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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The coin did not burn or hurt in any way. Though any mutation Jenny held back would come to show, including her whip-like tongue. Thankfully it did not impede speech. Kains eyes would narrow at the reveal of the wings, but otherwise not much changed from the mans stance. Catching the coin he placed it back "I prefer to know what I'm speaking with."

"Your friend was caught by Riley around that house. He brought her to the church, before the fallen one appeared. She is unharmed." the warrior returned his unwavering gaze to Jenny "Why did you want to speak with me?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Its simple really. I was tasked to prove their innocence. I think Ive done that and then some. Did you know the fallen one asked me if I wanted you all dead? I guess he thought it would be reperation for free him." Jenny looked at Kaine. "I told him while you where not my friends you where hardly my ememies and I did not wish to see your blood spilled. Then again you all seemed intent to try and get yourselfs killed." Please sit enjoy a drink you can see what I am and no doubt can sense that Im alone. Or well that was my intent to be alone and speak with you. Can't say much for any spies that my linger. But back to the issue at hand. My friends and sister should be freed. If my kindness in saving the lives of your men is not enough than I offer myself in their place. No doubt Richard as you call him would love to tourture me before burning me on one of his pyrs."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

As Jenny spoke Kain would turn now fully to face her "What did you ask that thing to do instead?" thankfully Jenny did manage to finish her quick monologue, though this one thing seemed to truly stand out. At least for now.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny closed her eyes a moment thinking back. " I told him my battle was with the demons outside not the inqusitors. He told me... "Then that will be your reward. Do not worry about these demons anymore." Whether or not he keeps his word is of his own choice." Jenny looked at Kaine waiting to see his reaction though so far it had been totally blank.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Kain would pause briefly, his gaze going down seemingly in though before returning to Jenny "If you offer yourself in their place, you will be purged and executed. The angel, the mage, Reinan and your friend will be released and be given enough denarii to survive for a good few weeks. However they will have to leave the town in the following morning.'' honestly it was hard to tell if the man had any emotion or whether he just didn't show them as his eyes remained locked on Jenny, the warriors gaze utterly piercing her "However, I cannot change the fate of your succubi allies. Under the laws of our order, all demons must be purged.'' with those words he'd turn his gaze away from Jenny, hearing her out.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny sighed. "So the lives of your men are only worth a thanks?" Jenny slid the shot glass over to Kaine's spot. "Looks like you need this more than me." Jenny took her own glass and swirled the contents in it. "And I would willing pay that price but.. I think the lives of your inqusitors are worth the lives of my friends. Its a debt owed." Jenny looked over at Kaine her eyes full of dissapointment. "Before we part ways Kaine I want you to know a few things. Not all succubi are demons and it would have been just as easy to let the fallen one kill you all and rescue my friends."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

''It is not kindness or good will, when you demand something in return.'' The warrior looked to her sharply ''Your allies are the allies of demons. Each and every one of our order would be more than willing to give their lives up to aid in cleansing the corruption.'' Kain spoke in calm and even voice, though there was little doubt about his conviction "Your friends or allies, whoever they are to you. They do not bear the marks of corruption, it's why I stopped their execution."

He'd not even touch the shot glass or seemingly acknowledge it, just instead look to Jenny with a firm, scanning gaze ''We are trained to consider any those that aid the demons as if demons, but thats not how it is. Those creatures manipulate, lie, cheat, they trick good people to dark deeds. I've enough blood on these hands. Do not think I yearn for more.''
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked at Kaine and smiled slightly. "Good we found common ground at lest in one thing." Jenny sat a drank from her glass. "So if they bare no signs of couruption why are you holding them? Let them go already they will be needed in whats to come. All of us will be needed." Jenny looked at Kaine her eyes deadly serious but holding no threat at lest to him.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

No matter how Jenny looked to him, the warrior didn't seem to be bothered. Instead he'd keep his distance from the girl. Though more than likely more for her own safety than anythign else. However Jennys last few sentences would spur a sudden reaction from him " ''Whats to come?'' " his tone less inquisitive and more demanding.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Oh no doubt you'll think Im crazy as I speak this. So one quick thing.. "Jenny took a big swig from her glass. "Is there anyway you can make sure Im not lying to you? Its mostly for your own comfort obviously not mine. Non leathal of course." Jenny eyed Kaine seriously if he had such a thing Jenny would offer herself up to its effect willingly and share all that she knew and what she learned from the acadamy keeping obvious personal information to herself."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

''I'll know.'' It was a simple cold answer, the warriors gaze looking to her in the stern, calm fashion.

Jenny would as honestly as she mustered explain or well try to explain what she had seen in the Academy. About the dark visions and foreboding prophecies she had learned there. Throughout the whole tale Kain remained silent, looking to the girl surprisingly without clear judgement or much reaction, no matter how far fetched some of the parts were.

Finishing her tale, Jenny looked for a reaction from the warrior ''We've stopped this army of darkness before. If it comes again, it will be no different.'' judging by the towns current state, Kain was likely referring to the raid on the town earlier.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"I don't think you understand the magitude of whats comming. This will be more than some demonic powerplay." Jenny eyed the man calmly. "When it comes it will wash you and your men away and continue to flood claiming town after town. I need to reforge the seals and I need the help of my friends to do it. I don't care what you do to me after that burn me stake me what ever but I need them and I need to stop wasting time fighting with you and your men!." Jenny had lost her cool and just now noticed she had gotten up from her seat. Coughing she made a quick apology before sitting back down.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Kains gaze finally broke as he looked aside seemingly thinking over a few things, before actually turning to leave ''I've spent too much time here. My men are injured and the town is vulnerable to attack. I cannot let your friends go, but the girl in the purple suit will be released. She's not done anything against us.''

His back turned he'd continue as he'd walk out ''You still have one day to bring us proof they are not allied with the demons. Corrupted or not, they aided the demons. I am sorry." unless he was stopped earlier Kain would pause at the exit ''I know you truly believe what you say. Clear your names and leave this town."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"I see.." Jenny had hoped to get threw to Kaine but it appeared he wasi thick headed. "Well then Im comming with you to see my sister and my friend. I want to see that they are all right. And no I will not take your word for it." Jenny would make ready to go returning her simple form she kept.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Perhaps surprisingly to Jenny, Kain would not object to her request. Though he'd give her barely moment to get set, after which he'd continue onwards with his plan.

It was around dusk, a very light fog had shrouded the town. Thankfully this one seemed more due to far more natural causes, likely the town lake. The streets remained as desolate as ever, even if the town was never too crowded... seeing it as a such a ghost town just kept sending unpleasant shivers across Jennys body.

Throughout the treck Kain would not say a word, he'd only silently continue to lead the way. The jingle of his armor only accentuated by deafening silence. Soon enough they'd reach the church...

As soon as Kain opened the door a seeming gasp to silence echoed throughout the building, before returning to life. Jenny would follow in suit of the warrior and peek inside. Her eyes widening at the sight. The whole place was teeming with life. Seemingly spared the wrath of raid, the church was in fair condition. Though most of its benches had been showed aside to create a sort of living space for the people. While everyone seemed weathered and tired, Jenny couldn't help but echoes of laughter or cries of joy from the children of the town.

"This way." Kain would lead Jenny to the left side where the entrance to the lower catacombs were. Oddly enough all the people met the warrior with a smile and a wave, some of the younger boys rushing nearby to gaze at the veteran with clear admiration. Jenny however received a few looks as well, but most would quickly lower their eyes and try to continue to go about their business.

Walking down a short flight of stairs Kain would lead Jenny to a hallway with around 8 cell-like rooms on each side and illuminated turn at the far end "Their rooms are 3 and 4. The doors are all unlocked. I'll go release your purple friend." the warrior would turn to leave before pausing "Watch yourself girl, any foul play will have you and your friends marked for death. No second chances." unless Jenny had reason to hold him up he'd walk back up the stairs.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny walked in to the church expecting it to be neigh abbandoned only to find that the townsfolk had sheltered here. Instead of bringing her hope it just seemed to darken her mood. Maybe it was they way the looked at her afraid for their lives just knowing her. It didn't sit well at all. Heading down to the prision Jenny listened to Kain's parting words. "Humph like we wern't marked for death already." Heading to the rooms in question Jenny let out a cautious greeting.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Proceeding deeper Jenny had to pass a few other rooms. Though unfortunately the door to them were closed. Approaching the directed rooms Jenny would cautiously open the door and peek inside.

Unfortunately noone was home. The room seemed to have been a practicioners of Star Gods faith cell. Only a small window at the very top giving light to the room, a commodity the other side likely didn't have. Inside there were 2 very plain beds, a stand and a candle.

Entering the room Jenny noted there was small pile of books near one of them, while the other had small clay figurines made with surprising precision. Either way, whoever lived her was home right now.

The other room didn't seem to have been lived in at all. Though just as Jenny suspected this side did not have the small window.

Whatever the case, her friend didn't seem to be in here. Looking about she could rest up inside one of them. Otherwise there were numerous other rooms here aswell as wherever the hallway turned away to inspect. On the other side the small flight of stairs would lead her back to the main grounds.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny was confused surely they had not been allowed to leave and she didn't see them up stairs. Not to mention they could have hardly missed her after all Always seemed to make an entrance. It left three possiblities. One they had escaped on their own, two Kain was playing a cruel joke on her but he hardly seemed the type, or three something had taken them. Keeping calm for now Jenny inspected the remaining rooms looking for her friends. If nothing turned up she would head upstairs and seek out Kain.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny hungers!
5/35 EP left.

Jennys anxiety seemed to hit her far harder than she's used to. The girl once more looked through the room and proceeded further onwards down the corridor. Be it the days events or just the continious slew of dark, the girl kept moving past each room. While some of the rooms had a tiny a window for Jenny to peep through she'd hardly find anything of note. Some of them had a family having fairly measly dinner, some had people already sleeping in them... until one room in particular.

Feminine laughter quickly caught Jennys ear as she approached one of the doors. Hoping she'd recognise the voices Jenny would briefly listen in:

"Jess~ Stop it." a giggled echoed out as some ruff and tumble rang out accompanied by more laughter "I can't help it I'm in the mood." the other voice answer after the girl cried out "You're always in the mood! We're in a church remember!" "Forgive me, Lynn... for I'm about to sin." mischievious laughter echoed out from the room as Jenny had a fairly clear idea what went on in there.

Almost subconsciously Jenny caught herself reaching for the door handle, her whole body tensing up and changing to fairly much more luscious curves, her face adorned with a smile at the possible source of relief... and nourishment.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny bit her lip and pulled her hand back. She could not do this not here and defiantly not now. But sense she couldn't have fun neither should these two. Reaching up Jenny knocked on the door loudly. "Hey you two people are trying to sleep!" With that done Jenny began to move on clearly distraught and getting hungrier. Thankfully while she was hungry it was not a dire hunger.