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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley kept looking around, her eyes lingering on the compass "I hoped we'd have left such things in the academy ruins..." still when she was called over, the trickster would lean down and inspect the device "I've got no idea..." she stood up and looked around "But something tells me it isn't by chance its placed at even distance from each rune."

"We activate the runes, we activate this device?" Riley smiled very lightly, before returning to fairly spooked expression from earlier "I just don't know if we want to activate it..." the girls tone dropped to a bare whisper, her eyes lingering to the blood painted compass.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny sighed "We have little choice Riley....." Jenny looked at the center rune and the compass again before heading to the empty stand on the left. Here she would look it over before inspecting the runes she had in her inventory.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny held 3 runestones with her. Each bearing the symbols for the letters "F", "D" and "T". Stand was a generous word. It was barely one small brick step up with the rune glowing across the whole lifted platform. Oddly enough the moment Jenny stepped up all 3 runes light up, but thankfully or not nothing happened.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny focused on the compass her intution telling her this was important. Sadly she had nothing to referance. The D was on the north end of the compass which left the other two. "Riley come over here these runes and the compass are tied together. We found D at the north point but Im not sure where the others could go. Or if they are even linked." F and T......... Jenny sighed she was starting to hate all these puzzles.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"F and T..." Riley thought back briefly "Wait, what did the rune page say? Something about bearers?" the trickster licked her lips in thought "Yeah! Bearer of time, Bearer of Death... and..." Riley snapped her fingers "Flesh! And remember one of the pages, the guy said F can mean the letter or~~" the trickster smirked wickedly "Flesh."

As if on a roll Riley began to circle the room "So we have D- for death, F for flesh and T... for time?" helping her friend out immensely Riley smiled widely "So then we have the three aspects from the rune page!"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny smiled and kissed Rily. "If we had time I would do other things to show you how happy you just made me." Smile Jenny gathered up her runes and looked at the compass to determain north.

"Before the Darkest Night and Brightest Day,
The Bearer of Death watched the sun rise,
The Bearer of Time watched the sun die,
The Bearer of Flesh awaited its demise

As each phrase sounded out Jenny placed the proper stone. Placing D in the east and F to the west with T at North.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny placed each runestone in the order she considered correct. Taking a deep breath the girl placed the final runestone and stepped back. The silence lingered for some time as the trio looked for any reaction, only for nothing to come of it.

Though Jenny did note something, the runes seemed to glow or activate every time she stepped up to place them. Only to dim their light when she let each stone go and placed on the stone. Seemed each stone required a bearer?
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Riley take this stone and stand on the platform. Sir take this one and be brave, and Ill take this one." In the end Sir stood to the North with the rune of Flesh and Riley stood with the rune of Time at teh west and Jenny the rune of Death on the east.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Only after hearing out Jennys reasoning would Riley agree to the plan "Alright.. let's do this." the trickster smiled encouragingly and took her respected rune. Each of the trio stepped on their respected direction. Oddly enough the runes would change in turn as well, the glowing symbols changing now according to the rune stone held.

A loud slam echoed across the room as the door closed. The runes at their feet would suddenly turn off cutting all the lighting in the area, until the runes that covered the whole room would all ignite in blue light. And slowly seemingly surge towards Sir!

Sir looked around at the concentrating blue around him. Suddenly Jenny felt her hands free up as the rune dispersed into dust, looking to Riley the exact same thing happened to the tricksters rune aswell. Moments later the cause of the concentration would be explained, as a powerful surge of blue flame surge from all around the northern pedestial. Enveloping the bearer completely!

Soon enough the immense flames would dim as Sir stood there not moving even an inch. His hands and tiny body frozen as if still holding the rune. Any addresses to him seem to fall on death ears.

Until his blue crystal moved, first as if looking to one side then to the other. The little constructs hands feeling out his smoking chasis from the flames. Seemed he was alright! Unfortunately any hugs would have to wait as the tiny companions body was FAR too hot to touch quite yet.

Though as the two girls rejoiced at their constructs safety, the device in the middle sprung to life. Its mechanism echoing across the room as from it. Rose a sword? The blade had a thin blade with an elaborate handle, though oddly enough its tip was not sharp, but instead that that of a square corner. The place was very light and picking it up did not cause anything of note.

The trio now stood in the room with only the closed door their only exit.
Trials of the Dark complete

Jenny gains a Mystery Sword
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny blinked as a wave of fear washed over her. Looking at Sir she nearly bolted to him. Thankfully the little construct moved apparently alive and well. Cheering Jenny showered complimnetns on how brave the little guy was. Still after a moment Jenny saw the sword rise up from the ground. Approaching it slowly Jenny took it in hand holding it. It was a strange weapon with no tip but like everything else it had a pourpose. Gathering up her friends jenny looked at the little construct and smiled. "Sorry Sir after this is all over we are definatly taking a vacation and we can do what ever you want." Looking at the door Jenny moved twards it and tested to see if it opened.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley giggled kindly at the promise and with a flick of her wrist created 2 semi-transparant images of herself and Jenny. Both leaning in to hug the overheated lil' guy. With a smile the trickster turned to Jenny and sighed lightly "This place has to have an end... right?"

Well there was one way to find out, going first Jenny opened the door only to note the dark. With a sharp glance back, Riley already had the illusionary flying lantern out "Got us covered." stepping out first. Jenny noted they were back in the hallway they started it all-

"She returns." a voice echoed from way deeper in the shadows. Stepping towards the source, soon enough the stairs upstairs came into view, aswell as the guardian who sent them on their task.

Riley covered her mouth, before quickly moving her hands to her eyes. Completely frozen, hopeful the creature had not noted a certain something "You have the key and the means to pass." the creature still sitting in a lotus position kept its gaze at Jenny "It is only just..." the bandaged up creature reached behind its head and took one of the strands of material that covered its body. Rapidly removing it from around its head.

Jennys blood ran cold at the sight as the creature revealed its head in full. It had no eyes, ears or any features. The calm creature only had a key shaped hole across most of its head, with its mouth right below it "That I allow passage."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny shuddered as the eyeless horror revelled its self. Looking at the key shapped head Jenny looked at the blade. "So the blade is the key humm?" Undoubtly the creature wouldn't reply so Jenny took a stilling breath and brought the blade up to enter the creature.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The blade fit perfectly, wincing Jenny placed the sword at the creatures head and pushed in. Much to her surprise the blade continued to go forward, even when it should've pierced the creature. Soon enough the key seemed to stop, pausing briefly Jenny turned the sword only for the handle to dissipate from her hands! "Thank---" the thing froze up mid-sentence as it too followed in suit with the ring, slowly disappearing from this world.

Starting from the top of its head it slowly dispersed into small fragments of gold sand. All around them, the runes that Jenny previously saw would actually begin to slide towards the creature from all around the inscriptions slipping from the stone leaving it bare.

As the final trace of the creature dissipated there were no more runes left. Looking around the unnatural dark was gone, Rileys lantern now strong enough to illuminate the whole cellar. Looking to where the hallway used to be, would reveal just a plain wall. If anything was there before, it was gone now.

Riley would slowly remove her hands from her eyes and look around "It's... over?" the trickster seemed to relax a tad before looking to the pile of gold sand "But... what about the blindfold?" surely the creature saw its terms denied, but it did not care for it?

Either way, before them now lied a exceptionally sturdy looking door. The stone itself around it, seemed to be far different than the cut stone all across the cellar. It seemed to be heavily weathered marmur.

If Jenny dared to push open the now unlocked door. A strong gust of exceptionally chilling wind would blow against the trio as the room unveiled itself.

It was a square room with a centerpiece taking most of it. The centerpiece consisted of 4 female angel statues placed around in a square, each held a chain that led to a floating black iron or perhaps black glass rectangle floating in mid-air.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked at the sight the ominus cold not helping her one bit. The stones of this place where ancient far older than the town it was built on it. It was an intresting sight clearly the demons knew this was here yet they did nothing to open it. Ezalore said nothing about it so he either didn't know or thought that no one would find it. Though Jenny doubted the kind librarian would have let something so heinous left to be found by accident. Looking about the prison for more clue's Jenny turned to Riley. "Riley I need you to go to Ezalores quickly and tell him what we found. I don't want to make the situation worse. Go quickly and don't be seen. Ill stay here and make sure no one comes in."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Rileys perception check: Fail
Rileys stealth check: Fail

Riley looked on to the omnious construct a brief moment seemingly mesmerized by the sight, before Jenny called her name out a second time "m! Oh... yeah, that sounds like the best idea." she smiled unsurely "I'll be back before you know it!" with quick motion of her fingers, a purple curtain appeared midair. Riley grasped the illusionary cloth and tugged it enveloping herself in it.

The curtains would disappear a moment later, with barely any traces of Riley. Though the shifting light and echoes of footsteps pointed all too clearly to an invisibility spell.

For the time being Jenny was left alone in the room, whether she lingered near the statues or outside the room would not have any effect. The silence and dark continued to linger. Sir would even conjure up a tiny light of his own illuminating the area as if a small torch.

Time continued to pass with no sign of her friend. By now she should've made several laps back and forth! Unfortunately no-one would return no matter how long Jenny waited.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

If Jenny could hear her then undoubtly somone else would as well. "Riley stop!" Likey it was too late for Jenny to halt her obvious friend. If by some chance Jenny had caught her friend she would let her know that she was being far to noisy. However if not Jenny would linger inspecting the statues and occasionally approaching the coffin to see if it held any secrete. If no one returned after a short while Jenny would grow concerned. She couldn't leave the thing unguarded and sending Sir was a bad idea. Waiting a few minutes more Jenny prayed that her friend made it back safe.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Unforunately, it was an act indeed a tad too late. Time would pass and noone would return, in turn causing the girls unease to rapidly grow. It had to have been the footsteps, but then again who'd want to stop Riley in the first place?!

Hoping for the best, Jenny lingered some time alone. Before deciding to cup her hands and utter a minor prayer to Naya, perhaps the goddess would look over her friend. Though just as Jenny finished the prayer, a very minor ring of chain echoed from behind her! Turning to the construct it would seem the floating creation had turned ever so subtly. But besides that it was a return to complete and utter silence.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Strange" looking at the object it seemed to have moved. Jenny approached the object closer. "Now did you turn away or closer to me." Watching the box Jenny looked on. "Naya please grant me wisdom to help me in this place." Though occured to Jenny of what did the goddess of harvers and nature really think about a succubus praying to her.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

While that was indeed quite the question, Jennys second prayer even if much less heartfull did invoke a very minor reaction from the device. The prism would ever so subtly turn to her, though this time far less, not even enough to rattle the chains even a bit.

There was little question, it was reacting even if vaguely. But to what precisely remained a mystery.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Untill now Jenny was hesitent to touch the thing but given the reaction it had she would hold out her hand slightly stopping mere moments before actual contact. Steading her breath she delicately reached out to the object and touched it.....