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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Scaring the top off females may be quite a few creatures dream ability, but Sir was most certainly not one of them. Absolutely unphased on whatever change Jennys clothing had, the lil guy right after the crash would quickly hug his heroine dearly, atleast as much as his fairly short arms allowed.

A sudden echo of a book closing would interupt them as the source was clearly behind them "Told you." Riley snickered and Jenny could clearly feel the tricksters knowing gaze, perhaps more so due to Jennys exposed shoulders, locked onto her from behind. How Jenny faced her or what was she going to do with the trio back was up to her.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Getting up and adjusting her girls back into her top Jenny blushed. "Hey buddy you okay everything alright?" Jenny looked over her faithful servent being to sure to see if he indeed was alright. "Eww your getting kinda crimy we are going to have to wash you. But thats going to have to wait till this is over." Picking up her book Jenny looked threw it again. "Think well find the writer of the song in these?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

All fixed up and after making sure Sir was okay, Jenny finally turned to face Riley once more. Only to be swiftly greeted to a deep kiss the tricksters luscious lips eagerly locking with Jennys "M~ Silly loose clothing huh?" she'd wink slyly and only then lean out. Only remember the actual horrors that actually surrounded them stopped Jenny from certain other activities, though the way Riley swayed her hips as she walked and looked to her was not helping the situation at all.

"If I'm right we're in some sort of magic pocket. They cannot exist like this unless there is a way to get out, meaning whether the creator of this place likes it or not. The means to escape are always available and nearby." Riley turned "I'm guess the organ device is our escape, cue the instructions to operate it have to be inside here aswell."

The trickster smirked confidently "For all the chaos within it, all magics have certain rules to them. Strange, but true."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny felt the twinge of arousal as Riley locked lips with hers. Savoring the moment that was over far to quickly Jenny chewed her lip as Riley walked away explaining things. Thankfully she kept her urges at bay though an image of a naked riley moaning on one of the tables filled her vision. Walking up to Riley Jenny brought her arms around in a hug from behind. "Well I guess we should start looking humm."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jennys eyes hazed over as her mind rushed forward, the kiss uninterupted instead growing deeper and deeper as she'd press onward Rileys long legs brushing against her own before the alluring trickster was forced on the reading table, the age old books showed aside as both threw their clothes away. Rileys soft skin, her exceptional body, eager eyes... Jenny couldn't help but lick her lips as she pushed the legs girls apart her body rapidly changing as she stepped forward to her companions nigh-perfect pussy already slick and ready---

"Hum... well if we only check the summaries." a blink later Riley was indeed resting on a table infront of Jenny, but clothed and far further away. As well as looking away to the libraries, perhaps luckily due to Jennys daydream having a visible effect on her body and changing her lower body!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny blushed before reigning her body under control quickly altering her form back to normal. "Humm okay Ill start over here. Sir give us a hand we are looking for a song called Flow my Tears." With that and a heathy blush Jenny moved to the shelves and began her work.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Hours seemed to pass as the girls looked through book after book, the occasional glance to each other breaking up the monotony. Sir however was not quite as skilled in book skimming, so instead the lil guy would collect the books the girls looked over and place them in a very neat pile not too far. Even floating upwards to stack them higher and higher.

Riley rubbed her eyes clearly tired from all the reading "We'll need to take a break soon." she sighed deeply picking up the next book "This place seems safe, you know, we could fully relax here for a bit." the trickster subtly licked her lips and smiled with a clear hint of perversion about her, not hiding either of the hinting actions at the slightest.

Just as Jenny caught the signals, the break seemed to not come soon enough. In fact she would've potentially even called it right after this book until... Chapter 11.2 Flow my tears. She had found it!

Opening the page would show a complete music sheet of the piece!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny smiled and marked the page bringingit over to Riley. "Found it~" Jenny smiled and set the book down before kissing Riley deeply. Her breath was hot and heavy as she leaned against Riley a single hand caressing her lovers leg. She could feel her the twinge of arousal once more but thankfully any surprises where left out of this greeting.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The kiss caught Riley completely off-guard as she even jerked and looked to the initial sudden sensation before smiling and returning it earnestly "Hum~ Someones getting hungry?" the trickster playfully slid her hands along Jennys shoulders with a pervy spark in her eyes. Rileys eyes would wander to Jennys touch sliding along her long leg, ever so slowly creeping up "You know, I'd love for a quick break---"

Suddenly Sirs pile would lose balance and crumble down sending a decent ruckus across the library "Oh... um... raincheck on that. Let's not linger here more than we already did." Riley smiled kindly to Jenny, though the mood seemed to shatter along with the neatly stacked pile of books.

If Jenny agreed the two would inspect the book and begin decyphering just what the 7 organ device wanted of them.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny smiled. "Right we better get to it!" Leaning up from the encounter she grabbed the book in question and handed it to Riley. 'I bet he did that on purpose.' Sighing while Riley had her nose in the book Jenny helped Sir clean up the fallen pile of books. Once that was done she headed over to Riley and looked it over. Clearly from the twinkle in Riley's eye the girl new the answer already. Looking over the info it self Jenny tried to puzzle it out. It was music and each level had a note. Looking at the song Jenny scanned it for patterns. Clearly the plague was a part of the music and the missiong section would be the answer. Looking over the strange writing she found it and looked at the levers. "I'm guessing we finish the missing bar of music. Here look at these Riley make sure I do them in order kay!" With that Jenny moved to the levers and looked for Riley's directions.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"In order?" Riley looked to Jenny a tad puzzled, though soon enough placed everything in order "OH! It's like the solfege!" the trickster took the note in one hand and the book in the ready, quickly finding the missing part "Ready?"

Pressing a button for the note and activating a pipe for placement soon enough the duo finished piece. With a final press the final note rang out from the organ, then silence.

"Did we do it?" Riley placed the note and book aside and leaned closer to the device, the moment Jenny was about to speak only for a male voice song to interrupt her. The voice echoed all across the library, seemingly spurring unseen instruments to life to join the composition, including the organ itself.

Even if the song seemed somber, there was something all too captivating about it. Riley looked to Jenny with a sense of wonder. If the two stood up and went to investigate a new door had appeared, by the sounds of it the voice was coming from inside.

[The Song]
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny cheered and clapped her hands together. "Okay Riley I hope you kept that blindfold. I don't wan't our creep friend to think we cheated." Jenny took Riley's hand Come one lets go and see whats behind that door.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley could only smile sheepishly at the comment "Like I said I lost in the dark." hopefully this would not cause too much ruckus. Either way, Sir seemed to be the first at the door calling the two girls over. As they approached the song grew louder and louder, it was a certainty the singer was inside.

As Jenny turned the knob and push the door, all sound cut off. Riley gave Jenny a cautious look as she seemed to sharpen her eyes and focus, before the trio pushed the door apart.

Inside was a cut stone room. The walls were fully painted with some unknown runes, except for the wall in front where a black compass was painted. The room itself had 3 illuminated areas. Each bearing a bright red glowing rune. Though on one of the runes rested a small stone and a another piece of paper.

"I don't like this..." Riley looked around the room ever so carefully entering the room and nearing one of the walls "Its the same writting as that piece of paper."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny moved and looked at the painting comparing the runes she arleady had with the ones depicted on the paintings. With that comparrison done she would head to the rune and paper in the room and look at it closely.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jennys intuition was spot on, the two runestones she had found earlier bore the same runes as two of the three glowing runes. Meaning... Jenny turned her attention to the final runestone and just as expected all three of the runes, including their runestones were present in this room. Now all that was left to place it all together and see what happens.

The room bore a certain cold about it, the temperature seemed to be fairly warm, but Jenny couldn't help but feel chills run across her body. A notion mirrored by Riley, who had her hands crosses and rubbed her forearms as if to warm up "I don't like this place..." Even Sir returned to his usual self, hiding behind either of the girls as he looked around at the numerous writing across the walls that now were clearly spread across the ceiling and floor. Though only the 3 runes in question glowed.

The third rune stones also had a note near it, this one was significantly different. It seemed to be a ripped page from a different book all together, detailing some creature known as a Grauel. Unfortunately the text was barely legible not nearly enough to create a coherent read. Though one the page did bear something else. A dark liquid had soaked the page creating a writing "D - Death"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Y-Yeah something is not right. Lets look around a bit more before we do anything." For Jenny the compass intrigued her. Heading that way she held onto Riley's hand tightly though she didn't really notice she was doing it. "Sir can you give us a detailed scan of the room?" Jenny's eyes roamed the room looking for danger but kept focusiing on the compass.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Sir looked to Jenny silently, his blue light quizingly alight. What exactly did Jenny expect of her mute, construct? Still a command was a command and as best as he could interpret it Sir locked down and allows his blue light to buzz around the room.

Unfortunately checking the compass did very little to ease Jenny. It was clearly painted on top of the numerous plain runes covering all of the room. The unfortunate part was, Jenny knew exactly what liquid was used to paint it. Though with how large it was, either someone gathered blood and used it... or bled out right where Jenny stood to finish this work.

The compass itself was very basic, pointing out East, West, North and South. "Say Jen..." Riley kept her eyes on the glowing runes a brief moment "Do these seem familiar to you?" the symbols were on the runestones, but Jenny couldn't help but have a hunch she saw them somewhere else aswell.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked at the Runes and tried to place where she had seen them before. "They seem familar.. I just can't place them. How about you Riley any luck." This could be important and Jenny thought about it for a good length of time searching her inner thoughts and memories trying to place them. Meanwhile Sir finished up and came over to Jenny. Smiling at her little buddy Jenny brought him into a hug as she pondered the room more.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Memory check:
Easy peasy success :p
Sirs light seem to mainly focus whizzing around the middle of the room, right between the three runes. If Jenny went to investigate she'd note there was some sort of device there. Though what exactly it was remained unknown.

Jenny concentrated for a bit looking to the glowing runes, she definedly saw them before... only for a sudden thought to cross her mind. The girl reached to her pocket and pulled out the rune page she had translated. Her eyes scanned the page and revealed, perhaps something she already knew.

The three runes each were present on the page. Their letters: "D", "T" and "F".
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked at the stone and the paper she had translated. "Gods Im so stupid at times no wonder Lina always beat me at word games." Getting up Jenny went over to where Sir scanned and looked at the Device. "So the runes match the translated text but given how creepy this place is we need more information. I don't want to accidently trigger a trap or some such. Hey Riley take a look at this device tell me what oyu think" Jenny would point out the strange thing in the middle of the room and get Riley's imput.