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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The kindly old man slowly stood up and smiled, his steps approaching Jenny "I am aware of your plight Jenny." he sighed lightly "Seems Azreal gave you a gift you may not even know he did. A chance to do something truly remarkable." if the girl was still overcome, he'd gently rest a hand on her shoulder. A warm running acoss the girls body seemingly dispersing any doubt or despair that lingered about her.

"First save your friends, find the culprits you seek." he smiled kindly "Take one task at a time. It will all come around naturally."

Riley approached Jenny with a warm smile "It's getting dark outside, the scout girl Nico mentioned should be back at Misteys."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny smiled and gave the old man a tight hug. Feeling his warmth Jenny could almost swear she felt wings reach around and hug her as well. "Your the best Ez! Im so glad Michale didn't hurt you back then." Jenny felt renewed at the consul she received and thanked him before giving the old man a chaste peck on the cheek. Waving she headed off with Riley to speak with the girls and form a plan of action.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The old man leaned out listening to the comment "How do you..." he cutoff his question and only smiled silently, looked like the academy of wild magic had shown the heroine much more than anyone could've thought.

"We'll see each other again." the librarian rested on his staff and waved the girls goodbye, Riley eagerly waving back with a huge smile. Though the moment they exited the blessed location...-- "You know an angel?!" Riley quickly took Jennys both hands and looked to her wide eyes full of wonder a huge smile on her face "Gods, I thought they were just stories! And you're here just chatting with one!" her excitement was all too evident.

Looking around seemed the night had enveloped the town, everything fel silent with only the bonfires on the street giving signs of life around town. If Jenny did indulge in sharing a bit of backstory how she came to meet the librarian or what was it like, or if she didn't either way the girls would continue to the alchemists shop. Though as they neared the street they had to cross, footsteps ran out from up the street. The thought of why were the streets completely lifeless and empty crossing Jennys mind...

Early Evening, Day 1
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Maybe it was paranoia or a sixth sense but Jenny didn't feel like risking another friend. "Riley make yourself invisible." This was said in a near whisper as her eyes locked on the street ahead. If Riley did as she asked Jenny would continue to walk to the street on her guard though without weapons there was little she could do. If it was clear however she would visibly relax and motion for Riley to reappear as they continued on their way. "Well at first I didn't know he was an angel. I found out much later after I had gotten the occulus." Jenny would proceeded to tell Riley about that adventure not leaving any details out.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley nodded at Jenny and with a sly wink was slowly enveloped by seemingly fragment shards of pink, disappearing from sight. Walking out Jenny could see a clear silhoulete walking down towards them. His hands in his pockets his long white robe casually played with the wind.

"Hey! Hey! Young miss, why are you out on the streets?" the known figure slid his hand out of his pocket and sratched his neck with a innocent smile, a few locks of blond hair now visible from beneath the hood "It's not safe to be out on this---" Mickey paused midsentence as he noticed who the stranger was "Oh, it's you, young miss. Please don't try to shoot anyone this time." he smiled sheepishly, though kept his stance as casual and relaxed as possible. Most of his features still hidden behind the pure white robe of his order.

He didn't seem to have noticed Riley, maybe he did, but didn't care. Either way, Mickey would remain completely friendly to the girls whatever they did for the time being.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny eyed this inquisitor as she walked not slowing one step. "Yes its lucky I wasn't trying to kill anyone." With that Jenny moved on paying the man little heed. In her mind she didn't much like Micky he had the air of cocky confidence and a part of her desired to bring him down a peg or two. Still she gave him a polite nod as she passed thankful that she had decided not to fly around town.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The Inquisitor gave the girl a curious look briefly, clearly hinting at being sceptical at the words, but not showing it due to his manners. Mickey stepped aside and let the heroine through with a casual smile "Hurry back home, 'kay? It's about Curfew hours afterall."

"Have a pleasant evening, young miss." the young man casually waved his hand and returned it to his pockets continueing on his patrol.

The rest of her trip back to the alchemists shop would remain uneventful, though Jenny clearly noted a very light fog linger around the town, perhaps due to the bonfires. At any rate, Riley would reappear shortly after they passed the Inquisitor and take Jennys hand gently the duo returning 'home'.

The door to Mistey's shop was unlocked, only a light bell meeting the girls return. Jenny could look around upstairs or just head straight down.

Jenny is at the enrance of the alchemy shop, numerous bottles lining the shelves all around. Behind the counter Jenny knew there was a short collidor quite a few doors, one leading to the crafting room, one to the construct room, one downstairs and 2 other unknown doors.

Day 1 Evening
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny's curiosity burned with in her but she was a quest so it was best not to snoop around. Heading downstairs Jenny gave Riley a kiss on the cheek before entering the room to see if the girls where planning. If not she would go visit Rei for a bit to see if he was okay not that she cared or anything.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Choosing to rush on downstairs, Jenny approached the door leading to the basement and with stilled breath opened it. Looked like it was time to start this operation in full...

Inside just as Jenny hoped everyone was busy discussing plans and findings. Around the table stood: Jasmine, Rita, Tina, Meril and in the Middle Nico. All the girls were exceptioanl beauties, though all seemingly wore the similar uniform, but each had their own accents added to it. The base seemed to be a tight black leather with exceptionally deep cutouts going from their top down to show off each of the succubi midriff in all it's splendor. Across the cutout crimson laces seemed to be keeping the 'armor' in place. As for the lower body, all the girls shared an interest in black stockings.

Though as mentioned earlier, Rita seemed to be only one with short black gloves, her stockings garter belt shinning with atleast 15 blades, one of her shoulder armored with a light guard also offer 4 more blades. Jasmine was the only one with thigh high boots, the material seemingly enchanced as it had a smooth, reflective surface. She had fairly simple and much more armored gloves, crimson accents across both the boots and gloves. though stood out exceptionally clearly from the group. She wore a black corset with fluffed top accentuating her shoulders, ending with a very poofed up dress. Of all the group, the girls garterbelt and stockings stood out the most, almost distracting from the fairly robus boots she wore.

The last of the scouts was Meril, she seemed to have kept her armor fairly basic. Sturdy black leather gloves, knee high boots. Though she was the only one of the group who wore a exceptionally robust armguard. Her whole left hand wrapped in tight black leather, covered in dark steel armor, her shoulder plate bearing a marking of a Black Widow spider.

Unfortunately Nico was out of uniform, instead wearing a crimson just barely see through night-gown. The succubi looked to the intruders and each and every one of them smiled and sighed with relief, Tina even jumping and waving to her idol.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny smiled back at the group of succubi before heading to the table to join them with Riley at her side. "Okay so whats the news girls?" Jenny looked over the map and notes frowning at the demonic writing that eluded her understanding. Jenny listened at any news given before turning to Meril "Im willing to give you a hand with the high priests place if you want it Meril."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Nico smiled at the two girls as they went downstairs "Checked in with the old man?" Jenny quickly explained that the librarian was fine and turned to the group fully listening to the meeting at hand.

"As for the news well..." The elder succubus turned to her group to speak for themself "The demons are picking off stranglers and loners in the forest, they haven't been in the city for some time." Jasmine spoke out first "I've tried to capture or trail a few, but they seem to meld with the shadows moments after catching their prey." "The town is clear of their activity with the inquisitors patroling the streets." Nico nodded to the two "Meaning, they likely moved out of town and somewhere in the woods."

Meril would continued "I've searched the priests house once more. There's no sign of any demonic activity there." she paused briefly "Nor signs that anyone lived there for some time." and last, but not least Tina reintroduced her report "Town hall and townsfolk are still shaken, but they seem to be recuperating quite well, though lots of people are still missing. They're far more active in their kidnappings than before."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny frowned at the news. "So nothing in the old priests house. As for a hideout in the woods. Well me and Nico where held in an old dungeon or fort or some such though Im not sure I can remember the way back." Jenny sighed she had hoped the Priests house still had some information left to yield. "We need to find them so we can clear our names. Any thoughts?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Nico nodded at the memory "Unfortunately backtracing it has eluded us." Jasmine looked to the map "The thing is, you said you came from the north, but the demonic activity is most prevelant to the west." she brushed her finger on the map, pointing out the areas in question.

"We have a few ideas, but most of them are fairly risky." the elder succubus glanced to Tina "We either find them or we make sure they find us. The later is what some of us had considered." Rita sighed casually "Yeah~ The problem though is that they'd kill us on sight instead of even attempting capture. The only aim for the civilians."

"We can't go out at night, but you two could. Wanna join in on planning the bait or you wanna take a look around the head priests house." Meril sighed "I just got a feeling we're missing something obvious."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Humm I want to check out the house first before we send any bait out into the woods. Besides I will be the bait Rosa has an unhealthy focus on me. She won't kill me on the spot at lest I hope she won't and I don't want to risk anyone else." Jenny raised an eyebrow at the other girls stating she would not be argued with on this point. "Who wants to show me the way to the house we have little time so those of us who can stick to shadows should go. Besides I want Riley and Nico to form up a plan for when Im bait." Jenny smiled and hopped getting her two fri.. no lovers to work together would be a positive thing.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Nico smiled warmly at Jenny "Two days is a very short amount of time. We need to be prepared, either way." no matter how persuasive the heroines eyebrow was seemed it was not enough to cut the plans. The elder succubus paused looking at the girl "It's only as a worst scenario. We'll exhaust all other leads before doing anything."

Riley remained at the back, her hands crossed as she remained an observer for now. Though as the offer of the two rivals to work together came... "Actually... I could create an appearance illusion to diguise someone. It's a low demand spell and should be able to trick the stalkers." the elder succubus turned to the voice as the group of succubi glanced between each other light approving smiles appearing on them... except on Nico "Actually we are all able to shapeshift to a certain extent, they won't recognise the bair." "But noone is going to attack bait which is clearly armed or emits a magical aura. My magic can cut of this emission." with each exchange the two girls stepped forward closer and closer to each other, each keeping a deadlock on the others gaze seemingly neither even blinking...

Tina suddenly cut of Jennys view of the rivalry with a cute smile on her face "We can't leave." she notioned Jenny to view the map. If she looked Tina would point out a house at the northern top of the street where the alchemy was, right next to the Church "You can't miss it."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

'Dang it Tina!' Jenny smiled as she let calm enter her. They needed to bump heads in order to figure out how to work together. Still ending the challenging stare would be best. "Oh thanks Tina!" Jenny moved in and kissed her fan girl on the cheek before sitting up. "Im going to check in on Rei and Misty before heading out. You two should get to work on that plan Ill need. After all Im counting on you!" Jenny winked and headed out to visit the injured Sheriff before starting her larsony. Spinning around as if she forgot something Jenny spoke again. "Oh girls do you have any tools to help pick locks Im might need some!"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

There was just a certain something, seemingly besides Jenny that kept the two rivals at it. Their comparisons, brag and semi-insults growing childish and more comedic than anything else. The kiss on the cheek was ofcourse met with a huge grin and brush on Tinas face "No problem!" the girl eagerly answered her idol.

Only Jennys voice seemed to interupt the two, even still only under the condition if it was particulary loud. Whatever the case, it would break up the argument only for the brief moment for Jennys words to set it... Nico smiled warmly "Ofcourse, little sister." just as Riley grinned playfully " 'kay, Jen!" before their bumped heads once more.

"Oh girls do you have any tools to help pick locks Im might need some!" Rita smirked at the question "Don't worry. I'll have you covered on that." she continued to sit, her legs crossed confidently as Jasmine remained next to her. The two were just onlookers to the silly fight not too far away.

Opening the impov medical station Jenny was met with a sight of the Sheriff sitting on the bed. His upper body bandaged, the cloth soaked in red liquid, his hair messy and overall posture all, but exhausted. Nex to him on a nearby chair sat Meril giggling warmly at something he said bringing a smile to the mans face. The two looked to the visitor, though the third unseen member of the small group would meet Jenny the moment she showed.

Jenny suddenly felt a familiar hug around her as a certain yodel-worthy construct hugged her leg "Hey Jenny!" "Oi! Jenny!" the two smiled.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny smiled and picked up Sir giving him a strong hug back. "Hey you two." After a moment Jenny looked down slightly sad before setting Sir on the ground. "Geez I leave for a little bit and you go and get yourself all banged up. Im surprised Misty even lets you outside anymore." It wasn't a particularly funny joke but she made it anyway in an attempt to lighten the mood. In truth she felt responsible for Rei's situation if she could have resisted a little more it wouldn't have ended the way it did. Pausing a moment Jenny spoke again. "Rei I need to know what happened after I left. I can only get some much info from the girls and lets just say I've come to depend on your counter view to help me see the truth of matters."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Fortunately for Jenny her attempted joke did bring out a painful chuckle from the Sheriff, a powerful flinch cutting it off as the bandages and the wounds beneath were stressed. Mistey quickly leaning forward and holding him, before leaning out.

Reinan sighed deeply "You better sit down... there's lots to tell." Mistey handed him over a glass of water and smiled not interupting "After you and Nico were taken away I called in some of my old friends. Thought the town had suffered enough from these damn demons." he glanced up to Jenny "Some excluded." without even giving a smile or smirk he continued "The Inquisitors, my old order. Couldn't have guessed it was like throwing a torch into a wasp nest. I'm guessing after the demons in town heard that they were coming, the boiling cesspool that had been under the city bursted forth. It was a demonic invasion like the town hadn't seen before. Demons roaming the streets in packs, succubi raping people wherever they caught them" he cursed silently and flinched in clear "And I let it brew right under my nose..." the sheriff flinched strongly from the pain "Rei-" he stopped Mistey from interupting with a gentle hand sign before continueing.

"Thought the bastards didn't know how swiftly the order answers the call. Whatever plans I hasted, they arrived at the boiling point. The demons didn't stand a chance, most of the demon raiders were killed. We lost around a hundred people in one night..." after that he remained silent looking down with clear guilt etched across his body.

Mistey would continued "After the templars cleared the street and made sure the townsfolk were safe they began to set up defenses and clean sweap the town for any other demon-kin. The bonfires set around town were where all the demon corpses were burnt, the inquisitors use some sort of incense on them that's poisonous to demons if they breathe in the fumes."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Rei's look at her when he mentioned demons hurt. It was like a swift but shallow cut that hurt more than it should. Wincing Jenny listened to the rest. "I take it your old order didn't approve of the situation. Did they do this or was it from the demons? And what did they want with Grace?" Jenny had her suspicions Grace after all was an angel or at lest used to be an angel if the visions where true. It was hard to trust them given their presenter. The Red Skull man who almost convinced Jenny to leave Riley behind. After all Grace could have just been a familiar face placed in the image.