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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

4 pictures seen!

All of the pictures are revealed

She knew the routine now and the pictures she didn't know were all clumped up together. Steadying her breath, Jenny sharpened her eyes and stepped to the middle of the room for the routine to repeat.

This time her gaze was far sharper than before! The ninth picture depicted a clearly burning house, the picture next to it was a portrait of an absolutely gorgeous woman with long platinum hair. She held a key in the shape of a 2.

The next picture was a bit further down, but with a quick attention shift Jenny managed to perceive it aswell, it was a picture of a fairly young girl in a purple clothing, she wore top hat with the number 6 on top.

And just to make sure, before the lights disappeared Jenny looked to the very first picture. More to make sure than anything else, indeed it was the plains picture she poked upon entering the room.

With that the art gallery hid it's collection and it was up to Jenny to flip them over correctly.

Pictures spotted:
#1 - A picture of simple plains
#2 - A picture of a sheriff, his badge shapen like a "5"
#3 - A picture of a misshapen humanoid
#4 - A picture of a wolf
#5 - A picture of a woman holding a letter with "4" printed on it
#6 - A picture of a manor
#7 - A picture of a raven haired girl resting on a statue of "3"
#8 - A picture of a blonde haired girl holding a statue reminiscent of "1"
#9 - A picture of a burning house
#10 - A picture of a white haired woman holding a key shaped like a "2"
#11 - A picture of three armed men
#12 - A picture of a Writhing Dark Mass
#13 - A picture of a girl with a top hat. A "6" is engraved at the very top
#14 - A picture of a Caravan
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked over the numbered events.. the only issues was none where in order. While numbered she wasn't sure how or what the order should be. It wasn't the order she met them as it would ahve to be her mother at 1 instead of herself. Jenny needed a moment to think and so she sat for a moment. Jenny was always a simple girl and so she opted for the simple answer. Heading to the picture of herself Jeny turned it over and moved to the next numberd picture in order 1-6
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Deciding to pick the simplest route Jenny, paused briefly recollecting each pictures location and got to work. Flipping the first picture the girl braced herself for a shock... only for nothing to happen? The picture would flip successfully. Up close Jenny could tell some details she missed, it was a of a blonde and youthful girl, she held what looked like a wrench with 1 etched into it. The background of the picture at first seemed like numerous eggs, but looking at it carefully the 'eggs' shared quite the similarity to Sir's design.

Next was the picture of the white haired woman, flipping it over would not trigger a shock aswell! Perhaps she was on the right route afterall! Looking at the picture it was indeed an exceptional piece, the platinum haired woman holding clear familiarity to Jenny and with it a degree of allure.

Third picture, was the one she deemed to display 'her', also didn't cause any hostile reaction. This would continue through all the flips.

Flipping over the final picture of what Jenny considered to be 'Rileys' picture, the heroine stepped back and looked over the gallery. Suddenly each picture had a light turn on above it. Moments before the whole room seemingly flickered to darkness and then to light. Well atleast the light the lantern provided.

The gallery was gone, instead the room had plain crumbling walls without any real features. However there was something else here, a small square with a strange rune etched into it as well as a heavily burnt excerpt from a clearly larger work.

The Burnt Note:
I’ve finally did it. The answer was always so simple, each rune represents a single letter, furthermore it seems the rune meanings are always static, thus allowing a direct alphabet of the writing to be created. It was a simple matter of comparing the rune and letter frequencies through the tome to our simple language and adjusting the results.
The findings though are nothing short of utterly fascinating. While most of the scripture focuses on some sort of prophecy, one in particular stands out: “Befor---“​

The rest of the page is burnt or molded beyond any means to read it.
Item gain:
??? runestone
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Phew... Im glad thats over. Come one lets get out of here." Taking both the rune and the note Jenny comparied the rune to the other peice of paper she had. Once they where in the relative safty of the hallway Jenny pulled Riley aside and kissed her gently. "Your so brave.. Jenny then looked to Sir and kissed him on his shiny head. "And so where you Sir." Smile Jenny looked over the rune once more. Okay Riley I have a single rune here Im gonna trace it. Can you tell me what it is." Jenny would guide Riley's finger to her chest and create the rune for Riley to picture in her mind.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Jenny you know I..." Riley paused as Jenny finished the rune painting "Wait, it seems familiar." she paused "Hey, I think you've showed this rune before. Check the first three letters." the girl gently licked her lips in anxiety, if it proved true maybe they could make some headway.

Checking the page Jenny would find indeed there was one rune that was reminiscent of the one engraved in the smooth stone tablet. The third rune seemed to actually be the very same one! Though whatever that meant likely still eluded the group.

The trio were back in the hallway, either way back or forward standing as if utterly black walls. With the door closed behind them they had a choice of 3 other doors a pair of doors on either side if they stepped forward and one right next to them.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Still it was not enough to go on just yet. Looking to the door immidatly next to them Jenny shrugged and readied her blade. Take a breath she opened this one and gazed at its apperance. "Okay ready?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny pushed the door open only for a bright light envelop her blinding her on the spot. A distant voice of echoing across her mind, it's tone clearly shaken and tired:

"I can feel my skin slowly peel, but I can't go out. I must not go out, I know it's out there just waiting for me to show myself. It's not going to take me back again, not again.

Even now it's deathly gaze looks over the path. Maybe if I was subtle, maybe if I was careful. No, the shadows keep me safe. Even as I'm slowly consumed I'll take this death than risk moving to the light again. It's close now, my body will die soon. It will not get me."

As the final words echoed out, Jenny felt herself blink only to look on to a brightly illuminated path. It was easily 70 feet forward, shadows as if walls of darkness on either side. At the end of the path Jenny saw a small display case, the contents inside unknown.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Clearly this was a new danger to Jenny and anyone else for that matter. Taking a moment to weigh her options Jenny stepped back and turned to Sir and Riley. In the lowest possible whisper she could manage Jenny told them to stay put. Turning around Jenny began a cautious approach threw the path of light. Clearly what ever was in here didn't like it or at lest feared being seen. However the light also prevented Jenny from being completely steathy. She would have to move quietly as she could. Slipping out of her shoes Jenny started on bear feet, not even the scuff of leather would hinder her steps.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Being in Light increase stealth DC
Being in Dark increases damage potency

First movement:
1 Stack in Light: Stealth success
0 Stacks in Darkness: ---

Jenny moved forward through the path in the light. Moving forward nothing seemed to happen, the only sounds in the whole room that of her breath and heartbeat. Keeping her eyes sharp Jenny continuously scanned the darkness on either side, for quite frankly anything. Yet nothing showed.

This place was not one to luck her out, seemed whatever dark corner Jenny there was always evil afoot. Unfortunately this would prove to be the very same case. As Jenny took that one extra step, she felt her stomach drop. A clear dread feeling rushed through her body. A clear presence appeared in the room, thankfully the dread was not accompanied by anything else.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

That sinking feeling tore at Jenny slightly. It almost called out for her to jump into the shadows but she resitsted. Something told her that heading into the shadows would be just as dangerous. Moving forward more on guard that she had been Jenny tried to reach the end of the hall while staying quite.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Stealth check: Success

Jenny continued via the light, the dread feeling tearing at her as if invisible claws keen to drag her to the ground and beyond. Each step taken ever so carefully, suddenly a cry of crow echoed across the path!

A blink later Jenny saw a raven on the bright path, it's black nature accentuated by the surrounding darkness as it hopped before stopping and looking around. For the time being it seemed to have not notice Jenny, casually pecking at the ground.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

A crow... well that things apperance had shut Jenny's thoughts of a mad dash right down the toilet. Still hanging around was madness as well. The bird hadn't seen her yet so Jenny kept moving her feet as silent as she could make them. Her eyes locked on the bird. If the thing saw her Jenny would probably be punished harshly. She could of course dip into the shadows. Making up her mind Jenny would keep an eye on the creature ahead and if it turned to see her she would jump into the shadows hopefully she was fast enough.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Stealth: Fail
In Shadows: 5 damage taken

The moment Jenny made another move forward the crow froze up, thanks to her plan the girl would just barely dip into the shadows. The moment Jenny entered the shadows it felt as if jumping into a too hot bath, not scalding, but ever so lightly burning her body all over.

The more she lingered in the shadows the sharper the pain would become, clearly rapidly escalating. Meanwhile the crow was looking down the path, hoping once and turning it's head from side to side seemingly at every blink of her eyes.

Jenny had free movement in the shadows, though it was not clear if the crow could hear her movements.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Clearly this critter was working for whateven lingered here. Moving forward Jenny stayed at a causious pace despite the burning. After all if she cried out now it would all turn out to be worhtless in the end. For now she had to endure and move on.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Burn damage aps up: Jenny takes 10 damage [55/70 HP left]

Moving through the shadows was effortless and thankfully the crow continued about it's business blissfully unaware of the girl slinking past it. Unfortunately the seeming safety from the eyes of others in the shadows had a price.

As Jenny moved forward, the at first light burn across her skin very rapidly grew in intensity. Soon enough the sting overgrew to flat out pain, quickly growing to unbearable. Each moment in the shadows felt like her body was going more and more limp, weak.

Thankfully a flap of wings echoed out as turning to the raven would reveal it was gone. The illuminated path was still there, but the sense of dread even through the pain, lingered for now.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny gritted her teeth and moved forward in the shadows. 'Just a little longer got to gain some ground.'
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Darkness enshrouds: 15 damage done [40/70hp left]

Jenny choose to bear through the pain, now much more rapidly moving through the darkness as the pain would overgrow to agony. Each movement seemed to grow slower and slower, each nerve on her body began to cry out. The darkness shroud slowly seemingly starting to cling to her body and rip away at her.

Though fighting through the pain Jenny could actually already see what was at the end of the light. A small showcase, it's glass broken.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The pain! She had never felt anything like it. Moving forward in the darkness a little longer Jenny could stand no more and fell out into the light her body shuddering in pain. So much so that her concentration slipped and her wings manifested out. Thankfully she kept quiet and alerted no one. Looking down she saw Sir start to move towards her his blue little crystal a glow with worry. Jenny simply held a hand out to stop her little friend. She was close she could do this. Getting to her feet Jenny stood and moved towards the display case keeping her movements as silent as seh could.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Stealth success

Unfortunately looking back would not reveal the sight the girl wished. There was nothing but the white trail piercing the darkness on either side. The light up line seeming going off and away far beyond Jennys sight.

Stepping out of the shadows, the girl barely caught herself from expressing her relief. Black smoke seeping from her skin a brief moment before it evaporated. Thankfully she didn't seem physically hurt, just utterly exhausted and weakened.

Still, not wanting to get back to the shadows Jenny continued onwards. Avoiding the searing shadows for the time being. The dread feeling and absolutely deathly silence caused each of her steps to bear that extra bit of caution, the girls ears perked and eyes constantly scanning the area for absolutely anything.

She was close now, the display case was now in clear sight. The case glass was all but shattered, inside there seemed to be a small square figure and a note.

Jenny took one more step closer only for the flap of numerous ravens to echo from the dark. Looking to the searing shadows it almost felt like something was busy roaming through them, but for the time Jenny seemed to be safe.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

It was lookng for her. Gritting her teeth Jenny moved forward once more keeping her movements as silent as was allowed. She was so close just seemingly a dozen feet away. It would be over soon she would make it as long as she stayed quiet.