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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Rosa looked to Jenny not quite grasping the meaning of her words, before sighing sadly. She'd remain silent for some time before speaking once more "I'll do it." it was a simply stated fact, though the girls resolution was hardly in question "I'll vouch for Lina, you and your friends. I'll tell them you had nothing to do with the raid on the town." with those words she'd return to silence, her hands gripping her sheets tightly with whatever strength she had.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"I see......" Jenny looked at Rosa sadness filling her slightly. "Did Nico ask that of you, or did you come to that thought on your own?" Jenny leaned forward not letting Rosa look away from her. Taking Rosa's hand Jenny looked at her. "Why did you come back here Rosa? Be honest with me for once. Right now its just me and you speak freely. What happened?" Jenny's hand was holding Rosa's own softly but insistant that they keep contact.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Rosa remained silent on the first question though at the second question she visibly tensed up, her eyes going distant for a brief moment "Death." Rosa looked fearful to Jenny "It spared no one. Everyone tried to fight it first, but it tore our vanguard apart." the girl looked away, forcefully if need be "I just ran. I can't remember where, what route or path I took. I just ran."

The girl chocked up as she grew pale, her tears clearly withheld "I can't remember how or why I got here. I just wanted to get away. To get away to somewhere safe... I... I... just." with that she turned to silence once more.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Someplace safe... with your sisters." Jenny held Rosa's hands firmly giving it a reassuring squeeze. "I think you made the right choice.. the one thats been in your heart waiting for you to realize it." She was afaid and hurt that much was clear and the longer Jenny spoke with her she relized how much of a hand she had in it. Jenny looked at Rosa and did something she didn't expect to do herself and hugged the hurt woman. It was gentle and not intended to hurt. "Hey... its okay.. your safe here. Come one let it out... its alright I won't tell a soul. I promise." Her voice was lowered and Jenny tried to get Rosa to let it out. Maybe if she cried on Jenny's shoulder the succubus could keep her tough act up around her sisters.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Rosa wouldn't cry, nor would she struggle. Instead, she remained motionless briefly and spoke in a weak tone "Why? All the things I've done to you, to my sisters. I've hated you with all my heart... hated you enough to..." she'd silence her voice not finishing the sentence, before continuing "Why are you trying so hard to forgive me? Me of all people... A traitor. A snake. A demon."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny would maintian the hug. "Don't get me wrong Rosa compassion is not forgiveness and I cannot speak for the others. But I for one would love the chance to be able to forgive you. Because right here right now you are hurt and the only family you have ever known came together to help you. Not because of what you've done but because of who you are. Their sister, companion, and friend. It won't be easy but I think in time they can and will forgive you... even me. So let it out and be human for once demon its okay to cry on someone's shoulder."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"I've no more tears to shed." Rosa would relax in the hug, before suddenly the girls hands gripped Jennys tightly "I hated you. You, who'd steal all of my sisters away from me. You who'd just appear out of nowhere and take Nico away from me." the succubus would hold on to Jenny tightly as she spoke "I'd grow to despise you, I'd listen to that mans venomous words... I'd even betray my sisters, even... you..."

With that she eased her grip, the girls whole body relaxing as Jenny felt her shoulder grow wet "What an idiot..." Rosa chuckled sadly "All along you weren't the enemy I envisioned..."

"What have I done." the girl would cry openly now "Nico, Tina, Rita, Jasmine... girls... jenny. I'm so sorry."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny would hold Rosa tight letting the girl cry making soothing noises much as had been done for her by her own mother. "Just let it out... its okay.... your here now." Jenny held Rosa her own thoughts mirroring the succubi's statment. 'Your not the enemy I thought either.' Jenny would let her cry as long as she wanted sheltering the girl with her own wings to make it a private moment just in case of interlopers. Though eventually Jenny would have to ask the question and get a move on with the plan and time was running out.

After breaking their hug Jenny would look at Rosa a moment her own eyes sad but for a diffrent reason than before. She couldn't let Rosa die.. not now she was so close to redemption. "Well that settles it." Jenny got up. "We need to find away to prove that it was the demon's fault without getting you mixed up in the mess." It would have been easy just to turn her over.. but now that it had happened she couldn't let it. "Im not sure what Nico told you of my plan Rosa but... I intend to lead the inqusitor to the demon fortress to prove to him where the real enemy is. I want all my sisters blood related or not to live happy lives. Which means Im not going to throw away lives just to make my life easier ya got that." Jenny looked at Rosa "And Rosa you can't die untill I forgive you alright. Promis me that much." Hopefully getting a promis from the succubus Jenny would lean in conspirtoral and ask her how to get there and who she should be looking for.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Rosa would look to the side and nudge her hand towards a sheet of paper Nicole left, seemed it was the map "I already showed Nicole. Hand me that map." after placing the map on her bed Rosa would point out a clearing deeper into the woods towards the mountain range nearby "We-- They were settled in the mining town. The grunts used to be outside with the upper echelons commanding from inside the mine.

With that the succubus leaned out and rested against her pillow "I'd like to rest now. Please." Rosa would still not look Jenny in the face, her gaze avoiding Jennys at all cost.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny would nod and take the map and roll it up. Leaning over sher kissed Rosa on the head. "Rest sister and remember what I said." Heading out Jenny would stop and speak with Nico if the girl didn't intercept her first. "Its going to be a long road for her Nico. I think she is honestly trying to seek forgiveness." Jenny would look back at the room in question. "Come on lets fill in the missing dots on our map, before I head out." Moving to the war room/nico's bedroom Jenny filled in the missing info from the smaller map to the bigger one. Looking it over Jenny would nod her stomach in knots. "I should get going and Nico... if something should happen. Do what you do best okay. I want you all to be safe." Looking around Jenny would hug those present saving a kiss for Nico before finding the rest of her friends and giving them each hug even the ever so glum Reicarn. Walking out via stealth so no one could claim to see her leave the alchimist shop Jenny would head to the church to speak with Kaine. On the way she tightened the strap that held the sword in place while her rifle was checked and double checked before she reached the door and knocked. "Kaine I have to speak with you."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Oddly enough there was noone on gaurd at the door anymore. Looking to the war room Jenny would find all of her sisters actively discussing their further plans. Nico would look to her little sister and smile, everyone else stepping aside and letting her near the planning area. Seemed while Jenny was busy talking with Rosa everyone had already arranged plans, even routes which to take to reach the base.

"Jenny, I forbid you to walk out there alone. Even if they were attacked, I doubt that area will be unguarded." the elder succubus spoke in commanding tone and looked to Jenny in a clearly serious fashion "You can take all of my girls with you, it's best if we go there together. Several eyes looking for clues is better than just one pair." she cross her hands and look to Jenny, while her dominant aura was only accentuated by her supreme beauty, this was a side of Nico Jenny hadn't seen yet.

"With everyone you'll have no problem fending off the wild life and any remaining demons there." she'd continue, before noting Tinas eyes cast downwards in a worrysome manner "Tina?" the succubi turned to their sister.

"What if Rosa was just bait. For it to find us." the younger succubi spoke up, not facing her sisters "It would come and only find you." the suspicion suddenly dropped silence across the room, only for the door to the war room to swing open!

For once, noone even turned to face who entered as the girls thought things through. The new arrival was Riley, with Sir right next to her "So~ find anything new from that girl?" she asked casually with a smile, only then noting the mood in the room.

Potential party members:
Jasmine (tracker, archer)
Rita (rogue)
Tina (Mage)
Riley (Mage)
Sir (Servo)
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny felt the wave of concern and love for her and it warmed her heart. Though all in all Tina had a good point. Jenny looked over to Riley and smiled before turning back to the group. "I won't be alone.. but none of you are going with me.. not even Sir." In truth Jenny worried more about them than herself. "We have injured people that are being looked after and they need to be guarded. I love Misty but shes no fighter. Reicarn can barly move and Rosa is to hurt to defend herself. Besides Kain won't go with me if I have a troop of succubi following me around. Not to mention that Tina maybe right. Just in case you should relocated to a safer place. I suggest the libarary. It may be uncomfortable for some but I can think of no better sanctuary. I know you are worried about me all of you but.. Im doing this for you as well. I want you to be able to stay here and open your bar again. Flirt with pretty men and woman. Hell I want to stay here too but... that can't happen if ... if .. things don't turn out right and I want to make sure you guys are here when I get back." Jenny had a tear in her own eye but quickly brushed it aside. "So thats why Im going. I could care less if the inquisitor dies but if any of you should fall.. I don't know what I would do." Taking her map Jenny made her way to the door not letting anyone stop her. "I love all of you please pray for my safty." As Jenny walked up the stairs the thought of her asking succubi to pray for her was both amusing and silly. Taking that smallest of humor she added it to the love that filled her letting it fuel her for the darker times ahead.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jennys declaration indeed ran a shocked wave across the group, while the trio of the succubi elite looked just confused at the choice Riley and Nico stood out with their reactions. Nico would perhaps for the first time ever frown at the words, listening them with clear disapproval as for RIley, the girl looked more outraged than anything else "Well I'm not a succubus, why are you leaving me here aswell?!" the hot-blooded trickster frowned at Jennys choice only after hearing, Jennys explanation of safety and the feeding having taken a too grand of a toll from her would she only turn around and leave back into the quarters silently.

As for Nicole, she'd remain silent, but look to Jenny in a clearly disapproving manner. Only after meeting the girls driven gaze, would she keep her angered gaze briefly before sighing deeply and returning to her warmer and kinder eyes "It's your choice, Jenny. I don't command you." she'd smile sadly and let the girl leave alone "But Jenny." Nico would add just as Jenny opened the door to upstairs "Whatever happens, we'll save Lina and Grace."

With those final words of goodbye Jenny was free to do as she pleased. Continuing with her prior plan, the girl headed to the church, the map with a route to the mining town still in hand. The evening would have already slowly began its descend, looking down the road Jenny could already see the bonfires lit once more and the sun dipping down into the town lake. She had little time left before the executions.

Finding Kain would be as simple as approaching the Church. Right at the entrance to the building the veteran warrior stood guard, his weathered armor and black hair only slightly shimmering to the breeze. Only after Jenny opened the gates to the church would the warrior raise his gaze and meet her approach with his steely gaze.

Jenny would waste little time explaining her plan and intentions to him, she knew she had little time and there was little reason to fluff her words out "Absolutely not." the answer was cold and final, not to mention perhaps not one Jenny hoped for "My battle brothers are still healing and you wish me to accompany you to the depths of the forest far away from here. I cannot do that."

He'd note Jennys reaction and add "You are right about one thing, something else is coming, but that's all the more reason for me to remain here."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny was not happy about this at all in fact a nasty ball of anger just seemed to boil over for a moment. "Oh for fucks sake! I did not escape from this horrendous place and rescue my friends just to have them killed because they met a demon or two. Nevermind that said demons where trying to change their ways and live as near outcasts. Running from the very same demons who attacked this place." Jenny's chest heaved her face red though much to her credit she didn't draw a weapon. "Ive played you game Kain. Ive shown you where the real threat lies. I even have a damn map!" Jenny tossed the thing at his feet. "I want my sister and Grace back simply because you cannot protect them from whats comming. All those people in their taking shelter are as good as dead because you wouldn't take a blow to you pride and get help from people who are willing to defend this town as their home."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jennys outburst seemed to have little to no effect on the man as he'd only silently listen to her, his gaze unflinching. Still a brief moment later he'd respond "Girl, just how much do you think I trust you?" he'd look to her sharply "You, your demon friends or your scribbles."

"Do you know why we burned that bar down? All the poisoned and tainted drinks inside? About the dozen men we found, barely shells of who they were in the cellars beneath. About the whole town spending all their money there, abandoning their families and wives. All poisoned, all manipulated." the man narrowed his eyes "You're naive girl. The naive are easy to manipulate, easy to use to spread lies they believe are the truth."

"Change their ways. Creating a hive of perversion, sin and corruption for themselves. That is not change, that's creating a home of sin they can indulge in." the man would lean back against the entrance once more "After the execution we'll finish our purge of this town, the people will return back to their normal lives free of any demonic influences. However, if you still believe your demons will have a happy ending... you have not been paying attention."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny stood up and looked at Kain. She couldn't deny what Nico had done but obviouly Kain was not completely right in all things. "I don't need your trust I just need you to belive me. I didn't come here hopeing to hop and skip out of town and for everything to be resolved like a happy fairy tale. I know that they are not perfect but I know they can change." Jenny brushed some of her wind tossed hair out of her eyes. "Your a smart man Kain. You either know or have a damn good guess how many of them are left and I want you to think about this. How long would you stand on your own agianst them, and how come they havn't come after you. They know your the only one able to fight. Not to mention if they where only intrested in only making a sinful den for themselves they would have left already. This is their home as well as the townsfolk. How many of these wives and husbands met at the bar? I will not deny that they used the bar to feed and I cannot deny what happened to some of them." Jenny brushed her hair from her eyes again. "Im no demon and I may be naive but I can also tell you not all the girls that worked for Nico where demons and that bar besides one tainted drink was the only brigt spot in this town. The only place full of song and dance. Where men and women could relax after a long day working or get treated to a round on the house by there friends." Jenny took a breath and calmed her emotions again. "But I didn't come here to defend them. I came here to save us all. For that I need people who can fight this darkness that Im not worried about getting killed. Ive lost enough already."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Kains eyes seemed to grow more attentive as Jenny mentioned the bars meaning to the town ''Nico? Nico of the Black Widows?" he'd look to Jenny sternly and lean out from the wall "Is she the leader of these 'outcasts'?" the warriors voice didn't seem to carry any hate towards Nico as he continued "If you wish to cooperate against these 'other' demons. I wish to meet her, personally."
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Ill see what I can do... but she can't leave with these burning." Jenny would point to the bonfires as she moved to pick up her map. This sudden change in tone had Jenny worried. What was Kain's game what did he want.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"The bonfires will stay lit. They keep the wild-life and demons out of the streets" the warrior returned his gaze from the bonfires in the distance back to Jenny "If she is the ex-commander of the Black Widows, the smoke will not bother her. I will find a few guard to take my place here and meet her in front of the library in half an hour, alone."

"Tell her, Gabriel wishes to speak." he'd add the final detail and would turn to leave inside the church unless stopped.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Your the one.... from that vision... when Ezalor stood up for the refugees." Jenny's blood ran cold. Stepping back from the man she looked at him. No wonder he wouldn't let Grace show her wings, he was ashamed of her. Mustering some strength back in her voice Jenny spoke. "I will tell her. The choice is hers though." With that Jenny would turn around and head back making sure she wasn't followed and staying stealthy, trust after all is a two way street. If Mr. High and Mighty didn't trust her then no way was she going to trust him. Heading back to Nico Jenny would enter and get straight to it and tell Nico of the development.
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