNT were fairly fresh.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

TnT dynomite.... Jenny had only heard of that stuff before. Supposedly it was more potent than gunpowder. "Looks like they where up to something humm. I wonder what they needed it for. Jenny looked over the mine trying to remember anything she heard about it. Did they mine iron here or gems. Still while the answer was shrouded in mystery for her now she had this to deal with. "We should take some with us just in case. Ya never know when some explosions would be good."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Unfortunately Jenny knew very little, perhaps it was mentioned once in a passing conversation, but at this moment she could hardly recall anything of note about the mine. Still the dinamite sticks seemed to alluring to just leave. Running up to the sacks containing the explosives Jenny would grab a few sticks and hand a few to Riley.

"er.. Are you sure we should take these? Seems dangerous." the trickster looked to the sticks and refused to take more than few on herself, Jenny though could've taken as much as she wanted.

"I'd say they were using these to mine, but that would just be idiotic." Riley once more glanced over the room brimming with explosives "Especially with earth shapers around."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Humm not if you planned on blowing somehting up like a damn. Besides there are not many mages around anymore." Jenny looked over the barrel and took three for herself. Wrapping them up she tucked them in one of her pouches just to make sure it stayed dry and safe. "Come on lets check the other door before we move deeper in."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"What? But our academy isn't the only one. Where did all the graduates go from before the academy was attacked?" Riley looked to Jenny for answers the girl didn't have. Still whatever Jenny decided to say stocking up on explosives the trio were free to move on.

Passing by the entrance once more, Jenny glanced outside only to note the shadows were no longer present, though the mist lingered. Reaching the other door, which seemed just as sturdy as the explosives storage one. With a little trial an error with her keyring Jenny soon enough opened it as well.

It was yet another smaller area, still ridden with numerous stalagmites there was one device in particular that stood out. With the light falling upon it there was little doubt, a mine life going directly down stood before them. It's cabin big enough to easily fit at least 6 people "A lift?" Riley approached and inspected the device.

There was also a lever right next to the device and another exit out of the room to their left. Besides that only thanks to the illumination Jenny noted some wires going from around the lift towards the unknown passage away out of the room.

Jenny gains 3 sticks of TNT
Riley gains 2 sticks of TNT
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Well Riley.. your acadamy wasn't the only placed attacked by the outsiders. Almost every major city in the world had a visit. Needless to say there are much less people in the world than there used to be." Jenny wouldn't go into major details but it was safe to say after the invasion and the orc war people of arcane talent where rare and sought after. "Well do we go down or take the long way? The lift might make noise and draw attention to us if we are not careful.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Not sure this is going to lead us down..." Riley leaned forward and zoomed her lantern towards the exit only to point out, the passage was a ramp up not down.

"Well I'm not sure if this stupid thing will come up, nor how far it goes." Riley looked to Jenny "If we're going down maybe one of us should stay up, in case there's no 'Up' lever down there." upon inspection of the lever Jenny noted that it was fairly rusted and surprisingly hard to operate. Far too difficult for Sir to operate, though unless it needed to held the operator would likely have enough time to join the group.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked at the long rusted device. "Lets not mess with this. I don't trust it." Smiling Jenny would lead them on to the next passage asking Riley to dim her light slightly. Motioning for the party to move silently Jenny moved into the unexplored territory eyes sharp.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Choosing to leave the infernal device aside, Jenny would lead the group through the passage on the left. Their first glance was not mistaken, it was a long ramp upwards.

Following the passage and being ever so silent the trio soon enough found the exit, it lead to a curved passage fairly wide and going along the wall to their right, with the left side leading to some sort of pit. Only when the light entered the area did Jenny recognise it wasn't an unexplored region at all. They were back at the mining area, only on the higher ground. The exit here was the entrance she saw earlier.

Riley looked around and sighed with relief "Looks like we're back." the trickster glanced back "Well I guess it makes sense." however with the light, Jenny noted details her night eyes missed. Like the very thin wiring going from the lift along the wall in the upper area.

The obvious options were returning to the lift or checking where the lines lead. It was up to Jenny to do whatever she wished.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Lets follow the wires Riley. It will probaly lead someplace inresting." Not wanting to delay and risk being spotted by the apperitions outside Jenny urged them on.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Resistance check:
Both auto-success

Following the wires would lead the group along the path right to it's end. Jenny looked up to the wires who seemingly disappeared into the stone and then to the wall. The girl reached out to touch the stone only to note it ever so subtly shivering, her suspicions in mind she'd turn back to her group before reaching forth.

A light tingle ran across Jenny hands as her hand went through the illusion only for it to shiver violently and dissipate revealing a double door of ornate steel, one of it's side was torn open, the substantially thick steel bent inside a testament to the forces involved.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny eyed the door and the sheer amount of damage it had taken. "Reminds me of the Necro class in the acadamy." Pursing her lips Jenny drew her blade and walked in keeping her eyes open and scanning.