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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

In a surprising turn of events, Jenny thought over her situation and choose to discard her previous plan for a completely new one! With a confident glint in her eyes, the girl turned around and made her exit away from the church and further down the street.

Of all things, Jenny was by far not one too well aquinted with the town. Meaning finding the afformentioned house was not exactly the easiest task... if not for her companion. Sir heard the coordinates and would create a very faint blue light showing Jenny the way before dispersing.

The house stood out like a sore thumb. It was built as a part of a joint block houses of five. Each sharing it's side with another, though unlike the other four well-maintened constructions her objective was all too clear to recognise.

It was a 2 story house, with numerous windows all boarded up and broken. The front door sharing the same fate, numerous boards denying entry. A cold lifeless dark emating from the seeing ruinous building.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Well shoot it was a abandoned ruin mostly. "I doubt the Mayors gonna be able to sell that little house there Sir." Jenny spoke quietly and moved to inspect the home for an access point that wouldn't be to noisy while trying to stay in the shadows.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

A closer inspection would hardly reveal anything new. Most of the windows were boarded up along with the entrance. Whatever manner they moved out, it was clear there was absolutely no intent to keep this place sale-worthy or ever moving back.

Be it from age or from the initial move out, there were numerous bumps and cracks along the building. The planks were fairly aged, but there was little doubt breaking them would cause a fair ruckus.

Looking the windows shared a similar treatment of being closed off. Looking for any other entrances would mean somehow getting around and behind the block or going to the roof via flight... with her wings.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny sighed a moment and looked at the situation. It would be an easy measure just to fly up but there was no telling who or what was watching her. Likewise Sir would be spotted just as quickly. Wasting only a moment Jenny went around seeing if there wast a way to the back of the building. "Well Sir we might as well see if we can get into the back." It was more of a whisper than anything loud and with a slump of her shoulders Jenny moved around to the back.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Though it required some looking around around, soon enough Jenny found a way to enter the backalleys of the area. A stark contrast to the clean and neat streets, each step deeper here seemed to sink Jennys feet into an ever deeper pool of mud or rain water.

Looking around, most of the houses had their backalleys fenced. A few though even had connecting ropes with numerous laundry hanged upon them. Still Jenny was focuse on only one of house of the area.

Unlike the others the three bunched up buildings seemed to have been devoid of any life. Perhaps less surprising for ruins of the old priests house, but looking at the overgrown and unkempt backalleys of the two houses on either side, it was a fair guess neither of them had seen much activity or life inside their walls.

Even from this side the windows were bared up, but lucky for the ruin raider the back entrance while having a few boards nailed about it. Most of the lower part of the door was missing allowing a fairly easy crawl inside.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny frowned at the hole in the door, it would be an easy entrance but hardly an easy exit if things went bad. "Sir please slip under the door and check for danger kay?" Hopefully her companion would not shiver and shake and do as she asked. While Sir did his part Jenny drew forth her shiny sword from the academy. A gun would be to noisy but a swift blade would be quick and quite if it came to it. Waiting for Sir to give the all clear Jenny would slip in. If Sir however was having one of his yellow moments Jenny would sigh and listen at the door before crawling in herself.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Thankfully Sir did infact vollunteer. The lil' construct palced his hidey box near the home and would hover inside the building. After a brief few seconds his blue gem would fly out, before moving up and down in a nodding fashion. Seemed it was all clear.

It was a dusty and dry crawl, but Jenny managed to slip inside. The building was completely and utterly silent. The only lighting of brilliant moonlight rays coming from the cracks in the walls or gaps from between the boards that condemned the house.

Signs of aging were all too clear all around, the place was devoid of any furniture leaving only washed out walls and hefty amounts of dust in whichever room Jenny choose to inspect.

There was only closed door before Jenny the one right behind the stairway upstairs, which faced the main entrance. Besides that Jenny saw 2 entrances to her right and 1 next to the unknown door on her left.

Most of the house is absolutely empty, only numerous family pictures still hung all around the area. For some reason these were left behind.

Opening the door would wash Jenny over with seeming pitch black darkness. Looking down, even with her night-sight the heroine struggled to see even a half-a-foot into the dark. An unnerving gut feeling firmly starting to take root the longer she gazed down. It was the pass to the basement.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked down the forbidding staircase and quietly closed the door. "Maybe in a moment.. yeah in a moment. We should really check other places first ya know..." Jenny bit her lower lip and quivered slightly. Thankfully Sir was the only one to see her moment of weakness. Shaking her head Jenny frowned at herself. "Damn't it Jenny.... be brave.. its okay to be afraid I mean come one you made it threw the big dark academy and that nasty demon filled dungeon right. So what if its a cramped dank dark hole... right..." Not yet ready to brave the basement Jenny searched the rest of the house. The pictures caught her attention and Jenny found it surprising that none of the other people who helped the priest move noticed his family portraits where left hanging on the walls. Looking around Jenny eyed the stairs up. "Lets go up Sir. Maybe all this moonlight means a hole big enough for us to get out if trouble comes humm?" Taking the stairs silently Jenny moved blade ready just in case.....
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The stairs loudly creaked with each step on them, nullifying any chance to remain subtle much to her dismay. The loud approach placing her even more on edge Jenny would finally reach the upper floors. Thankfully only the silence and calm of the night greeting her there.

Looking around the rooms were absolutely empty, the boards that held back her entrance earlier clearly done from this side. Be it fortunate or not, there was nothing upstairs, except dust, boarded up windows and a hole filled roof.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

This turned out to be highly dissapointing. Sighing at the utter lack of additional escape routes Jenny headed down once more to serach the rest of the house before moving to the basement stairs. Hopefully something had caught her attention so that she wouldn't have to go down there but as things always seemed for Jenny it was likely the once place where she would find any answers. Standing before the door Jenny took a deep breath. "Come on Sir lets see what we can find."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Just to add to the horror Jenny slowly opened the door downstairs once more only for it's hidges to suddenly screech loudly! With that the busted up door would suddenly begin to sway backwards and roll down the stairs in into the darkness, a loud crash of wood against stone heard all the way down it tumbled!

After that... silence. Even Sir would approach Jenny and gently hold her leg looking down, but there was no other way... as the heroine began her descent into darkness all too clearly her first problem hit her in the face. The girls night-vission seemed useless, barely even able to see the ground beneath her feet traversing the darkness would prove difficult.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Of course friggen of course. Jenny sighed and gripped her blade tightly. "Sir is there a way you can extinquish this darkness?" It was magical in nature it had to be after all it foiled her supernatural vision. There was little Jenny could do though maybe the people left an oil lmap or candle around. Looking brifly and seraching her memory Jenny tried to sort it out. If none where to be had she would simply sigh and move down the stairs with Sir.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Sir would only look puzzled to her, his blue crystal thankfully clearly visible in the dark. Still Jenny was a country girl and such places usually had a lantern along the wall to light up.

While Jenny was feeling along the wall, Sir would gently raise his hands only for light to emit from them! The two strands of light magic would join infront of him and mold into a small orb of white emiting gentle light in a barely a feet perimeter around it.

Still finally the two were able to tell where the stairs ended and enter the basement in full. Looking around Jenny could only see some of the floor illuminated and pitch black ahead. Seemed the orb of light focused around Jenny, floating mid-air.

Stepping deeper into the deathly silent basement, the girls breath stilled as the light illuminated something black red on the ground. Approaching it would it was runes, written in some unknown dark material... Looking up Jenny was around in the middle of a square room. Walking back south would lead her back to the stairway.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Upon seeing the runes Jenny stopped dead in her tracks. "Not good..." Jenny looked at the writing clearly trying to see what it was or if it made sense. Cursing her own luck of not being taught anyting about runes or writing that wasn't standard Jenny paused. "Sir scan the room for danger." Jenny gripped her blade even tighter trying to keep an eye out inthe supernatural darkness.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

With Jennys knowledge it could've been just another random scribble, though no random scribble would be done with such care and details. There was little doubt about it, it was certainly a rune.

At her command Sir quickly locked down and let his blue light zip around them. Unfortunately Jenny could see the light seemingly hit a wall wherever their limited light ended. The construct finished the task and looked up to Jenny, likely a tad saddened at the failed task.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Its okay Sir really." Jenny looked down at the runes and frowned. Reaching into her side bag Jenny felt for a familar rune of her own one that promised dark delights if she used it. Seraching her bag she found nothing and frowned and realized what she was looking for. Cursing herself she took her hand out of her bag. Thankfully the magic at the acadamy had destroyed teh foul thing and no doubt for the better given how quikcly Jenny had almost used it. "I think Im in more trouble than I think Sir... lets head back to the others. Memorize the rune so we can show the others.. I can't do this alone.." With that said Jenny started head back to the stairs unless something stopped her.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Just as Jenny spoke she could swear she heard movement infront of her. Though be if she choose to inspect the noise or scamper on out she'd not be stopped.

Making her exit out of the house the girl returned to the street once more, looking to her left she'd note it was already dawning. The early sun ever so slowly climbing up over the horizon, the lake absolutely still creating a wonderful mirror.

Her 'gifts', allowed Jenny to ignore her need for nourishment and sleep far more than a normal human. Though whatever she choose to do now as up to her. The whole town was asleep before her, with only the fresh air of the morning keeping her company. Well... that and a tiny construct catching up to her and putting the box on his back once more.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Smiling Jenny breathed in the fresh air and picked up Sir and his box. Okay Sir let me carry you and look dorment we don't want to raise any suspicions do we." Jenny winked at the tiny construct and head back to Mistey's. Once there she she would ask the girls and about the rune and a way to combat the dark magic.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Wasting little time, the girl picked up her surprisingly heavy companion and went down the street. Much to her surprise everyone was still well asleep across town... everyone except a few special cases.

The alchemy was unlocked Jenny would enter the shop area onyl for much to her surprise two cute red curls stikcing out from beneath the counter. With cutely grumpy face Tina leaned out and looked around clearly looking for something until the entree bell rang.

"m? Oh Jenny you're back!" her seemed to light as she quickly ran up with a huge smile "How did it go?"

If asked what she was looking for Tina would answer it was "Potion #42"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny set Sir down and narrowe her eyes. Something ticked inside of her as Tina huggged her. Wrapping her arms around Tina sensually Jenny held her close and leaned down. "Potion #42 humm isn't that the one me and Misty found on accident?" Jenny breathed heavily holding Tina close before remembering why she came back and broke away gently. "Oh umm sorry. Sometimes I get a little carried away I didn't mean to press so hard." Jenny coughed a little bit her face flush as she made her apology. "I better talk with Nico and the others about what I found out."